  • Report:  #249569

Complaint Review: Scott Lockwood Esq. - Deer Park New York

Reported By:
- New York, New York,

Scott Lockwood Esq.
1600 Deer Park Avenue Deer Park, 11729 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
MisconductComplaints.com...Please join us for a public protest that will be held in front of the Supreme Court in New York County and in front of the Law Office of Scott Lockwood,Esq. at 1600 Deer Park Avenue, Deer Park, New York protesting attorney fraud and misconduct.

The aim of this protest is to once again bring this continuing major problem to the attention of our legislature and to propose a bill that will give every citizen access over the Internet to all complaints filed within any Grievance Committee.

The benefits of this is to gain speed in (1) obtaining information about an attorney's pattern of behavior, (2) to help make an educated decision in which attorney to hire, which decision in many cases must be made in 20-30 Days from the time a person is placed on notice that they may need an attorney, (3) to overcome the burden of making an official request to the Appellate Division to have access to a complaint against an attorney because that is the only way to gain access, and (4) to break down the "Vail of Secrecy" created by the courts. This is the age of the Internet that can be used to protect us all from misconduct.

We will also be handing out flyers and taking suggestions on the creation of a public non-profit website where anyone and everyone can submit complaints about an attorney and upload documentary evidence as proof. One complaint may not be very effective; but numerious complaints and the documentary evidence uploaded can establish a pattern of behavior in proving misconduct, which inturn can be used to protect innocent individuals who would otherwise step into a situation that could cause them harm.

Even if our legislature does not give us the right to view these complaints filed within the Grievance committee, we can empower ourselves by submitting a copy of our complaints to this non-profit website that will be available to everyone.

The website will have the domain name: www.MisconductComplaints.com

A non-profit website being created to protect innocent citizens from misconduct by professionals within the legal industry.... by the people and for the people.

View photos from our last protest in front of the Supreme Court in New York County against attorney fraud and misconduct at the following link:


Thank You,


[email protected] (PERSONAL INFO REDACTED)


New York, New York

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2 Updates & Rebuttals


#2Author of original report

Mon, October 12, 2015



UNBELIEVEABLE!!! ..... Scott Lockwood is a filthy dispicable lying human being. Read what Scott Lockwood did and you will understand why. Also, Judge Baisley, JR was so disgusted by Scott Lockwood's and his associates behavior that not only did the Judge dismiss his defamation lawsuit against me and continued my counterclaims against Scott Lockwood but the Judge referred his associate, Beth A. Rosenthal, who was representing Scott Lockwood to the Grievance Committee.....read on:




(1) My sister was having financial problems and difficulty feeding her children and paying her bills. So, with the kindness of my heart, I let my sister enter my business and I gave her 50% of my profits. I also gave her access to all my client files. 


(2) My sister got greedy and she wanted all my business so she stole my business records and she hired Scott Lockwood to help her steal my clients from me. Scott Lockwood then start contacting my clients  with my sister and telling them that my sister and he were taking over all my accounts (Scott Lockwood wanted my sister to give him my clients' business). My sister then starting FRAUDULENTLY having my clients checks mailed to her in North Carolina to a P.O. Box and fraudulently cashing my clients checks and stealing my fees. 


(3) I sued my sister, Valerie, in Federal Court and Scott Lockwood started defending her while continuing to help her steal my clients. Because I amended the Federal Complaint and added a NY defendant with my sister, I lost jurisdiction in the Federal Court. So under the recommendation of the Federal Judge, I sued my sister in the NY civil Court and in the District Court of Long Island I filed a counter-claim against my sister and Scott Lockwood. Scott Lockwood filed a frivolous defamation lawsuit against me in the District Court of Suffolk County to drag me back and forth from long island. I won a $16,0000 Judgement against my sister in the Civil Court. And the District Judge DISMISSED Scott Lockwood's lawsuit against me and the Judge ALLOWED my counter-claim to proceed against my sister and Scott Lockwood. PLUS, the Distrtict judge was so disgusted with what he read and the conduct of Scott Lockwood and his associate with my sister, the Judge referred the associate to the Grievance Committee within his Court Order!  Once I defeated Scott Lockwood in his lawsuit, I ALLOWED my counter-claims to be dismissed on failure to appear at a preliminary conference because I did not want to give Scott Lockwood the joy of seeing me travel back and forth to long island as he wanted. And I just did not want to be bothered with that loser. I got his lawsuit dismissed via mail and without stepping one foot in Long Island.


