  • Report:  #214204

Complaint Review: Starzpuppypawprintsshihtzus.com - Dixon Illinois

Reported By:
- Sedona, Arizona,

Starzpuppypawprints.com Dixon, Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I would like to report my experience with Sharon Gray at PuppyPawPrint Shih tzu. I did not know this person before, but she was having difficulties with a breeder I had trouble with previously, so I wrote to tell her. She told me that this breeder, Heidi, had taken advantage of her also. She asked me to put my experience with Heidi on her Rip Off Report about her, to back her up, and since no one else was helping her. I decided I would repeat my experience to warn others. I felt I should since that is what Rip Off Report was designed to do, not because I knew Sharon before then. I wanted to support a fellow small breeder and report a bad business experience.

Since then, I have regretted contacting Sharon at all. The more I got to know her, the more I realised that she is not someone I would want to deal with.

It began with her telling me that Heidi and her friends were "out to trick her" and were trying to buy a puppy of hers. She was worried "bad breeders" would get it. I tried to be sympathetic to her, and wrote her with encouragement. Finally, I offered to just buy the puppy myself if the price was fair to make sure that it went to a good home. (She gave me a good price, but told me to tell people that she sold it to me for more).

She insisted on a deposit, so I sent $100 out to her since I was supposed to be having the puppy picked up in person when another woman picked up her own puppy. It only made sense to pay for the puppy when it was physically delivered. But then during the next two weeks after I sent the deposit, Sharon kept asking for - no demanding - that I send more money. The plans for picking up my puppy changed, and I was informed that she wanted the money and new travel arrangements right away. She also started making demands for the other woman to get her dog right away as well.

Since it had only been a couple of weeks since I'd offered to take the puppy, I was confused at her urgency. I really didn't need the puppy, I was just trying to help her out and now she was acting like she needed money, when it was supposed to be about helping the dog.

Sharon then wrote and said she could relist the puppy if I wanted and she didn't mind. Since I was having my doubts about her at that point and hesitated to send even more money, I agreed. Then she wrote and said she already had a new owner for the puppy, so I asked that when the puppy resold to have my $100 returned....Sharon stopped writing to me. I wrote and asked for the money to be returned, and she said that she was keeping it. I never signed anything to this effect nor did I ever agree to a non-refundable deposit for a puppy that I'd only considered for about two weeks. There was no legally binding agreement for her to justify keeping my money, and no ethical one since she resold the puppy right away and was not inconvienced. Not once was I ever told the deposit was non-refunable, not until the puppy was sold and I asked for my money.

The other woman who was going to buy a puppy had doubts about Sharon too, and she decided against her puppy. Sharon also relisted it and resold it. Then she became abusive....she said we had done her wrong and she had held the puppies from 1 week old, that is not true at all. I did not even know Sharon when that puppy was 1 week old. She said this other person and I were "in this together". She ranted that she had been tricked and lied to. She also threatened to "warn" people about me because I did not buy her puppy. That is when I became angry because I orginally had decided that if she needed to acquire my money through fraud, then she needed it more than me. But now she is slandering me as well.

Her newest defense to keeping my money is that "everybody does it". And that it is on her website somewhere, but I did not contact Sharon through her website, I contacted her in response to an ad in PuppyFind, and through emails. Not once was a contract brought up. I also never, at any time, agreed to a non-refunable deposit for a puppy that she resold to someone else.

As for "everybody does it", I have to point out to her that Heidi returned the deposit for the puppy that I had issues with her about. As a matter of fact, I have never had anyone keep a deposit for something I did not recieve until Sharon. She keeps calling Heidi unethical, and I certainly am not a friend of Heidi's, but at least Heidi didn't take my money and keep it.

I just want to warn anyone buying dogs - from Sharon or anyone else - to be sure to find out in advance what hidden rules a breeder might have to use as a way to keep money. Insist on a signed contract stating all rules, so that everyone is in agreement, even before you recieve a puppy. I can only imagine what might have happened if I had recieved the puppy and not been happy with it. Or if I'd sent more money when she demanded it.

I am still waiting for Sharon to return the money she recieved from me for a puppy that I did not get and was resold to someone else right away. She is very deceptive in not telling me up front that if I sent any money and wasn't satisfied, that she would keep it.

I definitely want to retract any support or recommendation people feel I may have given Sharon by defending her in her argument with Heidi. I now realise after dealing with her, that Sharon is agrumentative with everyone who does not want one of her puppies. And she certainly has proven that she isn't very honest by keeping my money through some "loop hole" she created.

And looking at the nature of her responses in the past, she is more concerned with fighting than good business practices. I am certain that I will recieve a similar unarticulate response to my own complaint. But I simply want to state my case and will not resort to fighting. If my money is returned, I will then add that to the report.


Sedona, Arizona

18 Updates & Rebuttals


Beware of Tammi

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 15, 2006

It appears that Tammi is the kind of person who will ask breeders to hold a puppy for her, Put a deposit down, all the while she is still looking to find something better. Then when she does wants her deposit back. That is what happened in this situation. She has a puppy on hold from Shihtzu's by Connie from the same time she was trying to buy my puppy. She claims on here she really did not need another puppy. Why is she trying to buy another puppy then? I would not deal with person if you are a breeder. She is not an honest person to deal with. You ask any breeder if someone did this to them if would return a deposit. I can tell you many will not.
Paypal will not either. Buyer beware of this women!


proved my point

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, October 12, 2006

Sharon, thank you for FINALLY proving my point and showing everyone that you intended to keep my money simply because you are angry and spiteful, not because you have a LEGAL reason to. You finally came out and said it. You also as much as admitted that there was no signed contract...Just a "buyer beware" attitude on your part. No wrong was done to you except that your feelings got hurt because you didn't make a sale no matter how much you threatened a potential buyer. And that would then also mean that you lied when you said before that you had a signed contract from me. So could it be that you are lying about alot more? Perhaps you would say anything to "get even with me"? And on the subject of contracts, did I fill out or sign one saying that I would buy that puppy and with the terms of the sale? The only mistake that I made was in trying to be polite to you while I was trying to get away from you after I realised what you were like.

In your emails you have proven that you are neither literate or ethical. And judging from the times of your posts to me and to Danielle's report, (most are after midnight) it appears that you sit up in the middle of the night writing hateful things on here. What a sad thing.

So far your only complaints on Rip Off Report, (about myself and others), is that breeders don't want to buy your dogs. After listening to you rant and rave over it, who would? You sound like a juvenile who who didn't get her way. Your attempts to resolve the problem have been destructive, not constructive, in each and every report you file with someone.

I'm sure that you would like for me to "move forward" since it would mean that you could then keep any money you obtained through fraud. People who are dishonest like to stay out of the limelight. But it is a matter of principal now, and people like you who commit internet fraud, purgery, and attempted defamation should not be rewarded. I would like nothing more than to have my money returned so that I could put you far behind me. Until then I will continue to ask you for a legimate reason that you can take money without a contract for something that was sold to someone else, and I will continue to pursue legal action against you. Slandering me and harrassing me will not make the problem go away. I hear that has worked for you in the past, but that will not this time.

Are you suggesting that anyone on this site who has had money taken from them just "move forward"?

As for having only happy customers, I can name at least three people here on this site who would not call themselves that...with myself on the top of that list. Perhaps you are confused about what constitutes good customer relations?


One last important thing.

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 12, 2006

Tammi Last word of Advice to think about,
"Next time make sure you can commit before you buy!"

You will save yourself awhole lot of problems.
Blame yourself not others for your actions.


You are so full of it!!!!!!

