  • Report:  #329821


Reported By:
- Mesa, Arizona,

1001 W SOuthern Ave. MEsa Arizona Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I worked for this company for a long time. They are a debt settlement company, well really are an expansion cause they don't really settle there debts. They sell you on getting your debts settled, but really some other company settles your debts for you. The debt settlement works, its the management that doesn't.

Bryon Clayton is the owner of this small company. He does not care about anyone but himself. This company has changed there pay structure 5 times in the last two years and they are only two years into the business. The pay went from a decent paycheck to now I heard $9.00 an hour plus commissions which you will only see after two months that you sign then up. Hopefully, Bryon won't fire you before you get your commissions so that he doesn't have to pay you on those. THe office is really big, It can hold probably 30 employees.... Too bad they have had at most 12 people who have worked there.

If you decide to work for him, know that he will try and intimidate you by not talking to anyone or yelling. For $9.00 a hour I don't think anyone has a right to yell at you. THey should be so lucky they you would accept such a degrading paycheck. If he calls one of his group meetings, know that its becuase you probably aren't going to get paid that week, or they are changing pay structures again.

If your commissions are small he will not tell you how much it is until the day that you get your check. Oh, and he will make sure that he isn't there on paycheck day either just incase you have a problem with the check. Or if they made a mistake on it. If your commissions are high they will let you know four days before, and praise you.

The Sales Manager's name is Jason Johns. He is suppose to be the guy who knows the debt settlement industry. They brought him in to manage and help you with your sales. He doesn't do anything but sits at his desk. listens in on calls when you're talking to someone, and get mad if you don't get the sale. I don't think I've ever really seen him teach everyone. He will actually go as far as ask you to put deals in and just put a fake checking account number so that he can put fake numbers on the board.

He mainly is a buffer, someone so that you can talk too when you have a problem with Bryon. Don't expect him to stand up for you!!! If the tyrant Bryon screws you on your check he doesn't handle that aspect. How can you be the director of sales and not know why you didn't get paid on something. Jason will just sit back and hope that you don't say anything to Bryon, and whatever concerns you have about work or your check. Stays with him. He tries not to escalate anything cause he doesn't want to get papa bear bryon mad.

The trainer is Kari. She's a bitter woman. The best thing is how they have her training people how to do these sales, yet she has not sold anything herself. She is also a buffer for Bryon. When Bryon does anything stupid, she'll pull you in the office, pretend she cares, but won't say anything so that Papa Bear Bryon doesn't get mad. I don't even know what she really does there. I think she takes space.

THe only people who work there that I would trust if you do decide to work there is Matt, Bryon's brother and Jeff. Jeff and Matt had intergrity, and when I was there they did not lie or hide from you at all. They do there best to give you an answer on anything.

Bewarned about working for this company. Does anyone else have anything to say about this company.

P Dog

Mesa, Arizona


8 Updates & Rebuttals


My name is Dusty and I worked at swdebt too

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, July 21, 2008

Patrick didn't do anything to have his name slurred like this. I worked there too and nothing bad ever happened. Also Kari is a very nice person. Bryon is a jerk though. Sometimes he would meet with me in private and I could feel his eyes on my body. One day I was wearing my skeleton shoes and he said my legs looked nice. The next day he screamed at me and told me to "get my fat axx out of his office


It doesn't matter!!

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 16, 2008

Look, first of all just stop using my name to hide behind!!! Yes I felt I got the short end of the stick at SDS in the end. I worked hard for them and did everything they asked of me in the beginning, after time I feel we both let each other down. I didn't like the fact that everyone can be so nice and as you put it dangle the carrot in front of my face and under closed doors had other opinions. After sometime I gave in and did the same thing, which was wrong. I never gave up on the company and until my last few weeks did everything I could to be successful. That's water under the bridge. People change, companies change, hopefully they see the errors made and improve on it. I know I have!! If you plan on working there just be in a position like (R.J.) where you don't have to count on the checks because you're checks depend on if Broke and near bankrupt people can pay the fees. Even if you did everything right explaining the program and they just decide to quit or DebtXS treats them poorly you WILL loose your money!! Be smart in Career choices. Be a man though and tell people under your own name not mine!!! To all me people at SDS (you know who you are) I would never bash a company like this and hope you all know this. Sorry that it didn't work out and wish I could of been a part of what was envisioned at the start.


