  • Report:  #138978

Complaint Review: RPM Services Inc - Www.phone4phonesex.com )( Www.mommy4phone.com - Www.mommy4domme.com - Lancaster California

Reported By:
- lancaster, California,

RPM Services Inc - Www.phone4phonesex.com )( Www.mommy4phone.com - Www.mommy4domme.com
43803 Carefree Ct Lancaster California 93535 Lancaster, 93535 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I just want to warn all those innocent phone sex operators out there about a company called RPM services incorporated , a phone sex company that employees women from the comfort of there own home and SAYS that you can work for them but they are a big scam.

The owner worked for a phone sex company called K&K Productions which a woman named Macey owns. Cindy got to be very close with her and was there dispatcher and then stole clients and basically half of the buisness from her. To this day all of her clients were Macey's clients and macey has no idea.

And then comes the bad part when you work as a phone sex operator for cindy and which she only hires desperate women who usually are very poor or in some sort of bad time in there life , she will tell you that you are pathetic and you need her and rip you off your money but you get so scared that if you stand up for yourself she threatns you with firing you that you wont say anything.

And more is that she has all her daughters working for her so never say anything about if you dont know why your not getting paid because you will get turned in immediately and you wont even know that its her daughters. And then the worst is the paying scam she will make you get 2 phone lines or dsl internet connection and then tell you you will make it back in a week what a lie now if you work for a company like hotlipscash or k&k productions then yeah you might make enough the first week but you really have to work hard.

And then the credit card fraud when a customer ( a man ) calls they will run there credit card # and for sure the customer will get charged extra no doubt about it. I worked for her for 1 month and that was enough for me she cussed me and then told me I was a moron when I stood up for myself for the customers.

And then she will tell the customers what her address is but if a operator does it then they will be fired cause it takes the goodies out of her basket of free stuff from sad victims.

So please be careful and remember these women are professional phone sex actresses and will lie there way thru life and her name as a character in Andrea and granny gert and she will tell you she dont own it when you try to find the owner of this company you wont. And she will tell you her sister owns it so shes not responsible but she is I swear she is!!!


LA, California

14 Updates & Rebuttals


okay company

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 28, 2008

i worked for RPM a few years back . all workers were very nice . i did have a minor prob with them . i didnt get one of my checks , but it was only for 50 bucks . they did say it was sent out although i never did get it . PLEASE dont let that turn you away though ..... things like that do happen when getting checks in the mail . things do get lost !! i must say that RMP out of all the PSO companies ive ever worked for they were the only 1 that always i do mean always sent my checks to me on time .


they make you feel like you owe them and that you wouldn't have anything if it weren't for them

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, April 20, 2005

JUST READ THE PARAGRAPH AHEAD! Well as I would always say when women talk they talk WAY too much! Look in the paragraph ahead that her DAUGHTER wrote "You should be happy we employ you"(as wrote by her daughter) just like I said they make you feel like you owe them and that you wouldn't have anything if it weren't for them. But let me tell you all something NO The Company should be happy that they got YOU! And then to write does any body have anything else to do? Well do you? Obviously not or you wouldn't be writing. Now I think this is sad you write the problems that you had with a company as this site lets you do and that company has every employee PLUS there 2 kids write for them. I guess if I owned a company and it was a stong company I wouldn't have to have everyone waste there working time on this silly stuff huh! But they are and will continue to till they get the last word HAHA!!! And About ramblings and crap I actually forgot that I hired you to go over my feeling but thanks for going thru them for me you broke them down so the consumer can read every detail of how bad you guys really are. And then going on to prove everything I wrote by Blabbing to much on here ( did you prove anything ). Just like the company you had write for you said " STOP TALKING RPM SERVICE" that's sad when another company has to tell you that huh. Now I have watched this company during all of this slander numerous people as they proved themselve for the consumer again. But just so you know of course I am a ex-ployee that was done wrong and yes thats why I am writing it certainly didn't take a phone sex operator pointing that out to get that one smart one. But I'm done wasting my time on this company I'm just gonna sit back and let you cut your throught some more you've done a great job at it already I guess all I had to do was give you guys a blank sheet of paper with the word BOO on it and watch your self ruin your own company HAHA Can't wait to see you in court Sweety!


the employees hired for RPM Service are PROFESSIONAL phone actresses..Yea most are may have had bad past life backrounds, but who hasn't.

