  • Report:  #824206

Complaint Review: Rex Venture Group - Lexington North Carolina

Reported By:
Eric2485 - , Wisconsin, United States of America

Rex Venture Group
121 W.Center Street Ext Lexington, 27295 North Carolina, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
SCAM after I tried to cash out to get money of Zeek Rewards they deactivated my account. I tried to contact someone but after it was deleted they stopped contacting me. I google the address on google earth of 121 W.Center Street Ext, Lexington, NC 27295. Got a farm field...hmmmm sounds funny to me! Called Lexington Sheriff and local police and they got nothing on the address. You can guarantee I'm am gonna take this company down even if I gotta myself. Zeek Rewards and Zeekler are a Ponzi Scheme. Trust me I did my ads for 6 months straight and when I had 3 checks to come to my house they deactivated it the same day first one was to be mailed out.

36 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Guess I Was Right

#2Author of original report

Mon, August 20, 2012

Guess I was right after all... SEC shuts down Zeek Rewards Enough said.


of dispair,
North Carolina,
United States of America
google location

#3General Comment

Wed, August 01, 2012

they are at that address its a main rd in lexington..i drive by there everyday and people are lined up at the door...they even have a cop there at all times


of dispair,
North Carolina,
United States of America
google location

#4General Comment

Wed, August 01, 2012

they are at that address its a main rd in lexington..i drive by there everyday and people are lined up at the door...they even have a cop there at all times


United States of America
Keith Laggos: FTC to hit Zeekler within 6 months

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, August 01, 2012

Latest News on Zeek:

"As for the asinine comment on Dr. Laggos Yes he is a paid consultant. However, with a little due diligence, it is easy to see his reputation as an expert in his field is second to none." -Troy Dooly, MLM Helpdesk


Keith Laggos credits himself as a marketing and management consultant and claims to have worked with dozens of direct sales companies as well as to  other sales and distribution companies outside of the (MLM) industry.Laggos joined Zeek Rewards as a paid consultant around June 2011 and shortly after the company switched from guaranteeing a 125% ROI on every bid purchased, to paying out a variable ROI over 90 days.Laggos largely credits himself for instigating such changes, claiming on a recent promotional call for MLM company Lyoness that hes been able to help them (Zeek Rewards) change the comp plan to keep within the pyramid scheme and Ponzi scheme laws.With Zeek Rewards still refusing to divulge whether or not the daily ROI they pay out to affiliates contains mostly affiliate money (this is proprietary information), Laggos claims of being within pyramid scheme and Ponzi laws are naturally still questionable.

That said, Laggos appears to believe that as far as being a Ponzi or Pyramid scheme, that Zeek Rewards are in the clear and has since shifted his focus to the penny auction side of the business.This shift in focus ultimately resulted in the abrupt and completely unexpected parting of ways between Laggos and Zeek Rewards last week.So just what happened between Keith Laggos and Zeek?It would appear the fallout between Laggos (photo right) and Zeek Rewards might have something to do with a recent call Laggos took last week, promoting the MLM company Lyoness. Lyoness allow members to make investments with the company, and after a specific number of investments have been made by people in your downline, the company pays you out a ROI to the tune of 730-1164%, depending on how much you invest.Laggos claims that his Lyoness group is the fastest growing group in the history of the company [21:50], and when comparing investments in either Zeek Rewards or Lyoness thatYou put ten thousand dollars in Zeekler, if nothing happens over the next year, youll probably make twenty or forty thousand if thats all you do without building the front end.If you put the same amount of money in Lyoness and dont do anything else, without a single sponsored person you could probably make a quarter of a million dollars. [21:16]Not building the front end of course refers to the passive investment nature of Zeek Rewards, in that members can simply put ten thousand dollars in Zeek Rewards, purchase alleged retail customers (who are nothing more than email addresses) or create fake customer accounts themselves, automate the publishing of a daily ad and receive, according to Laggos, a return of around forty thousand dollars in 12 months.

