  • Report:  #937434

Complaint Review: Renovation Experts .com - Jascksonville Florida

Reported By:
Mark - New Dehli, Other, United States of America

Renovation Experts .com
12808 Gran Bay Parkway West Jascksonville, 32258 Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
  I paid a $49.00 per month "maintenance fee" plus $35-75 per "lead" and was sent nothing but unqualified ,and in many cases non-existant phone nos. or when I actually  did get a "customer" on the line,they were only interested in  a ball park estimate for materials because in 2-5 years they might get siding etc.This scenario among alot of others were supposed to be "prequalified" by the bubbly,valley girl talking,perky-chirpy-boy phone room staff that I would occaisionally get on the support line after many attempts.

So: then they started e-mailing really exciting leads-like "major addition",etc. Every time I responded,(twice at the moment these so-called leads hit my e-mail),they were already sold. That is because either they did not exist-or were among the very few leads offered any contractor that amounted to anything-yes: they had been sold,sometime in the distant past.I called asking for an explanation-and they responded by putting me in a "special appointment program"

For three weeks I recieved e-mails of 5-6 numbered leads "on which our staff is working dilligently to get you an appointment"-Which amounted in  one drywall repair (which I dont do) andwhich was given to a number of contractors and an insult at best for $35.00.-After $3-400 and nothing even amounting to a qualified custimer-I fired off an e-mail and basically cancelled. This is a fraudulent organization,and I am going to file a report with the FTC. Thats because customers of internet companies dont seem to have any protection from blatent mis-repreaentations by so-called lead companies

4 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Anyone that can help report this company for fraud?

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, September 21, 2012

Our company is looking to report renexpro for their fraudulent unethical behavior and is seeking others that are willing to corroborate 

Customer Care Team

United States of America
Connecting with Renovation Experts

#3UPDATE Employee

Mon, September 10, 2012

Hi Mark - I apologize for the problems you are experiencing with our service.  We very much would like to reach out to you and try to resolve the issue.  If you would please respond with your member ID, company name, or some other way we can identify your account in our system, we will then reach out to you directly to attempt to resolve the problem.



United States of America
Rebuttal to Renovation Experts

#4Author of original report

Sun, September 09, 2012

In response to an automatically generated rebuttal from your "support department",I am not sending anything. I made several attempts to deal with your "support department" and ended up with nothing but several hundred dollars down the drain and alot of wasted time. If you do not have my information by now,it exemplifies the obvious:that you had no intention of making things right in the first place,you were,and remain,a ripoff.

Customer Care Team

United States of America
Response from RenovationExperts

#5UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 09, 2012

Dear Mark:
At Renovation Experts, we take the concerns that you have raised in your post very seriously.  As such, we would like to follow up with you regarding the details of your recent experience with us. To accomplish that, we ask that you send your contact information to our support team so that we can work with you to resolve the matter: http://www.renovationexperts.com/contactus.asp.

Thank you for your help, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Executive Support Team
Renovation Experts

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