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 12, 2006

Tammi you came to me and emailed me. You emailed me and valunteered all the problems you were having. I have the emails. You told me all your business from the first few emails. Now what kind of person does that? Looking back I should have seen a very unstable person. I did not even know you. I never once asked you. I know you have started all this mess. You and Danielle kept change shipping dates and how they were going to be shipped. All I know is that I stated to you Puppy needs to be paid in full before being shipped. When Danielle changed the date and such I was concerned for you. You told me you could not afford the shipping so Danielle was going to pick him up for you. I asked her if she told you things changed and dates so you knew how soon you had to pay for him ahead of time. When you were sick I did not ask you for money or about the puppy. I stated I hope you are feeling better was all I said. You added things on here. So you need to stick to the problem. Not add too it. You can say all you want about me, make up lies, or whatever. I still don't have to return your deposit and won't. Do you think after all this I or anyone would. You know as a breeder or any breeder would like to know when a payment will made and there is nothing wrong with it. I have had breeders ask me too. It is not a problem for me b/c I perfectly understand. You or Danielle should not in the business b/c do not know how to treat people. You and Danielle were both sooo worried about me being mad that the both of you.
You both knew you were in the wrong how you treated me. Lets hope you both learn from this on how to treat people better. As me I Have had all happy customers. So I am not worried. Get over this and move forward. I have!


pot calling the kettle black

#6Author of original report

Tue, October 10, 2006

I forgot to add this ...I noticed that Sharon put my "emails" (portions of personal conversations removed and used in an attempt to upset and emabarrass me)on her rebuttal when the issue is my wanting a refund. Like I said, Sharon will use any tactics to cloud the issue to get away from the original complaint. Has anyone else noticed how she keeps skirting around the original issue and has turned it into a personal attack? She still has yet to produced the supposed contract she said she had. (She does not have one). And she also convieniently left out any emails that she wrote talking badly about other breeders... I am not going to stoop to posting them here and add fuel to the fire, or any further embarrassment to the other breeders. But I do still have the emails and will be happy to share them privately with anyone they pertain to. Just contact me and I will send them to you.

After all, for goodness sake, what is she trying to prove? That when I was having a dispute with someone that I wrote in a personal email to a "supposed" friend that I didn't like so-and-so? Gee, what a shock! I was mad at someone I thought was doing me wrong? I lost my temper? May I say that all I did is what anyone does when they are upset and frustrated? Complain to their friends and let off steam? Be human? I'm sure that none of us can say that we haven't ever been mad and talked about someone in an email or phone call to someone else that they could pull out and use against us later. And I also noticed Sharon forgot to mention that it was she that initiated these topics when I was upset...like asking me to tell her what I thought about so-and-so, and the "I don't like them either" sort of thing. I see now that was entrapment and she was gathering blackmail for a later date if she needed it.

Kind of low, baiting someone like that Sharon. And I'm not sure how Sharon expected to gain sympathy by trying to stir up a breeder war. All I am guilty of is a lapse in judgement about who to trust, and grousing in private about someone I was angry with at the time. I will not stoop to her level and participate in keeping that line of attack going. As I've told her over and over again...this is a legal issue, a business issue, not a personal one. It effects no one but herself and I...she doesn't seem to be able to understand the concept. She just likes to argue and start trouble.

Now as always...I want to ask Sharon to focus and get back to the problem. I need to know what LEGAL reason she can provide for keeping the money. Does she have a LEGAL reason that she is in the right, or is this still her tactic to "keep people from backing out" by keeping their money if they decide that her dogs - or she herself as a breeder - are not right for them. She will use any means necessary to hold onto that money...even if it means trying to slander and embarrass people. Sharon, if you had just told me that you were that bad off, I could have worked something out with you. Even though you weren't that understanding about money when it was me that had a bad spell. I should have seen from all the other reports about you on here what type of person I was dealing with, but I saw them too late. Now I just want this resolved.

So please....just stick to what this forum is for. It is to resolve legal issues, not for you to try to gain attention through personal attacks. I remember you saying in your other Rip Off Report that you got more attention from other breeders by fighting with Heidi. (Anyone who wants to read that report can see it, it is not hearsay).What a bizarre form of publicity. I can only imagine that this whole tirade of yours had made everyone think twice about what they say to you in private, or whether they should send you money. All you have done with this line of attack is prove that you can't be trusted. I have already apologised to the people who got pulled into this by having things that were said in private in the heat of the moment (prompted by you)that were never intended to be part of a public forum. Now I want to get back to the orginal problem...the one you keep dancing around.


one last attempt at clarity

#7Author of original report

Mon, October 09, 2006

It appears that Sharon will argue to the ends of the earth to justify keeping the money...it seems very obvious that she is trying to garner sympathy by pulling selected statments out of old emails...and out of context, I might add...only using one or two sentences to make things appear the way she would like them to. If one were to read the entire emails, (the way I went back and did), that is not what the subject was about.

The main theme of all the emails, was Sharon asking me to help her with going after Heidi on PuppyFind, complaining about other breeders, trying to get me to buy her puppy, and then continuing to ask me for more money. I also have all old emails from Sharon and myself, and would be happy to share them with anyone who needs to see them, since they prove my case and not hers. I also have other emails from breeders that she has harrassed and bothered over money.

So as far as email timelines go, they are like this.....

7/5/2006 ..."please can you share by posting a review on my listing. I hope that we can share with others our experience in dealing with Heidi".

(since she asked me to, I reported my experience with Heidi...but it was her idea, not mine. And you will see in that report that I said I was simply trying to help another breeder by sharing my story. She also wrote and asked me to report Heidi on PuppyFind by writing a bad review on her..and to report Elonda to the cyber police. I would not do that, I felt it was taking it too far)

7/11/2006 "OH the Womack lady I have heard of. If you get on her bad side which is easy to do. Will make life so hard for you...."

7/14/2006 "that Elonda already contacted me and wants a female right after Heidi backed out. I just deleted her email. I don't want to sell to her. I hope she is just kicking herself...."

It was on 7/26/2006 that I asked Sharon who had her other puppy in that litter on hold...that is when she told me it was Danielle. I then contacted Danielle and introduced myself and said that Sharon suggested that we have our puppies shipped together (if I got one). I still had not said I wanted Sharon's puppy at that point. Sharon kept writing and telling me that breeders were trying to get her puppy that she didn't trust. She told me I should send a deposit.

Then she writes:

8/3/2006 "Guess who is asking about my boy Joey. Heidi's friend Sylvia. Do you believe those two are up to something. I was wondering what you wanted to offer me for him, Sharon."

8/3/2006 "...I will go down to $800 and just charge for the plane ticket I don't want him to be caged up either, Sharon."

So it is obvious that I was concerned that the puppy was going to be in a bad situation and wanted to help. It was also Sharon who approached me about buying him. I also have emails that tell her that I wasn't sure I wanted to, or that I could afford to at that time, because my daughter was going back to college that month. She even told me in an email dated 7/28/2006 that someone else wanted him and did I still want him? I wrote back and told her that if she had a good home for him, then that was great, because that was all I wanted for him in the first place. That she should sell him to that person instead. She wrote back and said she would take less if I would buy him.

On 8/4/2006 I was home sick and Sharon wrote to ask me about getting the puppy. I was really in no condition to make desicions, but I said that I would do it to get the puppy a good home. On 8/6/2006 she told me to send out a deposit. I sent what I could at the time even though she wanted much more. On 8/9/2006 she wrote to ask where the money was, that she didn't have it yet. She wrote again and asked "how much did you send?". On 8/10/2006 she wrote to say she recieved the money order (which she promptly went out and cashed). She wanted to know when I would send more...I explained that I was still not finacially able to that month, but if I sold some pet puppies locally I would get the money that way.

On 8/14/2006 she wrote to ask if I'd sold any puppies yet. On 8/16/2006 she wrote "when are you sending me more money?" (direct quote) This was four days after she had recieved money from me. On 8/22/2006 she wrote again asking if I'd sold puppies yet and did I have the money.

On 8/23/2006 I wrote to Sharon and told her that I was still in the middle of sorting out payments for my daughter's college expenses because the student loans had not come through yet. On 8/26/2006 Sharon wrote to me and said that the plan to have Danielle bring my puppy home with hers had changed. She wanted to know if I could afford shipping now as well.

Then on 8/26/2006 (the same day, before she had my answer, or I could find out what was going on) Sharon wrote me and said "if you want Joey I need another payment. I should have him paid in full by now." (exact quote). On that same date she also said " you never gave me a date as to when you would have him paid off". (so it proves that I never agreed to a date). Then on the same day she writes "how long were you needing to have him paid off? You never told me how much time you needed."

