  • Report:  #45197

Complaint Review: Roan Communications Aka Premium Mega Savers - Miami Florida

Reported By:
- New Brockton, Alabama,

Roan Communications Aka Premium Mega Savers
7349 N W 34th Street Miami, 33122 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
They call to tell you about a trial phone card ten free days. If you don't want to keep just simply call and we won't debit your account. Within three business days I received the calling card.

Called to cancel card and the atomatic phone operator says someone will be right with you, thanks for your patience. Now you just sit and hold for hours no one ever picks up the reciever. Called two to three times daily going on about six months.

I have closed my account after I refused to keep money in my bank due to them still trying to debt my account. Twenty dollars every time the funds are not in there. They recieved 54.90 for two months from me now. Since then they tried to get paid two times monthly for five months.


New Brockton, Alabama

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