#4UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 20, 2005

Don't you people have better things to do??? Well let's get some things straight. First and foremost the employees hired for RPM Service are PROFESSIONAL phone actresses..Yea most are may have had bad past life backrounds, but who hasn't. I mean that right there is just a flat out pathetic comment.Another issue I would like to address is the fact of the slandering..I think it is down right pathetic and you ladies are right..."What goes around DOES come around" ;) Karma is not something you push back on someone...it comes naturally. Saying RPM Service does not pay their employees is a lie, and I hope you ladies have proof of those comments and are willing to uphold that in court...Lying to the judge is not tolerated...Lie all you want to Ripoffreport.com LMAO....Hope you have proof for future reference :)...Oh and yes by the way I am the owner of RPM's daughter...I do NOT lie nor does my mother...Our customers know, this is "For adult entertainment only"...DUH...why else would we hire women with- as afore mentioned in one of the complaints- such sad and pathetic lives??? You women should be happy we employ you ( Most of which have criminal backrounds)...I think this need to come to a stop and lets let KK Productions and RPM Service handle this..Not the uneducated phone actresses.


"This is all amusing"

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, April 19, 2005

I am shocked at what I am reading!!!! The lie's, the names slashing, the denial of being a dispatcher for K&K Productions and all this "Is good business?" Stephanie from stocton,Ca. You were also, a dispatcher.....I worked for you and Cindy! Cindy of course was the "Main Dispatcher" she was very devoted, she work 24 hrs. a day for the owner! Who she resented very much!! Stephanie, worked when she wasn't in school....Cindy was also very upset for filling in hours for her.... Jessica, from Ohio....talking about "How sweet Cindy's Little girl is! Well you should know to pat yourself on the shoulder, because you are one of her Daughters!!!! As far as the ramblings goin on, Well it didn't look like any one else had a hard time reading all this "Crap'...... Well just one more word of advice!!!!! Business' are not build on dogging people who once belived in you! " When you close one door, you really hope that another one will open" In this situation I really don't beleive this will be the case....But remember....Business's are not generally built on "Friends and family" So I hope your not standing alone, when the Business crumbles! X-Emploee


lets get the facts straight!

#6UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 19, 2005

I for one am an employee of Rpmservice Inc. I have NEVER once had a problem with a pay check, or the company and the way it is ran. I have spoken to a lot of other co-workers who are also very happy with this company. There are a lot of phone sex companies that do not treat their employee's well and RPMservice Inc. Is NOT one of them. "a phone sex company that employees women from the comfort of there own home and SAYS that you can work for them but they are a big scam." I am currently working for RPMservice INC. so that is false. I wonder If the Writer of this knows what the word "scam" means? " And then comes the bad part when you work as a phone sex operator for cindy and which she only hires desperate women who usually are very poor or in some sort of bad time in there life ," After I read through this about three times and could understand your ramblings (please try to use English) I was wondering what is so wrong with an employer that is giving "desperate women" a second chance at work and money? "she will tell you that you are pathetic and you need her and rip you off your money but you get so scared that if you stand up for yourself she threatns you with firing you that you wont say anything" WOW It is very hard to read through all of your ramblings here, but to me that seems very far fetched and not only that but if this is such a bad company why would getting fired be a "threat"? "And more is that she has all her daughters working for her so never say anything about if you dont know why your not getting paid because you will get turned in immediately and you wont even know that its her daughters. And then the worst is the paying scam she will make you get 2 phone lines or dsl internet connection and then tell you you will make it back in a week" I am aware that one of her daughters (a very sweet girl) does work for her. (maybe the only TRUE fact in all of these ramblings) I did get DSL and I DID make all my expenses back in that week of course you can not make money If you are not taking calls and If you are unavailable you do have to work to make money in any business. "what a lie now if you work for a company like hotlipscash or k&k productions then yeah you might make enough the first week but you really have to work hard." I am sure other companies would not like you putting their name on a site like this. "And then the credit card fraud when a customer ( a man ) calls they will run there credit card # and for sure the customer will get charged extra no doubt about it." I have many regulars and I am sure If something was going on wrong with their credit cards I would be informed. Do you have any evidence to base this accusation on? "I worked for her for 1 month and that was enough for me she cussed me and then told me I was a moron when I stood up for myself for the customers." Sounds to me like a bitter ex-employee. "And then she will tell the customers what her address is but if a operator does it then they will be fired cause it takes the goodies out of her basket of free stuff from sad victims." I would not have employees working for me in this kind of business that were giving out MY personal contact information either. "So please be careful and remember these women are professional phone sex actresses and will lie there way thru life and her name as a character in Andrea and granny gert and she will tell you she dont own it when you try to find the owner of this company you wont. And she will tell you her sister owns it so shes not responsible but she is I swear she is!!!" Again in English please????


