  • Report:  #1079431

Complaint Review: STATE FARM INSURANCES - New York New York

Reported By:
Agripina - New York, New York,

New York, 10021 New York, USA
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 In 2009 I had two steam explosion in my rent apartment on 1413 York Avenue, NY, NY 10021 building owned by Glencord Building Corp.,

The floor became convex and the ceiling of the apartment below mine concave. The walls full of fissures. Two days before explosion, I moved in hotel due the very bad smell.

My insurances at that time was State Farm Insurance who came, took pictures ( never provided in discovery), and promised to pay conform the contract the living costs with hotel and  all conform the contract.

The State Farm Insurances wrote false check in my name ( thousands of dollars). At deposition his attorney did not leave the witness to answer, or to explain where are the money.

 The State Farm Inspector knowing I must to die with the Glencord many poisonings with CO and toxic gases stopped the payments, breached the contract. and pushed me out from hotel.

I was forced to move from  a place to another place because of State Farm Insurances   Claim Representative Mr.  Morrissey lock of discretion, greedy interests, and avid desire to cover the ex-landlord criminal acts. My ex- landlord continued to poison my environment to cover his crime done in my 16 years rented apartment in Manhattan. 

My desperate pleases sent to Mr. Morrissey do not divulgate my locations were in vain.  In very short time my location became poisoned same as in my rent apartment in Manhattan.

 Mr. Morrissey  harassed me, abuse me. On December 14, 2009 I wrote to State Farm Insurances :

 “ I must to inform you “ the criminals” discovered my address and are again behind me. About 3 weeks, I started again with the same symptoms as in my rent apartment in Manhattan.

On December 2, 2009, I discovered the CO Alarm did not work. In the same night I bought battery and was working OK.  I must to keep the windows opens day and night.

Yesterday, I left the apartment in morning, and afternoon when I came home the CO Alarm was off, and the neighbors did not know what to do because only me I have key.

In apartment  the blood pressure jumped fantastic. The paramedics found 171 and I cannot read [breath ], I am coughing a lot,  and permanent nausea. Again, I feel very bad. Again I must to run at an undiscovered address.”…..”

( EXHIBIT 3- Deposition - EXHIBIT 16  or  EXHIBIT 11- Page 25 or SF -MS. “ Agripina” .  000346).

 After 3 days , on December 17, 2009,  I wrote to my attorney at that time  Timothy Bompart  who filed in July 2009 my case for personal injury with CO and toxic gases against Glnecord.

   “……They discovered my address, and started to kill me again ( please read my correspondence with Mr. Ubel (( who did expertise in apartment and found High level of CO in June 2009, even the apartment did not have any connection to the gas)).

Already I run  out from apartment”.

 The State Farm  Insurances abusive, and illegally stopped to pay my living expenses. The State Farm Insurance and my attorney knew I must  to pass away with the Glencord secret weapon “ Carbon Monoxide and toxic gases” , and both of the did nothing for me.

 Finally, I was forced to sue State Farm Insurances. I did not find a lawyer to take my case in contingency, so I am Pro Se.

  Later , I discovered  that the State Farm Insurances inspector wrote false check in my name (thousands of dollars). At deposition, his attorney  Brian Bank did not leave the witness [ the inspector ] to answer, or to explain where are the money.

I tried to find out why Mr. Morrissey made the payments at his mercy, without ant devise or explanation, especially to create confusions  , and to help him to subtract illegally money.

 Impossible  to find an answer from Mr. Morrissey which  was blocked by his lawyer.

  Q:        Mr. Morrissey, why you didn’t give me a devise [si] with payments?

            Mr. Mr. Bank: I am going to object as vague.

  Q:        Why you didn’t give me an explanation which payment you  did            

              Mr. Bank: Objection .   Vague.

Q;        You never gave me an explanation. You gave me a check. Why you               didn’t  give me -- for what is that check, for my hotel, for which , 

Mr. Bank: Objection .  Vague.

Ms. “ Agripina” : Leave him to talk.

 Q:        Why  you didn’t give me a devise [sic]?

            Mr. Bank : Objection. EXHIBIT 3- Dep. Pg.  31, L. 25 and Pg. 26, L 1 to 15).

            Q:        The rules is to give a devise [sic]?

                         Mr. Bank: Objection . Vague.

            Q:        The rules of State Farm Insurances is to give a devise [sic]

                         Mr. Bank: Objection . Vague.

            Q;        Explanation for each check. ( EXHIBIT 3- Dep. Pg.  32, L. 25 and Pg. 33, L 1.


Mr. Morrissey cannot talk. The abusive and above the law lawyer answer in his place. All my questions as’


“Q :     Where is the difference? Where is the money“?