Did you feel cheated working there?

#4Author of original report

Sat, May 10, 2008

McMeans? People want to know if you felt cheated on your paycheck anytime you worked there? Also, how many carrots did Bryon and Jason dangle infront of you? Kari? If you knew that all this stuff was going on, why weren't they ever fired. Southwest Debt Services has only fired two people ever, and it wasn't for all drinking, drugs, throwing things? If those people sold, they can do anything they wanted. You fired people for not doing sales. The thing is, your sales manager never thought anyone how to sell. He just asked people to put deals in without checking accounts, and get that later so the deal can go on the board. Also, Mcmeans how many times did you fee Bryon downgrade you in front of a meeting? Mcmeans, why don't you tell people the real Truth and let us know your real feelings? You work at a great company now. Anyone thinking of working for Southwest Debt, there are only 2 people working there. And they have been there for a long time. Ask them if what there average paycheck is for two weeks. If you can live of off $400 every two weeks and the hopes of building your book to make more, then just know you were warned.


Stop Using My name to Bash SDS and it's employees!! The Truth!!!

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 08, 2008

To Whom It May Concern, 5/7/2008 This is Patrick, first of all I would never bash a company like this just cause issues that I might or might not have. I just got a message from Jason about this and had to register just to post just now, so someone is acting as me. If you have something to say speak up under your own name and don't burn my bridges. It seems that someone knows enough about me and the company to get most info correct (hmmm, CRAIG, MATT). One thing is I don't trust Jeff more than Bryon at all. Again I have no issues with anyone, so leave me out of it. I have much respect for Jason and his managing ability. I have been a Phone room manager and know what it requires and demands and have to say for the pay that man gets, he does a hell a job (I know Ball Park not exact). As for Kari and Bryon, yea I had issues with them but I would say and have said them to their face (or at least texting right, Bryon). I don't feel that my so called feelings that were made up by someone else would be relevant to giving a warning about the job. ONE MORE THING REMEMBER -J-MY GRAMMER SUCKS!!!! I wish SDS the Best of luck and hope that it as a company does learn the Value of a loyal and dedicated employee and have no hateful feelings toward anyone. THIS WAS THE REAL PATRICK THAT WORKED AT SDS AND NOW U KNOW!!


Southwest Debt Services Rebuttal

#6UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 06, 2008

I am the bitter woman Kari. While I won't respond to complaints made against Bryon or Jason, I would like some facts to be known about the complaints made against me professionally in both blogs that were written. It's unfortunate that when an employee leaves a company they feel a need to only address what they think the company has done wrong. While I would love to say that I made a sale in this worthwhile industry, I never said I had. I have been asked and I have said no to those that did ask. I did get on the phone when the business initially started up; however, I was not hired to be on the phones. I was hired to do a multitude of other tasks on any given day. If someone wasn't sure about what I do, they can ask me at any time, I can provide a list of my daily duties. Yes, I am a buffer for the President of the company. In any business there are positions in place to ensure that the focuses of other positions remain in tact. That is part of my job. I have empathy for employees that have integrity in what they say and do. Unfortunately, we have experienced employee behaviors such as repeated attendance issues, drinking on the job, doing drugs before or during work, or housing inappropriate emails, profanity being used in an open environment on the sales floor, or negativity that is demonstrated through throwing items out on the sales floor. I am the person that reports the information to the director responsible for the employee. More often than not, I am the bad guy. Proper avenues were always taken and information has been well documented and saved so that when it was necessary appropriate documentation was provided when measures were taken. In most cases, employees demonstrating these behaviors were terminated. In some cases they choose to quit once they found out there was ample documentation collected to terminate them. I'm not certain about what is meant by favoritism. In some cases employees were allowed to leave early and in other cases some employees were allowed leniency in some things that they did based on their sales. This is not my area so I was not privy to what everyone got to do and when they go to do it. Again, it's unfortunate when employees leave a business and don't have anything good to say. I can provide proof of what this company has done for employees that most other businesses would not bother with. Writing letters so an employee can get a car, advancing money to employees with traffic tickets, advancing money to employees for groceries, providing vacation time and paying the employee when the employee didn't qualify, etc. This is the portion of their employment they forgot to mention. Have a blessed life.