On 8/26/2006 I wrote to Sharon: "This has hit me suddenly and I'm getting very confused... First you say things might be changing...then you tell me that I should have (the pup) paid off in full before Danielle comes out. I don't think that I ever agreed to that...I will check old emails and apologise if I am wrong. But I assumed the puppy would be paid for at the time he was picked up. I just never expected you to get mad at me because Danielle's plans had changed or because I put down a smaller deposit than you thought I should....I really was trying to help you because you said Heidi and all her friends were bothering you and trying to get the puppy. I was working as fast as I could with everything going wrong on this end to get the money in time for his pick up." "I just got home not too long ago and this is hitting me all at once...I need to stop and calm down and think this all through. I'm still trying to find out what all is going on. I feel like I just got in the middle of some kind of fight...and I still don't know what it is that I did wrong."

(Sharon then asked if she could put the puppy up for sale again, that it was no problem, so I said yes. I really wanted away from her and the whole situation at that point. Plus, I was reading terrible things about her from other people. I barely knew her, but the more I heard, the less I liked what I was finding out. So I bowed out when she offered me that solution, and apologised for any misunderstandings.)

On 8/30/2006 Sharon wrote: "Yeah I never said you ruined things for me.....I am not the kind of person who cause problems for people.

On 9/5/2006 You wrote me and told me that you had sold the puppy locally. I asked when you would send the deposit back.

You would not respond to me after that. Even when I asked again. I told you that if you were seriously trying to keep my deposit without a legal contract, that I would have to pursue it.

You then wrote on 9/25/2006 "I can't believe you even had to ask me to refund your deposit. You as a breeder know they are non refundable. That is why we have that rule to keep people from backing out." Then you said I should have figured it out because it was on your website somewehre.

So I then filed this report. You have since written and made it clear that you are unable, or unwilling, to return the deposit. You have resorted to any means to justify it, just no legal ones.

Lastly, I still have my past issues with Heidi, but I want to go on the record for everyone here and apologise for defending Sharon with their dispute. Having now dealt with her, I realise that I did not have all the facts. I still have my orginial complaint with Heidi, but I feel that she was in the right where the issue of Sharon was concerned. I want to make sure that everyone knows that. Also I want everyone to know that when I did not get Heidi's puppy, (no matter what other problems we had), she returned my deposit to me.

One has to ask why so many breeders change their mind about purchasing from Sharon after they know her, and why she feels the need to "keep them from backing out" when they feel one of her puppies are not right for them. I am dealing with other breeders right now and not having any problems with them at all about the puppies I'm getting.

As for Elonda, I apologise for discussing you with Sharon at all, even when she was the one who initiated the topic. It was not my intention for that to later be used in a public forum. Just bad judgement in the integrity of the person I was talking to. If I'd wanted to say anything bad about you in a public way, I would have, but I did not wish to. Any disagreements we had were personal ones, not any of Sharon's business, even though she prodded me about it. I should have simply not answered her.

And I apologise to Danielle who got dragged into the whole mess as well.....simply because we were buying puppies from the same breeder. I know that she is going through similar headaches with Sharon now too.

I want to finish with inviting anyone who wishes to contact me about Sharon to do so. Perhaps together there is some way we can stop this kind of unethical behavior and dishonest selling practices.

I have already contacted the proper channels to deal with Sharon about this. I have informed her already that I am taking action.


Listing Emails from Tammi

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 09, 2006

I decided to list the whole emails so others can see How Tammi is and the truth.

Here is one dated july 26th to Tammi
Daneille W. got him. I am asking 300 to hold him. I would like to have him paid for by the time he is 7 wks. I am sure we can ship him befoe or after labor day. It should cool down by then.hopefully

Audust 4th (scroll to the bold print part)

> Oh yes, Heidi and the others have done that many
> times before. They have their friends buy a puppy that they know the breeder won't sell to them and then that's how they get it. I know a breeder that happened to. She sold a puppy to a woman who said she was a small breeder and then the woman turned around and gave it to a big breeder she wouldn't sell to.
> Heidi is one of the sneakiest people I have ever met. The more I hear about her, the more I dislike her. She just tried this same thing with a breeder in Brazil that I work with. I am supposed to talk with the people who are
> interested in buying from her first. Well Heidi
> wrote to her directly and tried to buy a puppy because she knew I would warn my friend about her. My friend wrote and told me and I warned her, so she told Heidi she wouldn't sell
> to her. Then Heidi had her friend Deb write and ask for a pup. Can you believe how dishonest she is? Now she is trying to do the same thing with you.
If she was a good breeder, why would she have to be tricking people to buy dogs? I am not sure what I could offer for Joey becauseI do want him, but I found one almost the same color here for alot less,so I was going to check it out too. I wouldn't want to insult you by not offering enough.

I tell you though, I almost want to buy him just to make Heidi crazy...she would be so
> upset if I got him instead of her. And I would hate to see him with someone like her or her friends and just be in a kennel somewhere making babies until they didn't need him anymore and sold him. I just wish I knew for sure that I
> was going to get my puppies sold OK and then I could give you an answer. I really loved how he looked in his photos...I even think he's cuter than the one Danielle is getting.
> I just thought of something...they must think you were dumb, because didn't Sylvia go onto Rip Off Report and take Heidi's side against you? Did they think you wouldn't remember that? I just don't believe these people!
this email dated August 6th

Hi (My response)
Yes I can do that. When can you send a deposit on
him. Where are located again.


> Tell you what....would you consider taking *** for him? Then I could probably get him with the shipping and all. I really am starting to worry about Heidi getting her hands on him...Elonda is a friend of hers too. Let me know and maybe we can work something out?

Now I don't see where I was worried the one sooo worried about hiedi getting him and pushing him on her.

(August 6th)

> I am in Phoenix, Arizona. Danielle mentioned that she might fly out to pick hers up, so maybe I could talk her into picking Joey up at the same time. Or maybe I could see if I could afford to fly out at the same time...would
> have to see if it would cost the same as shipping him. I could probably send
> out a hundred dollars or so right away, that way you would know I was serious about him and let people know he was sold. I haven't even had time to discuss it with my husband yet, but I'm just going to do it....It makes me so mad
> what Heidi is doing....Joey deserves a good home and I will make sure he gets it.

Guess I need to hurry up and get the money
> together...how old will he be before you will ship him? Want to start making plans for him.
> I'm curious, what did Elonda say?

--- [email protected] wrote:

> OK. I will send that out. Thanks. This ought to drive Heidi crazy. I will ask Danielle about the shipping thing. I guess she's bringing your new girl to you at the same time? I saw her photo, she's adorable. Talk to you again soon....gotta go do some yardwork.
> Yes, Elonda is known for backing out of sales.
wrote: ( Here she is taking bad about others for sueing for Deposits)

> Yeah...she can be pretty bad. I have seen some of the things she has written to other breeders...she can be really nasty when she is mad at someone about something. Even called me names once when I was mad at her for being
> friends with someone like Heidi. We didn't talk for awhile, but now I do. I will
> give her advice, but I am afraid to sell to her. She is someone who will try
> to sue people for deposits back, things like that. I could have you ask some other breeders about her if you need some more feedback on her. Did you ever see the website on her? _
Then you can see for yourself what she wrote to one breeder. Anyway, enough of that....just wanted to give you a friendly warning. I don't hate Elonda or anything like that...I don't like
> fighting with anyone. I've even helped her out when I could with advice, etc. The
> problem is that I told her I wanted Joey, and I think she went behind my back and tried to get him to impress Heidi. She likes Heidi because she is trying to get a dog from her friend Sylvia in Germany.
> Thank you again...I am so glad this worked out. I really do think you
> will like Danielle too, she seems like such a nice person and I have never heard one bad thing about her. She really loves her dogs.
> We are so excited to be getting brothers and getting to know each other this way. And we are glad we met you.
> I will talk to you again soon.
--- wrote:(August 24th

This is where thing start to get ugly. This is where she gets confused. I did state from the beginning puppy needed to be paid in full by the time he is 7 wks old.