Opening the Lyoness promotion call by acknowledging listeners on the call were all in Zeekler [13:04] before strongly advising them to join Lyoness and make it their Plan B, one possible reason for Laggos leaving Zeek Rewards might be the blatant cross-recruiting that occurs during the call.This is not tolerated by Zeek Rewards, who state in their affiliate policies and procedures thatREX Representatives shall not sell or represent non-REX products or represent marketing opportunities from other companies to other REX Representatives.Zeek Reward warns that failing to adhere to their policies and procedures may be terminated for violating the terms of his or her agreement.Whilst Zeek Rewards and Laggos himself have confirmed he is no longer a paid consultant with Zeek Rewards, Troy Dools today claimed that Laggos is still an affiliate [10:47].Laggos mentioned on the call that he has a Zeek Rewards downline of about 4,500 people and that his total income with Zeekler is only about $40,000 a month, before rhetorically asking you think I wanna lose $45,000 a month? [45:13].Infact, by all accounts it appears as if Laggos was taken completely by surprise and might not have left voluntarily (I wont go so far as to say he was terminated, as the nature of his consultant agreement and what exactly transpired between him and Zeek Rewards following the call is unknown).

On the call, recorded last Tuesday just one day before Zeek Rewards latest Red Carpet Wednesday affiliate event, Laggos statedI told him (Burks) about Plan A / Plan B and weve had a conversation.He laughed and said I believe in Plan A / Plan B. I said as you know for most people that got involved Zeekler, Zeekler was their plan B and he laughed.He said yeah, the majority of the big hitters were all plan B for all of them I dont have a problem when it comes to Plan A and Plan B [39:23].Im going to be at the red carpet service on Wednesday [24:48].Zeek Rewards CEO Paul Burks didnt seem to have a problem with Laggos promoting Lyoness (his plan B), but sometime over the next 24 hours Keith Laggos ceased being a consultant for Zeek Rewards. Nor was he present at the Red Carpet event.Troy Dooly tried to get an answer from Zeek Rewards and was told by recently appointed Chief Operating Officer, Greg Caldwell that[2:26] Keith Laggos and Rex Venture Group have agreed to part company effective immediately. We wish him the best and we wish him luck in his future endeavours.Troy, dont ask me about this ever again.Unless something else happened within 24 hours of the Lyoness call going live, the only other reason I can think of was Laggos spilling the beans on alleged FTC going after Zeekler (and penny auctions in general), and his appraisal of Zeek Rewards and its future.Citing contacts in the processing and banking sectors informing him of the FTCs actions, Laggos claims[14:06] The FTC has been taking action against all 32 penny auction sites. They put out letters to the top big four banks asking them not to, to encourage them not to open up accounts for penny auctions.They call them illegal gambling. Their idea is that you buy bids, you place bets with those bids and only the winner gets the pot or the prize, and the rest of the people lose their chips or bids.So they (the FTC) consider it to be illegal gambling online and theyre trying to stop it.They (the FTC) sent notices to all the major (payment) processors in the US (telling them) that they do not want them to process a penny auction site as of July 5th. And most of them quit processing, if not all of them, on July 5th for penny auctions. Wont do them, closed the doors the rest of them will go offshore.[14:55] I already had, as you probably know, moved Zeek processing to Hong Kong and other places outside of the US so it looked like it didnt affect them.

The reason it took them so long to get the processors in the first place, is because they (the FTC) were actively trying to shut em, block em (in the US) so we had to go offshore.Zeek Rewards stopped issuing checks to affiliates back in late May 2012, claiming their bank accounts had been closed because the company was too big. Since then, affiliates have experienced credit card charges originating from Panama, South Korea and Hong Kong (China), with many of these charges being initially blocked in the US for suspected fraud.Additionally the company currently only pays out affiliates via third-party offshore payment processors. Then COO Dawn Wright-Olivares even went so far as to tell affiliates that unless they deposited new money into Zeek Rewards e-wallet accounts, they wouldnt be able to withdraw commissions from them.The company does claim to currently have US-based bank accounts but to date refuses to divulge to their affiliates or anyone else who these bank accounts are with.Despite Laggos best efforts to help Zeek Rewards circumvent US laws and regulations, his predictions on the future of Zeekler remain grim:[15:20] Unfortunately I dont think the FTC is going to be satisfied with them (Zeek Rewards) going offshore.When they did the same exact action against online gambling with poker and they went offshore, shortly (after) they (the FTC) prepared regulations, calling it illegal gambling, and made sure that no poker sites could have paid gambling online in the US.

