  • Report:  #434647

Complaint Review: Sandra Franco Fairy Tail Puppies - Mission Texas

Reported By:
- page, Nebraska,

Sandra Franco Fairy Tail Puppies
.fairytailpuppies.com Mission, 78573 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
First I better explain why I haven't already posted. This happened 4 years ago and I have not had internet access.

Anyway, I saw a dog on puppyfind, and cintacted the breeder. I wanted to know if she was a mini, if she was show quality and registered.I wanted a dog who was raised in the house with kids, so I made sure to ask her if the dog was well socialized. I paid $250 plus shipping for her. I also ended up sending an additional $150 because she claimed a payment didn't show up. So actually I paid $400 for a total lie.

When the dog arrived, It was coated in pee. totally soaked. I went to let her out of the carrier at the airport but she was, I found very scared. She exhibited avoidance behavior, complete with extreme submissive urination when I tried to coax her out of the crate. I wasn't going to make her stay in a pee soaked carrier for a long ride home, so I pulled her out and was allowed to give her a quick rinse while we were at the airport.

She was 15 pounds, and not AKC registered. She came with CKC papers. She was terribly proportioned and would never have even placed in a show. She was obviously abused as she was terrified of people.

I called Sandra upon returning home. Where she said "She was raised in the house until she was 8 weeks old, then moved to the kennel" That's not raised in the house with kids, or well socialized, to me! and then she told me one parent was a mini and one was a standard. So what I got was a tweenie. Not at all what I wanted. This poor dog had problems from the beginning.

When I got her home, I put her in her crate after letting her out to potty on a leash. Which she was also terrified of. Then I put her in her crate-soon quickly discovered that the dog only felt safe in her crate. when I would let her out, she would, EVERY time, urinate on the floor. It took me 6months to gain her trust. If she saw a man walking toward our yard,she would clear a 6foot fence to escape from him. My husband was never able to enjoy her company because she would hide from him.

Then she attacked one of my other dogs the first time she went into heat. The puppy that was attacked had to be rushed to the vet for emergency care. She did it to 2 more puppies in the next couple years when she had gone into heat and not noticed. Then she killed a $1000 male dog when she wasn't even in heat. I had her put to sleep not too long after because I wasn't going to have it happen again. I felt sorry for her and wanted to give her a chance at a good life, but it didn't work out the way I wanted.

Sandra Franco is a liar, and a cheat. She is what I would call a puppymill. After all she sent me a dog I never would have bought had she been honest. And she knew it.


page, Nebraska


16 Updates & Rebuttals


Glad you had a good experience

#2Author of original report

Fri, May 29, 2009

I did not. She did have a blanket in her carrier but it was soaked in pee. Trust me, I have seen puppy mills and I have seen good breeders. The entire point was she lied about everything with the dog. I do know that if the dog had been treated well she would not have come off the plane the way she did. NO dog I've ever gotten had reacted this way to ANYONE! I loved her very much in spite of the problems and I wanted to try and help her. that's why I didn't put her to sleep right away.I wanted to give her a chance. So yes, I will continue to consider her as a puppy mill based on my own experiences. I beleive she has a good online "cover." A GOOD breeder would have told a buyer if the dog had any issues or if it was not what a buyer was looking for. I am not going to excuse her for what she did to me, but I am willing to say that she may be a good person who decided to do something that wasn't right in an effort to unload a dog that she didn't want-made a mistake. But my experiences with her do not support that possibility. she lied through her teeth through the entire transaction. all the way through to delivery. when I called ckc they said they consider mini to be under 9 pounds! so she definitely knew the dog wasn't mini when she had stated she was. The internet is a big place. I did not even KNOW about this site in order to file this report right after the problems, and then I moved to a place where I had no internet access. I also do not drive. you people that had a good experience with her I am glad for you. I did not, and you have no right to imply that my experience was not bad just because of those of you who actually had good experiences with her. She told me the dog had AKC papers, but she came with CKC. and all the other things that I will not rehash yet again.



