  • Report:  #1259295

Complaint Review: Sizzler - Downey

Reported By:
Ms. Lucas - Los Angeles, California, USA

10315 Lakewood Blvd Downey, 90241 USA
(562) 861-8612
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Report Attachments

  My 10/3/2015 visit to the 10315 Lakewood Blvd. Downey, CA. Sizzler will be my final visit there or any Sizzlers EVER AGAIN. The manager left me traumatized. I will never be able to forget the mistreatment, embarrassment and the feeling that he was inciting an attack on me by humiliating me, defaming me in front of other customers and staff without just cause. I will never get over it. I am severely, emotionally hurt beyond repair. All because of a 12 oz. steak!!! I had been there a few times before with my family in the past. I had been there a few times just myself and husband in the past. This occasion: myself and my husband. Order: 12 oz. steak well done- mine. 6 oz. steak well done, unlimited shrimp-husbands. 2 salad bars, 2 beverages.

  We sat, we didn't visit the salad bar as we always wait to have our mains first. Didn't mind waiting the 30+ minutes. The waiter kindly placed the plates on our table, then left, I cut into the steak on one end and it was completely raw. I thought that the end part probably didn't get cooked, because it probably stuck out of the cooking area or something mischievous like that. I could live without a small uncooked section. I cut another slice. It was the same, and another; still raw.  I cut right down the middle of it and it was raw, it was only seared on the surface, but pulsating raw inside. I saw the manager, I ushered him over. He saw the 'well done' wooden marker on the plate. Saw the steak. He apologized and took it to the kitchen. I said "Thank you" 20 minutes later a different waiter came over with it. This waiter saw that I had no utensils (the knife and fork was left on the plate when it was taken) He said he would be back. He came back. 10 minutes later. On his way to get me some eating utensils the waiter went from table to table first, in and out of the kitchen which was visible from where I was sat. He brought the utensils, I politely thanked him and he walked away. I saw the sliced pieces of steak were severely dehydrated now. I was going to cut into the remaining bigger piece and have that, and bid farewell to the dehydrated overcooked slices and not mention it.

  I cut into the bigger salvaged piece only to discover it was now a medium rare. I don't eat meat unless it's cooked right the way through. I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels this way. I waited until the waiter came by again which took about 15 minutes. My plate was taken a second time.

My husband didn't want to eat his food without me having mine, I insisted that he eat, he discovered that his steak was also raw. He transferred the raw steak to a salad bar plate and walked his plate over to the kitchen, the manager took his plate to have it cooked. Waiter comes back with my steak. I needed utensils again. I saw the slices are now charred. Beyond recognition. Didn't touch that. The very last 2 inch piece was actually gristle. I gave up, what could be done? The steak pieces each be given an IV line? Get them rehydrated? Doubt it. The waiter came back with utensils, I politely made him aware of the now ruined condition; with fine detail, of the once beautiful 12 oz steak. He said "I'm so sorry about that" I said kindly, that it wasn't at all his fault.

  I asked to speak to the manager, I wanted to raise awareness as he could prevent this from happening again. He offered me another steak. I had seriously lost my appetite by then- he offered me my money back. He asked to see my receipt. I showed him, I had a two finger grip on it and he tugged gently once, he let go, without taking it. I'm certain that people everywhere know that without a receipt, your purchase is meaningless if you were to lose it. He had a good look at the receipt. I'm sure he knew what a 12 oz. steak is worth also.

   Suddenly he says in the scariest, most threatening tone of voice "In about 2 seconds you will get nothing" I was bewildered and said in a very confused voice "Wow, where did that come from?" Instantly he began yelling at me, pointing at me, calling me 'a racist' customers watching as he yelled; I asked him, "Why am I a racist? What have I ever done?" He threatened to call the police and have them there in less than 2 minutes (Would he state such a false urgency for police services to show up?) He continuously called me a racist as I calmly explained that I was surprised that he would threaten me due to the receipt? I was shaking. He could have started a riot. He walked away, brought back $11 claiming that he was charging me full price for the salad bar; I told him that "I didn't visit the salad bar, what would compel me to stay to eat after what he's done?" He then claimed he was going to give me the rest of my money back. He walked away, we got up and walked away from that traumatic prolonged event. I was there for well over an hour to be subjected to a poorly cooked steak, with a side of abuse and slander. By the way, I am multi ethnic/ multi-racial.

  I stand at 5 feet 2 and am a petite female. You can only imagine the way I feel, being put in such an undeserving situation, being mistreated, yelled at by a 6 foot 2 'man'; being called names that I didn't deserve to be called. I have had a few severe panic attacks since then and major anxiety after what that Sizzlers manager put me through.

 For no reason being called such a horrible name when I myself am of mixed nationalities, is insulting and can only be deemed as a horrible nasty way to hurt me and cause me severe trauma simply because of a 12 oz steak that they ruined. There were people, people with all their eyes on me. Some looked at him as if he was crazy. There was a few staff around that did nothing to stop the managers behavior but I am sure heard him calling me offensive names across the dining area. I was polite, even under the abuse the manager inflicted upon me. I was trying so hard to hold it together. It was extremely embaressing and dehumanizing. I guess over politely addressing a 12 oz steak they ruined, I deserved to be treated with such contempt and hatred.

