  • Report:  #1073295

Complaint Review: Romy and Jacob Inc - Montreal Quebec

Reported By:
Rachel - La Crescenta, California,

Romy and Jacob Inc
1122 Laird Blvd, suite 21, Mont Royal, Montreal Montreal, Quebec, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

 Lina Asselien of Romy and Jacob assured me all products were made right there on site. As it turns out, the address is an apartment building, so they were farming out the work on my products without my knowledge or consent, all the while lying and giving me false reports about how things were being done right there in their 'offices'.

The office which turns out to be an apartment building and not the coporate headquarters/production facility they claim

They are a known name in the pet product industry, and I'm sure their retailers and customers would be interested in knowing that these products are not made where they say they are. In fact, it seems they farm it all out to manufacturers in Canada, and also in China.

Also, I have the agreement/emails which clearly state I am to be charged for 1 bed style. They are trying

to charge me for 2 despite my having it in writing from Lina Asselien herself that I would only be charged for one.

They informed me they could not make my collars, but failed to deduct the charges for those collars from my invoice. They deducted only 2,150 dollars but each style costs 2500, and there were to be 2 of them. They pulled a scam by refusing to refund the full amount on that. Also, two styles of hoodies for another 5000 dollars were not made as the photo samples they sent me were terrible, so I instructed them not to make

them. They are trying to charge me for those, as well.

They violated their own agreement and I have many many emails to back up my claims. They are refusing to refund my money and charging me for products never even made.

Thanks to their misrepresentation, constant blundering and lying about it all, I waited five long months expecting to have my products made but am now stuck having to go find and hire new manufacturers and to start all over again while they hold my money hostage and refuse to return it.

I have yet to receive even one finished item sample from them, much less actual merchandise.

4 Updates & Rebuttals


La Crescenta,
Lawsuit in Progress

#2Author of original report

Fri, February 07, 2014

I wanted to thank those of you who contacted me privately regarding my report, and the only update I can give is that we are taking action against them in court. Because of this, I cannot discuss the matter in detail, but will be happy to print another update once the case has been decided.

To date, we have not received one dime of the money stolen from us by Romy and Jacob/Lina Asselien, which necessitates the civil suit. I am in contact with various other authorities to address the fraudulent actions committed by said parties. Thank you again!



La Crescenta,
Romy and Jacob's Behavior

#3Author of original report

Tue, August 06, 2013

 So, we all saw "Libby" and her bizarre response which seemed to be a mixture of a shameless grab at free advertising, some hilariously grandiose claims about Romy and Jacob, and a PSA about bullying.

 What we did not see of course, was the company actually responding to the complaint or addressing anything said therein.

 They are employing the usual tactics of a shady business by

1. Demonizing the person for having the unmitigated gall to complain

2. Ignoring the glaring fact that were they half as professional and competent as they claim, their clients wouldn't BE here.

3. Still refusing to accept any proposed settlement.


We've all seen this before, haven't we?

 All of that aside, I just wanted to update my report to say that the very moment Romy and Jacob do the right and correct thing by returning my $14,000 to me, I will happily update this report and let everyone know that they decided to stand up and take responsibility after all, and met their obligations.

 I openly invite them to do so, and hope that we can end this on relatively amicable terms. Clearly, I would never wish to do business with them, and I'm sure that feeling is mutual as companies do not enjoy customers who complain, and who refuse to sit back and say nothing when they are scammed.


It makes us 'difficult customers' you see.


Had I read a review like this regarding Romy and Jacob's Private Label services, I never would have hired them, so that was also a motivating factor which led me to post this report.


If I can save even one person from being deceived and ultimately cheated out of thousands of dollars, It is worth any unfounded criticisms I may receive from the company.

Most people research before choosing a manufacturer or private label service. I sure did, and because I never found a review pertaining to that particular service, all seemed to be well.


Now, I know better, and I hope I have given those who will do the same online searches something to think about as they make a decision. It is my own public service announcement.


This would have saved me.


But again, the moment they refund the money, I will be the first to come and say so, and give them credit for behaving in a manner which matches their descriptions of themselves.


