  • Report:  #758934

Complaint Review: Remote Technologies - Santa Ynez California

Reported By:
Seeking Justice - Santa Barbara, California, USA

Remote Technologies
1328 Cheyenne Ln, Santa Ynez, 93460 California, United States of America
(805) 245-2302
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
*Do not trust this man! No matter what eloquent speech he gives you or tears he cries. They are not authentic!* He has ruined the lives of many, many people across the country. He is excellent at lying under oath in court and the best actor you will ever meet. He shows no remorse and will not hesitate to steal what he can, especially from single mothers and any vulnerable individuals in general. He is abusive to children and has been known to threaten them with hot sauce, pinch them and threaten to kill them, and much worse.

Search the internet  for him and "Salem MA" and you will find he was arrested at gunpoint and an Amber Alert was issued. He should never be trusted around children. He known to install spyware on computers and cell phones. I cannot stress strongly enough that this man is dangerous and dishonorable and the worst kind of criminal due to his lack of remorse and excellent acting capabilities. He is very charming and charismatic, as he's done this his entire life. He is an expert at manipulating the court system in the most obscene ways and has left single mothers in debt and on the street without a second thought. He will tie people up in the court system (the mother of one of his 3 children spent over half a million dollars fighting him and won) and steal money or rely on his family to hire lawyer after lawyer. He loves the attention of being on the witness stand and thrives on his ability to fool even the experts.

He uses his "business" Remote Technologies, as a front to deceive potential "investors" who never see their money again. If you know him this information will be very hard to believe, as he is a better actor than any you will see in Hollywood. He will tell a woman the most romantic things to get as much as he can from them.  His family, who believes his lies, has enabled him his whole life and in great denial that their only son in their proud jewish family could ever behave this way. It has kept the ball rolling for him and put them heavily in debt to support his dysfunction. Stay as far away as possible from this charming thief and professional liar. If you would like to be involved in the upcoming criminal fraud class-action lawsuit being prepared do not hesitate to respond. His dispecible actions will be catching up with him very, very soon.

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