  • Report:  #1252235

Complaint Review: Soul Sessions LLC - Mableton Georgia

Reported By:
bsharpms - San Antonio, Texas, USA

Soul Sessions LLC
362 Lane Drive SW Mableton, 30126 Georgia, USA
(678) 503-2278
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I began training under medium and psychic Ginger Quinlan (3-month mentorship program) as of 03/21/2015, with 3 monthly payments of $200.00 (total of $600.00) for the course. Although I completed the program, Ms. Quinlan was unavailable for almost the entire third month due to moving into a new home. Moreover, after she advertised her mentorship program as one, in which students are able to reach her by cell phone when needed, I was unable to do so because her cellular service was disconnected for most of this period. Despite my frustration with this I struggled to remain understanding of extenuating circumstances. She advised toward the end of my training that she wished to promote me and others completing her program, and I had been subsequently featured on both her website and her online directory--Starshine Referrals starshinereferrals.com/). I advised Ms. Quinlan prior to completing my training that I wished to mentor students, as well as giving readings through my business, Angelic Visions, LLC. My company was founded 06/2015 after Ms. Quinlan encouraged me to quit my full-time employment and devote full attention to this new business. Ms. Quinlan agreed to me mentoring students through my business, and because I had initially utilized several of her YouTube videos for mentoring my first students she advised by phone approximately one month ago that she was agreed to permit me to use her meditation videos on YouTube in mentoring students but would prefer that I did so through her company with future students, so she could "get credit" for the videos. I offered to pay Ms. Quinlan a percentage of fees charged to students in exchange for using her videos for teaching purposes, but Ms. Quinlan declined, stating "I just want you to be successful." She advised me to "go ahead and finish with your [current] students, and then we can start" teaching through her company, Soul Sessions Academy, for which she also advised that she would provide me with certificates of completion to give to students mentored by me through her company.

Nearing completion of training with my first students, I contacted Ms. Quinlan by email on 08/25/2015 (per her previous instructions) to inquire as to when I might begin mentoring through her company. She replied that she had changed her mind on this issue but would permit me to use her videos for teaching purposes--"my gift to you." I had also requested in my email to her for a refund of fees paid on behalf of my spouse for a course she was offering (refund of course fee provided).

On 08/30/2015 Ms. Quinlan emailed me, alleging that I was "stealing her work" by using her YouTube videos for training purposes, and advising that she would no longer promote my business on her website or directory, as she had previously advised she would do. Additionally, she threatened litigation against me.

I attempted on two separate occasions to resolve this issue with Ms. Quinlan (most recently on 09/01/2015) but received two separate emails of significant length, alleging that I was "manipulative", out to "steal [her] work", and admitting that she did not initially discuss the issue with me because she is not one, who likes conflict.




4 Updates & Rebuttals

Proof is in the Pudding

#2Author of original report

Mon, October 12, 2015

Ms. Quinlan's last response is but one example of how she permits her defensive nature to interfere with how she conducts business. Regarding her assertion that she believes I will somehow make her appear "flaky and unreliable", I do not possess such an ability and would not even if I did. I harbor no ill will toward Ms. Quinlan and respected her greatly until I received her email on 08/30/2015, which called me a thief, implied that I was incompetent and unskilled, and indicated that she was choosing to violate our agreement.

As for "flaky and unreliable" I can only speak to my own experiences with Ms. Quinlan. Approximately three years ago I had scheduled a phone reading with Ms. Quinlan after learning about her through Windbridge Institute. On several occasions I had waited for Ms. Quinlan to call me at our appointed time, only to be left by the telephone in disappointment. She later advised (after missing several of these appointments) that "people get their readings when they're supposed to get them" and only after our reading explained that she had been recovering from a surgical procedure. I ended up contacting Ms. Quinlan about training three years later only because two other psychics had confirmed things that Ms. Quinlan had told me.

