  • Report:  #1327151

Complaint Review: Rebekah Hoskins Nanny Extraordinaire - Chelsea Maine

Reported By:
NotHappy2016 - Chelsea, Maine, USA

Rebekah Hoskins Nanny Extraordinaire
20 Oak Ridge Drive Chelsea, 04330 Maine, USA
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This complaint is in regards to the Daycare Business:

Rebekah Hoskins

Nanny Extraordinaire

207.446.8770 20 Oak Ridge Drive Chelsea, ME 04330

[email protected]

I nicely aired my grievances about this business online. The business retaliated against me by posting malicious defamatory statements. They used name calling and insults. In their response they let it be known they purposely meant to be a contemptibly obnoxious person during my original experience with them.

No attempts to rectify the situation were made. The solution the business chose was to use borderline harassment and lies about who I am and my reputation.



The daycare called me a stuttering fool, a lunatic, an insane man, and stupid in so many words. Only cowards wouldn't say this to my face. The daycare lied about about me cutting and pasting our conversation. The reason why our conversation is not in full is because Rebekah kept emailing me after I had already posted my critique. This is pointed out in our email exchange when I ask her if she has googled her business.

Rebekah Hoskins also tried to hurt my reputation by saying that I harass people. In the email exchange, I repeatedly said good bye to her at the end of several emails and she continued to email me, and I responded to each of her aggravating comments, just as I am responding to her latest public post right now. I do not harass people. Rebekah also presented me as a business entity on pissed consumer and I am not a business, I am an individual.

Rebekah also admitted to lying about how she thought she wasn't going to get paid. She admitted to using it as an excuse instead of saying she didn't like me. Though she admits this lie she emphasizes her point about my job being unreliable by saying that I repeated it to her. I work on TV shows. TV shows have seasons and they end. Then I move on to the next TV show. Whatever words I used to describe my job weighed extremely heavy in her mind and I'm sure I didn't repeat anything to this woman. The fact is, TV is like bars of soap; people need it and I'm forever employed in the entertainment industry. I believe in being forward and direct in communication. If she didn't like me she should have told me in the emails or over the phone. Rebekah repetively talks about uneducated Mainers. So it's my best guess that she doesn't like me because she thinks I am an uneducated Mainer.

Rebekah said I am easily angered. That is not ture. I have an extremely long fuse. I just felt like talking a lot because that's who I am. Someone who talks a lot doesn't automatically mean they get angry easily. On my 5th email to Rebekah I practically wrote a whole page questioning and negotiating her contract. It should have been pretty clear I was someone who had a lot of time and energy to debate.



This woman's original comments about how Mainers are uneducated was a put off. And then now the attack response she posted just points to and proves what a poor caliber of individual she really is.

I can only hope that anybody sympathetic to the daycare and Rebekah Hoskins following my critque of her business will be aghast at the nature and temperament of her response. It's hard for me to imagine anyone who admires her behavior and supports her attack on me. Rebekah called me unreasonable. What's unreasonable is calling all of us Mainers uneducated.

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