Randy C...Come on..... Who are you really? If you're going to say something don't make up a person who never worked there!!!

#7Author of original report

Fri, May 02, 2008

Mike, how are you going to say that Jason was a good manager when I know for a fact that he asked you to put different checking accounts on apps to put fake deals in. And then wouldn't say anything when you got in trouble about your deals not passing. Come on Man... And Randy C???? I've been there from the beginning and there was no Randy C working there before and I know for a fact that there was no Randy C working there anytime since then. I do know that Jason lives in Scottsdale...and "Randy" supposedly is from Scottsdale.... It sounds to familiar. Anyone thinking of working for this company...just be careful that you know all the facts. >You don't get your commissions for two months after the first sale. >They will probably change it on you after the first two months >The company knows what commissions you are owed but won't give you a commission sheet if its small till the day before your paychecks come because Bryon is embarrassed like that >After Kari's weak training, she'll pull you every once in a while for some stupid training in the office to evaluate one call >Jason will most likely be in the middle of the sales floor, not really to say anything to you, but will be in some cubicle just hoping that him being on the floor will get you on the phones >We are suppose to have a weekly meeting to attempt to teach us how to sell, but it will be 1 of 2 things. Bryon making some huge paycheck announcement or Jason canceling the meeting to get us on the phones. > You work 9-10 hours a day >There is no paid vacations, and if you miss work when you're sick... you'll probably be fired because they don't believe you >Kari and Jason both have issues with Bryon, but they are two afraid to ever saw anything to him, even when they know he's running the business wrong and he hurts the business more then helps it. >There best person isn't even working in the office...She works from home More to come...If you have an interview. with this company.. just see how tough Bryon tries to act, and how Jason trys to sell you the concept.



#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 01, 2008

I also worked for this company, however, more recently. This was not my experience at all. All businesses go through their ups and downs and growing pains, which is what may have happened here. I did not have any exposure or interaction with Brian (the owner) so I can not comment on that, although I have never seen him yell at anybody or itimidate anyone. My only experience with him was in my orientation class when he and his brother talked about the pay scale. I left the company because the timing wasn't right for me. I agree it takes awhile to earn really good commissions, but I was told in my interview that it would take a few months to ramp up, so I was prepared for it. The commission plan they have is really good, and they have some good sales people, but it wasn't the right time for me. The manager there Jason did a good job with me. He seems to support his people really well, and always was able to get an answer for me when I had a question. We even had listening sessions ??, where we listened to my calls together and he tried to help me out. Kari is the trainer. I didn't feel like all my questions were answered in training, but she did an ok job in preparing our class. All in all, my experience with these guys were pretty good. I know they are a small company, but that's the way I liked it. I was able to get more individual attention, which is what was lacking at my last job, which was also a settlement company. I would have liked to stay longer to see what I could do there, but se la vi. Randy C.


They weren't that bad

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 01, 2008

I use to work for them and I was also there in the beginning. I think companies have there problems. If I don't have anything good to say, I won't say it at all. So about Bryon Clayton, I have nothing to say. Jason Johns is a good manager. He cares for his employees. I think you can only do so much when your hands are tied by the owner. It's not as bad as you made it. It's not also as great as it use to be and that's why I'm not there anymore.

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