  • Report:  #1437477

Complaint Review: RHP Properties - Colorado Springs CO

Reported By:
newincs - Colorado Springs, CO, United States

RHP Properties
3020 S Powers Blvd Colorado Springs, 80916 CO, United States
2719 Preakness Way
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No quality of life for residents. Busted fences (I’ve been asking for mine to be fixed for 3 years), speed bumps so high even school buses bottom out & property has been damaged for many residents, no heater in the pool meaning it is ice cold, huge potholes that go unfixed for years at a time causing more damage (the pothole big enough to fit my minivan in right on the other side of the too high speed bumps was incredible fun! Took 2 years to get that adequately fixed!). We’ve had 6-8 managers in the 8 years I’ve been here including the maintenance man who had no idea what he was doing. Refused to get involved when a neighbor was harassing my family for over a year. He told me call police, police told me to call him. Meanwhile my home was damaged, 21+ reports to Children’s services (all dismissed as unfounded!), cops & animal control weekly.  All while James sat by and claimed there was NOTHING he could do. James “fixed” my fence by bending a wooden slat in half. One manager stole my deposit and changed our lease to state we had no deposit. Someone never entered my dogs so new management wants to charge me an application fee that I paid 8 years ago. One manager said we were behind somehow & the fees and all were $1000+. We didn’t understand how but paid it all to keep our home. Every time we brought in money she needed an additional $200-400 for “fees”. We paid it all. Still to this day they all refuse to give me those logs. Manager refused to provide receipts, though I did have money order receipts.. The fences are so busted up the dogs all run free because you can’t keep them in your yard. Their solution isn’t to fix the fence! Nope, that would be helpful & improve quality of life, can’t do that!! Instead they instructed residents to call animal control to have the dogs picked up or owners ticketed. Cause that’s helpful. They claim it’s because of the kids around here & some of the dogs are aggressive. Nearly every single fence in this neighborhood is damaged. There are unapproved structures hanging off half the porches, no permits, not within code. Sex offenders are living in some of the homes even though the lease says no sex offenders. They flat out lie & say that towing companies are fired as of xx date & 5 days later the same tow company is still here, driving around the property with his phone in front of his face. Cause that’s so much safer for the kids playing & riding their bikes?! Dead limbs hanging out of trees. Rent goes up every single year but the residents see zero benefits. They built this stupid tiny park “for the residents” but there’s a city park less than half a block on the other side of the fence from th property that is 100x better than the crappy one they built. They flat out wasted that money that could have gone for so many other things that would have been useful. I’ve called corporate & left messages that are unreturned (Regina), I’ve filled out comment cards that are supposed to be faxed over but never are (I mean if there was a complaint about you, would you send it to your boss?), I’ve called management, I’ve talked to the regional manager, Jennifer. None of them care about the residents here and what happens to them. I paid cash in a private sale for my home. I only pay them lot rent. I’ve tried to sell & they blocked my sales. At this point I can’t afford to move, I have no choice but to be here. Since I’m stuck, like 1000s of their other residents nationwide, it would be awesome if they gave some consideration & care to how we are living. Cared that our fences are in good repair. Cared that we didn’t damage our vehicles & other property on their property (because when I paid $2000 to fix my van that was damaged on their speed bumps & James laughed at me, told me I couldn’t prove it happened here & told me another guy busted his entire rim on the speed bump/pothole combination described above, it was hard to also pay my rent and other bills that next few months). Think they gave a dollar of consideration? None. Lastly, RACIST!! Do not buy a home in an RHP Property. 

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