Troy Dooly meanwhile claims that no such regulations exist, stating that the FTC has never regulated online gambling at all [4:13].Laggos seems confident they do though, and continues his frank assessment of the future of Zeekler and Zeek Rewards:[15:52] Online gambling in the future is going to be highly regulated and theyre going to apply that same law Im afraid to penny auctions. I dont know if its going to be one month, or three months or six months.[16:30] That is what Im afraid the situation is. Ive got an idea to help Zeekler continue if they lose the penny auctions, with other ideas that would be equally good but no doubt what theres going to be a bump in the road followed by some loss in momentum. [17:08] I believe theyre (Zeek Rewards) are going to lose their momentum shortly.[35:50] The FTC caused problems for Zeekler by making sure they couldnt get their credit cards open for a long time, their merchant accounts, by causing them discomfort using the bank accounts they couldnt process orders, couldnt pay their commissions and that caused hundreds if not thousands of complaints (from affiliates) to state attorneys and the FTC.[23:50] I dont think its (Zeek Rewards) going to last. I think the FTC will take action within 6 months, maybe 3 or less. I dont think theyll go a year before they take action.[24:52] I cant stop the FTC but I can have plan B for Zeekler in place when the FTC does take action.I dont want to be alarmist but I know whats happening,

I know whats coming down the pipeline, were taking action to defend ourselves, to protect ourselves and our families.Ive been teaching this for over forty yearsand if youve been in the industry for long you know what Im talking about and wont fault me for saying that, cause you know Im right.Whatever Laggos contingency plan for Zeek Rewards was, by severing him as a consultant it appears they werent interested.I do however note the apparent similarities in Lyoness retail cashback frontend and Zeek Rewards much hyped to-be-released Zeebates shopping portal. Whether or not Laggos is behind Zeebates however is unclear.Although not confirmed, it appears as if Zeek Rewards members are going to have to find customers for the shopping portal to qualify for their daily ROI through Zeek Rewards, something many affiliates are not happy about.Laggos goes on to finish up by accusing the FTC of being willing participants in extortion (a federal crime in the US):[43:18] Even if they dont win in court, they (the FTC) know they can extort money from them (Zeek Rewards), legally extort money from them.Zeek Rewards has never made public mention of the FTC or any possible future action against Zeekler or penny auctions in general. If Laggos comments are accurate, in that he claims hes been reporting to Zeekler for months that the FTC has been becoming more active on penny auctions [2:42], this is something theyre well aware of and have known for a while.

In the meantime, while all this has been going on, the internet has been flooded with Zeek Rewards marketing from affiliates, making no mention of the difficulties the FTC have allegedly imposed upon Zeek Rewards and other penny auctions.Instead, the company has been busy running around ensuring its members dont use investment terminology to describe the business. Yet when push comes to shove, here weve got Keith Laggos himself publicly defining participation in Zeek Rewards by affiliates as simply putting money in.In his defense, Laggos told Dooly that he did not know they were recording (the call) or how many Zeekler people would be on it.Although I cant say Im surprised, I find the notion of simultaneously being a paid consultant and enrolled affiliate ethically abhorrent. How on Earth are you expected to consult impartially when youve got such a big potential financial conflict of interest always looming over your head?Then again, when it comes to Zeek Rewards one of the most worrying points of contention has always been that executive management in the company also have enrolled affiliate positions.With insider knowledge of pending FTC action and contact with regulators, Zeek Rewards financials and the company backend, when you consider it takes 90 days to fully withdraw earnings on VIP points they are wholly at an unfair advantage when compared to your average non-executive Zeek Rewards affiliate.Zeek Rewards management and Keith Laggos know whats coming, do you?