RPM Service think before you type!

#7UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 19, 2005

To Whom this may concern: Many false allegations have been made in this situation. While these posts have been highly amusing for all of us at VSA Communications, we do know that it is painful for all of your businesses. First, I will explain what VSA Communications is. We are web site developing/marketing firm. I am sure you all have very valid complaints and concerns regarding each others companies, so we will not dispute that. Each person is entitled to their own opinion. Second, why are we commenting at all? We were hired one year ago by RPM Service to develop and market their web sites. So in fact, we do all of the hiring, marketing, and developing. It has come to our attention that Mrs. Rinehart was accused of hiring "Poor women". That is simply not true, because VSA Communications hires the contractors for RPM Service. As a matter of fact, Mrs. Rinehart deals with very little concering the development of her sites. She simply operates the sites. The statements on this site are merely a second attempt at slandering RPM Service. The first attempts came in the form of accusations of copyright infringements. Yes, you who made the accusation, I can guarantee will read this! In conclusion, I would like to give you all a little lesson on how the internet works. All of the text that you have typed into this site will be spidered into the internet. Keywords, such as company names, or even personal names, screen names, etc. will now be spidered into thousands and thousands of search engines. Therefore, when someone types in a particular screen name, website, etc. yours may come up. Now this is not the type of marketing many of you are seeking. It is incredibly negative. So think before you type!


to all the people that were victimized in this game these people are playing with others names "What Goes Around Comes Around"!!!

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, April 18, 2005

My name is Amanda I actually was listed above as recieving money from a client LOL I don't know how my name was brought in this but I will clear this up. I have had my problems with RPM Service but to be honest they were all personal problems with how things were being ran.And I have never talked to who ever this is writing about me before so I guess if you have just anyone write for you to defend your company at least they should know me first yeah? And I actually found out about this when Cindy the owner of RPM Service IM ed it to me through aol she said, " Please just take a look at this" , so I did and couldn't believe it when I saw my name on here. Like she wanted to show me how bad her company was BLASTING ME all over the net. So I guess all I have to say is there own actions are speaking for themselves, if you are someone that don't like to be BLASTED all over the net for something you had no idea about then I guess I would stay away from this company(especially customers who wish to be descrete)! I really didn't think they were like this but as I said Action speak louder than words, but to all the people that were victimized in this game these people are playing with others names "What Goes Around Comes Around"!!!


Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,
Shocked and Apalled at the Lies and False Accusations!

#9UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 18, 2005

When I read this I was astounded. I have been an employee of RPM for many months now and have never been happier in my job field. I have been a phone sex op for over 4 years, during this time I have worked for a couple of different companies. The only thing that kept me in the business before I came to RPM was the fact I could work from home. Now that I am working for RPM I've never been happier. I make great money (because RPM watches over its employees) and Cindy is the most kind and decent person I have ever had the pleasure to meet and know.(I knew her for 2 years before coming to work for her when she was a MANAGER for another company) Not one time has my pay EVER been late or short. In fact I know personally that Cindy takes the time to go over each girls pay with her before it is actually sent and both must be in total agreement. If you apply yourself she gives you the chance to actually make something for yourself. I'm sorry but if I was "desperate" and someone gave me a job, wouldn't that make them a good person? She DOES NOT take advantage of anyone in fact she is quiet often taken advantage of because she is so soft hearted and cares so much about people. Thats why she hires "desperate women" and look what it gets her! Oh and as far as ripping the men off... I know PERSONALLY that is a lie. I am her head dispatcher and I run card verifications and no where have I ever been instructed to take more money than what is owed. These men call for our services, giving your credit card information is a scary process and we take care of our clients and offer total confidentuality that is why we have repeat customers. How could RPM rip them off if they keep coming back for more? Apparently this is a bitter girl that is out to hurt everyone that tried to help her better herself so she wouldnt be so "desperate". Some people are beyond help....


Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,
Shocked and Apalled at the Lies and False Accusations!