#3Consumer Comment

Tue, May 26, 2009

As I sit here and type this, my mini 1 1/2 year old doxie, Idgie, is snuggled up all nice and warm next to me on my couch! My husband purchased her for me for our anniversary from Fairytail Puppies back in October of '07! She is WONDERFUL and ALWAYS has been! When we got her, we picked up from the airport AS SOON AS she landed!! She arrived in her pink lil' crate with her pink flannel blanket JUST FINE!!! She was not soaked in urine or scared to death! She came out of it just fine!!! We drove home with her snuggled up around the back of my neck & she has been lovable ever since!! We have 2 children and a male pitbull!!! She has NEVER shown ANY type of aggressiveness toward any of us! Infact, we couldn't believe how well behaved she was when we got her!! She knew what No meant right away!! We DID have her fixed as soon as she started to show signs of going into heat just because we didn't want the mess! Our purchase and payment with Fairytail Puppies was flawless!! We have recommended MANY people to them since. We would definately purchase from them again! Our Mini Doxie is a LOVEABLE SWEET dog!! It is just VERY sad that you have to sling their name through the mud! Your Ripoff Report is very "UNBELIEVABLE"!


No Credibility to this Report

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, May 24, 2009

Your complaint against Fairytail Puppies has no credibility. It took you 4 years to file this because you didn't have internet access. Well you did have internet access in order to find and purchase this puppy. If you had been so upset as I would have been you certainly would have found a way to report this sooner than 4 years. Also if I had a dog that attacked other dogs every time she was in heat she would have been spayed. Since you chose not to do that then certainly the responsible thing to do would to have been very careful about knowing when she was coming in. To just leave a group of dogs all together not knowing who is in heat and not sounds more like a place I would be concerned about than someone who places a puppy in the kennel when it is 8 weeks. Sounds like she kept her dogs safe. Sorry you didn't do the same. Because dog are kept in a kennel does not mean puppy mill. You need to see a puppy mill before you start accusing responsible breeders. Have you seen her facility? If you have not then you should watch the labeling. I am sure you would appreciate the same from others towards you.


THe things you're saying are wrong and you don't know me

#5Author of original report

Thu, May 21, 2009

{You complain because you have several dogs and apparently don't understand the dynamics and the issues that will arise with having multiple dogs, particularly those whom are NOT fixed and there is the added dynamic of the hard-wiring of this breed (bred for badgers)} I do have several dogs and do understand pack dynamics. One of which some squabbling is acceptable since they're only working out hierarchy. But when it turns to actively attacking and ripping through flesh, there's something wrong. And I do understand what they were bred for. That still has no bearing on a vicious attack on a PUPPY. None of my other dogs have EVER attacked and almost killed a puppy while establishing dominance. not even my unfixed dogs. {and then you put her down for your shortcomings? Seriously? You put her down?} Yes I do blame her.You did not see this dog, nor were you involved from first contact on. { You didn't notice when she came into heat?} Yes, I did, but didn't expect her to try and KILL a puppy! and the 2nd time I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL! I hadn't been able to get her away from the others because I was not home. {A show quality dog for peanuts?} Can't help what she told me. And I have actually gotten show quality dogs for $250 and $350. Good dogs don't go for much around here. {When you have so many problems with people you really have to start to wonder if it's really everyone else. Or did I completely misunderstand this report? *just my opinions*} And I don't actually have many problems with people. I have purchased from many people and still have good relationships with them, and sold to many people who stay in contact. many have come back for a 2nd or 3rd puppy. Many e-mails between me and sandra were friendly-it didn't go downhill until I had seen what she sent me. the dog really was a nervous wreck. I tried to help her, but she had been too far gone socially. there's no need to judge me, as you do not know me. This is my true experience with this seller. I wish it could have gone better with her but it did not. She does at least need to refund the extra money I sent her.


