  • Report:  #376865

Complaint Review: Shane Thans Gemini Property Services - Springfield Massachusetts

Reported By:
- Springfield, Massachusetts,

Shane Thans Gemini Property Services
80 Alden Street Springfield, 01109 Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Shane Thans is a guy you do not want to hire if you want the job done right by an honest person who won't take short cuts to save money. He will take short cuts and do things the incorrect way and still charge you the full price even if it means in a few months all the work he did will create major issues in your home.

He performs plumbing and electrical work without a license in the state of MA and that is illegal as the law states he needs to have a license to perform such work. He has done both plumbing and electrical work in homes incorrectly that could have caused people to lose their homes had they not caught the errors when another contactor was hired to finish Shane's job due to the fact that he abandons his work when he receives any kind of payment.

This guy also has multiple warrants for his arrest and uses many alias names such as Gary Thans, David Thans and Bill McGrath. I suggest before hiring anyone, check their license or some sort of ID to make sure you are not hiring Shane Thans. He likes to be paid under the table to avoid not only paying taxes from he owes the State of MA money for child support because a few of his children in the custody of DSS. He puts all of his belongings that have monetary value in his brother's name to once again avoid paying taxes and the state for child support. He drives a white Lumina van and DOES NOT have a valid driver's license. He will promise you that he can do the job and always bid lower than all the other contactors you met with, he then request a down paymentonce he receives it, he disappears! He do not call the customer and when you try to call him, he will threaten you!

There are times where he will begin the job as some people will tell him that they will not pay until half the job is done, once he gets half way through the job, he will receive some payment and once again, he will disappear, never to be heard from again! This guy also is the Chapter President of Fathers Supporting Fathers in MA..he scams people there as well. He takes their donation and uses it for his personal use. He will give you nothing but headache and he knows how to play the game well as scamming people is what he does for a living! He will tell you he can do whatever job it is you have and then go home and look it up on the internet to figure out how to actually do the work he was hired to do.

Just do yourself and favor and DO NOT HIRE HIM! I know of several people he has taken advantage of and we will not give up until he gives us our money back!! Please if you see this guy; call the cops so he can be taken into custody for his warrants. He never shows up in court because he is afraid of being arrested. So instead, he never goes and the warrants just keep stacking up.

Wont give up

Springfield, Massachusetts


30 Updates & Rebuttals

U R Scum

Indian Orchard,
Speak it!

#2Author of original report

Fri, March 05, 2010

Thank you for clarifying once again all of his lies!  What happened in court and why was he in there again?  He wants people to cool it because we are letting the world know how much of a low life he is and again...the truth is the truth...no way to sugar coat it...so no we will not cool it because every single comment made about you on this site is FACTS!  You can probably ignore the things you have done to hurt others but you sure cannot run from it because it WILL ALWAYS follow you.

You are a low life father who uses his children for his own profit and if you want people to help them you should have asked for the money or donations to go directly to them because you CANNOT contact them.  But instead, it was another opportunity for you to get something without moving from your computer. 



The lies never stop

#3General Comment

Wed, March 03, 2010


First off, I can and will continue to raise donations of any kind to help my children.

Get a job! That's what men do. They don't sit on a computer asking others to support their children. Men work. They support their children they buy them things. They feed and clothe them. Did mention they work! Real men don't sit on a computer applying for food stamps and free government phones for them self's. All of which are paid for with tax dollars. Tax dollars come from working people. Working and Tax dollars go hand and hand. You might have heard about it.

Secondly, I lost a lot in the fire, my furniture was there as well as tools,electronics and clothing,TV's, air conditioners and much more.

In the divorce he never asked for anything. Not one thing. How can he now say he lost anything? Using your children's hardship to get something for free is sick and pathetic. The lowest of all.

My belongings were on the first floor, I was unable to retrieve my possessions before the fire broke out. It has been a year or more. Who leaves anything of value that long? Remember he NEVER asked for anything in the divorce.

But this is not about me, at least as far as I am concerned, it's about my children.

If you look back the second sentence is about him and what he supposedly lost. Only took one sentence before he talks about himself. If it's all about the children then where is the child support? What exactly have you done for your children. Nothing, absolutely NOTHING! Never have. Why don't you tell us all how it is that you don't see anything wrong with not sending a DIME to your children? Not as child support or even when they are in dire straights? You don't have the right to use the words My children

The walmart and other stores are located closer to them than me, and I have no use for gift cards.