#10UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 18, 2005

When I read this I was astounded. I have been an employee of RPM for many months now and have never been happier in my job field. I have been a phone sex op for over 4 years, during this time I have worked for a couple of different companies. The only thing that kept me in the business before I came to RPM was the fact I could work from home. Now that I am working for RPM I've never been happier. I make great money (because RPM watches over its employees) and Cindy is the most kind and decent person I have ever had the pleasure to meet and know.(I knew her for 2 years before coming to work for her when she was a MANAGER for another company) Not one time has my pay EVER been late or short. In fact I know personally that Cindy takes the time to go over each girls pay with her before it is actually sent and both must be in total agreement. If you apply yourself she gives you the chance to actually make something for yourself. I'm sorry but if I was "desperate" and someone gave me a job, wouldn't that make them a good person? She DOES NOT take advantage of anyone in fact she is quiet often taken advantage of because she is so soft hearted and cares so much about people. Thats why she hires "desperate women" and look what it gets her! Oh and as far as ripping the men off... I know PERSONALLY that is a lie. I am her head dispatcher and I run card verifications and no where have I ever been instructed to take more money than what is owed. These men call for our services, giving your credit card information is a scary process and we take care of our clients and offer total confidentuality that is why we have repeat customers. How could RPM rip them off if they keep coming back for more? Apparently this is a bitter girl that is out to hurt everyone that tried to help her better herself so she wouldnt be so "desperate". Some people are beyond help....


Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,
Shocked and Apalled at the Lies and False Accusations!

#11UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 18, 2005

When I read this I was astounded. I have been an employee of RPM for many months now and have never been happier in my job field. I have been a phone sex op for over 4 years, during this time I have worked for a couple of different companies. The only thing that kept me in the business before I came to RPM was the fact I could work from home. Now that I am working for RPM I've never been happier. I make great money (because RPM watches over its employees) and Cindy is the most kind and decent person I have ever had the pleasure to meet and know.(I knew her for 2 years before coming to work for her when she was a MANAGER for another company) Not one time has my pay EVER been late or short. In fact I know personally that Cindy takes the time to go over each girls pay with her before it is actually sent and both must be in total agreement. If you apply yourself she gives you the chance to actually make something for yourself. I'm sorry but if I was "desperate" and someone gave me a job, wouldn't that make them a good person? She DOES NOT take advantage of anyone in fact she is quiet often taken advantage of because she is so soft hearted and cares so much about people. Thats why she hires "desperate women" and look what it gets her! Oh and as far as ripping the men off... I know PERSONALLY that is a lie. I am her head dispatcher and I run card verifications and no where have I ever been instructed to take more money than what is owed. These men call for our services, giving your credit card information is a scary process and we take care of our clients and offer total confidentuality that is why we have repeat customers. How could RPM rip them off if they keep coming back for more? Apparently this is a bitter girl that is out to hurt everyone that tried to help her better herself so she wouldnt be so "desperate". Some people are beyond help....


Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,
Shocked and Apalled at the Lies and False Accusations!

#12UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 18, 2005

When I read this I was astounded. I have been an employee of RPM for many months now and have never been happier in my job field. I have been a phone sex op for over 4 years, during this time I have worked for a couple of different companies. The only thing that kept me in the business before I came to RPM was the fact I could work from home. Now that I am working for RPM I've never been happier. I make great money (because RPM watches over its employees) and Cindy is the most kind and decent person I have ever had the pleasure to meet and know.(I knew her for 2 years before coming to work for her when she was a MANAGER for another company) Not one time has my pay EVER been late or short. In fact I know personally that Cindy takes the time to go over each girls pay with her before it is actually sent and both must be in total agreement. If you apply yourself she gives you the chance to actually make something for yourself. I'm sorry but if I was "desperate" and someone gave me a job, wouldn't that make them a good person? She DOES NOT take advantage of anyone in fact she is quiet often taken advantage of because she is so soft hearted and cares so much about people. Thats why she hires "desperate women" and look what it gets her! Oh and as far as ripping the men off... I know PERSONALLY that is a lie. I am her head dispatcher and I run card verifications and no where have I ever been instructed to take more money than what is owed. These men call for our services, giving your credit card information is a scary process and we take care of our clients and offer total confidentuality that is why we have repeat customers. How could RPM rip them off if they keep coming back for more? Apparently this is a bitter girl that is out to hurt everyone that tried to help her better herself so she wouldnt be so "desperate". Some people are beyond help....