Here's hoping they do!

Report Attachments


La Crescenta,
In Typical Romy and Jacob Fashion..

#4Author of original report

Tue, August 06, 2013

 They take zero responsibility, address zero of my grievances, and pass the buck righ along.

Who knew that e mailing a company to ask for your money back, and to show them documentation as to why you deserved a refund constituted 'harrassment"?

Her article about bullying was touching, but hardly addresses the complaint, and instead shows they wish to deflect, deflect, then run and hide rather than face up to their wrongdoings and bad business practices.

I had expected nothing more, sadly. By this point, I am very familiar with their work, which is why I sought a public forum to air my complaint.

Romy and Jacob owe me $14,000, so I guess I can see why they're behaving like this.

So, for all you consumers who have been wronged by someone, don't you feel so guilty for filing a report or complaint? You are all bullies according to "Libby's" lovely, moving post.

So next time, just smile and accept it when someone steals your money. = )

Romy & Jacob inc.

New Jersey,
Informal post to help fellow manufacturers who may be living the same situation with a difficult client

#5UPDATE Employee

Tue, August 06, 2013

This post is not only a rebuttal to the online harassment our company has received, but also an informal post to help fellow manufacturers who may be living the same situation with a difficult client.   – Romy & Jacob inc.


Clients complain for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons are genuine and others are not. Therefore it is important to deal with each complaint on its merit and in accordance with an effective procedure

Effective procedures do not include online harassment or bullying of any sort. 

Sometimes, it can be tempting, but remember that is what a bully wants - for you to participate in the online war.

In our 10 years in business, we've had wonderful, pleasant accounts...and some less pleasant. We've always treated our clients with the highest level of respect and always fulfilled our obligations. Like all businesses, we've lost money with some non-paying accounts throughout the years, as we've gained business with good accounts. 

And, we've had circumstances where we've dealt with the occasional unreasonable client.

But our business reputation has always been stellar.

We've carried out private-label for numerous pet-industry and gift-industry brands since 2008. We've delivered more than 1,000,000 products worldwide in our 10 years of business.

Imagine: from a 1,200 sq. ft apartment to a 12,000 sq. ft. facility - we built one of the pet industry’s best family-owned businesss. We are still the same team...only with more members now. Truly a journey we are all proud of.

So, when we see an online report noted as a “ripoff report” about Romy & Jacob inc., we tend to want to respond. Then, we remember how much work we've delivered to the client, how their facts are inaccurate ... how the client's mental state may be to blame for their actions. We look at how flexible we’ve been with their invoicing, their numerous changes on products (continuous customization changes for example), everything we carried out free of charge in order to help them out.  

And we decide not to participate in an online war, nor to engage in any bullying or intimidation towards the client - even if we have the information to do so.

Serious businessmen and businesswomen do not publish the personal information of anyone online, nor do they harass them in any way possible.

In some circumstances it may be necessary to consider bringing the relationship with the client to an end. This may be a difficult decision to make. However, some clients cost you more in terms of time and aggravation than they are worth.

This post is not only a rebuttal to the online harassment our company has received, but an informal post to help fellow manufacturers who may be living the same situation.


  1. Don't let your staff or colleagues feel intimidated.
  2. Do NOT respond to online bullying.
  3. Always deliver top customer service and prompt communication to your clients.
  4. Never discuss invoicing issues by e-mail – just pick up the phone. If the client is asking for too many free things, try & work it out.
  5. Bullying is an obsession – the bully has no control over his / her actions.
  6. In order to prevent any inconvenience to the client or to prevent an allegation that you are being malicious/acting in bad faith, you should always consult a lawyer. In the event that a client relationship results in harassment or threat: consult a lawyer.
  7. There are always 2 sides to a story. Someone who posts business transactions online or any types of dealings online doesn't want to face facts or discuss. They are obsessed.
  8. Business must go on. Do not allow yourself or your colleagues to be discouraged by one wrongful client.


For more information on the issue, please contact us:


Libby Waltz, Lina Asselin, Faran Kassam, Lilliana Mozonna

Romy & Jacob inc. Canada

[email protected]


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