 Footnote: Troy Dooly broke this story a few hours ago and to his credit published the full Lyoness marketing call referenced in this article my thanks to him for that as its likely this important information would have been buried had he not gone public.All timestamp references contained in this article are in relation to Doolys video that accompanies his article, Breaking MLM News: Zeek Rewards Officially Parts Ways With Dr Keith Laggos After Recorded Call Goes Public.


United States of America

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, July 31, 2012


Yesterday we 5 people statred registering ZEEKREWARDS.COM through one of our colleague's account he already had. We were intent to put $5000.00 each in to this account and try to become diamond member. First two acoount succedded to registger and paid $129.00 for each person using their indiudial credit card. After that we tried to open third account with his credit card and after 2 min we got phone from CC company that some one tried to use your CC card from KOREA and amount is exactly the same as someone else from Las Vegas, NV tried to use within a moment. That raised red flag there and they called us. We cancelled all transection for third account and stopped registering another 4th and 5th account. But for 1st and 2nd and 3rd we gave them our SSN, DOB, Addresses, NAME and Bank info etc.! So i think our identity is already theft. After that I tried to search the web and found you guies here with lotsof Ripoff Report. I searched their company name in website of Secretory of State, NV with company name Rex Venture Group LLC.

I found that there is only POBox number as physical address and one company is child of another company and  another company. TOTAL SCAM. This guies are so greedy they tried to still $129.00 instead of $25,000.00? LOL.


I'm loosing my faith in this company

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, July 28, 2012

I don't think ZeekRewards is a scam however they have major issues.  I have encountered so many problems with thier webstie functionality and payments but mostly trying to contact their customer support.  It's a nightmare

I think they need to use that money the claim to be making big profits with to upgrade their systems and get a support team that can manage their load.  I have lodged tickets to get issues resolved and still waiting 3 weeks later.  No response.

If they want to grow they need to fix this.  It gives me no faith in them so how can I reasonably promote this to others and build a donwline?  Its an MLM nightmare.  My new downline are getting p***ed off with me and I can't blame them.

One of my downline is trying to buy bids and can't even do that.  I myself have not seen the promised second level 5% that I am entitled to.  My subscription payments won't go through. The webchat doesn't work and being in Australia i can't ring.  

This company is going to die a slow death unless they lift their game.

Can anyone help me and my team?


Account Cancel!

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, July 26, 2012

If you claiming Zeek rewards is not a SCAM then please explain to me why  my bank account has been cancel due to a boggus check sent by Zeek rewards?  Zeek rewards is a SCAM!! People beware.



Account Cancel!

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, July 26, 2012

If you claiming Zeek rewards is not a SCAM then please explain to me why  my bank account has been cancel due to a boggus check sent by Zeek rewards?  Zeek rewards is a SCAM!! People beware.



Your chat with the Attorney General

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, July 25, 2012

Paul, your post was a few months ago so i hope you get this post.

You mentioned speaking with the Attorney General about Zeek, and I'm inferring things were OK with them.

Your post also mentions you are a writer. Have you written a piece about Zeek and if so where can I find it? If not, would you care to share with us what the AG had to say about Zeek?

Thanks Paul



#11Consumer Comment

Tue, July 17, 2012

I get involved with Zeek for a couple of weeks. It seems legit so far. I heard that a company similar to Zeek shut down and my my friend reported to loose 1000 dollars. Hopefully this doesn't happen with  Zeek. I wired a small portion of money to verify how the system works. But 15 years, thats a very long time. I will keep researching. Anyone who wants more info may follow me to:http://www.motives73.zeekrewards.com

I will be glad to answer your question and take it from there.


