  • Report:  #1210288

Complaint Review: Robert Brobst Facial Plastic Surgeon - Plano Texas

Reported By:
Jerry McDonald - Leonard, Texas,

Robert Brobst Facial Plastic Surgeon
4800 Hedgcoxe road Suite 250 Plano, 75024 Texas, USA
972 618-2212
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On May 5th 2013 my life ended on the surgery table because of Robert Bo Brobst. All I wanted was a deviated septum staightend and that is it. Not only did he not straighten the septum, but he cut off my entire inferior turbinate, almost slashed my septum into and left a huge bone sticking out from the instide and the outside of my nose.

I was in surgery for 11 hours!!! to get a septum straight??? He sliced me up so bad that they could not stop the bleeding is why I was in there for so long. After the surgery, he came into the recovery room and said that WE made a mistaken cut, he was the only one in there with a scaple in his hand. However, he falsifyed my surgery records and said that the surgery was a complete success.

After several visits following the surgery, he never mentioned the mistaken cut and said the only reason I could not breath was because of swelling an a spur (the huge septal bone protruding inside my nose that HE caused. Also, that I had to get used to my new good breathing pattern!!!

After 6 follow ups with nothing but lies from him, I reguested my medical records. The girl in the front office said she would send them out that day. After 3 phone calls and my wife stopping by and being told they had already been sent out, I recieved them 2 weeks later. It was jaw dropping the way he went back and falsifyed, changed all my records and said that the damage was done BEFORE he did his surgery.

He also said that I had missed appointments and we had not had adequate communication. Six follow up visits and not a single missed appointment is the truth. I just got tired of hearing the lies!!

I now have a very severe condition called "empty nose syndrome" which causes extreme shortness of breath, contant burning, severe headaches and many other life long problems.

My life is completely destroyed because of stupid, negligent cuts made by this man. He does NOT know what he is doing nor has the skills to have a scaple in his hands. He is also the most dishonest man we have ever come across.

He also got his colleges, Dr. Thrasher  and Hsu in Plano and McKinney Texas, along with Dr. Bradley Marple in Dallas to change their medical records and lie for him, just so he won't have a blimish on his record. To hell with the patient, just cover my a*s is all that was important.

There is much, much more to this story, but due to pending law suit, I cannot get into, I can assure you it is mind blowing and incredible.

Just please alert your friends and family NOt to go near this little man. He could destroy your life too.

I is my duty as a citizen to alert and warn the community I live in about this guy and to stay clear. Stay clear of his buddies listed also. There are more doctors involved in the attempted cover up , but can't disclose at this time.

The important thing is to stay clear of Mr Robert Brobst and go see a reputable, skilled surgeon if you have to go that route.

Good luck to you all and please shop around and do your homework before letting a someone cut on you.

P.S. there is also some attempted medicare fraud that I cannot get into at this time! What a dishonest guy he is!!

Actually, there are a total of seven doctor buddies of his all involved in trying to help him cover this up. I hope that the media does a good story on this. We need to know about the criminals claiming to be healers in our area!!



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