> I'm sorry about all of this too. This has just hit me suddenly and I'm getting very confused and upset over it all. First you say things might be changing and I contact Danielle to find out what is going on. Then you tell me I
> should have Joey paid off in full before Danielle comes out. I don't think
> I ever agreed to that...I will check old emails and apologise if I am wrong.
> But I always assumed that the dog would be paid for at the time he was picked up and his papers recieved. I just never expected you to be getting mad at me because Danielle's plans changed or because I had put down a smaller
> deposit than you thought I should... I really was trying to help you because you said Heidi and all her friends were bothering you and trying to get the puppy. I was working as fast as I could with everything going wrong on this end to get the money in time for his pick up.
> I just got home not too long ago and this is all hitting me at once...I can't even get my emails sent out right. I need to stop and calm down and think this all through. I'm still trying to find out what all is going on. I
> feel like I just got in the middle of some kind of fight....and I still don't know what it is that I did wrong.
Did Danielle ever tell you if she was flying out for sure? Did she get back with you about whether she needs health certificates if she's flying with them? I guess I should write and find out. Otherwise I have to make sure that
> I have the money ready for shipping too. Just want to be ready in plenty of time. I'm getting excited about his new guy!
> Also, I just had a new litter yesterday and got a red liver female in it
> (it's the first time I have had one)....I am going to keep her and see how she does with my new guy when he's grown up. I am thinking about naming him Phoenix, not sure yet. Heidi will sure be unhappy when she sees me having red
> and orange puppies...she likes to think she's the only one who will have them. But if she had treated you better she would have had him instead of me.
> Has she been leaving you alone?
> Give my little guy a big hug and a kiss for me!
> - Tammi

Did you still want joey??? Please Let me know if you don't. I can relist him.


> Sharon, I have tried all weekend to sell puppies, wanted to wait and see if
> I could. I am going through alot right now on this end. I can't go into it all right now. It is my problem, not yours...but it would be best if you do go ahead and relist Joey. I want to make sure you can place him while he's
> still little. I am so sorry, I was hoping I'd have better news to report this weekend. I hope that you aren't mad at me over this. It is just a long story....
> - Tammi

>Nothing said about deposit being returned.


Facts stated!

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 09, 2006

Here is what I wrote you in a email dated July 26th word by word. I wrote
"Daneille W. got him. I am asking *** to hold him. I would like to have him paid for by the time he is 7wks. I am sure we can ship him before or after labor day. It should cool down by then. hopefully"

Now you state you did not know when you suppose to pay me in full for the puppy.

On August 4th You wrote
"I tell you though, I almost want to buy him just to make Heidi crazy...she would be so upset if I got him instead of her."

On August 6th you wrote
" Tell you what....would you consider taking *** for him? Then I could probably get him with the shipping and all. I really am starting to worry about Heidi getting her hands on him...Elonda is a friend of hers too. Let me know and maybe we can work something out?"

I wrote
"Yes I can do that. When can you send a deposit on him. Where are located again."

Tammi wrote this on August 6 th in response
"I could probably send out the dollars or so right away, that way you would know I was serious about him and let people know he was sold."

I don't see where I demanded a deposit for you as you stated.

I also found a statement from you talking bad about another breeder sueing for deposits back.

Here is your statement on August 7th.
"She is someone who will try to sue people for deposits back, things like that." So aren't you contradicting yourself then. You can talk bad about others breeders doing something when you are turning around and doing it too! So you knew that all deposits are non refundable.

On Austust 27th You Stated to me.
" It is my problem, not yours but it would be best if you do go ahead and relist Joey. I want to make sure you can place him while he's still little. I am so sorry, I was hoping I'd have better news to report this weekend. I hope that you aren't mad at me over this. It is just a long story. - Tammi"
You knew you were in the wrong then.

I hope other review this and see Tammi Contradicts herself and lied by stating she did know I when I needed the money in full for this puppy or about Deposits being Non-refundable.. Beware of her. I have all the email and confirm everything.


taking legal action instead

#10Author of original report

Sat, October 07, 2006

In response to Candy from "Somewhere" Ohio, I have to ask what knowing where I live has to do with the problem I am having with this breeder. You obviously don't feel comfortable with saying where you are from and what kennel YOU have. (I apologise in advance if there really is a Somewhere Ohio that I'm not aware of). I can't think of any reason that someone would need that information except for retaliation, or for more attacks on me through private email.

Suffice it to say, I live in Sedona and work in Phoenix....does that pertain to this whole thing in any way? I am a small hobby breeder who has shown in the past. And it just so happens, I also volunteer with Animal Rescue, so yes, I do sometimes just get dogs to help them. Do you have a problem with me rescuing dogs? I can't see why you would care, or why it would upset you so much. And as for buying from Puppy Mills, as you should know, to buy from them would only be supporting them. How ethical would I be if I put money into the hands of such people? With the ASPCA it is our job to close those places down, not buy from them. I am very surprised that you would recommend buying from them.

And as a breeder, yes I know "how it works" with some breeders. That is why I avoid the ones who take deposits for puppies that they state are non-refunable. Most of those deposits are taken while the puppy is very young, or not even born yet. That would be unfortunate for anyone who later finds that the puppy has turned out not to be what they originally had wanted, but have to get it anyway or lose their money. And had Sharon stated that she was one of those who kept deposits up front, I would not have dealt with her either. This all came up after she didn't want to return the money.

You also seem to be an expert in breeding...I never realised that there was a statistical report for how many breeders keep money. 90% you say? Where did you get those figures from, may I ask? Because if it is only from personal experience, then I must respond by saying that I have bought dogs before, and Sharon is the only one that ever kept a deposit, so for me those numbers are not the same...more like 99% of breeders have not kept my money. (That is if we are only using personal opinions as the formula). As for the statement that PayPal does not return deposits for items (even dogs) not recieved, that is not a true statement. I'm not sure why you would say that either.

I know that some breeders have been upset because PayPal DID return deposits to people for puppies they did not recieve. I also know of one breeder who is not well liked because she has had deposits returned through legal action. Saying that you will keep someone's money on a website, does not make it legally binding. There is no legal reason for anyone to keep money for something that was not recieved....and dog breeders are not an exception...all people who use that service are expected to use ethical business practices. Why would you encourage someone to be unethical and commend them for it?

So I am not sure that when you say "I assume this" and "I assume that" regarding this problem that you are are even in possesion of any concrete facts regarding my problems with this breeder. In this context, the comments are only argumentative and sound like someone who is a friend of Sharon's, Sharon herself, or a breeder who is offended that I warned people not to deal with breeders who keep deposits for dogs.

I'm not sure in what way anything you said offers a solution to consumers on here and that is what this forum is for. It simply feels like another personal attack, and that solves nothing. Not wanting a dog from someone when there was no contract involved yet is not a crime....taking money and keeping it without a contract is. I am the victim here....not someone who is being frustrated and vindictive over the loss of a sale. Someone who feels I should "pay" for the breeders who back out on her. Those other breeders did not leave a deposit before they could evaluate their puppy, so they were wiser than me in that respect.

As for Sharon, I have already recieved a private email from her stating repeatedly that she will not return my deposit. Therefore, arguing on this site is no longer neccessary. At this point my only recourse is to pursue her legally. I have already informed her that I will do so. It is already being done, so this is all gone to another level anyway. Nothing will be solved with mud-slinging on this site. I simply came here to resolve my problem, not argue with Sharon's friends.

And Sharon still seems to have me and Danielle confused. She seems insistent on lumping us together. Danielle lives in CA, I live in AZ. We are not even in the same state. We didn't even reserve a puppy in the same time frame. What happened with another person is not a justification for blaming me. It is not fair to drag her into my problems and visa versa. They are two different puppies and two different arrangements.