Relevant to this issue, I had purchased a course for my spouse from Ms. Quinlan for our wedding anniversary just after completing her mentorship program. Although I paid for the course in advance, Ms. Quinlan advised me by email communication the morning of the course that she would be postponing it for more than a month (my spouse had already arranged the days off from work) only after I contacted her to inquire how my spouse should take part in the course (we had received no course materials from Ginger). Ms. Quinlan ultimately chose to cancel the course because my spouse had been the only one, who enrolled for the course. She neglected to inform us that she would be doing so, and she reacted very defensively by email when I asked about a refund for monies paid to her for the course.

Save your money. Save your time. There are a number of other highly-qualified teachers out there. Ms Quinlan was able to assist me in opening up my awareness and developing psychic/mediumship abilities, but I should have expected this. She had done it the first time she and I ever had contact with one another.

Ginger Quinlan

Twisted Words, Unfounded Accusations!

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 12, 2015

I am going to take the high road with this and say that anything I should write here will be twisted and made to  look like I am an idiot who is flaky and unreliable.  So be it!  I am done with this!  I will not promote you Brian Sharp ever!  Why should I?? You think I am a ripoff!  I certified because you were good at mediumship.  I promoted you originally until you  stole my work.  I am done now.  if you are going to sue me then bring it!  Thank you!

Ginger Quinlan


Pursuing Legal Action Against Soul Sessions, LLC

#4Author of original report

Mon, October 12, 2015

Ms. Quinlan's rebuttal to my initial complaint on www.ripoffreport.com mirrors the numerous email communications received from her in that she unfortunately chose to resort to unfounded criticisms, blame, and a complete unwillingness to embrace facts.

While it is, in fact, true that I did express to Ms. Quinlan a dissatisfaction with my full-time employment and a desire to work as a medium and psychic, Ms. Quinlan again refuses to acknowledge facts. I had received an email communication from Ms. Quinlan prior to my resignation from my full-time employment, in which she indicated that "the Universe" was giving me "a big yes" to resigning and working full-time as a medium/psychic. I have retained copies of all email communications from Ms. Quinlan, and there a number of these emails from her.

Indeed, Ms. Quinlan did promote my newly-formed business as she had previously advised she wished to do. The reason for this is that she had expressed the intention to devote her business to psychic development courses and advised that she would no longer be giving phone readings to clients. She subsequently announced on both her company's Facebook page and her website that she would no longer be giving readings but later changed her mind and is now, according to her website, "offering readings on a very limited basis starting the 1st of October 2015."

As for Ms. Quinlan's contention that she advised me that she would "have to think about" my using her videos on YouTube for training of my own students I have retained all of the email communications from her, in which she indicated that I not only had permission to utilize her videos but that they were "my gift to you."

Regarding Ms. Quinlan's repeated claims that I am inexperienced and her implication that I am incompetent, there is also a fact, which Ms. Quinlan chooses to ignore. She certified me, and the certificate (dated 06/16/2015) reads that I am, according to Soul Sessions Academy, proficient in the art of spirit communication without resorting to fraudulent means. With regard to Ms. Quinlan's derogation of my ministerial credentials, Ms. Quinlan was the very individual, who encouraged me to obtain this credential and was the one, who advised me on how and where to obtain it. Moreover, she claimed during our training together that she also possesses such a credential. In Ms. Quinlan insulting my qualifications, experience, and abilities she is simultaneously saying (albeit unwittingly) that the quality of her company's education is substandard--that she does not produce qualified students.

I subsequently spoke with a mutual friend, who indicated that Ms. Quinlan "gets like that" and previously reacted with defensiveness toward him--allegedly refusing to speak to him for an entire year after inviting him to stay with her at her residence.

I thought that in Ginger Quinlan I had a teacher and mentor, whom I could trust. How very wrong I was.