The stores are close to him and the only ones he mentions are in his area. Who doesn't have a use for a gift card? That's just bizarre!

These are wild accusations from a person who has to hide there identity and attack me, whats wrong with you? I am trying to help my family.

Trust me nobody cares where the information comes from. They care that it's the truth. I wonder if he ever mentions that not one of his children want anything to do with him. Not one!

Real tough eh? a keyboard cowboy aren't ya? They have not received anything from me yet because I have not recieved anything yet.

What about reaching into your own pocket? Pathetic. Let me see if I get this right. People that you don't know haven't sent you things to give YOUR children. So your children have nothing because of other people? I'm not sure there is even a word to describe someone like you.

Why would I post the kids sizes if this was for me?

I seriously doubt that was done.

restraining order, and that is relevant how?

A restraining prevents abuse. Unfortunately it can't stop someone from trying to live off others tragedy's. If you can not contact someone or use someone else to contact them then why would you try to get donations for them? That clearly shows they are for yourself.

This is either Nick or Cindy, either way, cool it.

Cool it? Do you mean stop telling people the truth?


What is your problem?

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, March 02, 2010

First off, I can and will continue to raise donations of any kind to help my children.
Secondly, I lost a lot in the fire, my furniture was there as well as tools,electronics and clothing,TV's, air conditioners and much more.

My belongings were on the first floor, I was unable to retrieve my possessions before the fire broke out.

But this is not about me, at least as far as I am concerned, it's about my children.
The walmart and other stores are located closer to them than me, and I have no use for gift cards.
These are wild accusations from a person who has to hide there identity and attack me, whats wrong with you? I am trying to help my family.

Real tough eh? a keyboard cowboy aren't ya? They have not received anything from me yet because I have not recieved anything yet.
Why would I post the kids sizes if this was for me?

restraining order, and that is relevant how?
This is either Nick or Cindy, either way, cool it.


Can he get any lower?

#5General Comment

Mon, March 01, 2010

 The SCAMS never stop! Now he is online trying to get donations for his Ex-wife and kids. He is asking people to send them to HIM! First off HE lost nothing in the fire. His children lost everything. The same children he should be paying child support for. A child support order that is LESS than $20.00 a WEEK! That he does NOT pay! Secondly there is a Restraining Order in effect. He CANNOT contact her or the children. Nor can he contact them through someone else. So why is he asking the donations to go to him? You simply cannot get any lower then this. You would think instead of sitting on a computer all day and night asking OTHER people to help your family you would go out and get a JOB! Of all the Christmas presents these children received and lost due to fire NOT ONE was bought by him. Now he wants donations to go to HIM! It's sick. He also is not telling people that he has to go to court on March 4th to face violating a restraining that his ex-wife has on him. It has now been what 11 days and they have received NOTHING from him! Instead he sits on his computer crying like he is the victim. One of his posts asks for gift cards for Walmart or Jcpenny. Funny those are the stores in HIS area. His family on the other hand has access to almost any store you can name. So why is he just asking for those two? Absolutely SICK! On one of the MANY online fund raising sites he states I am raising funds for my family who lost everything WE OWNED to a house fire recently AGAIN he lost nothing his children did. Check it out before he removes it. Www.smartraise.com/firehelp He is also trying to sell Speakers on Craigslist using the fire. GET A JOB SHANE!

Some Facts

His answers are far from the truth

#6General Comment

Sun, February 21, 2010

Shane states he has been in this line of work more than 20 years. Fact: He would be hard pressed to show 3 tax years he has filed his WHOLE life. He said his brothers helped him in his job. One of those brothers he speaks of is on social security. Does social security know he's working? The truth is NOT and NEVER will be Slander. He has yet another court date in March.

Wont give up

Indian Orchard,
I feel sorry for you!

#7Author of original report

Tue, January 26, 2010

Knowing the loop holes in the justice system does not make you NOT GUILTY...it makes you a very good crook. Your lawyer found a loop hole and used it but we both know you are a slimy crook and despite how many people you have defend you on this site...you have never made an honest living a day in your life. You feed yourself from ripping off others. We both know you threatened my family and I when we stood up against you. Because of you we had to put surveillance cameras around our house and notify all of our neighbors including one who is a cop and my mother in law who now lives next door for you and anyone you may send to our home to harm us. You spent your entire life in and out of jail Shane for petty to very serious crimes but maybe one day you will wake up and give up the ripping off innocent homeowners who actually work for their money. You may think you have won and you did in court because of a loop hole but I actually feel sorry for you because you have nothing in your life to actually be content about or proud of. You knew enough when advised by your attorney to take the case to trial that you were going to get off because if you hadntthe first judge was going to throw you right in the slammer because he saw through you and this world needs more judges like himthe ones who do not have pity on people that are lower than dirt and those who does not try to improve their lives but continue to waste tax payers money by being arrested consistently throughout the year.