If you have a problem with her, you need to take it up with her, not continue to harrass me about it. It is my money that you have taken, and it is my problem that I am dealing with. I hope this clears everything up with people who might wonder why she keeps using the name Danielle in my dispute with her...as for "Yolanda" that she keeps talking about (and what would THAT have to do with this anyway?)...I'm not familiar with anyone who has that name. Sharon seems to think that someone yelling at me or cursing at me has something to do with this issue? Sharon appears to be very confused still. It seems that the line between personal issues and business ones are blurry for her.

So in closing, I just want to say that I will have taken the appropriate legal action for this situation first thing on Monday, rather than continue to argue needlessly over this.


I can't Believe You!!!

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, October 07, 2006

Tammi stop your lies. I have NOT once called you names. I have all my sent emails as proof. I tried to work with you. YOU are the one that backed out on Me. Danielle and you both need to stop with all your excuses and tell the truth for once. You Know you are in the wrong that is why you have to make up sooo many lies. You told me Yolanda was calling you names. You need to stick to the truth.

I do not have to return your deposit. You knew when the puppy was to be shipped. You knew for weeks in advanced even. I don't know why you were suprised when I asked if you could send me the rest of the payment for the puppy to be shipped. Then all of a sudden you come up with an excuse as to not getting him b/c you are having financial problems. All you and Danielle had to do was be honest with me. I feel I have been more than fair and honest in dealing with you and Danielle. I kept my part of the deal all the way through and in the end lost money on my puppies. As you can see Both this Danielle and Tammi are very unstable people. I would never deal with these two. It is not worth all the stress they put me through. I DO NOT lower my standards and resort to name calling?


Not being fair to this breeder

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, October 06, 2006

Your are not being fair at all to this breeder. I feel so bad for her that she has come in contact with you. You should know that almost 90% of breeders have a non refundable deposit policy. Are you a breeder? If so you of all people should know this.

Whether you signed a contract or not you should know that. You say that you were getting this puppy because you wanted to help her out and so that it would go to a good home, you also said you wanted a good deal, well sounds to me like this women did give you a good deal or you would of never sent her money. Here is also one of your statements you wrote:

Since it had only been a couple of weeks since I'd offered to take the puppy, I was confused at her urgency. I really didn't need the puppy, I was just trying to help her out and now she was acting like she needed money, when it was supposed to be about helping the dog.

What I don't understand, if you saying you were confused at her urgency, well the puppy was probably ready to be placed and you told her you wanted it so she was probably trying to get things in order for the puppy to go to his new home.

Oh and you really didn't need the puppy, well what in the world were you doing buying it then???

That is no reason to buy a puppy and sounds to me like you are just making things up as you go so that you can hurt this poor lady and get your money back, has it worked for you yet??

So what every time you speak with someone about a puppy you are going to buy it because "you want it to have a good home or you want to help that person out" GIVE ME A BREAK!

If this is a fact, then you should go to puppy mills and start getting some of those poor puppies, you will not only be giving them a good home if you can supply them with one? as we have not as of yet heard about where you live, but you have had on more than one report stated where this other lady lives. "Stick to the problem"

I have read some of the reviews on this lady and doesn't look like she is one of them, it sounds like the people that have gotten puppies from her are more than happy. I would not have a problem considering getting a puppy from her.

Also if you were so worried about her you should have done your research before placing money down.

I am sure this is not the first breeder you have worked with. I feel you should know and ask questions before jumping into getting a puppy. And not get ever puppy because you want to give them a good home, which I don't feel was your reason for getting this puppy, it was the great deal you were looking for.

She says she has held that puppy for you for sometime and asked for the money when it was ready to go, well what did you expect she was going to hold the dog another 8 weeks??

You are also saying she is not sticking to the problem at hand, well you also have went off from the first report you put on here.

You are saying all kinds of things that the two of you supposedly spoke about, well it you want her to stick to the real problem you should do that as well.

I would assume this lady had to put this puppy back up for sale after you backed out on her and that cost money and as a puppy gets older it is harder to place so you also put her in a spot with doing it the way you did.

And it really does not matter how many days it took her to sell the puppy, I am just happy to hear that it went to a good home and to someone that really wanted this puppy for the right reasons!

Also I don't feel you are sorry it has come to this and you feel it's your obligation to let other breeders know how she works, well most of them do work this way, yes there are some that don't but the majority do. And if I were a breeder and were in this situation I would not give your money back either, since she has held this puppy for you for weeks and then when it's time for the puppy to be placed you back out on her. And the funny thing she held this puppy will a very small deposit, most breeders I have seen charge alot more, sounds to me like another things this breeder did to work with you.

Well people should be informed about you and how you back out on getting a puppy at the last minute, and want special deals and then report breeders on here. And also that you don't really need the puppies. Please Sharon if you could post on here this lady's site if she has one or how you came across her so others will know. And if I were you I would not give this lady her money back she wanted a puppy for nothing and acts like she is this great person trying to save this poor puppy, when it didn't need to be saved, she was trying to get this great deal which sounds to me like you gave her one and then she could not afford to get it so she backs out and wants her deposit back. I also hope that people will read everything on here and read the reviews on Sharon on PuppyFind, as I have, and not listen to people who want something for nothing.

Also PayPal which has been in business for years does not give money back on deposits.

According to the User Agreement, PayPal's Buyer Complaint Policy applies only to the shipment of goods and not to services and other intangible

It has worked for PayPal and they have been in business for years so if it works for you Sharon to have your Policy this way I would not change a thing unless you feel it's the right thing to do.


Back to the orginal problem, please

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, October 06, 2006

Sharon you have gone off on and started getting upset over everything but the problem I came here with, and you got completely off track with the original problem. I am here to resolve the issue with you not returning my money.

I am not on here to start a "he said", "she said" dialoge. That would just go on forever. That is not what this site is for. Besides, you've already admitted that you were wrong about what you orginally told me, and that it was someone else who broke promises to you, not me. I've already fought enough with you through email, and that is why I came to this forum.

I noticed that you simply went back to being upset over things that you and Danielle discussed that have nothing to do with me at all. Like I've said before, that has nothing to do with me.

Just because I was the subject of someone else's conversations, does not make me responsible for any promises someone else made. If I did not make them, then don't assume I had anything to do with it. Did I say I wanted to trade you a puppy? No, I did not.

If they were my puppies, then I would be the one making the offer, not someone else. (And I have already stated that I would not send a dog to live with a breeder who is only supposed to have one dog in her trailer, so that issue is a dead one). And why would I be responsible for Danielle asking you to wait for another of her litters?

That is her breeding program, her business, not mine. Like I said, back to what the real problem is. OUR problem. Focus, Sharon, this is a business transaction, not a name-calling contest.

You completely skipped over the issue of the contract that you allegedly have from me. I want to see a copy of this since I know I DID NOT sign anything for you except a money order for the $100 that you have kept for a puppy I did not recieve. (A postal money order for which I still have the reciept). You still do not have a legal reason to keep that money. You tried to say that I have financial troubles, in an obvious attempt to try to embarrass me (very petty of you), when it was just an issue of my getting my daughter settled into College that month.

You are not a friend of mine, what would you really know about my personal business? But it seems that you are the one who is unable to return my money. (I'm assuming you've spent it already). And I still have the email where you asked me if you could just re-list him and that you didn't care, you just needed my go ahead. You resold him in a couple of days. I have that email too. You wrote me saying he had a new home, so I asked when to expect my money returned...that is when you "disappeared".

No answer, no more emails. You weren't upset until I came here to ask for my money. Can you please give me a LEGAL reason that you could take money for a product that was never delivered, with no contract stating you could? That is what I am trying to warn other breeders about that you are unethical in your business practices. That is the problem I am trying to resolve, not that some other breeder hurt your feelings, or let you down. You do not mention keeping money in your ads, but then say later when I ask for the money back that they are on your website somewhere.

Very deceptive. And very dishonest. And everytime I've tried to talk to you about it, you just go to name-calling and carrying on about other issues.

If you have anything signed where I said you could keep the money, please show me. If not, then please return my money. It is a matter of ethics at this point. Do you really need it so badly that you would cheat someone to get it?


Your now stating untrue facts!!!!!!

