I was a returning customer of stair warehouse. ( purchased from them the previously ) I had my previous receipt and returned to their website to order the same, exact, solid red oak box newel. My credit card was charged immediately but I had to wait almost 2 weeks for delivery. The newel they sent me was not the same.
I contacted the customer service line and spoke with 3 different people until Desiree Owens took my call. She told me she had to talk to her boss about this matter and would get back to me right away. 3 days later I still heard nothing and sent them an email. Shawn Cappel emailed me and said Desiree will contact me immediately.
Still I heard nothing so I called her back. She then told me that they changed vendors and know that the newel is not the same and it might look a little different but I was to keep it anyway. I said I wouldn't do that and wanted to return it. I needed to know where to ship it. Once again Desiree said she get back to me.
2 days later I called her back. She then said " here's the deal, if you pay to have the wrong newel shipped back and wait 6 more weeks, and pay to have the correct newel you ordered shipped to you, we won't charge you a 30% restocking fee. I said " I cannot do business like this, being penalized for your knowingly wrong doing and was going to ship the newel back to them. She finally gave me address where to ship it to. I shipped this back to them on 10/14/08 UPS. They received it the 16th, signed for by "walker".
On 10/27/08 I called them ( discover card said I had to give them 15days for a full refund before I can dispute the charges)Desiree then said to me that she knows nothing about this said "do you have a tracking # we can't seem to find it in our warehouse ( I heard her laugh ) She then said she get back to me once again. I emailed her all the Information I have and I have still not heard from her NOR has my credit card been refunded. I also have insulting emails that the so called owner has sent me if anyone is interested.
After talking to customer service, The president and (co-owner) of stair ware house took his valuable time for me and resolved this issue with a full refund. I am now satisfied