  • Report:  #68949

Complaint Review: Royal Credit Solutions - Palm Beach Gardens Florida

Reported By:
- Orleans, Massachusetts,

Royal Credit Solutions
P.O. Box 32531 Palm Beach Gardens, 33410-9998 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
A representative called and offered me a credit card with a 2,500 limit. I was skeptical and asked if it was a real credit card and the reply was yes. I agreed to the one time activation feel of 296 and they debited my account. I was told my card would arrive in 10-15 business days.

More than a month later I recieved a package with a couple flyers, one of which was an application for an employer funded check card, which clearly states its is not a credit card. I have been trying to get my money back from them ever since. They have other alias's which are Client Care Resolutions, Dynamic Credit Services, IMS Marketing, Royal Credit Solutions, Source One Credit Solutions and World Credit Solutions.

The Florida address is a drop box only. They have another adress at 0624 S Eastern Ave, Suite 435, Henderson, NV 89052. I obtained this information from the Better Business Bureau of Florida.


Orleans, Massachusetts

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