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 05, 2006

I think you need to get you facts correct. You are the one telling stories. I think you need to talk to Danielle. She is the one that spoke for the both of you. She claimed the two of you spoke about offering me a trade with one of your puppies. So start asking Danielle why she offered me one of your puppies. For the record you told me you had some money problems and could no longer get him. YOU TOLD ME TO PUT HIM UP FOR SALE!!! Why are the Breeders Like Yolanda, Heidi, giving you problems. You told Yoland keeps harrassing you and cursing at you. Same as with Heidi. Seems to me you are the problem. Yes I did say I held him since he was a week old. I went back to our email it was a few weeks not five. I did nothing wrong with our trade. YOU BACKED OUT NOT ME! I sent you weekly pictures and updates and everything. I kept my part of the deal. So don't blame your financial reasons for backing out, on me. You are the one that brought Danielle in this too not me! So you are saying Danielle did not want the puppy huh!

I have many emails stating she still wanted him and wanted to work something out. She also stated she wanted to trade with the next litter coming up. You are lying again and don't know what daneille and I discussed. This only shows you are the lier. You and Danielle can't be trusted. I never asked you to write anything about Heide you did that on your own before you contacted ME. I also need to State the fact that you wanted to use Danielle's puppy from me as stud too. So you are also lying when you state you did not need or want another dog.
Oh! By the way my dogs do get their exercise and get walks too. I also have a good records with my vet. So don't even try to say I don't care or take care of my dogs. So get a life and stop trying to scam other breeders.


Misinformation given

#15Author of original report

Thu, October 05, 2006

I was not going to respond to anything you had to say, but after ready your response, I feel I have to clear up alot of misinformation you gave. Some of it may be a misunderstanding on your part, but some of it is out and out lying.

First of all, I DID NOT recieve or sign any contract with you. Why you would say that I did is something I can't understand. I would certainly like for you to produce the contract you seem to think I signed. That I would like to see, so sure, if you think you have one, send a copy to me so that I can have the signature checked for authenticity. After all, you have made up several stories at this point already, so it would be pretty easy for you to fill out a contract and say it was me I guess. Just like with your "references"...the ones that you write and put in your response, not ones that the people themselves send in. This is just like before when you asked me to help in going after Heidi because you were a victim. You are a victim of a plot again? Now after dealing with you myself, I wonder if she really took advantage of you at all. After all, you are lying when you say you held a puppy for me when it was 2-3 weeks old. And before, you told me you'd held it from 1 week old, the story keeps changing. I have checked through my old emails and I offered to help you out with that puppy when it was over 5 weeks old. So saying that you expected another payment when it was 6 weeks old doesn't make sense...I would have just sent out the deposit at that point. I only had you holding that puppy for approximately 20 days (I'm being generous here)...I checked the timeline.

Like I said before, I lost faith in you at that point, and when you wanted to put him back up and sell him because you didn't think the money was coming fast enough, I was relieved. I just did not trust you anymore at that point. You asked me to lie about how much I paid for the puppy so that other breeders would think that you get alot and you could charge more in the future. That did not set well with me....I should have said something then. But I have been trying to consider your feelings since you were so upset that so many breeders did not like you. Now I see that you do not have that same regard for me.

I NEVER offered you a puppy for one of your puppies. And you would not have a single email from me that would say that I did. You just made that up. I know, because while I might have bought your puppy to give him a good home, I would not have sold you one, or traded you one. You told me in our orginal conversation that you live in a trailer park that only allows 1 dog and that you have several there and more than one breed. This is not hearsay, since you told me this yourself. I would not send a puppy into that situation. It is only a matter of time before someone reported you and you would lose your dogs, so I wouldn't want one of my dogs in that situation. And I could not imagine how you could keep more than one breed and raise litters in a trailer with your family there too. Especially in Illinois with the harsh winters...what exercise do they get then? So I just needed to clear up the misconception that I would have offered you a puppy in trade. You are trading with so many people that you may have gotten confused about it.

As for you and your "conspiracy theories" about Danielle and I, you may have gotten confused again. I met Danielle because she was also getting a puppy from you in that same litter. You and Danielle had an agreement going before I met you. When I found out she was coming to pick her puppy up in person, I contacted her (AFTER we met you, not before) and asked if she would pick up mine at the same time since I wanted to make sure the puppy was OK before I paid for it. I would then have to have her ship it from her state to mine when she got back. That is how nervous I was about it. I had started hearing so many bad things about you and how you treat your dogs at that point, so I was getting worried. (Especially when so many breeders back out after getting to know you, it seems that only pet homes buy your dogs). Since then she and I have written and gotten to know one another, but that has nothing to do with any arrangement you and I had...or you and she had. So telling me your problems with Danielle (or agreements you had before I met you both) is not appropriate. That would have nothing to do with me, anymore than your dispute with me would have anything to do with her. You seem to be very convinced that we "are in this together" and there was some kind of grand plot against you. And the references that "they (un-named sources)" are telling you that we both "work together" is slanderous and incorrect. This is very similar to the "conspiracy" you were so upset about, that Heidi and her friends were supposed to be out to trick you. It seems to be a reaccuring theme with you. If we were working together, what kind of sense would it make for two breeders to buy two male puppies from the same litter? That would make for a really strange breeding program as I'm sure other breeders would agree with.

Now, back to you and I....conspiracy theories aside. There is no Tammi and Danielle this...Tammi and Danielle that. That is just an attempt to cloud the issue...and meant to cause distress to myself and this other breeder. This is just between you and I, and you have taken my money without a legal document, and now you are distorting the facts after I have called you on it. I would like to see a reference that you did not write yourself (in the content of your own response, I might add), or that comes from a real breeder and not a neighbor/best friend at the trailer park.

I helped you out on PuppyFind because you said a group of breeders were "working together" and out to get you. I offered to help you out by buying your puppy. Within 20 days, you starting demanding more money and changing the agreement...then you asked to relist the puppy for sale. You resold it...end of story. Now I need the money I put down towards that puppy returned to me since I DID NOT sign a contact . And if you have signed one for me, then I will have to report that forgery. So please keep your disputes with Heidi, Danille, and all the other breeders you are fighting with out of this and deal with me. And if you continue to make up stories and to slander me, then I will have to take issue with that as well.

I am sorry that it has come to this, but I felt that I needed to warn other breeders about people who conduct business the way you do.


Misinformation given

#16Author of original report

Thu, October 05, 2006

I was not going to respond to anything you had to say, but after ready your response, I feel I have to clear up alot of misinformation you gave. Some of it may be a misunderstanding on your part, but some of it is out and out lying.

First of all, I DID NOT recieve or sign any contract with you. Why you would say that I did is something I can't understand. I would certainly like for you to produce the contract you seem to think I signed. That I would like to see, so sure, if you think you have one, send a copy to me so that I can have the signature checked for authenticity. After all, you have made up several stories at this point already, so it would be pretty easy for you to fill out a contract and say it was me I guess. Just like with your "references"...the ones that you write and put in your response, not ones that the people themselves send in. This is just like before when you asked me to help in going after Heidi because you were a victim. You are a victim of a plot again? Now after dealing with you myself, I wonder if she really took advantage of you at all. After all, you are lying when you say you held a puppy for me when it was 2-3 weeks old. And before, you told me you'd held it from 1 week old, the story keeps changing. I have checked through my old emails and I offered to help you out with that puppy when it was over 5 weeks old. So saying that you expected another payment when it was 6 weeks old doesn't make sense...I would have just sent out the deposit at that point. I only had you holding that puppy for approximately 20 days (I'm being generous here)...I checked the timeline.

Like I said before, I lost faith in you at that point, and when you wanted to put him back up and sell him because you didn't think the money was coming fast enough, I was relieved. I just did not trust you anymore at that point. You asked me to lie about how much I paid for the puppy so that other breeders would think that you get alot and you could charge more in the future. That did not set well with me....I should have said something then. But I have been trying to consider your feelings since you were so upset that so many breeders did not like you. Now I see that you do not have that same regard for me.

