  • Report:  #1338461

Complaint Review: RENAN ALFREDO DELGADO ARREAZA - Internet

Reported By:
Mike - Alabama, Venezuela

Internet, USA
+1 829 289 1185
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Buenas tardes queridos hermanos, por favor les ruego tengan cuidado con estas dos lacras, vienen huyendo desde la isla de margarita, donde me estafaron con un carro montado, y todo por confiar en la gente, esto paso a mediados de marzo del presente año, sus nombres son RENAN ALFREDO DELGADO ARREAZA C.I. 10.667.591 Y MARIANELLA QUINTERO VASQUEZ C.I. 11.412.846, para ser puntual, cuando me vendieron el carro la historia fue, que ellos se iban del pais y tal, que Renan se iba ese domingo pero que su esposa quedaba y ella era la que iba a firmarnos el traspaso, el echo fue que para que nos entregara el carro le cancelamos 800$ 400euros y 150.mil Bs por el carro, para mi sorpresa cuando fuimos esa misma semana al INTT a revisar el carro nos encontramos con que supuestamente al carro se le habia dañado el Serial Troquel por "Corrosion" cuando yo le pedi a la Sra Merianella el dinero de vuelta y que se llevara su carro empezaron a darme excusas, que yo tenia que resolver porque el carro era mio, despues y que un supuesto primo del esposo lo iba a comprar y tal, y luego cuando hablo con el Sr RENAN por whatsapp ya que se encontraba en Republica Dominicana para esos dias su respuesta fue "Bajate de esa nube que yo esos riales los inverti y no te los voy a regresar" , y yo bueno ok, de pinga, me tubaste descaradamente, no hay peo, eso me pasa por no ir de una vez a revisar el carro por confiado, pero cual es la sorpresa mayor??? , que le estoy pagando a un gestor para que me ayude a solucionar el problema del serial con una revisión P51 la persona me llama y me dice que el vehiculo tiene otro carro morocho en miranda con los mismos seriales, a nombre de otra persona y con placas nuevas , a lo que el carro queda decomisado en fiscalía y yo quede bien jodido por confiado, solo les pido que difundan esto para que llegue a todos los rincones de RD y no caigan en las estafas de estos dos delincuentes,......


Good afternoon dear brothers, please be careful with these two scourges, they are fleeing from the island of margarita, where I was cheated with a car mounted, and everything to trust the people, this happened in mid-March this year, Their names are RENAN ALFREDO DELGADO ARREAZA CI 10.667.591 AND MARIANELLA QUINTERO VASQUEZ C.I. 11.412.846, to be punctual, when they sold the car the story was, that they were leaving the country and such, that Renan was leaving that Sunday but that his wife was and she was the one who was going to sign the transfer, echo Was that to give us the car we canceled 800 $ 400euros and 150,000 Bs for the car, to my surprise when we went that week to the INTT to check the car we found that supposedly the car had been damaged Serial Die For "Corrosion" when I asked Mrs. Merianella for the money back and to take her car began to give me excuses, which I had to solve because the car was mine, and that an alleged cousin of the husband was going to buy it And so, and then when I talk to Mr. RENAN for whatsapp since he was in the Dominican Republic for those days his response was "Get off that cloud I said those rials and I will not return", and I okay ok , Pinga, I shamelessly Tubas, there is no peo, that happens to me not to go once to check the car for confident, but what is the biggest surprise ??? , That I am paying a manager to help me solve the problem of the serial with a review P51 the person calls me and tells me that the vehicle has another truck morocho in miranda with the same serial, on behalf of another person and with New plates, to which the car is confiscated in prosecutor's office and I was well f**ked by confident, I only ask you to spread this so that it reaches all corners of RD and do not fall into the scams of these two criminals, .... 



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