The Mini-Pin

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, December 31, 2009

Thanks for the comments! I do not know how the Dog (Ziggy) is,my wife, er ex wife stole the dog along with everything else in my house. I miss that dog so much, but if I get a chance I will stop by,You can contact me via (((Redacted)))

Yea, these 3 people have a grudge and I have to deal with it...
Happy New Yea!

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Not Guilty

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, December 22, 2009

Just to update this accusation was found not to be credible and I was found NOT GUILTY in my trial.



#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, December 22, 2009

First of all, I was NOT arrested for non payment of anything.

I was found NOT GUILTY of the other case brought against me by the customer, NOT GUILTY.

I have to wonder why it is that the people commenting here are all women, and all with an axe to grind!

I know you all talk on facebook, and perhaps myspace, but you should know of the way my ex wife spoke of you "wales" people until it suited her needs to talk to you again.

So, unless you have something to say about a job or work that YOU hired me for, I am telling you to cease and desist immediately
from all comments regarding my personal life and current situation, as well as all comments regarding my work unless you have first hand personal knowledge of such comments.

No comments are to be made concerning anything other that work performed by me , and by no other person then the person the work was performed for.

All defamatory and damaging statements including but not limited to;
My personal family, including my children and my ex wife
Any and all personal attacks and all claims not related to factual occurrences regarding my work ethic and any work performed by me that you have personally hired me to perform.

Legal action will follow if this letter is ignored.

Shane Thans

Some Facts

To: Just a comment


Tue, September 15, 2009

 You should have asked "How is the PEN" Being that he was arrested on 9/12/09 Both for NONpayment to the customers he stole from and for assaulting his soon to be ex wife (While a restraining order was in effect)   Sounds like a real good guy to me.


Just a comment


Fri, September 11, 2009

Im sure everyone has problems and sure that Shane was able to satisfy all his clients, but this wont give up person really takes it to the limit.  Youre definitely on a mission.


Ive known the person in question for a bit now.  Meet him thru my neighbor (work he did for him).  Did some minor things for me, and was to do a renovation for me.  He did mention he was not able to do plumbing and or electrical and referred me to some local license person for the job. 


So Shane how is the mini-pin?  Good luck with everything.  If in the area drop by and bring the pin.

Wont Give Up

Indian Orchard,

#13Author of original report

Mon, June 29, 2009

Well I tip my hat off to you since you are probably the only customer he has satisfied...furthermore...that phrase "no harm, no foul" is one that Shane uses a lot and I have emails to prove it...so Shane, nice try with trying to clear your name but numerous customers know for a fact that YOU DO NOT hire licensed professionals to do any electrical or plumbing work because you have performed them yourself and screwed it up costing the customer a lot of money when she needed to have it ripped apart and fixed! It is nice to see you are working since you are not paying the money to the 2 customers that you were ordered to pay through small claims!

Tony C

Did a GREAT job for me!

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, June 21, 2009

The guy you speak of, Shane, he has done a lot of work for me. I have had no problems with his work, or his craftsmanship. He is a little slower than most, however I discovered that he is extremely picky and fusses alot about details so he works slower. He has on occasion not shown up, but we were able to communicate and no harm no foul. He has fished off a 2 family apt for my, first and second floor, new floors in kitchens and bathrooms, he hired licensed plumbers and electricians for the work he was not allowed to do by law. We did go over budget a little, but that was partly me changing plans. He also did all the new walls and ceilings as well as tiled both shower stalls. I am very happy with his work and his helpers. He has always been polite, and professional in dealings with me and my family. I had him fish all the work in my new office and my second office as well. floors, painting, carpentry, he does it all, and does it well! I have nothing but PRAISE for this man and feel sad that a handfull of people can set out to destroy a man like this. I will hire him again! Tony

Wont Give Up

Indian Orchard,

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, December 10, 2008

Don't forget to begin making your payments as the court ordered you to do so...ta ta!

