  • Report:  #68211

Complaint Review: S L Marketing - Colorado Springs Colorado

Reported By:
- rochester, New Hampshire,

S L Marketing
3355 Academy #338 Colorado Springs, 80917 Colorado, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I received a letter in the mail saying our office will send you a weekly paycheck for $590 to $2,900! $10.00 per letter, stuffed and returned to us. We ship you all envelopes and letters to be stuffed. Pay checks mailed out on Tuesdays, so that you will recieve them by friday. Start now! And make this year your best year ever for making maoney! Don't get left out! Give us a try.

They go on to say they are looking for honest reliable people. They require your last four digits of your s.s.# as a code you have to put on the envelopes you send out. They have a registration fee of $12.00 to start and then they send you another form telling you to choose a group 1,2,3 and there is a certain amount of money for each group 59 envelopes cost $59.00. $79 or $129. There is no signature all it says is "Sincerely, the president/ S.L. marketing."

They only give you 10 days to send in the money. Then you get kicked off.

To every one out there beware this sounds like a few others I have read about just under a different name. I don't know that for sure. I am speculating but this sounds just like M.T. marketing.

Always check ripoff report before doing anything I know I will from now on.

Thank you for being here for us.


rochester, New Hampshire

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