Due to the financial loss to my company when Ms. Quinlan took it upon herself to withdraw from our mutual agreement that she would promote my business as a graduate of her school (her website has a section for "graduates & referrals" and makes no mention whatsoever of me, although I am a graduate of her program), I acted on the advice of a lawyer in the San Antonio area and sent to her a demand letter on September 9, 2015. I asked in the letter that Ms. Quinlan either reference me as a graduate of her program on her school's website and her practitioner directory as she had previously agreed, or she could reimburse me for course fees paid ($600.00), in addition to monetary damages for business lost as a result of her impulsive decision-making. Ms. Quinlan chose not to respond to my written request and is now resorting to libel. I shall be pursuing litigation against her on both counts.

The quality of my training during my time in Ms. Quinlan's program was very good, but Ms. Quinlan does not make good on her agreements and prefers to resort to illegal activity when feeling defensive rather than speaking with her students directly about it.

Ginger Quinlan

Rebuttal to Brian Sharp's Allegations Against SoulsessionsLLC

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 06, 2015

I am rebutting the accusations of my former student, Brian Sharp.  I mentored Brian Sharp for three months, was available to him by my house phone because my cell would not get good reception.  He was able to text me 24/7 if he needed me for anything.  I always answered and was there for him for mentoring for 90 minutes a week and by text.  I was off for two weeks in June, when I bought a house and moved. During that time I created his website, promoted him all over facebook, and in my newsletter, plus handed over my clients to him for readings to get him started.  He failed to mention that part of this.
Brian told me he was unhappy in his job and I told him I could get him started in Mediumship.  I never said he would make enough money to pay all his current bills immediately, it takes time to build a clientele.  I also told him be prepared to eat a lot of macaroni and cheese if he expected to be rich quick, it does not happen that way, that was spoken about in our very first class.
In May, Brian "accidently" quiet his job on line and told me that he must be up and running as a Medium by June 5th, 2015.  I worked very hard with him to get his website up, get him promoted, and worked on finishing getting him comfortable with doing readings.  He then informed me he wanted to teach others what I had taught him.  I balked at that because Brian had only been doing this work for three months with me.  He knew nothing about readings, nothing about intuition or how to use it, nothing about metaphysics in general.  I did not want to squelch his enthusiasm though because I was his mentor. I wanted him to succeed.  I told him I would think about it, but still felt uncomfortable with it. 
Brian created his own school,  AngelicvisionsLLC, right after that, based on my syllabus and my videos. He became my competition at that point, not my student, even though I had ceritified him, handed him many of my clients, and promoted him everywhere. I felt uncomfortable, because now he we was not only teaching something he knew little about, but he was going to use the course that I created after 36 years of doing this work.  I told Brian this, but he did not back down or honor what I was telling him.
Two weeks later I got an email from Brian asking if he could use my videos and he had a lot of students interested.  I told him I would have to think about it because they were mine and I did not feel comfortable with it all, due to his lack of experience, and it was my work he was going to use.  I asked for his syllabus and he sent it to me, it was the entire course I had put together and taught him.  At that point Brian informed me that he already put it out on facebook and his website and that he was already doing the classes and "working closely with Soul Sessions Academy."  I obtained a lawyer the next day who informed me that Brian was violating my copyrights.  I informed Brian that he was not welcome to my work and I would not be giving him my videos. When I saw Brian selling it all on Etsy that was it for me.  
I felt like there was no honor or any kind of good in this at all. The bottom line for me was Brian was doing unethical work with clients. I could not support the fact that he was doing pet readings, intuitive readings, psychic readings and calling himself a minister, because he bought ac ard for $10.00, from the Church of the White Light, as I suggested to protect him from city laws in his state.  I trained him as a medium, that was all! I no longer trusted him, was not going to be bullied or backed into a corner by him anymore. I absolutely refused to promote anything about him to protect my clients and the general public. I put my ALL into training into Brian Sharp, as I would with any student, but I have responsibility to the work of being a medium and psychic, as I do the general public.  My saying "no" to Brian Sharp resulted in several of these rip off posts on various websites.  I would say to you reading these, buyer beware of Reverend Brian Sharp and www.angelicvisionsmedium.com
Ginger Quinlan Ripoffreport Report Image
Certified Psychic Medium
678 503 2278

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