  • Report:  #91647

Complaint Review: Safety Technology Aka Unique Worldwide Services World Pro - Burmingham, AL, Nashville, TN, Atlanta, GA, Chatanooga, TN, Alabama

Reported By:
- Boise, Idaho,

Safety Technology Aka Unique Worldwide Services World Pro
Its A Mailboxes,ETC Location On Ivernes In Burmingham, AL Burmingham, AL, Nashville, TN, Atlanta, GA, Chatanooga, TN,, Alabama, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was new to Atlanta and fell for the antics of Mark Mingolo and his Safety Technology (aka Safety Pro, and Unique Worldwide Services) garbage.

One office allegedly brought in $25,000-$30,000 per month. Averaging $27,500 multiplied by 9 offices of Safety Technology alone, that I knew of, is $243,000 per month in "sales" that innocent, hard-working people got duped into selling the BOGUS fire safety equipment to their friends, family, neighbors, and spouse's co-workers (as in my case)...that's some $2,916,000 per year, of them conning people into selling products that DON'T EXIST!!! There are NO BACK ORDERS...NO SHIPPERS...there is NO WAREHOUSE!!! Their "home office" address is to a Mailboxes, Etc. They don't just get their mail there ...I was told several times that address was the location of the Home Office.

Look for their ads in major market newspapers in highly populated areas. Attend their orientation and pay $75.00 for your background check (which they NEVER DO). See the bogus fire extinguishers in action -- all very compelling...then pick a city where you want to open YOUR office...There are NO NEW OFFICES going to be opened by any of you, you'll never make enough (their checks bounce!), sell enough, learn enough, or pay enough to make this happen!!!!! They'll even encourage you to take out a loan to "make it" to your GOLD Pin! But what you'll find there at your "final step" meeting with King Rip Off (Mark Mingolo) is an invitation for you to pay only $6,000.00 more to open your office. What they're truly looking for are those as crooked as they are, that is, low enough and evil enough to join the REAL ranks of their CON ARTIST group!!!!!

Still skeptical??? Who are you going to believe that a snake will bite and it could be deadly...the snake, or the guy that just got bit!?!

The only restitution I will be happy with is to see Mark Mingolo, Tim McAdams, Julianne Dedovich, Jamie and Mike Jenkins, and their "Accountant" in PRISON for FRAUD, EXTORTION, Labor Law violations, etc., etc. And you can bet that I, for one, am not sitting back whining about it and doing nothing. They only think they're getting away with all of it...they've got another think coming!!!!!!! The powers that be are SO on to them, ...it doesn't matter where they go or whom they continue to rip off -- sooner than later they'll all be someone's little cellmate bitches!


Atlanta, Georgia

4 Updates & Rebuttals


West Hartford,

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 06, 2006

FROM THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT'S ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE. HEY - FRIENDS AND RELATIVES OF JENKINS AND MINGOLO - YOU MUST BE PROUD OF YOUR BOYS. Connecticut Attorney General's Office Press Release State Wins Injunction Against Sale Of Unauthorized Fire Safety Equipment, Issues Arrest Warrant On Company Office Manager August 17, 2006 Attorney General Richard Blumenthal and Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) Commissioner Edwin R. Rodriguez today announced that the state has won a temporary injunction prohibiting Advanced Safety Solutions, LLC from selling unauthorized fire safety equipment. The state is also pursuing a civil lawsuit against the company for the violation and other misrepresentations it made to consumers and trainees about electronic defense weapons and its management training program. A criminal arrest warrant is pending against company office manager Michael Jenkins for selling the illegal fire extinguishers. State police are seeking to execute the warrant. Advanced Safety Solutions, a New Jersey company with offices in Berlin, New Britain and formerly in Hamden, markets and sells fire safety products including fire extinguishers, fireproofing material, smoke detectors, electronic defense weapons and personal defense pepper and tear gas spray. The company illegally sold or marketed fire extinguishers and a flame proofing and fire retardant product - "Flame Pruf" - that were never tested or approved by a nationally recognized laboratory, as required under state law. Advanced Safety Solutions also falsely claimed that Flame Pruf was approved by the California Fire Marshal. "This company's false claims induced consumers to rely on illegal fire extinguishers to protect their homes and families," Blumenthal said. "We have stopped this company from illegally selling devices that could do more harm than good. Their lawbreaking extinguished public safety and public trust more than flames. Failing to secure proper testing and rating for its products, and then purposefully mislabeling them, unconscionably put innocent lives at risk. All consumers who purchased such fire safety equipment should immediately contact my office. "The company operated - in effect - a pyramid scheme that also victimized trainees who were induced to rely on false promises of high profits. "Connecticut law requires that fire extinguishers be tested, rated and listed by a nationally recognized laboratory approved by the state fire marshal. Consumers should look for labels that show clearly that the device meets these requirements, including ratings by an approved laboratory such as United Laboratories (UL), using standards from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). The label should also indicate the particular type of fire that may occur such as electrical or grease." Rodriguez said, "Advanced Safety Solutions appeared to also be operating a deceptive marketing and hiring scheme to lure participants as trainees with promises of high earnings and rapid advancement to management level positions. The trainees were required to sell this unsafe fire safety equipment to family, friends and neighbors in order for them to be able to meet their sales quotas and be eligible for a promotion. Their whole business model from 'soup to nuts' has the makings of an ideal sham." The state's lawsuit also alleges that, even though it is a criminal offense to carry electronic defense weapons, Advanced Safety Solutions falsely told consumers that such weapons could be carried for personal protection, or that permits could be obtained to carry them. The company also allegedly misled its trainees about several matters, including pay rate amounts, promotions and fees that it charged for background checks. -----------------



