  • Report:  #301168

Complaint Review: RENT A HOME LLC Peter Lorie LORIE PELAYO R & Ana Lorie LORIE ANA IRIS Sentry Management In - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
- Orlando, Florida,

RENT A HOME LLC Peter Lorie LORIE PELAYO R & Ana Lorie LORIE ANA IRIS Sentry Management In
1310 SOPHIE BLVD Orlando, 32828-5812 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
First they pray on anyone who they can get money from or through. In other words if you do not qualify but can get aid i.e., section 8 or some other kind of housing assistance they will TAKE YOUR $$$ MONEY--and that is just about the only this they are any good at, they do it well and it is their area of expertise.

Their sole purpose for being in business is to make money without any regard for people, their lives or families. Yes sure they seem nice when we/you are looking for a place but soon as you sign it is just about over, you have signed your life away. He is EVIL, Vindictive and Malicious, pure BAD NEWS!!!

They rent homes for investments throughout Orlando and Sussex Place (use to be a pretty nice place and could be again someday), a development of older town-homes dating back to 1980's is where they primarily rent and own the largest amount of properties. So much so in fact that they have one town-home unit 1310 Sophie Blvd. dedicated to being one of their hubs and most central office besides the Lake Mary Location at: Rent-A-Home LLC., 1100 Business Center Dr. Lake Mary, FL. 32746-7617.

Some things you should know:

1. Do Not Break Your Lease---granted most places will charge you some sort of fee or even hold part of your security deposit, these people (I use the term loosely) will keep the whole thing!

2. Your Security Deposit, 95% of the time NON-REFUNDABLE---They will attempt to come up with any excuse possible in trying to keep from returning it to you. Many have taken them to court, they are a regular fixture and just about every time they end up loosing and having to give the money back, but not before your have to spend countless time and hours fighting.

3. Do Not Count on Them to Fix ANYTHING!---Unlike most property management companies, he (Peter/ Pelayo & Ana Lorie) owns Rent-A-Home LLC. so it is really moot point to try and get the management company to help make a difference because it is all him. His goons Joey Buffuco and Jorge Serrano as well as his son(s) are arrogant bullies especially the Son, with nothing but BAD ATTITUDES. Like I said and mentioned before they can take your money in a heart beat but just about the only time repairs are ever made is:

A) After you leave and move out for good...and then only enough to appear to be in rentable condition if something goes wrong, does not work, breaks, etc...be sure to expect that your deposit is gone.

B) Sometimes another motivator for him to make repairs before you move and he uses that as a reason to keep your deposit for breaking your lease or having something break, the other thing is CODE ENFORCEMENT, Orange County Building Departments Code enforcement Division

(Orange County Code Enforcement

2450 W. 33rd Street, Second Floor

Orlando, FL 32839

Phone: (407) 836-3111

Fax: (407) 836-4240

[email protected]


http://www.orangecountyfl.net/help/govinfo.asp )

Now code enforcement is slow but do not ever give up keep calling, writing certified letters and emailing them (in the event it was already too late for you and you are already renting from him and feel stuck) Sometimes if the damages and issues are so bad and determined so by code enforcement that no one can live in dwelling, ie., when he has allowed plumbing issues to go un-repaired for so long mold and bacteria has built up so much that living conditions are no longer safe and habitable, the County will make him comply before peoples lives are in further danger and hopefully your health has not already been affected by then. You may get lucky and be moved to one of his other properties...hopefully this time with better luck.

4. If the Septic System goes bad---Plan on fighting for your money/Deposit again. Everything with him is a fight to get him to do the right thing, which he should be doing anyway. He is a cheap, thrifty, penny-pinching, scoundrel, who must of have gone to the Lou Pearlman School of Business ethics or something...This Loser still has yet to grasp the concept that property management and landlords are suppose to budget for upkeep and repairs of normal wear and tear etc...

So just in case you are not sure what septic is:

Every time you flush your toilet that stuff has to go somewhere and from when it leaves your bowl it passes through pipes that run under your home/town-home etc out to the street out to sewage drains that eventually lead to treatment pants where waste etc is treated. These systems have a lifespan and while there are some things you can do to help extend the functionality, these things are really for the homeowners and landlords to tend to---after all, that is and should be one of the benefits you get from not owning and renting your where you reside, right? Well again, unfortunately not in his book. The bottom-line in his book and his philosophy, he can do no wrong and nothing is his fault, even if it is something he caused for lack of action or any other reason. The blame is always on the victim, never him, but always someone else. He is just in it to collect the check--that's it, everything else is your problem until you get fed up and want to move and he tells you, you own him money for damages and repairs and on top of everything he's keeping your security deposit.

Lastly, just in case you didn't think this was already bad enough his tactics, behaviors and business practices etc..., you have seen nothing yet. This just merely scratches the surface. In fact the way he treats his renters is almost a walk in the park in comparison to how is interacts with other owners in the area particularly on SOPHIE BLVD!