United States of America
Do Not Spread the Lie! (a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive)

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, July 12, 2012

Zeek Rewards - Legimate and Honest company!  All payments for advertising work are in time as always and support works perfect!!! borisy.info


New York,
United States of America
zeek rewards is no scam

#13REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, July 11, 2012

i was on the live chat this morning at 8am and only waited 10 minutes to get my problem resolved and questions answered.....

sites have been getting hacked from overseas, especially ones that use very easy password,maybe that is why you are site is locked ...

occasionaly a call gets dropped, but they handle everything as good as a small company  can....they hired 60 more people and will double that soon and may go 24 hours a day....have patience, it will pay off.....check out mlmrankings.com....zeek is exploding...the growing pains are frustrating but it will be well worth it in the end.....


United States of America
I just received form the company Zeek rewards

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, July 10, 2012

I am some what skeptical.  I contacted Agent Jack Brown. Since I receive a letter in the mail stating, I won 3750. However, I needed to call to activte the check and pay a fee of 2750.  It made no sense if i am the winner of a sweeptstaeks why should I have to pay to cash out?  So i continued to investigate and contacted their bank. When i called the bank the funds were not available to cover the amoun on the check.  I agn called Mr. Brown and adivce him of the problem he stated the funds will be available tomorrow july 11,2012.  Let's see how this turns out lets hope it is not a scam..


New York,

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, July 05, 2012

Zeekrewards - Zeek Rewards is a total pyramid scam! As soon as I "built up" points (it has been months) and requested to start receiving some of my investment back my account became locked up and it has been a week of contacting them and a total run around. DO NOT mess with these guys. Each time I call I either receive a message telling me "due to high volume" to hold and then I am number 100 on their waiting list and to hold (forever) of I receive their message and they disappear into thin air! Have sent numerous emails and have not had EVEN ONE replied to! I was set to start receiving 100.00 and now I am locked out of my account and no one at any number I call seems to exist. To the one who calls other a liar for posting their "truthful" experience, all I can say is that they must be on zeeks payroll or have not yet experienced the deception yet


Rex Group - ZeekRewards has been great

#16UPDATE Employee

Sun, July 01, 2012

Definitely NOT A PONZI scam. 

This has not been my experience with the company at all.  I myself have seen amazing growth as an affiliate of the company.  I can see that the originator has said things got sorted out.  As for the address the company is legitimate. 

I know lots of people who have been making money from being an affiliate and I myself have had great experiences. ZeekRewards is a great income earning opportunity.  If you are reading this post because you are doing your due diligence - and so you should - I certainly did the same thing - then I suggest you consider this a safe and viable way to earn money online.  

If you have any questions or you would like to join ZeekRewards you can contact me via  http://msmoneypenny.zeekrewards.com/



United States of America
Best thing that I have looked

#17Consumer Comment

Sat, June 30, 2012

for the past six month I have seen my friends done this busines and I was not realy sure of the business but now I see how much money they are making and my wife and I got in to it, let me tell you we are very happy and we want to share this with our friends and family is the best thing that we have done. Do not listen to other people that want to take your dreams away.


United States of America
Like i Said...

#18Author of original report

Sun, June 03, 2012

I am the original author of this report and I wanna say they fixed the problem after some lengthy time and I have lost out on profit share, but it came down to a poor employee and miscommunication. This is something the company needs to work on and has addressed since So ISSUE IS FIXED and Zeek is still going strong. Thank You


United States of America
My honest opinion, it is not a scam at all

#19Consumer Comment

Fri, May 11, 2012

I have a number of friends around the world who gets checks for advertising Zeek's product. It is not true that they do not get payment for their efforts. We need to be honest! Make your Due Diligence for yourself and take a wise decision. 

Good Luck

Report Attachments


United States of America
So, did you ever get paid?

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, May 10, 2012

Eric2485, did you ever get paid? what is the current status of your Zeekrewards account and paychecks as of 5-9-12?