THe things you're saying are wrong and you don't know me

#6Author of original report

Thu, May 21, 2009

{You complain because you have several dogs and apparently don't understand the dynamics and the issues that will arise with having multiple dogs, particularly those whom are NOT fixed and there is the added dynamic of the hard-wiring of this breed (bred for badgers)} I do have several dogs and do understand pack dynamics. One of which some squabbling is acceptable since they're only working out hierarchy. But when it turns to actively attacking and ripping through flesh, there's something wrong. And I do understand what they were bred for. That still has no bearing on a vicious attack on a PUPPY. None of my other dogs have EVER attacked and almost killed a puppy while establishing dominance. not even my unfixed dogs. {and then you put her down for your shortcomings? Seriously? You put her down?} Yes I do blame her.You did not see this dog, nor were you involved from first contact on. { You didn't notice when she came into heat?} Yes, I did, but didn't expect her to try and KILL a puppy! and the 2nd time I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL! I hadn't been able to get her away from the others because I was not home. {A show quality dog for peanuts?} Can't help what she told me. And I have actually gotten show quality dogs for $250 and $350. Good dogs don't go for much around here. {When you have so many problems with people you really have to start to wonder if it's really everyone else. Or did I completely misunderstand this report? *just my opinions*} And I don't actually have many problems with people. I have purchased from many people and still have good relationships with them, and sold to many people who stay in contact. many have come back for a 2nd or 3rd puppy. Many e-mails between me and sandra were friendly-it didn't go downhill until I had seen what she sent me. the dog really was a nervous wreck. I tried to help her, but she had been too far gone socially. there's no need to judge me, as you do not know me. This is my true experience with this seller. I wish it could have gone better with her but it did not. She does at least need to refund the extra money I sent her.


THe things you're saying are wrong and you don't know me

#7Author of original report

Thu, May 21, 2009

{You complain because you have several dogs and apparently don't understand the dynamics and the issues that will arise with having multiple dogs, particularly those whom are NOT fixed and there is the added dynamic of the hard-wiring of this breed (bred for badgers)} I do have several dogs and do understand pack dynamics. One of which some squabbling is acceptable since they're only working out hierarchy. But when it turns to actively attacking and ripping through flesh, there's something wrong. And I do understand what they were bred for. That still has no bearing on a vicious attack on a PUPPY. None of my other dogs have EVER attacked and almost killed a puppy while establishing dominance. not even my unfixed dogs. {and then you put her down for your shortcomings? Seriously? You put her down?} Yes I do blame her.You did not see this dog, nor were you involved from first contact on. { You didn't notice when she came into heat?} Yes, I did, but didn't expect her to try and KILL a puppy! and the 2nd time I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL! I hadn't been able to get her away from the others because I was not home. {A show quality dog for peanuts?} Can't help what she told me. And I have actually gotten show quality dogs for $250 and $350. Good dogs don't go for much around here. {When you have so many problems with people you really have to start to wonder if it's really everyone else. Or did I completely misunderstand this report? *just my opinions*} And I don't actually have many problems with people. I have purchased from many people and still have good relationships with them, and sold to many people who stay in contact. many have come back for a 2nd or 3rd puppy. Many e-mails between me and sandra were friendly-it didn't go downhill until I had seen what she sent me. the dog really was a nervous wreck. I tried to help her, but she had been too far gone socially. there's no need to judge me, as you do not know me. This is my true experience with this seller. I wish it could have gone better with her but it did not. She does at least need to refund the extra money I sent her.


THe things you're saying are wrong and you don't know me

#8Author of original report

Thu, May 21, 2009

{You complain because you have several dogs and apparently don't understand the dynamics and the issues that will arise with having multiple dogs, particularly those whom are NOT fixed and there is the added dynamic of the hard-wiring of this breed (bred for badgers)} I do have several dogs and do understand pack dynamics. One of which some squabbling is acceptable since they're only working out hierarchy. But when it turns to actively attacking and ripping through flesh, there's something wrong. And I do understand what they were bred for. That still has no bearing on a vicious attack on a PUPPY. None of my other dogs have EVER attacked and almost killed a puppy while establishing dominance. not even my unfixed dogs. {and then you put her down for your shortcomings? Seriously? You put her down?} Yes I do blame her.You did not see this dog, nor were you involved from first contact on. { You didn't notice when she came into heat?} Yes, I did, but didn't expect her to try and KILL a puppy! and the 2nd time I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL! I hadn't been able to get her away from the others because I was not home. {A show quality dog for peanuts?} Can't help what she told me. And I have actually gotten show quality dogs for $250 and $350. Good dogs don't go for much around here. {When you have so many problems with people you really have to start to wonder if it's really everyone else. Or did I completely misunderstand this report? *just my opinions*} And I don't actually have many problems with people. I have purchased from many people and still have good relationships with them, and sold to many people who stay in contact. many have come back for a 2nd or 3rd puppy. Many e-mails between me and sandra were friendly-it didn't go downhill until I had seen what she sent me. the dog really was a nervous wreck. I tried to help her, but she had been too far gone socially. there's no need to judge me, as you do not know me. This is my true experience with this seller. I wish it could have gone better with her but it did not. She does at least need to refund the extra money I sent her.