  Nobody there was able to cook a well done steak? You would certainly expect so. They cater to cooking steaks. There is a thermometer they could have used, to measure the internal temperature or maybe common sense to cook a steak that was 12 oz and about 3 inches thick by having a cooking time chart, at least some kind of cooking system, to prevent the outcome that I was forced to go through, you would have thought that someone had some common sense in knowing that by cooking a steak three times over in various pieces would degrade the quality of the steak overall, the manager should have known that, not take his frustrations out on me, causing me a lifetime of ill feelings and the trauma I have suffered and am suffering. I don't think it can ever be fixed. I can't go by a sizzlers without thinking of what he did to me. I cannot think about meat, without being reminded. I can't go an hour without thinking of the dangerous position he placed me in by unjustifiably calling me a racist. I cannot get over his yelling at me. I just can't get over it. It was too heavy of a situation over a 12 oz piece of steak. The outcome didn't go hand in hand with me simply and politely talking about the issues arising over the steak. I am traumatized. I am broken.

Report Attachments

2 Updates & Rebuttals


So let's see here...

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, October 05, 2015

As a summary this is basically what you are saying.

You and your husband went to there and ordered 2 steaks, according to you about 3 in thick. 

Now, you sat down and waited 30 minutes to get your steak.  You instantly cut into your steak not even giving your husband time to check his before you noticed yours was wrong. 

Then for the next 45 minutes(20 + 10 + 15) you go back and forth trying to get your steak correct.  Where all this time your husband being a good husband doesn't even look at his steak thinking "Gee..it might be bad to".  He only looks at it after you give him permission to eat it.  Then surprise..surprise it is bad too.

Now, even after a total of an hour and fifteen minutes and several "errors" you of course are still the nicest customers in the world spreading sunshine everywhere you go.  So you are just in total shock about the horror of him just lashing out at you.

What is even more amazing is how you are so set in your ways that even while you were waiting for your steaks you didn't at least head to the salad bar at least once...nope..you just sat there waiting for your meal.  Not only that but apparently your husband had no issues of letting his food get cold as well. 

So I have a question, you took a picture of the receipt.  How come their isn't a single picture of this 3 inch thick steak that was so raw it moo'ed?

No I bet there is a lot more to this story, and a lot more exaggeration and embelishment. 

Try seeing this one

#3Author of original report

Mon, October 05, 2015

I’d like to give you an honorable mention on dissecting the chronological order according to your ‘rebuttal’ Allow me to clarify specific points for you; in no order. Pointing out also; that your reading comprehension skills need to be worked on.

My 12 oz. steak was pretty thick; compared to the 6 oz., at least 3 times thicker. My husband was actually talking to me about the wonderful world we live in while I cut those first few pieces of raw steak; which if you paid very close attention to what I wrote, Mr. Azues agreed and apologized; Thus, refuting your fact that I didn’t take play by play photos of my poor 12 oz. steak to satisfy social media intrigue etc. *sighs* As if that was the most important aspect of my very sad experience.

Despite my husband not wanting to be rude and eat before I- eventually never did… I insisted that he begin to eat his meal, without having mine for which he discovered a fairly easy to cook 6 oz. was actually raw also. Essentially, my husband didn’t have a meal either. I could let you decide how the events went, if that’s what you would like, but I am talking about reality here. Most anyone could fairly judge that there was a lack of communication in the kitchen, between the cook/ cooks/ the attention being paid to the cooking area and the extremely hard opportunity to temperature test the steaks before sending them out to hungry customers. Not only was a 12 oz. incorrectly cooked, but a fairly simply easy to cook 6 oz. steak also. What does that tell you?

One hour and 15 minutes (From point of initially taking my seat) later; my steak was taken a second time- and despite me not accounting for time after that, let’s just say some more precious time elapsed. When the steak was brought back it was charred and well the rest is history. I’m being courteous as to not over emphasize on time, but I am being very kind on the facts.

Like I said, we eat our main course first, then we have a light salad, after all, for me; a 12 oz. steak is meant to be a meal in itself.  I guess there is room to assume that people could possibly forget the fact they have a 12 oz. / 16 oz. / etc. piece of cattle coming to them, and I guess it’s safe to assume that you believe that people can put away a lot of food. Not in my case. In fact, feeling forced to disclose my health issues; I have a very delicate stomach so I can only eat a certain amount, like I said, a 12 oz. steak is a ‘meal in itself’ for me. Why would I want to ‘ruin’ my meal that I have been anticipating since I paid for it?

You seem to forget that as a considerate man, my husband was more interested in taking care of me before he thought about eating his own dinner. I guess if you are not married or in a meaningful relationship you may not understand that concept of the human condition. If you are married or in a relationship, then I simply feel sorry for your partner as you do not conjugate empathy or simple consideration. Arguably, you are simply who you are.

I do not tend to praise myself, but I did handle myself appropriately despite the manager (whom I later found out is actually the owner) calling me a racist for absolutely no reason at all. I tried to ‘reason’ with him and it was fruitless. And that’s just fact. I was patient and little to my benefit as you read. I couldn’t have been more factual had I tried. Obviously you are extremely lucky for never having a similar experience. By the way, A few weeks ago, I had ordered the very same, and it was cooked ‘well done’ at the very same location. And also, it seems that you are alright with the manager calling me a racist when I didn’t deserve it which could have set off a chain reaction, a riot... What do you think about that in particular? You don’t seem bothered at all with what this manager/ owner did to me, which would concern most people. What could I have done differently? Your entire summary was based on conjecture despite me providing you all the facts.

You really missed several key points, where I was willing to eat the –rest of the steak had it just been a small portion that had been uncooked, but sadly it was the entire thing. I was even willing to forgive the incinerated slices that came back, but what could be considered the remaining steak was medium rare, and after the steak came back a third time to my table charred and inedible with the remaining end piece being gristle, what exactly did I have to look forward to eating? I would not have risked my steak being ‘mistreated’ or ‘tampered with’ by behaving in a way to have caused retaliation towards me.

Anyway, I didn’t submit my report to be ignorantly analyzed. I provided my report so that hopefully this doesn’t happen to another person by the same manager/ owner.


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