I NEVER offered you a puppy for one of your puppies. And you would not have a single email from me that would say that I did. You just made that up. I know, because while I might have bought your puppy to give him a good home, I would not have sold you one, or traded you one. You told me in our orginal conversation that you live in a trailer park that only allows 1 dog and that you have several there and more than one breed. This is not hearsay, since you told me this yourself. I would not send a puppy into that situation. It is only a matter of time before someone reported you and you would lose your dogs, so I wouldn't want one of my dogs in that situation. And I could not imagine how you could keep more than one breed and raise litters in a trailer with your family there too. Especially in Illinois with the harsh winters...what exercise do they get then? So I just needed to clear up the misconception that I would have offered you a puppy in trade. You are trading with so many people that you may have gotten confused about it.

As for you and your "conspiracy theories" about Danielle and I, you may have gotten confused again. I met Danielle because she was also getting a puppy from you in that same litter. You and Danielle had an agreement going before I met you. When I found out she was coming to pick her puppy up in person, I contacted her (AFTER we met you, not before) and asked if she would pick up mine at the same time since I wanted to make sure the puppy was OK before I paid for it. I would then have to have her ship it from her state to mine when she got back. That is how nervous I was about it. I had started hearing so many bad things about you and how you treat your dogs at that point, so I was getting worried. (Especially when so many breeders back out after getting to know you, it seems that only pet homes buy your dogs). Since then she and I have written and gotten to know one another, but that has nothing to do with any arrangement you and I had...or you and she had. So telling me your problems with Danielle (or agreements you had before I met you both) is not appropriate. That would have nothing to do with me, anymore than your dispute with me would have anything to do with her. You seem to be very convinced that we "are in this together" and there was some kind of grand plot against you. And the references that "they (un-named sources)" are telling you that we both "work together" is slanderous and incorrect. This is very similar to the "conspiracy" you were so upset about, that Heidi and her friends were supposed to be out to trick you. It seems to be a reaccuring theme with you. If we were working together, what kind of sense would it make for two breeders to buy two male puppies from the same litter? That would make for a really strange breeding program as I'm sure other breeders would agree with.

Now, back to you and I....conspiracy theories aside. There is no Tammi and Danielle this...Tammi and Danielle that. That is just an attempt to cloud the issue...and meant to cause distress to myself and this other breeder. This is just between you and I, and you have taken my money without a legal document, and now you are distorting the facts after I have called you on it. I would like to see a reference that you did not write yourself (in the content of your own response, I might add), or that comes from a real breeder and not a neighbor/best friend at the trailer park.

I helped you out on PuppyFind because you said a group of breeders were "working together" and out to get you. I offered to help you out by buying your puppy. Within 20 days, you starting demanding more money and changing the agreement...then you asked to relist the puppy for sale. You resold it...end of story. Now I need the money I put down towards that puppy returned to me since I DID NOT sign a contact . And if you have signed one for me, then I will have to report that forgery. So please keep your disputes with Heidi, Danille, and all the other breeders you are fighting with out of this and deal with me. And if you continue to make up stories and to slander me, then I will have to take issue with that as well.

I am sorry that it has come to this, but I felt that I needed to warn other breeders about people who conduct business the way you do.


Misinformation given

#17Author of original report

Thu, October 05, 2006

I was not going to respond to anything you had to say, but after ready your response, I feel I have to clear up alot of misinformation you gave. Some of it may be a misunderstanding on your part, but some of it is out and out lying.

First of all, I DID NOT recieve or sign any contract with you. Why you would say that I did is something I can't understand. I would certainly like for you to produce the contract you seem to think I signed. That I would like to see, so sure, if you think you have one, send a copy to me so that I can have the signature checked for authenticity. After all, you have made up several stories at this point already, so it would be pretty easy for you to fill out a contract and say it was me I guess. Just like with your "references"...the ones that you write and put in your response, not ones that the people themselves send in. This is just like before when you asked me to help in going after Heidi because you were a victim. You are a victim of a plot again? Now after dealing with you myself, I wonder if she really took advantage of you at all. After all, you are lying when you say you held a puppy for me when it was 2-3 weeks old. And before, you told me you'd held it from 1 week old, the story keeps changing. I have checked through my old emails and I offered to help you out with that puppy when it was over 5 weeks old. So saying that you expected another payment when it was 6 weeks old doesn't make sense...I would have just sent out the deposit at that point. I only had you holding that puppy for approximately 20 days (I'm being generous here)...I checked the timeline.

Like I said before, I lost faith in you at that point, and when you wanted to put him back up and sell him because you didn't think the money was coming fast enough, I was relieved. I just did not trust you anymore at that point. You asked me to lie about how much I paid for the puppy so that other breeders would think that you get alot and you could charge more in the future. That did not set well with me....I should have said something then. But I have been trying to consider your feelings since you were so upset that so many breeders did not like you. Now I see that you do not have that same regard for me.

I NEVER offered you a puppy for one of your puppies. And you would not have a single email from me that would say that I did. You just made that up. I know, because while I might have bought your puppy to give him a good home, I would not have sold you one, or traded you one. You told me in our orginal conversation that you live in a trailer park that only allows 1 dog and that you have several there and more than one breed. This is not hearsay, since you told me this yourself. I would not send a puppy into that situation. It is only a matter of time before someone reported you and you would lose your dogs, so I wouldn't want one of my dogs in that situation. And I could not imagine how you could keep more than one breed and raise litters in a trailer with your family there too. Especially in Illinois with the harsh winters...what exercise do they get then? So I just needed to clear up the misconception that I would have offered you a puppy in trade. You are trading with so many people that you may have gotten confused about it.

As for you and your "conspiracy theories" about Danielle and I, you may have gotten confused again. I met Danielle because she was also getting a puppy from you in that same litter. You and Danielle had an agreement going before I met you. When I found out she was coming to pick her puppy up in person, I contacted her (AFTER we met you, not before) and asked if she would pick up mine at the same time since I wanted to make sure the puppy was OK before I paid for it. I would then have to have her ship it from her state to mine when she got back. That is how nervous I was about it. I had started hearing so many bad things about you and how you treat your dogs at that point, so I was getting worried. (Especially when so many breeders back out after getting to know you, it seems that only pet homes buy your dogs). Since then she and I have written and gotten to know one another, but that has nothing to do with any arrangement you and I had...or you and she had. So telling me your problems with Danielle (or agreements you had before I met you both) is not appropriate. That would have nothing to do with me, anymore than your dispute with me would have anything to do with her. You seem to be very convinced that we "are in this together" and there was some kind of grand plot against you. And the references that "they (un-named sources)" are telling you that we both "work together" is slanderous and incorrect. This is very similar to the "conspiracy" you were so upset about, that Heidi and her friends were supposed to be out to trick you. It seems to be a reaccuring theme with you. If we were working together, what kind of sense would it make for two breeders to buy two male puppies from the same litter? That would make for a really strange breeding program as I'm sure other breeders would agree with.

Now, back to you and I....conspiracy theories aside. There is no Tammi and Danielle this...Tammi and Danielle that. That is just an attempt to cloud the issue...and meant to cause distress to myself and this other breeder. This is just between you and I, and you have taken my money without a legal document, and now you are distorting the facts after I have called you on it. I would like to see a reference that you did not write yourself (in the content of your own response, I might add), or that comes from a real breeder and not a neighbor/best friend at the trailer park.

I helped you out on PuppyFind because you said a group of breeders were "working together" and out to get you. I offered to help you out by buying your puppy. Within 20 days, you starting demanding more money and changing the agreement...then you asked to relist the puppy for sale. You resold it...end of story. Now I need the money I put down towards that puppy returned to me since I DID NOT sign a contact . And if you have signed one for me, then I will have to report that forgery. So please keep your disputes with Heidi, Danille, and all the other breeders you are fighting with out of this and deal with me. And if you continue to make up stories and to slander me, then I will have to take issue with that as well.

I am sorry that it has come to this, but I felt that I needed to warn other breeders about people who conduct business the way you do.