Ponte Vedra Beach,
United States of America

#21REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, April 28, 2012

As an independent writer I have been to their address and have interviewed the principals of the company including Paul Burke. I have also talked to the North Carolina States Attorney as well as the SEC....The address exists...It has pasts the litmus test of legality...Mathmetically it is not a ponzi scam....Now Social Security is a ponzi scheme...Forgive me US Government...Like any business "No guarantees intended or implied." If someone does not want to take a risk he should no venture into any business.....Please your due deligence and report the facts...


Orange Park,
United States of America
Just plain wrong

#22Consumer Comment

Fri, April 27, 2012

First of all, the correct address is 803 West Center St., Lexington, NC 27292. which according to Google maps puts you righ in front of a commercial building (imagery from 2007).

Secondly, a good friend of mine lives a few miles from the office and has visited it several times.

Thirdly, my friend has pulled out thousands of dollars of accrued funds with no problems whatsoever.

Fourthly, according to Alex.com, the online website ranking service, Zeekler.com is rated at approximately 1800 out of 30 million. Hmmm.

They have SEC agents and States Attorneys' General monitoring them to insure they are doing things right.

Any other complaints?


North Carolina,
United States of America
It's a Real Place!

#23Consumer Comment

Wed, April 25, 2012

I live in North Carolina, My boss is currently in the Zeek Rewards program as well as the land lord to the office where I work. This is a real company, it's a real building, with real people and the program is working for both my boss and the land lord as well as several other people I know! I am currently trying to evaluate my personal savings so that I too can take advantage of the program! Just thought I would voice my opinion!


United States of America
i google mapped this...

#24General Comment

Wed, April 25, 2012

i google mapped this, and it was not a farm field.  it was some sort of industrial complex, albeit not a i great looking one... 


United States of America
i google mapped this...

#25General Comment

Wed, April 25, 2012

i google mapped this, and it was not a farm field.  it was some sort of industrial complex, albeit not a i great looking one... 


United States of America

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, April 19, 2012

I have been with ZeekRewards for 6 weeks and there have been zero issues to think this is a scam. The person that recruited my has been recieiving checks for months and I know several others also. If you want to sign up visit my site at:


Phil Norton

United States of America
Recently joined under a friend

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, March 29, 2012

I have several work buddies who have joined this over the past couple of months.  I decided to join a week ago.  I have learned alot about how it works and am impressed with the possibilities and the checks I have seen from people that have been in for only 3 months.  If you would like to find out more about it and are interested in joining then contact me at [email protected] or go to my site phillipnorton.zeekrewards.com


North Carolina,
United States of America

#28General Comment

Mon, March 26, 2012

it seems as though this person, felt like he needed to find some recourse due to his frustration with the company! The saying that you can't please 100% of the people 100% of the time??? Rings true in this situation for sure. Anyways, I live in North Carolina, and this invitation has been brought to the table for myself and my husband.....We would love to jump in, however, we are also quite skeptical......When something seems too good to be true, it usually is....SO to all of you Zeekler's........Please help me make an educated decision......and help a girl out???? Any information that any one can provide either positive or otherwise would greatly be appreciated!

God Bless!


santa barbara,
United States of America
Ride the wave of opportunity!!

#29REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, March 13, 2012

I just want to comment on what has been written. I would like to say that I've been involved with online business's for approx. 18 years now. I have lost a lot of money. Everthing is a gamble. eventually you will succeed. So far so good with this opportunity.I'm getting checks, and now that they've opened up their own in-house e-wallet system, it's making withdrawls and adding monies faster. This company and its marketing plan, are making them one of the leading online business opportunities around. so why not take the gamble and stop going to the casinos and throwing your money away. Ride this wave as long as you can.Start withdrawing your iniital investment once it matures and then ride that wave baby!!!

Report Attachments


United States of America
Read More

#30Author of original report

Mon, February 27, 2012

Look read more people, I said they fixed it so sitting here posting more sh*t and crying over it not gonna do sh*t from this point on ok.....