100% behind Ace

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, May 18, 2009

I was around the dog from day one. From day one I tried to get Ace to either get this dog either returned or euthanized. Why? Because it was an obviously abused animal. Scared of everything, tried to bite everything, you could tell it was not socialized AT ALL! We have always had animals of every discription, even some that needed rehab, and never had I been around a dog with such deep seated terror (of EVERYTHING). We have 4 german shepherds here, kids play with them, lay on them etc, and never have any problems. The dog Ace is talking about would ALWAYS try to bite kids and other dogs that she was around every single day. It was also obvious that Ace was lied to about the age and breed of this dog. At the supposedly 8 weeks old this dog was, she was bigger and had more adult teeth than an 8 week dog would have of the type it was supposed to be. Ace had raised other dogs of the kind she was supposed to be, and we knew this wasn't the same. Even the vet did'nt like the dog and thought she was a very unstable dog and an aggression problem and this vet loves and knows dogs and. This is not a breeder war, this is just a case of a bad seller. Seller told buyer that at 8 weeks she doesn't keep them in the house, she puts them out in the kennel. To the other responses, all I can say is, wow, did you ever luck out. I'm not trying to start anything, just stating what I saw.


Sorry I just don't beleive your good review, and No this is not a breeder war.It's simply an "I don't like being lied to"

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, May 18, 2009

I do not have issues because the dog was not trained. I am upset because she said the puppy was socialized. All puppies should be socialized at that age. She was clearly NOT socialized, which I was told she was. training and socialization is 2 different parts to the same end. NO puppy is fully trained when someone buys it. I was told the dog in question was a miniature, and upon receipt she admitted it was not. one parent was standard and one was miniature. I was told the dog was house raised. When I called after getting the dog, she admitted she put it outside in a kennel after 8 weeks. That is NOT house raised. The dog was terrified of people from day one. She didn't trust anyone. She would pee all over herself if ANYONE approached her. And at the airport, I don't care what cushy things you say you saw, because she was soaked in pee and very cold when she arrived. she didn't look comfortable at all. How do you explain sandra saying she moved the dog to the kennel at 8 weeks if supposedly she had all of them in the house? She told me she couldn't keep them all in the house. 3 other people were on the phone in my house when I called her. we only have one line so it was easy. And I have the vet records to show 2 of my other dogs being treated for bite wounds because of her. I don't keep dogs that bite. And I Sent her another $100 because she claimed that one never made it. and she inadvertently admitted it in an e-mail shortly after.


Sorry I just don't beleive your good review, and No this is not a breeder war.It's simply an "I don't like being lied to"

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, May 18, 2009

I do not have issues because the dog was not trained. I am upset because she said the puppy was socialized. All puppies should be socialized at that age. She was clearly NOT socialized, which I was told she was. training and socialization is 2 different parts to the same end. NO puppy is fully trained when someone buys it. I was told the dog in question was a miniature, and upon receipt she admitted it was not. one parent was standard and one was miniature. I was told the dog was house raised. When I called after getting the dog, she admitted she put it outside in a kennel after 8 weeks. That is NOT house raised. The dog was terrified of people from day one. She didn't trust anyone. She would pee all over herself if ANYONE approached her. And at the airport, I don't care what cushy things you say you saw, because she was soaked in pee and very cold when she arrived. she didn't look comfortable at all. How do you explain sandra saying she moved the dog to the kennel at 8 weeks if supposedly she had all of them in the house? She told me she couldn't keep them all in the house. 3 other people were on the phone in my house when I called her. we only have one line so it was easy. And I have the vet records to show 2 of my other dogs being treated for bite wounds because of her. I don't keep dogs that bite. And I Sent her another $100 because she claimed that one never made it. and she inadvertently admitted it in an e-mail shortly after.