Wont Give Up

Indian Orchard,

#16Consumer Comment

Wed, December 10, 2008

Don't forget to begin making your payments as the court ordered you to do so...ta ta!

Wont Give Up

Indian Orchard,

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, December 10, 2008

Don't forget to begin making your payments as the court ordered you to do so...ta ta!

Shane Thans

Real Smug Eh?

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, December 09, 2008

Get over yourself. I have the postings from craigslist with all the times and dates you posted, but you knew that, as I reported it to the personel dept long ago. I

Wont Give Up

Indian Orchard,
FOrgot 1 thing

#19Consumer Comment

Tue, December 09, 2008

The BBB case was not filed in your favor...it was closed because I was contacted after you spoke to them and because I did not agree to your bogus reply...there was nothing else they could do because they are not mediators and they suggested I file a claim with small claims...so you please get your story straight and keep my job out of this...check the times I posted my comments before you begin more lies and rumors....see you in court today!

Wont Give Up

Indian Orchard,
Actually...It if amusing

#20Author of original report

Tue, December 09, 2008

I think myself and your previous unsatisfied customer has done our part to make certain other customers are aware of your loose/fradulent business practices. I will leave it up to the courts to deal with you now because regardless of if you think a case is going anywhere...your were summons to court and did not show....has GUILT written all over it! I have documents to prove everything that went on in the few painful weeks you were in our home....do you? I don't think so because with your last customer you showed up with a folder that had a calculator, pen and paper in it. Have fun ripping off other customers who do not search your name on the internet

Shane Thans

LOL? You find this amusing?

#21REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, December 08, 2008

1. First off, my ex wife has posted nothing, my ex-girlfriend from 25 years ago is whom I speak of, get your facts right. 2. You say they repainted the home with the same BRAND of paint, yea, but I will bet you did not supply them with EXTERIOR paint for the INTERIOR of your home, and then want ME to fix YOUR mistake. 3. Now you change your story, you knew about the issues with your father-in-law, I spoke to you about these and you assured me that you spoke with him. 4. I really did not think this would go to this point in the courts, that's why I did not show up, but I will be there tomorrow, that's for sure. You act like I owe you for your mistake, and after I went above and beyond to satisfy you once the mistake was discovered, I had to cut my losses, and you got mad and decided to sue me. Your defamatory and slanderous remarks on the Internet are the reason I sent you a cease and desist letter, and you chose to ignore it. You first sent your complaint to the Better Business Bureau, and they contacted me, I spoke with them, told them my side of the story, they found in my favor, you were mad that you lost and filed the case in the courts. And I find it intresting that you can use the Springfield College's time and computors to post things on craigs list and here while working, must be more important then your job.

Wont Give Up

Indian Orchard,

#22Author of original report

Mon, December 08, 2008

Let me just make a few intelligent points here.... 1- If you were so right in what you did at my home...why did you not show up to the small claims case? 2- I was not at home when you were left with my father in law and I do not believe you were running his errands or pouring him drinks...but even if he asked you, you and your workers (who I did not hire by the way bc you assured me your company was a one man business and you do all your work...ALONE!) could have said no....because after all...you all are grown men. 3- The things I know about you were plastered all over the internet and if your ex-wife posted them then hey...I guess you crossed her too 4- Your comment that was emailed to me was obviously enough for the DA's office to file criminal charges against you so save the crap that comes out of your mouth on a daily basis and deal with the issues you have created. 5- We had someone repaint our home with the same brand of paint...and guess what....they did and awesome job and we have no issues. 6- I did not target anyone....I was giving some advice to homeowners that would save them the headache you put me and your other customers through.

Shane Thans

Funnie Indeed??

#23REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, December 06, 2008

The criminal charges YOU filed because of a comment, a METAPHOR that I posted in reply to your post in which you listed my ein number, I was the only person using a ein number so yes you targeted me. I did not threaten you, and I know you have talked to the ex as you have mentioned certain information that could only have come from her. Let me remind you, you picked the paint, you supplied the paint, I told you from day one I did not like the paint you supplied, I felt there was a problem with it, you assured me that you and your husband did extensive research on it and it is what you wanted on your walls. I clearly stated that I was not responsible for the materials supplied by the customer, I spent more time trying to make you happy, after a week and several coats of paint it my decision to cut my losses, I spent more time and labor cost's on the job, which by the way was a discount price to start with. You put tape on the cans covering the label, I may have noticed it was exterior paint if not. I made no money on the job, 3 people painting, dealing with your drunk father-in-law who was "supervising" us, sending my guy to the store for lottery tickets and mixing him drinks while I was on a store run for materials. The paint job was performed as stated it would be in the contract, 2 coats of paint, not my fault you picked the wrong paint and then wanted me to continue to repaint again after you got the correct paint. I even went as far as to help you get the correct paint for FREE from the paint store. I worked until 2am one day trying to make you happy. I stand by my decision.

