  • Report:  #1215653

Complaint Review: Real Self Inc. - Seattle Washington

Reported By:

Real Self Inc.
1008 Western Avenue Suite #E-231 Seattle, 98104-1025 Washington, USA
(206) 624-9357
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Report Attachments

Very Serious Complaint!

I spent nearly one hour of my time to write a Positive Review on Doctor Joel Aronowitz's office earlier today to be published on to their website since the doctor's secretary, Erin told ME that they are a member of this particular website and wanted it published on to theirs as well and I therefore agreed to do it.

After I had published it, I received an automatic email from them asking ME to confirm that I wrote the review and so I did.

Here is a copy of their first email for your reference and review.


Welcome to RealSelf. Please confirm that you're a real person to publish your review.


Yes, publish my review

Upon confirmation, we'll make sure that your review meets our Community Guidelines, and publish it within a day. You can find your published forum posts on your Profile.

Need help? Contact us.


The RealSelf Team

My review definitely met their guidelines since I had a medical, surgical procedure conducted by one of their members.

Furthermore, I even received an additional email stating that my review has been confirmed and will be reviewed and published by the end of the next business day.

Well, not too long after I had submitted my review, I then received a nasty email coming from Sujin stating that she is the Reviews Coordinator and that she was unable to publish my Legitimate, Medical Surgical Review because she believes that it is Off-Topic which is a LIE!

I did have a proper, medical procedure that was done by one of their valued members who is one of the Leading Doctors in Los Angeles and she purposely and deliberately discriminated ME for No Good Reasons, other than to state that their website is ONLY for aesthetics (medical beauty procedures, conditions and treatment options), however, my procedure was for a Hemorrhoid Condition and that does Qualify under their guidelines, whether or not she agrees with ME and furthermore, once again, it still falls under the Medical Category since their website deals with Licensed Doctors and/or Practitioners.

If their website was Not Appropriate for my Medical, Surgical Procedure, then Why would the doctor's secretary refer ME to their website?

It is obvious that Sujin has a problem with ME and it is more of a personal problem and perhaps she should Not be working for Real Self Inc. anymore!

I also made an attempt to write a short complaint letter to Mr. T. Seery, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the company, however, he Refused to respond back to ME which is totally unprofessional and ridiculous!

Last, but Not least, whenever I publish a review on to Yelp.comRateMDS.comand other similar websites on my doctors, I Never have these problems which tells ME Who The Problem Actually Is!

Enclosed, in the attachments, please find a copy of the 2nd letter stating that my review has been confirmed and will be published at the end of the next business day, along with the 3rd and final Disgusting Rejection Letter coming from Sujin for the Public to Read since they have NOW been made available online.

Based on my horrible experience in dealing with Sujin and/or Real Self Inc., I am Not Recommending them to anybody for any reason since they feel that they Can Discriminate and/or Reject Legitimate Reviews in which they claim do Not follow under their guidelines in which this one did!

Thank you for Nothing!

You All Suck And There Are Much Better Websites Out There For Doctors Besides Yours Anyway!

Good Riddance Forever!

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