Since he owns more units than anyone else combined here, he pretty much does whatever he wants and expects to get away with it. One might think that because he owns so many units he cannot seem to separate the ones that are not his from the ones that are. One prime example of this, was a few years back he began repainting the lines in the designated parking areas around back in the rear of the subdivision. If it were part of upkeep there would be no issue, but after painting his one color (White) to differentiate his properties from other peoples he then began the process of expanding his spaces by literally attempting to take over other owners established parking space property by in turn also painting lines over their spaces and property too.

Now do you think he asked, had any discussion, or consulted with anyone before doing so---think again. Owners whose legal property description allowed for a legal easement/encroachment (which is where/when your property extends a little over toward another property, but legally allowable and theirs/others usually also does the same too, so everyone generally has an overlap);He decided to take the law into his own hands as usual and with complete and utter blatant disregard to legal or other peoples properties; he repainted these areas to signify a change in where he felt everyone should park and what everyone should be entitled to according to his designs of how he felt things should be (in other words he decided to rezone where everyone else's space was in comparison to his, after he decided what he wanted and where his should be, ALL OTHERS BE DAMNED) with the intent to claim more area for himself and his rental properties, by illegally and without permit or permission reducing the size of others parking property area. This meant that, what you should have and where in some cases you have parked for several years was now no longer available according to his (SCREW YOU/OUT FOR ONLY HIMSELF, attitude) plan. So if you no longer had room to park all of your vehicles "too bad" ...and that was right from the horses mouth too.

As for the association here, count on them to do nothing to help you at all. All they will merely rattle off, if they even respond at all, is to take him to court, pay someone to fix and bill or sue him for the charges...They let him run Carte Blanc all over anyone and everyone and are either afraid to stand up to him or do not want to rock the boat, because of the amount of property/units he owns in the area. What this boils down to is the principle of one hand washes the other. If they stay out of his way he will give them a little less trouble and because he owns so many units anytime there is anything that requires a vote you can pretty much bet that anyway he wants the vote to go is how things will go and are gonna be, since if every owner gets one vote per until, and he owns several hundred then he therefore gets several hundred votes. So basically as he was once quoted as saying "I AM THE ASSOCIATION"....well if nothing else the first three letters, anyway.

He also owes many people money for other damages to their property caused by problems that started/initiated from repairs he never made within his own units that later in turn ended up affecting someone else. I.e, plumbing, leaks, sewage etc...that can back up in one until and if left unattended spill over and flood the next owners property! Yet he will deny any problem is from his end even with written proof and documentation and if you lose all your possessions, use of your home and sustain other damages, he will never return your calls, or other correspondences and will make every effort to ditch/avoid ownership and payout for damages caused by his negligence and neglect even after iron-clad proof of his fault has been provided to him!!!

In conclusion: I know there are many other owners and renters that have stories similar stories like these as well as others, we should all come forward stand united and present our cases. Know that it does not and should not matter how many properties someone owns, wrong is wrong, and having money, or the pretense of status etc...does not exempt you from your duties, responsibilities, obligations and most of all THE LAW. Whether you own your home or pay money to rent, to live anywhere you have and deserve all the rights and privileges you should be entitled too. It is your American Right if you live in the U.S. to stand up for your unalienable rights as per the constitution of the United States of America!!! Whether one or or more than one, no man is an island and together in numbers we can bring justice for one and justice for all. This has gone on for far to long. The Lories, Rent-A-Home LLC. and all of their associates know the deal and are carrying out his orders, many of them literally criminal. So guess what if you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem and if you are going along with these things and see nothing wrong with them then you are an accomplice to his crimes. People we deserve better!! We all pretty much, in most cases work hard for our money and we deserve to get the best return for our investment. We deserve that when we go home everyday/night or while at home we should have peace not constant fighting, conflict, stress, confrontational issues, damages, insults, ignorance, pestering, vandalism and other destruction of property, plus the numerous ways, too many to list in other countless ways this group and everyone associated with it, has done to be unfair and unkind.

For the life of me, I just do not see how people can allow themselves and others to go on like this without any thought or consideration for how people must feel; Frankly, without giving further thought about how they would feel in the same situation/shoes. Just remember the golden rule and karma, what goes around does eventually come back and catches up to you...everyone they have misled or misdone malicious things too is someones, Son, Daughter, Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin and so on...and could have been them instead if the tables were turned.

It is their turn now, legally speaking of course. Lets band together for justice now starting where it hurts most their wallets. It is a NEW YEAR and New Day and time for a Fresh Start!!!

If you have not rented from them, do not just take my word, track down a few tenants and ask them. Get references from anywhere you are planning on renting or owning.

Get crime reports, statistics and school information for your desired area...

Check online and google or whatever search engine you prefer. DO YOUR RESEARCH!

Check public records and court records too whenever possible

...check online and or call the Better Business Bureau and other agencies

When all else fails if you have owned and rented post online and document everything you can and perhaps someday we will all get to join together in our day in court cause this definitely has all the classic makings of CLASS ACTION!!!

Citizen justice

Orlando, Florida


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