  • Report:  #74884

Complaint Review: Roni Lynn Deutch - Sacramento California

Reported By:
- Sacramento, California,

Roni Lynn Deutch
4366 Auburn Blvd. Sacramento, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am an employee at the offices of Roni Dueutch who worked with "telleroftruth." I heard a few people in the office discussing "Telleroftruth's" previous statements. I have to say I am not suprised that he would make up such lies.

I have worked for Roni for several years and believe she is the best employer to work for. She is kind, considerate and understanding. Contrast to what "telleroftruth" claims, Roni cares more about her clients and the people who work for her than any other employer I have worked for.

I use to work with "telleroftruth" a couple years ago. For those who don't know, "telleroftruth" has not worked for Roni in 2 years. I find it amazing how he can proceed with telling lies about this firm when he has no first hand knowledge on the current policies and procedures each of us must follow. Seems to me that he has a personal vendetta against Roni and her office. Could it be because he was let go by the office? Hmm, now theres a thought.

"Telleroftruth" was a loner who did not get along with his fellow collegues. People would leave a room just because he entered it. Simply put, he could make a room turn cold. Not to mention, nobody every believed a word that came out of his mouth. He thought he was always right and never wrong. He was one of those guys who doesn't listen to the other person when they are speaking, rather he had already made his decision that he was right.

To be nice, I would say that "tellerofturth" was nothing but a complainer who did not want to work a full day but wanted to receive a full days pay. Riddle me this "telleroftruth," are you currently employed now?

Perhaps "telleroftruth" should get off his couch and obtain employement. Maybe then, he won't have all day to write frivolous claims about Roni,her polices and procedures.

Again, I stand by my employer with pride and am insulted by his false claims.

"Telleroftruth," I challenge you to tell the truth and inform everyone on the date you last worked for Roni. Perhaps then everyone will see that your claims are false and frivolous.


Sacramento, California

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Nice job Reid........Tim's truth...

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, April 22, 2004

First of all a huge thanks goes out to Reid for the insights given on this website. Nuff Said! Secondly, I was never bothered by "Timothy" and his comments. He is none other than Scott "Timothy" Juceam, the same person that everyone complains about when it comes to collecting money for the law offices of Roni Lynn Deutch. Now, Scott is a glorified a*s kisser to Roni, he has his nose so far up Roni's rear end that he can tell you what she had for dinner 6 months ago. He is a wanna be Brother with dillusions of grandure, that thinks he has to be tough to look good in Roni's eyes, however, he is an a*****e of the highest magnatude. Scotty, Timothy, or what ever you want to be called, stop being so full of yourself! You will never be accepted as a brother! Stop being so hateful to the people who go to the firm for HELP!!! They do not owe YOU the money, so you need not lie to them with your fake speil you hand out. You also are not an attorney and I would bet if Roni or Greg ever heard some of the things you get away with, you would be on the wrong end of the famous "Business Decision". Almost everyone wants to open up a can of whoop a*s on you, even the clients! You don't talk half the crap you do when someone is face to face with you! Take a pill! By the way C.I.D. has been contacted and informed on you about the hiding of assets that you own like the boat, SUV's, etc...all while you were trying to do an Offer in Compromise. you know putting things you own in your wifes name (she is sweet, so her name shall not make the report). I did not call them, yet someone you pissed off did, they gave SS#, Address (not Roni's old house) and various other information that they requested. See when you do people wrong it has a tendency to come back to you. So get YOUR ducks in a row, you have not seen ugly yet, but it's coming. You may have a saving grace if you decide to help people and repent for all you have done to people....but....like someone said, there is as much a chance of that as Calgon actually taking someone away.


The rebuttal by Timothy is nothing but pure shill nonsence.