Fraudulant and Heresay allegations made on a REPUTABLE Company

#13UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 18, 2005

First of all the individual employee who wrote these allegations sent me an email titled "Karma is a b***ch Cindy." What does that say for an individual who supposedly is using this service to post a legitimate grievance. I am not going to dignify each and every falsehood in her post. I am truly astounded that individuals are allowed to blast a Company with absolutely no proof or legitimacy. It seems to me you should have some recorded documentation provided before Rip-Off would post all a Companies personal information and allow it to be tainted with NO PROOF. I have written my letter to the editor. As far as this individual she has herself to live with and as a legitimate and extremely REPUTABLE business owner I am proud to say I live with myself just fine. Again I will deal with Rip-Off on a personal level as I'm sure many Company owners have. I look forward to my rebutal being posted in upholding my reputation as a business owner. Thank-You,


Cat Town,
"Qrchid" Is Slanderous should question the author's validity in the truth of this matter simply due to having used a "stolen identity".

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, April 17, 2005

Hello. I work for K & K Productions, and my name is Orchid. I am the General Manager of the company and I am absoluetly mortified that this has been reported in a bastardization of my name. I have no inside information on the contents of this "Rip-Off Report", but I can tell you that I do NOT appreciate my name being used in connection with this matter. Anyone reading this report should question the author's validity in the truth of this matter simply due to having used a "stolen identity". It has come to my attention that for a small moment, the "accused" company's owner thought I may have written this report. Thankfully, the "accused" thought about it further and knew I would never have written such a thing. If for no other reason for my rebuttal, this is what concerned me the most. I only wanted to make anyone concerned aware that I, Orchid with an "O"...have nothing to do with this issue, and I am abhorent to the fact that the "accuser" could not use their own real name, and had to use a "version" of mine to make whatever point they are going for. It's terribly unprofessional, and gives question to the validity of the accusation, in my opinion. Very Sincerely,


WHAT in ther World !!! she was NOT a Dispatcher there

#15UPDATE Employee

Sun, April 17, 2005

This is the CRAZIEST thing I have ever heard in my life. I have known Cindy for YEARS now. I knew her while she worked for K&K and she was NOT a Dispatcher there. She did work as relief for the dispatcher there once and awhile. But her Focus in life was K&K Productions. NEVER waviering in loyality to Macey EVER. She left on amicable terms not stealing clients or behind anyones back. Things end and things start anew everyday this was no different. This person that is talking with NO knowledge has not a clue in their head. The Reason Cindy left Macey is NONE of our business and I would say, it would not have been shared with this person in any shape or form. I thought to give an honest report they would have to have some type of REAL evidence to hold up what they say. RPM services has been the GREATEST PhoneSex company I have ever worked for. That is same statement from other seasoned girls also. Paychecks come on time and I have NEVER had to worry about it. That can not be said of past companies. RPM is a family, you are treated with respect and genuine care. As for her Hiring poor people in bad situations. Hey you applied for a job she does not have prior knowledge of your situation. That is like saying she is a mind reader. That statement is FAR from truth, yes some are struggling, but some are normal blue collar workers, students or hot mommas wanting a stay at home job. Apparently, this person has issues in her life and wants to blame others for her faults. Also, I am not her daughter or an family relation. That statement right there sounds petty. I am her employee that, has worked with her in the past and for her now. More then a month. I know that RPM pays the HIGHEST to their employees per ratio of what they charge their clients. Also they are one of the LOWEST charging company in Adult Industry. You can look on sites to compare that to others. SO that is part of over charging is BULL !! Also how can she know this fact ? She is not a dispatcher nor does she take care of billing, so how does she know of this to say this ? If you have issue with pay why are you gossiping to another co-worker? Why not be an adult and talk it over with your boss ? This statement comes from a Deanna a pissed off employee that is being vindictive, from a mistake she made. Talk about Cindy Supposely taking Clients. This person took money from a client on false pretenses and when was told that was not right, we get this from her. She is being revengeful that RPM cared about her safty and knows she can not give out personal information and this is what she did along with another employee Amanda recieveing money on the side from clients after being sent to them as a client for RPM and then Lying about it after getting caught. Lets get this story straight this report has NO creditablity to it at all,and comes from 2 revengeful, hurtful ex-employees. 2 that had issues to start from, that were stealing from the company, never being reiable & Liars.

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