  • Report:  #1188861

Complaint Review: StaffScheduleCare - Richmond Hill Ontario

Reported By:
MarthaB - Richmond Hill, Nova Scotia,

13025 Yonge St. Suite 103 Richmond Hill, L4E 1A1 Ontario, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Save yourself some time, and avoid this company.

StaffScheduleCare or IDT (International Data Technologies) is dishonest in its practices and fails to deliver on its promises. SSC used shady techniques to lure me in to a product demo which lasted over 3.5 hours, if you're in the LTC field you will understand this is time we don't have to waste being aggressively sold to. They initially cold called me offering to support our facility in assessing our compliance risk free of charge. As soon as they get you with this they try to assure you that they're not sales people and are only here to consultant. Once they've established what systems you are currently running for Scheduling , Time & Attendance, Human Resources and Payroll they will push you into a demo of their Workforce Management solution.

They claim to be the fastest growing workforce management company in Canada, they claim to have over 25% of LTC facilities running on their system, they claim to have 100% customer retention. ALL OF THIS IS FALSE! It only took a few calls to their hosted LTC facilities in BC, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to establish that they had lied to us and wasted our time. During our demo the gentleman named Bill Allen was very pushy, quiet unprofessional at times and claims to be the Director of Client Services, after looking in to this I learnt that he is in fact the Owner of StaffScheduleCare. I'm left wondering why the owner of the so called 'Fastest Growing Workforce Management Company in Canada' would need to sit in on a demo with a small chain (2 homes) demo out of Nova Scotia.

If you are reading this and have been approached by StaffScheduleCare I would strongly advice that you do your homework and speak to their many disgruntled current clients and save yourself some time and just say ‘no thank you’.

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Bill Allen

Richmond Hill,
Sad To See - $2,000 Is The Cost To Start An Attempt To Remove Ripoff Report sets the record straight!  All users of Ripoff Report have an opportunity to tell their side of the story for FREE! Ripoff Report does not have a program to remove Reports for money.  You are entitled to your opinion but not your own facts.  Do your research.

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, January 02, 2015

There is no "MarthaB".

There is no such town in Nova Scotia with the name of "Richmond Hill".

Our company is located in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada and Providence RI.

StaffScheduleCare is a very real company that has served the Canadian and US Skilled Care and Senior Care market space for over 28 years. Our reputation is of the utmost importance to our people and our firm. 

The cost to even attempt to remove this "report" is a $2,000 charge for removal through their "Set The Record Straight-Arbitration Program".

Ripoff Report states .... "the process begins when you provide Ripoff Report with three things"...... the third thing is ...."and 3) a cheque for the $2,000 arbitration fee. No arbitration matter will begin until we receive all of these things".

Sad to see our people, who work so hard to satisfy and support our clients, see a "report" such as this on the web. 

Managing Dir. Client Care / President



EDITOR’S NOTE:  Ripoff Report strongly believes in the First Amendment, even when it is about us.  We understand that people who have complaints written about them are upset and want to place blame somewhere, especially if they feel the content of the Reports are false.  We also understand that individuals want to blame our website rather than where it belongs – on the person who wrote the Reports in the first place.  Using the same method that we provide free of charge to all of our users, we would like to “set the record straight” as to the comments posted about our website through this Rebuttal. 

 Every user of our website has the opportunity to tell their side of the story, for free, just as we will do here.  We certainly encourage users to “set the record straight” and tell their side of the story by using the free methods available to them before they consider other paid Ripoff Report programs (such as our VIP Arbitration Program or the Corporate Advocacy Program) or alterative avenues (such as filing a lawsuit against the Author of the report) that cost money.  After all, all we know is that users of our site affirm, before posting a Report, that the information is truthful and accurate and the user acknowledges that the information will become a permanent record.  This is why we allow Reports, Comments, Rebuttals and Updates, for free, by anyone (including the person/company posted about) who has information to share about the situation.  This includes the ability to upload documents that support the position that is being advanced.  By doing so, all sides of the story are able to be heard so other users of the site can make an educated decision about the situation for themselves. We encourage people to stick to the facts and write calmly worded accounts of the situation. 

 It is clear that the author of the above Rebuttal is upset about the content that the original Report Author wrote about them and seemingly wants to blame Ripoff Report for providing a forum where people can come and openly comment about their experiences.  Again, we encourage people to stick to the facts and write calmly worded accounts of the situation.  Further, it’s absurd to propose that Ripoff Report, which is an open and interactive website, should not be available for people to make comments without fact checking every single statement of fact posted.  With that kind of rationale, one could kiss the internet goodbye.  Do you think that Facebook or Twitter or any other mainstream interactive websites, including news blogs, would exist if you told the users that no one could post any comments about anyone, or anything without first fact checking everyone’s comments?  Of course not!  To require such action would be to stifle the freedom of speech and the free exchange of information and ideas.  Ripoff Report is “for consumers, by consumers” and, in fact, our Terms of Service say, at paragraph 3, “Opinions, advice, statements, offers or other information or content made available through ROR are those of their respective authors and not of [Ripoff Report] and should not necessarily be relied upon.  Such authors are solely responsible for the accuracy of such content.  [Ripoff Report] does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information on ROR and neither adopts nor endorses nor is responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice or statement made.”  Ripoff Report does not hold out that any information posted by users of the website is accurate or necessarily reliable.  We encourage people to conduct thorough research, through more than one forum/medium, before making final decisions about an particular individual or business.  After all, no business can please 100% of their customers 100% of the time.  Sometimes there are miscommunications.  Sometimes a business’s staff member is having a bad day.  Sometimes the customer is having a bad day.  Warranted or not…all businesses get complaints.  We believe it’s how businesses take care of the complaints that separates good businesses from the rest.

 The above Rebuttal author had the opportunity to write a calmly worded Rebuttal to explain their position regarding the Report at issue.  They did so, in part – but then chose to lash out at Ripoff Report and chose to make allegations that Ripoff Report has some form of program that might remove a report for money.  To be clear, Ripoff Report does NOT have a program in existence that removes Reports in their entirety for money.  It is truth that Ripoff Report has a VIP Arbitration Program, however, only challenged statements of fact that are found to be false by a neutral and independent arbitrator will be redacted from the Report.  The rest of the opinions, true information, and unchallenged statements will remain in the Report.   As you can see, Ripoff Report itself falls prey to critics…even on our own website and other places on the internet..  Again, DO YOUR RESEARCH before assuming that everything you read on the internet is true.  SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT:  Those who use the site affirm, before posting, that the information is truthful and accurate.  The author is the one who assumes liability for posting information, if, in fact, what they say is false. 

 Consumers – if a business reaches out to you to try and resolve a problem, whether it be through postings on our website or other avenues, we encourage you to work with the business and work through the situation with fairness in mind.  Sometimes a resolution just cannot be reached and each party is entitled to his/her opinion about the situation.  We don’t condone businesses trying to take advantage of consumers – that’s why our website was started in the first place.  At the same time, we don’t condone consumers, other business competitors, or disgruntled ex-employees or partners trying to take advantage of businesses either.  To all parties:  Keep it calm.  Keep it honest.  Keep it fair. Do your research.  Don’t be the kid that gets caught copying test answers from your neighbor who actually has the worst grades in class.  Make appropriate educated decisions based on the most reliable, up to date and current information available.


We thank you for taking the time to read this Rebuttal and allowing us to “set the record straight”.


Ripoff Report Staff



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