Wont Give Up

Indian Orchard,
Funny indeed

#24Author of original report

Mon, December 01, 2008

Hi Shane You forgot to mention that you are going to court today 12/1/08 for a pre-trial on criminal charges because you like to threaten your unstaisfied customers and oh yes I love the "legal action is pending" because unlike you, I don't make threats about taking legal action and not do it. I know my rights and based on your lengthy crimnal record....you have none. Like many other professional painters said....if you were a professional, you would have known the difference between exterior and interior paint. And as for your EX....all I have to say is grow up....I have no clue who this woman and have not spoken to her a day in my life. I see you still continue to live your life based on lies and misconceptions.

Shane Thans


#25REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, November 23, 2008

This person supplied the paint, I stated clearly in my contract I was not responsible for materials supplied by the customer. She supplied exterior paint for interior walls, she covered the labled with tape to designate what paint was for which rooms. she has befriened my ex, and has posted lible,defam and slanderous remarks, legal acion is peneding. she has posted the slanderous and inflamatory remarks and false information here in this report, the other people she mentions in the report are my Brothers, and they are pursuing legal action as well. I have a long list of happy stisfied cudstomers, funnie how after over 20 years in this line of work, these two reports are the ONLY ones filed,and so close to each other... hmmm makes ya wonder just exactly what the motivavtion is. Shane Thans Owner


To Nanniesway: I have to agree with "Won't Give Up"

#26Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

They (won't give up), and we have every right to report about our factual experiences we have had with Shane Thans and what he told us! If he is representing your company, http://home.comcast.net/~fsf.mass/ then you should also be concerned. We have already been duped out of thousands of dollars from this man. If, by reporting him on this website, we help another homeowner/person from getting swindled, then it was worth it. He does nothing but lie (while trying to defraud); I believe after having dealt with him that he is a pathological liar and he does it well. In person, he portrays himself as having had a hardluck life but that he learned from it and is a "good" person now because of what he went through. He will lead you to believe that he is a hardworker, family man and a guy just trying to get by by working hard for his money by putting in an honest day of work . This is not even close to the truth! People like himself don't really change; only time does. He created the life he leads; ONLY he is responsible for his actions! HE also told ME that DSS told him that if he would procure a full time job that showed his earnings on paper (not under the table as he does now) and he went for a urine test weekly, then he could possibly get his 3 boys back from the state. Now, that does not seem like a hard thing to do to me. Of course, to him it is! He won't do it!!! Why?? Because, there is more to it than that. Then, he would have to pay bills as the rest of us do, he will have to leave the house and stop playing online games and watching his soap operas, he might "god forbid" get his paychecks garnered for all the swindling that he has done and maybe he is afraid of the "test" and what they might find in it!! I believe that he cannot live like this forever........all con men get caught sooner or later, and his past will come back to bite him and he will eventually be held accountable for all that he does to other people. I just wish that more people that got duped out of their money from Shane would find out about this website and take the time to write about him! He needs to be stopped!!!!!!!

Wont Give Up

Indian Orchard,
Sorry Nannieways

#27Author of original report

Wed, October 15, 2008

According to the guidelines on this site we cannot post "Rumors, speculation, or innuendo unless you have personal knowledge that your statements are true;" I can exercise my rights of freedom of speech as long as what I am stating is true. Your President loves to run his mouth to his customers and unfortunately has talked one too many times about the scam artist he is so everything I am posting on this site is not from "hear say" but came directly from your President's mouth. So before you get your legal department to shut up the people who has been scammed by this man, you should use that same money, which I am sure are donations as his site indicates that donations are also used for legal fees, maybe you should get them to do some research on your President and figure out just how much money he has stolen from your company. Furthermore, it does not say much about your company to have a man like that as your President giving his background. When the state takes away most of your children as they did him, you have to sit back and wonder what kind of person/parent he is. They obviously have proof that he is an unfit father or else his chidlren would not have been in custody for as long as they have been. This is the man who represents your company...that is a joke!! An unfit father who cannot take care of his children and hides all his belongings with any value under the name of his brother to avoid ppaying the state for taking care of his children. Our country sure loves to have people like that represent us...NOT!

