  • Report:  #379124

Complaint Review: Roni Lynn Deutch A Professional Tax Corporation - North Highlands California

Reported By:
- Sacramento, California,

Roni Lynn Deutch A Professional Tax Corporation
4815 Watt Ave, North Highlands, 95660 California, U.S.A.
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Before hiring a Tax Attorney like Roni Deutch read this.

I suggest you contact the IRS and try and negotiate your debt with them before calling a Tax Attorney. You might be surprised that the IRS is more willing to negotiate with you than you might have thought. People hear the horror stories about how people have their Bank Accounts levied or how the IRS took their house or something of the sort. In reality, the only reason the IRS would take such action would be if you have received several letters and have not responded. Let me tell you now that just because you don't open the letters doesn't mean the IRS will go away. If you are one of the people who decided to play Russian Roulette with the IRS and ignore the letters, you better get off your a*s and do something before they take action.

There are several options if you owe money to the IRS.

If you are spending money on things the IRS considers allowable expenses and you are still broke at the end of the month then the IRS might allow you to go into Non Collect Status until you can either pay them back or the statue of limitations expires.

This is great for Older people on fixed income or those with alot of children and low cashflow.

If you do have spending money or if most of your monthly expenses are like credit cards and expensive vehicles the IRS will say get rid of your luxury items and pay us. Luxury items are not an allowable living expense. If you fall into this category then you might consider making a payment arrangement with the IRS. If you have savings accounts, Stocks and Bonds, Retirement accounts that you can dip into you should probably consult your financial planner and see if taking some money out to pay your tax bill would be smart because typically the IRS will figure those available balances as money you have to give them and they will probably figure that into your payment anyways.

If you are completely Bankrupt have low income and are renting your home without a penny to your name after allowable expenses to your name you might qualify for an Offer in Compromise. Unfortunately it is not a free program to sign up for and chances are 99% of the people who have tax debt will not qualify. So good luck. Also make note that you are on the hook for a while and if you end up owing money to the IRS in the near future your offer may be reversed! That's something you might not have heard in the advertisement!

When you call Roni Deutch this is what you can expect.

You will leave your info and then the call will be returned promptly by a sales person. This persons job is to take you through a financial analysis to see what program you might fit into. This Sales person is not a Lawyer or Attorney and can not legally give you any advice or make any promises.

Depending on the gravity of your situation they will give you the worst case scenario and try and scare you into retaining their services so the firm can get the IRS off your back. If this means telling old ladies who's husband just died of cancer and is relying on SSI to pay their bills that the IRS will garnish a significant % of their SSI check if they don't hire the firm that's what they will do. The sales persons job is to basically manipulate your fears of the IRS and make you believe that hiring the lawfirm is your only option and I am glad you called today because we are going to fix your situation!

In reality, in most cases you could contact the IRS and negotiate with them for free and in many cases you will come out as good or sometimes even better off than if you hire an attorney. The reason why is because a large percentage of the people who call in are financially strapped and even if Roni Deutch allows the client to sign up for a payment plan; chances are that you will default on your payments to the firm because the minimum payment is too high and the firm will drop you as a client.

Does Roni Deutch help their clients?

I would say that most of the people writing complaints on Rip Off Report are pissed because they didn't fill out the proper paperwork in a timely fashion or they had bad payment history and got dropped as a client. Another thing, if you are not 100% truthful with the sales rep when they go thru your financial analysis then the program you might have qualified for on the initial interview may not be possible due to undisclosed sources of income or savings.

The firm tries to filter the client into the right program but sometimes after more investigation the clients are not 100% truthful and the situation changes when the Attorney gets the file in their hands.

Long story short!

If you have received a letter from the IRS here is what you do.

1: Contact the IRS and see if you can make an appointment to try and negotiate with the IRS Directly. If there is a local IRS office in your area try and set up an appointment with them. Ask them what you will need to bring. Try and be organized and have everything with you.

2: If you don't have the patience to deal with the IRS directly or just have money to spend talk to your tax man or accountant. See if they can offer you some assistance.

3: If you want to spend a couple grand to hire someone to take care of your tax issues, pay for your tax services in full and complete the paperwork as directed in a timely fashion and tell the truth on your financial analysis. The longer you take to complete the paperwork the longer the IRS has to Levy your Bank Account or Garnish your Wages. The IRS will not stop trying to collect until you have reached an agreement with them. The Irs does not care that you hired a lawfirm to negotiate your debt. They will only stop collection activity once an agreement has been met. Some of these negotiations take a couple months up to a couple years to negotiate so the sooner you get the ball rolling the better off you are.

If you have received a Final Notice or an Intent to Levy or Garnish.

I suggest you cross your fingers and call the IRS today and make an agreement before they take your money. It is easier to negotiate a payment plan than to get a garnishment released. And good luck getting a refund from a Levy. lol

Time is of the essence quit procrastinating and take the bull by the horns. The IRS is not someone you wanna gamble with they will win!

I know people who used to work at Roni Lynn Deutch.

From what I hear they pay a small salary and the commissions are what pay the bills. So when you call in expect to be sold! It's how the salesman makes his or her income. Don't hate the salesman you put yourself in the position to call. They are just doing their job. As for the rest of the rumors of the firm not helping clients. You have to realize what the demographics of the clients are. Most of the clients are flaky, irresponsible and in most cases financially unable to afford the services Roni Deutch offers. If you are one of these people you would be better off handling your tax issues on your own.

If you have the money to spend and don't want to deal with the IRS this might be a good solution for you. Just don't drop the ball and things should run fairly smoothly.

Hopfully this blog helps you in making a decision in how to deal with your tax obligation. Remember once you get out of this situation don't do it again!

The Truth

Sacramento, California


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