New York,
United States of America
Helpful Hand

#31General Comment

Mon, February 27, 2012

I was reading this ripoff report & must admit I was highly disturbed about you claiming Zeek Rewards as a ponzi scheme & stating they don't pay people out. It's reports like these that keep honest people that want to find a good company to work for online, passing up a sure thing & jumping into some other business that revolved 100% on recruiting & advertising. Most people can't succeed with these types of businesses and lose their money. Zeek Rewards has developed a system that allows everyone to succeed as long as they post 1 ad a day & meet minimum requirements.

If anyone is interested in Zeek Rewards but wants the full scoop on how things work, how they can sustain as a business, & the concerns I am always around. 

[email protected]


United States of America

#32Author of original report

Sat, January 21, 2012

Funny you talk a lot of crap for someone who does not even post their own name and and be " anonymous"  Why don't you give me your address and we can speak and you can help me "pull my head" tough guy......


United States of America
They Fixed It

#33Author of original report

Sat, January 21, 2012

I am the original author of this report and I wanna say they fixed the problem after some lengthy time and I have lost out on profit share, but it came down to a poor employee and miscommunication. This is something the company needs to work on. And as far as the Google Earth thing goes this is still true and I am still wondering why the address comes up in middle of farm field. And still have not gotten a check after 3 weeks.


San Diego,
United States of America

#34Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 21, 2012

Please, let me assist you in pulling your head out...

If you look at zeek's terms of service, at the bottom, they have a different address.  You could go there (Rex Venture Group, LLC
Dba ZeekRewards.com
7469 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Ste 200
Las Vegas, NV 89128 USA   )

Of course, if you did, you would find...oh boy, I think I just soiled myself with shock...that it's a UPS store.  What a &^$% surprise. 

ALSO, from their terms of service, it says..."In addition, ZeekRewards reserves the
right to terminate the account of a user upon any single infringement of the
rights of others in conjunction with use of the ZeekRewards service, or if
ZeekRewards believes that user conduct is harmful to the interests of ZeekRewards, its
affiliates, or other users, or for any other reason in its sole discretion, with or without cause."

Now, if you read that carefully, you see where it says "or if zeekrewards believes that user conduct is harmful to the interests of zeekrewards".

If they pay you money, that leaves them less money, and logically that is harmful to the interests of zeekrewards. 

Did you REALLY think that with conditions like that, that that welfare &^#^# was going to give you a dime?  REALLY?

If you look at the WHOIS for zeekrewards.com, you get

Rex Venture Group LLC
7477 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Ste 17
Las Vegas, NV 89128
336 243-1123


Administrative Contact:
Burks, Paul
7477 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Ste 17
Las Vegas, NV 89128
336 243-1123"

Looking at corporation records in NC shows that paul burks is the owner/registered agent of Rex Venture Group LLC.  That means if you want to sue him, you send the suit to...

Registered Agent
Office Address:121 W CENTER ST EXT
Mailing Address:121 W CENTER ST EXT

(oddly enough, the only thing I find on Google at that address is Home Instead Senior Care.  Maybe he's an employee?)

If you want to serve him personally with the suit (what *I* would do if he ripped me off), he can be served at his home.  According to the phone book, and the county assessor, he lives at


Well, that was a well-spent 14 minutes of my life.  If you want to call him, you can find the number shortly.


ive recieved 7 and

#35Consumer Comment

Sat, January 21, 2012

ive recieved 7 checks and have not been deactivated, you are either lying or you broke a rule, this company is the best thing thats happened to me and my family in a long time , i have over 90 friends in this business, i can assure anyone ,they are the real deal. 


United States of America

#36Author of original report

Fri, January 20, 2012

First of all it is obvious you can't follow direction cause the rules state not to type in all caps on here. And second I was with the company for almost 6 months and had no problems and the day I was to get a check mailed they deactivate my account and I still never got any checks I requested. And third if you think I am lying Google Earth the address yourself.



#37UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 20, 2012


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