#3Author of original report

Mon, May 24, 2004

Lewis in Atlanta-- If the company is so great, why did they close down the Atlanta office??? Because so many people were catching on to their game! You had $7,000 worth of product delivered??? What a LIE...and if not, PROVE IT. And even if they did deliver on your stuff, I still personally know of over $20,000 worth that they DIDN'T deliver on ...so my statement stands. The fire extinguishers are NOT approved for home use! Contact the United Labs (UL) as I did, they'll tell you the same as they did me. The UL Approval codes and stickers are being used without authorization! PLUS You can get the EXACT same fire alarms at WAL-Mart for $3.00 -- "but a 10 year warranty!", you say?...what a joke! WAKE UP!!!! They're not going to be anywhere in 10 years! They can say whatever they want to make a sale! And yes...I stand corrected on the Safety Pro -- however, those at the BAD BUSINESS BUREAU had already corrected the now NEW name used by the same con-artists...as recently reported on Atlanta's channel 5, which is WORLD PRO.(But YOU wouldn't know this, Lewis, since they're using that one in another state) A 'plan for a new name' announcement was made by Mark Mingolo in December 2003, wow, the 6th or 7th new name he's had to come up with since 1998...I think they put the word PRO in there to represent their true identity -Professional Rip Offs! NICE PEOPLE -- HAAAAA HAAAAA HAAAAA!!!!! Of course they were nice ... you were making THEM money!!! I went in the same time as the newer manager I believe you are speaking of -- who, incidently, was roped in as much as I was, and really was a nice guy, and he really tried to make the most of a wierd situation -- some of the newer managers (only 3 made it in the entire Safety Tech the 4 months I was there) have so much of their own personal funds tied up, they just wanted to get it back. And I know for a fact that his paychecks bounced too! And, he never got his OWN office as we were promised, because he refused to put in the add'l $6,000 after he reached his GOLD PIN. I was at Bronze. Yeah, I'm sure they know exactly who I am...I don't care. I can tell you this...they'd better know that I have a hell of a lot more than just "Channel 5 on my side"! And I'm not talking lawyers, either! I know that NONE of my orders will ever be delivered. My first order was in September 2003 and the last order was placed in November 2003...and this is nearly June. NOT ONE ITEM HAS BEEN DELIVERED!!!!!! That's NINE MONTHS, LEWIS!!! YOU CAN MAKE AND DELIVER A BABY IN NINE MONTHS -- AND THEY CAN'T DELIVER ONE d**n FIRE EXTINGUISHER!?!?! Did you ever wonder why a 10 week delivery was placed on orders? Think about it...you sell, study, and sell more, and by the time your first customers start complaining about non-receipt of products, you're already past the time you should have been in your office and are getting tired of being put off, and put off, so you have to seek employment elsewhere. (ie: "sell this much and you'll be in your office by the end of next week, or the end of this month, or ....sound familiar to anyone???) Before you know it, 10 weeks has come and gone. Then, your customers begin to call the company, can't talk to anyone -- so they call you...after all, they're your family, friends and neighbors -- that's how they want it. (They think it'll take the heat off of them). It was finally admitted to me that no one even gets to meet with the VP until they've sold a mimimum of $10,000 - $12,000 --and then he'll have another "challenge" for you and you must sell that amount before you can even THINK of meeting with Mark Mingolo -- that's when HE asks for the additional $6,000 ------ a FAR cry from the so called $2,000 in sales we were required to tell people they "needed to sell to learn the sales aspect of the company, in order to be able to teach" the sales team we would be over when we get into our own office...(Ahhh, the elusive, dangling carrot!) So Lewis, even if the office were still open in Atlanta, you were not even close to getting your GOLD or your office at $7,000 in sales! They're still taking advantage of people and their trust and hard work. And yes, I know about the "$500 sign-on bonus" to cover the so-called "30 hours" we were supposed to spend in learning our office management skills. My point was that I spent a hell of a lot more time than 30 hours driving new hires to meetings, opening the office for one of the managers that was too hung over from the Wednesday night meetings to get his butt to the ofice on time, working the phones, delivering the scripted orientation, interviewing, and hiring people. I was used and not you or anyone else on this planet can tell me I expected something for nothing. I worked may a** off! I just couldn't lie to people anymore -- so when a stack of some 350 pages of rip off reports and complaints was put in my lap just before Christmas, you can bet I spent a good 6 hours pouring over them...and when I called for my commission checks for just under $4,000 in sales I hadn't yet recieved (yes, a measly $400 I was owed was ALL the $$ I was counting on to have some sort of Christmas for my family) DID I GET IT????? ---NO!!!!!!! The SOB's ripped me off FOR CHRISTMAS!!! You might mess with me, but you don't mess with my family. They're probably still laughing about it. That's what they did when someone had to drop out--they LAUGHED! Well, I don't consider that I dropped out, Lewis ... I got my sight back and finally saw the scam for what it was...A SCAM! But like I said before, their days are numbered.