Misinformation given

#18Author of original report

Thu, October 05, 2006

I was not going to respond to anything you had to say, but after ready your response, I feel I have to clear up alot of misinformation you gave. Some of it may be a misunderstanding on your part, but some of it is out and out lying.

First of all, I DID NOT recieve or sign any contract with you. Why you would say that I did is something I can't understand. I would certainly like for you to produce the contract you seem to think I signed. That I would like to see, so sure, if you think you have one, send a copy to me so that I can have the signature checked for authenticity. After all, you have made up several stories at this point already, so it would be pretty easy for you to fill out a contract and say it was me I guess. Just like with your "references"...the ones that you write and put in your response, not ones that the people themselves send in. This is just like before when you asked me to help in going after Heidi because you were a victim. You are a victim of a plot again? Now after dealing with you myself, I wonder if she really took advantage of you at all. After all, you are lying when you say you held a puppy for me when it was 2-3 weeks old. And before, you told me you'd held it from 1 week old, the story keeps changing. I have checked through my old emails and I offered to help you out with that puppy when it was over 5 weeks old. So saying that you expected another payment when it was 6 weeks old doesn't make sense...I would have just sent out the deposit at that point. I only had you holding that puppy for approximately 20 days (I'm being generous here)...I checked the timeline.

Like I said before, I lost faith in you at that point, and when you wanted to put him back up and sell him because you didn't think the money was coming fast enough, I was relieved. I just did not trust you anymore at that point. You asked me to lie about how much I paid for the puppy so that other breeders would think that you get alot and you could charge more in the future. That did not set well with me....I should have said something then. But I have been trying to consider your feelings since you were so upset that so many breeders did not like you. Now I see that you do not have that same regard for me.

I NEVER offered you a puppy for one of your puppies. And you would not have a single email from me that would say that I did. You just made that up. I know, because while I might have bought your puppy to give him a good home, I would not have sold you one, or traded you one. You told me in our orginal conversation that you live in a trailer park that only allows 1 dog and that you have several there and more than one breed. This is not hearsay, since you told me this yourself. I would not send a puppy into that situation. It is only a matter of time before someone reported you and you would lose your dogs, so I wouldn't want one of my dogs in that situation. And I could not imagine how you could keep more than one breed and raise litters in a trailer with your family there too. Especially in Illinois with the harsh winters...what exercise do they get then? So I just needed to clear up the misconception that I would have offered you a puppy in trade. You are trading with so many people that you may have gotten confused about it.

As for you and your "conspiracy theories" about Danielle and I, you may have gotten confused again. I met Danielle because she was also getting a puppy from you in that same litter. You and Danielle had an agreement going before I met you. When I found out she was coming to pick her puppy up in person, I contacted her (AFTER we met you, not before) and asked if she would pick up mine at the same time since I wanted to make sure the puppy was OK before I paid for it. I would then have to have her ship it from her state to mine when she got back. That is how nervous I was about it. I had started hearing so many bad things about you and how you treat your dogs at that point, so I was getting worried. (Especially when so many breeders back out after getting to know you, it seems that only pet homes buy your dogs). Since then she and I have written and gotten to know one another, but that has nothing to do with any arrangement you and I had...or you and she had. So telling me your problems with Danielle (or agreements you had before I met you both) is not appropriate. That would have nothing to do with me, anymore than your dispute with me would have anything to do with her. You seem to be very convinced that we "are in this together" and there was some kind of grand plot against you. And the references that "they (un-named sources)" are telling you that we both "work together" is slanderous and incorrect. This is very similar to the "conspiracy" you were so upset about, that Heidi and her friends were supposed to be out to trick you. It seems to be a reaccuring theme with you. If we were working together, what kind of sense would it make for two breeders to buy two male puppies from the same litter? That would make for a really strange breeding program as I'm sure other breeders would agree with.

Now, back to you and I....conspiracy theories aside. There is no Tammi and Danielle this...Tammi and Danielle that. That is just an attempt to cloud the issue...and meant to cause distress to myself and this other breeder. This is just between you and I, and you have taken my money without a legal document, and now you are distorting the facts after I have called you on it. I would like to see a reference that you did not write yourself (in the content of your own response, I might add), or that comes from a real breeder and not a neighbor/best friend at the trailer park.

I helped you out on PuppyFind because you said a group of breeders were "working together" and out to get you. I offered to help you out by buying your puppy. Within 20 days, you starting demanding more money and changing the agreement...then you asked to relist the puppy for sale. You resold it...end of story. Now I need the money I put down towards that puppy returned to me since I DID NOT sign a contact . And if you have signed one for me, then I will have to report that forgery. So please keep your disputes with Heidi, Danille, and all the other breeders you are fighting with out of this and deal with me. And if you continue to make up stories and to slander me, then I will have to take issue with that as well.

I am sorry that it has come to this, but I felt that I needed to warn other breeders about people who conduct business the way you do.


Tammi you are wrong!!

#19REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 05, 2006

I never asked or forced you to get the puppy. I just told you how it was wierd that all of a sudden Hiedi's friends wanted my puppy. Heidi decided she did want pick of this litter. So later her friends started contacting me. So naturally I wondered what was going on.

I never told you I would sell to them. We were just talking about it. I did in fact send you my contract and you filled it out and sent it back. It does clearly state on the top "
Please Make sure you can accept the responsibility of a puppy as deposits are non-refundable under any circumstances!" I even have it on my website.

So don't go saying I never told you. As for You and Danielle the travel arrangements were made between the two of you. This was discussed before the both of you contacted me. So if there was a problem Blame Danielle and not me. I needed payment in full for puppy to be picked up.
the arrangement were made by Danielle. This was
when the puppy was 9 weeks old. You know you had until then to pay for the puppy. Did you think I would ship the puppy without payment in full or with only 100 down? You never even let me know how long you needed to pay the off or when. I would have worked with you at the time. The puppy was already 10 wks old. I never heard from you about when payments would be made.

As for Danielle and her puppy we were to do a trade on. She kept making up excuses as to what was wrong with the puppy, small birth weight, not breedable, would not be big enough to ship for 6 months, breathing problems, needed to be hand feed, and pinched nostils. She sold and placed her in 2 days.

If the puppy was that sick she should have never been placed. If it wasn't than She sold it for the money. That is her choicebut as a ethical breeder I feel she sould have been honest with me. Also Danielle kept changing the plans on shipment dates not me. She also told many times she would out right pay for the puppy. Which all she kept telling me how she wanted this puppy. Then Danielle and Tammi try to get me to trade my Solid Liver male for a black and white puppy whith no pictures of it at all. This would not have been a good trade. Tammi and Danielle wanted me to just send my puppy and wait til next litter. There was no way to guarentee
I would recieve a puppy back after the problems I had with these two breeders. I already lost my trust in them b/c they were not honest with me.

I have been holding these puppies from the time they were 2-3 wks old til they were 10 and 11 wks old. I lost money on them both. So you had 6 wks to pay on this puppy. I think I was more than fair to do this for you. You and Danielle want something for nothing. I also have been told the both of you work together and have asked other breeders to hold puppies for you. In turn you both always back out on breeders. As for the puppy you were getting he is very healthy.

You both would have been very happy with them. Here are the reviews on them. "My Tigger. I LOVE my puppy. He is the cutest thing ever. He is also so well bahaved for a little guy. He is very healthy and very well groomed and cared for. It is the start of a wonderful future!! Sharon was wonderful to work with in purchasing my puppy. The package that she provived for my puppy to come home with was above and beyond what would ever be expected. I would recommend her to anyone.
Reviewer: jennifer, September 25, 2006"
" Thanks Sharon!
I received a perfect little puppy from Sharon. Everyone who sees him agrees that he's the cutest puppy ever! But more important, the vet say's he has perfect health. He's happy and playful. I received immediate response from Sharon when I inquire about her puppies. I strongly recommend her!
Reviewer: claudia, September 17, 2006"
I think you both contacted me to try and rip ME OFF. I would like everyone to know these two breeders are out to scam breeders and hold puppies for them with the intent to wait til the puppy is older then back out of a deal. This is how the two operate.

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