  • Report:  #619775

Complaint Review: Spartan School Of Aeronautics - Tulsa Oklahoma

Reported By:
TealGMC - Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States of America

Spartan School Of Aeronautics
8820 East Pine Street Tulsa, 74115-5800 Oklahoma, United States of America
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I finally found a website I can let the masses know what really goes on at Spartan.

If you are reading this I hope and pray you are considering attending Spartan. If not it is good reading and maybe you can help me recover some of my money lost to these dreamkilling scam artists.

If you are considering attending Spartan, PLEASE STAY AWAY! Go to the nearest community college and save yourself the headache later, 1/2 the money, and you will actually have credits that really do in fact transfer to another college.

Ok, I am going to leave out a bunch of details just to make this short and sweet.

On Jan 4th 1994 I left wonderful San Diego California to attend Spartan in hopes of gaining a degree in electonics. Sure thing for me, because I already had the very finest training in the world from the U.S. Navy. I also had 6 years of service time where I actually repaired F-14 Radar electronics to the component level. Oh, by the way, I was d**n good at it also. The thing with Navy training is it just didn't come with the paper work (degree). Anyway, I go through a year with Spartan at the top, yes top of my class the whole way, every subject, every time. Me and two others where constantly competing for top scores that were usually decided by who got the extra credit questions correct and attendance.

Three days before the end of the last quarter of the year I get sent to the office. They say I don't have financing for the next quarter of school and I need to pay or else I can't go to school anymore. Well, since I had until March of the next year to actually get financing taken care of this was news to me. So, I go crazy trying to deal with them and get the runaround all day, meanwhile missing out on final test preperations.

During this I also found out Spartan had already sent the word to Veterans Admin in Arkansas that I had "dropped out" a few days before. Well, I didn't and they lied to VA. Evidence, they just pulled me from CLASS!

Bud Funk. Laugh if you will, he's an idiot and yes that is what's on the nameplate outside his office. He may not be there now, but believe me his name sounds like what he really is. His stupid a*s tells me they have been looking for me for months. HELLO, is there anyone in there sleepy boy?!!! I'm on this Presidents HONOR Roll, perfect attendance and highest scores. I have no life, all I do is go to school and work part time. Never moved since I got into town. I go to your school every day and you cannot find me to let me know you need money, until now! 3 days before the end of the quarter?

Keep in mind this is all happening slowly and over a three day period. Very important 3 day rule here. You see, if you miss 3 days no matter what you have to take that last quarter over again and PAY for it as well! In there defense, legally maybe they can do this but, we all know you are paying for something you don't get. Now, maybe I missed something in the fine print but I do know that my paperwork said I had until March of the following year to apply for loans, which is what Spartan was trying to say I was supposed to do 3-4 months prior and that they couldn't "find" me. How convenient for them. Gee maybe if they went to one of the classes I was enrolled in the would have found me. Better yet, take the lazy way out and just have one of my instructors let me know the same way they did 3 days before the end of the quarter.

I told you to keep the 3 day rule in mind here. That's the kicker right there. I continued to go to class and they continued to pull me from class for the next three days. On the 3rd day they actually kicked me out of class and made me look like a criminal in front of my peers. It was like a police action. Seriously, all I was doing was taking notes. It was peaceful, but disruptive to the class every time they did it. But, the last day it was like I was getting busted for something. Two "security?" grunts and made the instructor be quite and stop everything while they pulled me from class. I am not the only one this has happened to by no means. I am not an isolated case and I do talk to everyone to this day about my experience with Spartan and I do here very similiar stories. How, the rest of people make it through that place I may never know. I only know of one other person that has, he was one that I competed with for top scores.

I actually Paid for the time I was there, including those 3 last days. They made me leave that school so they could try to get me for another quarter. I paid for the entire first year $12,000. Including the last 3 days. Bud Funk tried the old "lets get your finances in order for the next year and you will only have to take this quarter over again routine." That's another $3,000. But, hey by then sometime the loans will be approved right? Sounds like a great deal. I get to stay in class and continue my education, blah blah blah! Obviously Bud forgot I was on his Honor roll and not some idiot about to fork out another 3 grand to his scammin a*s. After I listened to his spue about this I looked him in the eye and told him straight, " you got your $12,000, you ain't gettin anymore" and I walked out.

I went straight over (same day) to Tulsa Community college and talked to a counsler there and he told me he had heard similiar stories and that I would have to almost everyone of my classes over again because they didn't recognize Spartans credits. I think I could have transfered a basic math class or something.

Also, as far as Spartans "Placed" (job placed) numbers. Ripoff! If you work at Mc D's while you are going to Spartan, they consider you as PLACED. Makes thier numbers look good.

Spartan, I hope people that who are considering going to your school read this first. I hope I can find many other outlets to reach all hopefuls just like I was so I can let them know about you. I hope they all reject with disgust the thought of being involved with such a dreamkiller and ripoff organization. People need to know they can actually get a better education for at least 1/2 the price and will actually get credits and a real degree.


I was in a hurry when I signed up for this scam organization. I didn't know what I was getting into. Now, I do. Still paying for it every month also. Still paying for something I didn't get. Can't go to another school without racking up some more bills so it's really just not worth it. I'm just stuck with it. With the interst and all I will have this hanging over for the rest of my life. What a bad choice I made and horrible waste of an education. I am intelligent, I could have spent my time and energy building my future in a real institution where I would have got a real education and career in electronics. I really deserved that and paid for it. Thanks to Spartan, I will never see it. I made a bad choice. Don't do the same. Electronics is a wonderful field and obviously a very promising future. Don't let the Spartan take that from you like they did me.



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