Wont Give Up

Indian Orchard,
Sorry Nannieways

#28Author of original report

Wed, October 15, 2008

According to the guidelines on this site we cannot post "Rumors, speculation, or innuendo unless you have personal knowledge that your statements are true;" I can exercise my rights of freedom of speech as long as what I am stating is true. Your President loves to run his mouth to his customers and unfortunately has talked one too many times about the scam artist he is so everything I am posting on this site is not from "hear say" but came directly from your President's mouth. So before you get your legal department to shut up the people who has been scammed by this man, you should use that same money, which I am sure are donations as his site indicates that donations are also used for legal fees, maybe you should get them to do some research on your President and figure out just how much money he has stolen from your company. Furthermore, it does not say much about your company to have a man like that as your President giving his background. When the state takes away most of your children as they did him, you have to sit back and wonder what kind of person/parent he is. They obviously have proof that he is an unfit father or else his chidlren would not have been in custody for as long as they have been. This is the man who represents your company...that is a joke!! An unfit father who cannot take care of his children and hides all his belongings with any value under the name of his brother to avoid ppaying the state for taking care of his children. Our country sure loves to have people like that represent us...NOT!

Wont Give Up

Indian Orchard,
Sorry Nannieways

#29Author of original report

Wed, October 15, 2008

According to the guidelines on this site we cannot post "Rumors, speculation, or innuendo unless you have personal knowledge that your statements are true;" I can exercise my rights of freedom of speech as long as what I am stating is true. Your President loves to run his mouth to his customers and unfortunately has talked one too many times about the scam artist he is so everything I am posting on this site is not from "hear say" but came directly from your President's mouth. So before you get your legal department to shut up the people who has been scammed by this man, you should use that same money, which I am sure are donations as his site indicates that donations are also used for legal fees, maybe you should get them to do some research on your President and figure out just how much money he has stolen from your company. Furthermore, it does not say much about your company to have a man like that as your President giving his background. When the state takes away most of your children as they did him, you have to sit back and wonder what kind of person/parent he is. They obviously have proof that he is an unfit father or else his chidlren would not have been in custody for as long as they have been. This is the man who represents your company...that is a joke!! An unfit father who cannot take care of his children and hides all his belongings with any value under the name of his brother to avoid ppaying the state for taking care of his children. Our country sure loves to have people like that represent us...NOT!

Wont Give Up

Indian Orchard,
Sorry Nannieways

#30Author of original report

Wed, October 15, 2008

According to the guidelines on this site we cannot post "Rumors, speculation, or innuendo unless you have personal knowledge that your statements are true;" I can exercise my rights of freedom of speech as long as what I am stating is true. Your President loves to run his mouth to his customers and unfortunately has talked one too many times about the scam artist he is so everything I am posting on this site is not from "hear say" but came directly from your President's mouth. So before you get your legal department to shut up the people who has been scammed by this man, you should use that same money, which I am sure are donations as his site indicates that donations are also used for legal fees, maybe you should get them to do some research on your President and figure out just how much money he has stolen from your company. Furthermore, it does not say much about your company to have a man like that as your President giving his background. When the state takes away most of your children as they did him, you have to sit back and wonder what kind of person/parent he is. They obviously have proof that he is an unfit father or else his chidlren would not have been in custody for as long as they have been. This is the man who represents your company...that is a joke!! An unfit father who cannot take care of his children and hides all his belongings with any value under the name of his brother to avoid ppaying the state for taking care of his children. Our country sure loves to have people like that represent us...NOT!


Kansas City,
Shane Thans and your comments

#31Consumer Comment

Wed, October 08, 2008

I am responding to "Won't Give Up" - I would appreciate in your report that you take our organization off of your comments. This matter is between you and your contractor not our organization. You are not a member or a part of FSF and or G4J and have no reason to bring us into this forum. If this is not changed by the end of the month, our legal department will be notified. Thank You! Margie Blackburn - Director of Grandparents 4 Justice & Fathers Supporting Fathers. Inc.

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