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 22, 2004

What toilet did you pop out of? Who are you bending over for? Timothy's rebuttal is nothing shy of pure shill crap. First of all, the only people who post frivolous remarks against others are fraudulent businesses. Any and all legitimate businesses that have nothing to hide, would definetely have acknowleged and resolved all these complaints by now. Not send fudge packers of the company who feel they have much to gain to their rescue. False rebuttals are meaningless in that it is always filled with nothing but pathetic excuses, and personal attacks against people who have been victimized by his or her company's scam. The only rebuttals that mean anything whatsoever and people are interested in seeing, are those posted by consumers whose complaints or issues have been resolved. This is the only thing that matters, for it shows that a company is willing and able to stand behind their claims. So to all the bend over buddies that post false rebuttals, stop wasting your time. I am not a victim of this company's activity, but I have been scammed by the company that sold me John Beck's Free and Clear and John Beck's Amazing Profits. I can say by my horrific experience and by all the unacknowledged and unresolved complaints against this company, that it is definetely without a doubt a scam. Telephone "mentoring" does not exist. One only needs to see the book that real, real estate professionals study to realize that it is just not possible to learn all the pertinent information that's requied to be a real estate professional, especially through only ten to fifteen scheduled sessions, which lasts no more than fifteen minutes each. We can beat fraudulent companies and literally cause all that engage in deceptive trade, bait and switch tactics, extortion, etc,etc to permantly close their doors and fold, by holding individual employees that sell the crap in the first place equally responsible as the fraudulent company itself, for any and all criminal activities that they may have engaged in. This could SIMPLY be accomplished by implementing laws that would hold individual employees of fraudulent companies fully responsible for reimbursing each and every person with compensation, for such items as time wasted that can never be replaced, lost wages, stress, aggravation mental anguish, etc, etc, and everything else in relation to the recovery of scam monies. Think about it! Would you ever do business with a company had you known they were involved with fraudulent and or non-existant activities? Of course you wouldn't. If there was a law such as this which would TRULY protect consumers, employment seekers would be more skeptical about receiving such generous compensation for engaging in deceptive and HIGH PRESSURE SALES. Ignorance is not an excuse for anything in our society, therefore we need to start holding individuals of scams equally accountable for their every actions. This goes for any and all fudge packing shills that post FALSE REBUTTALS as well, for their attempt to further deceive consumers and for leading many others into what could very well be financial disaster. We need to rid this beautiful earth of all the scum bags that are polluting it. Be sure to send this message to your congressmen. We need to have someone start taking a serious look at doing some actual work, instead of just saying whatever it is the people want to hear and continue on doing nothing about nothing. I know that many government officials and law enforcement agencies are aware of this website, so the time has come to start ripping down these scams one by one, lawfirm or not. Too many people who are familiar with law use it for bad purposes and to take advantage of many innocent people and that has to stop. I am willing to do everthing that I possibly can to assist anyone. The last time I checked there were over 83,000 rip off reports, some just bad shopping experiences, most others just flat out scams. There is absolutely no excuse for this many scams to exist at any one time. That's preposterous!! The scams that anger me the most are the blatant scams, where not one LEGITIMATE rebuttal is posted in it's favor. Hopefully the next person in office will hold fraudulent business practices high on his or her list of priorities. Until next time, take care cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God bless each and every one of you. P.S. John Beck Free and Clear is a scam. Be sure to avoid the company that's responsible for selling this program. Stay "Free and Clear" from them or they will make "Amazing Profits" from you. Any and all media companies, attorneys and FTC officials who may be interested in the full story, be sure to read my postings on them. If you are ever interested in doing a story or just uncovering this scam, feel free to contact me through this website. P.S.S. The company and it's various locations are as follows: John Beck Mentoring Institute P.O. Box 3685 Burbank, CA 91504 Mentoring office: 888 909-8168 Facsimile: 818 767-3400 John Beck Free & Clear 12843 Muscatine Street Arleta, CA 91331 www.familyproducts.com John Beck 2089 E.Fort Union Blvd Salt Lake City, UT 84121 818 767-3300


The company has helped some people, but they have ripped off an even greater number

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, December 18, 2003

Nice try Timmy, you do not know who I am, and furthermore, I never worked with a guy named Timothy, timmy, timmie, tim, touche turtle or whoever you are. One question remains; why would you speculate as to when I worked at the law firm? To possibly give more clues to Jim Banks to give me a letter to stop telling the truth? Did you not read that I have proof of what I say? Are you even a Tax Director(sales person)? Do you believe insults will make me give into posturing aginst you? I have always been, and will always be smarter than that. You have made incorrect statements about me and potential clients who read this report will see thru your childish behavior. The company has helped some people, but they have ripped off an even greater number of them as well. I stand behind my statements and challenge you or any one there to offer counter proof, instead of Greg coming on here and spouting numbers that prove what clients are saying about the company. Stop brown-nosing and tell the TRUTH....wow what a concept. This is after all for the consumer who needs to be informed on who they are dealing with. If this report sparks Roni to do better for the people who are looking for HELP, then so be it. Oh, she cares about the clients....thats why Scott treats them so badly, and the sales people "assure" clients of how they can get a 250 dollar settlement, or she has an actress come on T.V. to say she settled her case for 20 dollars. The only thing about the "Client" she cares about is the money......thats why the client goal is set higher and higher each month(sometimes it stays the same). If there is so much "love" for the client and she even does some of them for free, then why are clients complaining? Could it be that we all are right about Roni and you are just a person who was told to discredit my input? All true in what I say, all too true. I am not angry, just honest. You should try it.

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