Sorry I just don't beleive your good review, and No this is not a breeder war.It's simply an "I don't like being lied to"

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, May 18, 2009

I do not have issues because the dog was not trained. I am upset because she said the puppy was socialized. All puppies should be socialized at that age. She was clearly NOT socialized, which I was told she was. training and socialization is 2 different parts to the same end. NO puppy is fully trained when someone buys it. I was told the dog in question was a miniature, and upon receipt she admitted it was not. one parent was standard and one was miniature. I was told the dog was house raised. When I called after getting the dog, she admitted she put it outside in a kennel after 8 weeks. That is NOT house raised. The dog was terrified of people from day one. She didn't trust anyone. She would pee all over herself if ANYONE approached her. And at the airport, I don't care what cushy things you say you saw, because she was soaked in pee and very cold when she arrived. she didn't look comfortable at all. How do you explain sandra saying she moved the dog to the kennel at 8 weeks if supposedly she had all of them in the house? She told me she couldn't keep them all in the house. 3 other people were on the phone in my house when I called her. we only have one line so it was easy. And I have the vet records to show 2 of my other dogs being treated for bite wounds because of her. I don't keep dogs that bite. And I Sent her another $100 because she claimed that one never made it. and she inadvertently admitted it in an e-mail shortly after.


Sorry I just don't beleive your good review, and No this is not a breeder war.It's simply an "I don't like being lied to"

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, May 18, 2009

I do not have issues because the dog was not trained. I am upset because she said the puppy was socialized. All puppies should be socialized at that age. She was clearly NOT socialized, which I was told she was. training and socialization is 2 different parts to the same end. NO puppy is fully trained when someone buys it. I was told the dog in question was a miniature, and upon receipt she admitted it was not. one parent was standard and one was miniature. I was told the dog was house raised. When I called after getting the dog, she admitted she put it outside in a kennel after 8 weeks. That is NOT house raised. The dog was terrified of people from day one. She didn't trust anyone. She would pee all over herself if ANYONE approached her. And at the airport, I don't care what cushy things you say you saw, because she was soaked in pee and very cold when she arrived. she didn't look comfortable at all. How do you explain sandra saying she moved the dog to the kennel at 8 weeks if supposedly she had all of them in the house? She told me she couldn't keep them all in the house. 3 other people were on the phone in my house when I called her. we only have one line so it was easy. And I have the vet records to show 2 of my other dogs being treated for bite wounds because of her. I don't keep dogs that bite. And I Sent her another $100 because she claimed that one never made it. and she inadvertently admitted it in an e-mail shortly after.


FairyTailPuppies Restores My Faith

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, April 15, 2009

I have dealt with breeders of chihuahuas for 8 years. I love all my beautiful girls. I have one that was born deaf and another which has degenerative joint disease, diagnoised at 6 months old. They were not purchased at at FairyTail Puppies. I did not go back to the other breaders. They are special and excepted for their kind and gentle hearts. I was surfing the web sites for Chihuahuas for sale. I looked at all the puppies, read all the happy buyers, all the puppies who had gotten new home, and all the information Sandra provided for the care and welfare of the breed. I called Sandra and I talked to her about Basil. All the preliminary things were taken care of. I drove to Mission Texas to pick up Basil. Sandra, does not run a "puppy mill", the puppies were in baby travel beds, they were clean, if a puppy wet, the pee pad was quickly changed. All the beds were in her house. Sandra's daughter, and grandchildren were taking puppies out of the beds, holding the puppies, and depending on the age of the puppies age appropriate play time. Some of the beds had puppies but no Moms. I asked Sandra, where the mothers were, she stated "they are getting their personal time". There was a bed that did not have any puppies, the puppy was a single birth, so when his mother went out for personal time, the little guy was put in the next bed with another litter of puppies, so he would not be alone. They get the best start in life. Basil is not yet a year old. She is healthy, out going personality, and loving. All my girls love each other, they do not fight, they even eat side-by-side. Sandra, is always a phone call away 24 hours a day. In a week or two I will be making another trip to Mission Texas to pick up my new baby girl. Sandra, is a wealth of knowledge of the breeds she provides to loving homes. I wish, when the lady called regarding the puppy's weight, she would have mentioned how the puppy was acting. There could have been a better outcome. Carolyn