New York County Civil Court    CV-004996-07/NY   Active  MEHMET B DAVID  B. DAVID MEHMET  VALERIE THOMPSON-HALL 


In the District Court's Order dated May 20, 2007, which dismissed Scott Lockwoods defamation lawsuit against me, Judge Paul J. Baisley, JR. in his disgust of the conduct of Scott Lockwood and his associate Beth A. Rosenthal with my sister, stated quote "the court feels the prudent course of action to take is to refer this matter to the Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District. Accordingly, a copy of this decision will be forwarded to the Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District to take whatever action it deems appropriate".


It is rare that a Judge would refer an attorney to the Grievance Committe unless that attorney's conduct was so shocking that the Judge was compelled to refer the matter to the Grievance Committee from the Court's bench and in a Court Order! And this is more proof from a Judge that Scott Lockwood is a dispicable human being and a confirmed liar. 


You can pull up the decision under "Supreme Court" at https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/webcivil/ecourtsMain

Suffolk     017698/2006   Disposed  LOCKWOOD, SCOTT, ESQ.,   BETH A. ROSENTHAL, P.C.   MEHMET, BADISSE DAVID &   BADISSE DAVID MEHMET - Prose  07/02/2007 DCM-JUSTICE   M




(4) Notice how this idiot Scott Lockwood posted a link to a NY Supreme Court lawsuit against a client of mine that confirms he and my sister were stealing my client files and contacting my clients. That lawsuit against one of my clients was caused by Scott Lockwood and my sister when they contacted that client and gained her assistance in stealing all my client files. The Judge did NOT rule that there was NO defamation. The Judge ruled that the Defendant was protected by an "Absolute Privilege" from any defamatory remarks she made because the client made the defamatory statements during the pending Federal Action and the subject matter was relevant to that federal action.



"Assuming without deciding this statement is false, the court considers the subject matter of this statement pertinent to the federal court litigation. Therefore, the statement is absolutely privileged."


(5) Notice how Scott Lockwood does NOT tell you that my Federal lawsuit was dismissed because I added another defendant who was a resident of New York, which distroyed the Federal Court's jurisdiction. The Judge recommended that I file the lawsuit in State Court, which I did. At which time, I won a $16,000 Judgement against my sister, had Scott Lockwood's lawsuit against me dismissed while my counter-claims survived against Scott Lockwood and had his associate Beth A. Rosenthal referred to the Grievance Committee by Judge Baisley, JR of the Third District Court of Suffolk County, NY



You know you are a filthy disgusting lying human being.....I DARE YOU TO SUE ME FOR DEFAMATION because you know I am telling the truth and I will have your defamation lawsuit dismissed again and this time, I will not let you off so easy on my counter-claims. You filthy liar.....My sister, Valarie, is ready to testify against you again and she has already admitted in writing and apologized to me what you two did to me, you scum. 

Scott Lockwood

North Babylon,
New York,
Complaint by adversary

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 12, 2015

This complaint is not by a former client of mine, but an adversary in litigation. Mr. Mehmet brought a series of lawsuits against individuals which I got dismissed. When he started losing the claims, he then began resorting to tactics such as these to intimidate me and further his cause. It did not work as the links below show. The actions were dismissed.



Apparently, if you cannot win in the litigation, you slander the opposing atorney. Mr. Mehmet has posted a number of similar items about me online.



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