Lewis your are a messed up individual just like all the otheres You need to go to a mental hospital and have your head examined

#4UPDATE Employee

Mon, May 24, 2004

Lewis I don't know who you are and how do you say something for nothing What about all these people who ordered stuff three months ago and still have not gotten it. I have put a little over 5900 dollars in this f ---ed up company and I have now received any of the stuff that I ordered and what about talking to anyone with the company HA HA that's a joke. You can't get any of them to return your phone call. So what do you think about that. Yeah I believed in this company and I put 100% into it just like any one else. I had high hopes and dreams of finally getting to move to the city that I have dreamed of going to but guess what LEWIS? It crashed and burned just like this bogus company. Sure if Mark could prove to me that it wasn't bogus then yeah I would apologize for everything that I have said. But where was Mark at when the problems started. Could he not be man enough or should I say could he not stand up for the company like a president should instead of closing everything down without anyone knowing what was going on. Where was he? Did he believe in the company? Obviously not!!!!! If it was my company I would have answered the complaints or at least stould up for my company. No doubt he is a smart man and I know that he could start another business with no problem but how long will it last? If you yourself don't stand up for your company and employees. instead you try to make it look like it was all us. That we didn't know our stuff well let me tell you I knew all my stuff from top to bottom. Not memorized but I knew it. I knew my manager's manual from front to back. But no I was stupid just like all the others I didn't know anything. Mark if you would have focussed on getting the people their offices that knew there stuff instead of those who sold the most them maybe the company would have owrked. I came into this job to learn what I needed to learn to be a manger not be a sales person. If I wanted to do slaes I would apply for a sales position. Mark will not even return phone calls he wants to down other people for not returning his calls well he doesn't return any one's calls either so Mark I hope you read this or someone tells you about it. I wish all of you well and I hope you get everything that you deserve. Any of you that I have been close to during my time with Safety Technology you can e-mail me at [email protected] or call me anytime. Most of you have my number. Even those that I got very close to and then they don't know where our relationship stands He can call me too because your answer to the question that you aked is yes. You know who you are and know what I am talking about.


still want something for nothing

#5UPDATE Employee

Sat, May 22, 2004

Why is it that you want some things for nothing. yes, you should and propably will recieve your products. i recieved all the proudcts that i sold, about 7000 worth. you should not be compenstated for 150 hours of office time, you did not get paid by the hour, the contract specifically said that you got paid the commision and signing bonus. if you did not get paid the commisions, then that is what you should recieve from them, not all the hours. and just for the record, safety pro is an organazation that is in no way related to safety tech/unique. that company is based in california and is owned by a man named hirschburger. but like a lot of things, you point fingers before you know anything. it is unfortunate that the company is no longer around, but i am still a supporter of the opportunity and what is stood for. i dont know why you cant take it for what happend, it did not work out, but all these people you mentioned are not crooks or con artists. they are regular people like you and i. i still talk to my manager all the time. they are nice people.

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