Devilsadvocate4education*just My Opinions*

Las Vegas,
Comes off like a 'breeder war' or 'troublemaker' post

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, April 09, 2009

You wouldn't be the same person whom is infamous for filing reports and causing problems when it comes to dachshunds would you, or are you another person? You don't mention breed, but you DO mention tweenie. Unless a dog has to be rushed from the airport directly to a vet (and does not involve hypoglycemia) that usually comes off as 'for dramatic' effect'. As for the rest? You complain that your puppy did not come fully trained? You complain because you have several dogs and apparently don't understand the dynamics and the issues that will arise with having multiple dogs, particularly those whom are NOT fixed and there is the added dynamic of the hard-wiring of this breed (bred for badgers) and then you put her down for your shortcomings? Seriously? You put her down? Appalling, and that's on you. You didn't notice when she came into heat? A show quality dog for peanuts? Give me a break. I know of at least 2 doxy reports from 'ace'. Both leave MUCH to be desired and reflect very poorly on the person filing the report, the fact that there are two even more so. I do admit that after going to what I believe is this person's site that I would never, ever sign that contract as it is posted and therefore purchase personally based mainly on the health issues covered and/or not covered among things but feel these reports say more about the OP than the person complained on at this point. When you have so many problems with people you really have to start to wonder if it's really everyone else. Or did I completely misunderstand this report? *just my opinions* http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/432/RipOff0432060.htm

Devilsadvocate4education*just My Opinions*

Las Vegas,
Comes off like a 'breeder war' or 'troublemaker' post

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, April 09, 2009

You wouldn't be the same person whom is infamous for filing reports and causing problems when it comes to dachshunds would you, or are you another person? You don't mention breed, but you DO mention tweenie. Unless a dog has to be rushed from the airport directly to a vet (and does not involve hypoglycemia) that usually comes off as 'for dramatic' effect'. As for the rest? You complain that your puppy did not come fully trained? You complain because you have several dogs and apparently don't understand the dynamics and the issues that will arise with having multiple dogs, particularly those whom are NOT fixed and there is the added dynamic of the hard-wiring of this breed (bred for badgers) and then you put her down for your shortcomings? Seriously? You put her down? Appalling, and that's on you. You didn't notice when she came into heat? A show quality dog for peanuts? Give me a break. I know of at least 2 doxy reports from 'ace'. Both leave MUCH to be desired and reflect very poorly on the person filing the report, the fact that there are two even more so. I do admit that after going to what I believe is this person's site that I would never, ever sign that contract as it is posted and therefore purchase personally based mainly on the health issues covered and/or not covered among things but feel these reports say more about the OP than the person complained on at this point. When you have so many problems with people you really have to start to wonder if it's really everyone else. Or did I completely misunderstand this report? *just my opinions* http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/432/RipOff0432060.htm

Devilsadvocate4education*just My Opinions*

Las Vegas,
Comes off like a 'breeder war' or 'troublemaker' post

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, April 09, 2009

You wouldn't be the same person whom is infamous for filing reports and causing problems when it comes to dachshunds would you, or are you another person? You don't mention breed, but you DO mention tweenie. Unless a dog has to be rushed from the airport directly to a vet (and does not involve hypoglycemia) that usually comes off as 'for dramatic' effect'. As for the rest? You complain that your puppy did not come fully trained? You complain because you have several dogs and apparently don't understand the dynamics and the issues that will arise with having multiple dogs, particularly those whom are NOT fixed and there is the added dynamic of the hard-wiring of this breed (bred for badgers) and then you put her down for your shortcomings? Seriously? You put her down? Appalling, and that's on you. You didn't notice when she came into heat? A show quality dog for peanuts? Give me a break. I know of at least 2 doxy reports from 'ace'. Both leave MUCH to be desired and reflect very poorly on the person filing the report, the fact that there are two even more so. I do admit that after going to what I believe is this person's site that I would never, ever sign that contract as it is posted and therefore purchase personally based mainly on the health issues covered and/or not covered among things but feel these reports say more about the OP than the person complained on at this point. When you have so many problems with people you really have to start to wonder if it's really everyone else. Or did I completely misunderstand this report? *just my opinions* http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/432/RipOff0432060.htm

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