                             ( EXHIBIT 3- Dep. Pg. 24, L.11, 12).

“Q :     Where is---who took the money, sir?“

                        ( EXHIBIT 3- Deposition Pg. 255, L. 1, 2).

“Q: Where is the money? Please tell me where is the money?”

(EXHIBIT3- Dep. Pg. 25, L.17,18).

Q;        We met at Starbucks. You said-- you gave me around $18, 000. We met y--you say   you gave me $2, 000 in June  at bodega. From then you didn’t give me any money.   Where is ?

( EXHIBIT 3- Dep. Pg. 26, L. 10 to 14). It was impossible to have an answer. Continuously was stopped by his abusive and above the law lawyer . I said to this abusive lawyer:

   “Ms. “ Agripina” :      Leave him to answer”. ( EXHIBIT 3- Dep. Pg. 28, L. 7).

    “Ms. “ Agripina” :      Please leave him to answer. You don’t realize how much you talk“?

     ( EXHIBIT 3- Dep. Pg.  28, L. 10,11).

Ms. “ Agripina” :      Excuse me sir, excuse me . Please be polite. Don’t take advantage.   Already , you ruined this deposition. Excuses me. It’s your strategy. Please stop“.

 ( EXHIBIT 3- Dep. Pg.  28, L. 14 to 17).

 “Ms. “ Agripina” :     Excuse b me sir, leave him to talk”

  ( EXHIBIT 3- Dep. Pg.  31, L. 17, 18).

 Secretly I recorded the State Farm Insurances inspector when  we fixed a meeting at Starbucks.  He said he paid me around 16, 17, 18 thousand dollars, and after the inspector was replaced, the amount came totally false, and I saw check with forgery  deposited in New Jersey where I never went.  

 Deposition Pg. 16 to page 28, State Farm Insurances ’s  attorney did everything to stop Mr. Morrissey to answer  the truth why he took many in my name, why he stole my money?.

  Q:        ( Audio recording is playing). Is this your voice?( EXHIBIT 3- Dep. Pg. 22, L. 8, 9).

Obstructed answer by the abusive State Farm Insurances ’s lawyer. 


Mr. Bank : Objection. Misstates the evidence.

 Ms. “ Agripina” : Excuse me, excuse me  sir. He is about to speak the  truth. Some checks were deposited in New Jersey. I  never deposit any checks in New Jersey.”    

( EXHIBIT 3- Deposition Pg. 22, L. 18 to 25 and Pd. 23 , L. 1 to 9).


My insurances inspector became my adversary. I wrote him :


Yesterday, after our conversation  I felt you are my adversary, a landlord’s lawyer , not my insurances inspector. The things are very clear. I am your customer and you have to protect my interests in legal parameter  (EXHBIT 11-PG. 33- SF- “ AGRIPINA”  000567).


Also, the State Farm Insurances denied at deposition any knowledge about a stolen 17 Century painting by my ex –landlord.


 At deposition Mr. Morrissey could not remember anything even he falsified the faxes and pictures with the painting. .


 Q:        Okay. I sent you also another faxes on April 26th , and May 1, where I said I  was very, very impressed because you pledge for my landlord criminal acts    and you tergiversate my payments---postpone. Did you receive this  faxes?  

  A;        Can you repeat the question?

  Q:        Did you receive the faxes?

  A:        I don’t remember….( EXHIBIT 3- Deposition Pg. 38, L. 12 to 20).

  Q:        Did you remember I accused you to be on the landlord side?

   A:        No, I do not.

   Q:        Okay. So you didn’t make any payments, okay.

              Mr. Bank: Objection…”

( EXHIBIT 3- Deposition Pg. 38, L. 24 to 25 and Pg. 39, L 1 to 5).

In my letter  sent on June 21, 2010 to Ms. Jo Ann Phillips 9 who replaced Mr. Morrisey)  I wrote regarding the 17 Century painting:

  “Additionally, I informed inspector Morrissey I found many paintings very damaged due the steam explosion. When I left I forgot a  300 years old painting Royal Academy on my desk, After I took some pictures from the back of painting. ….I will appreciate is State Farm Insurances will use his power , influence , legal force to recovery that painting( EXHIBIT 11- Pg.  52 or SF- “ AGRIPINA”  000972 )  .

 At the deposition Mr. Morrissey has total amnesia regarding the painting. He falsified the date of pictures, the date of faxes, everything to help the ex-landlord who stole the painting. He denied to receive the picture with the 17th Century painting even in the documents produced by State Farm Insurances  State Farm Insurance it is as SF- “ AGRIPINA”  001307  here in EXHIBIT 14- Pg. 9, and the regarding this 17th Century painting I faxed to State Farm Insurances  33 pages.

 Q:        So, okay. And , sir , I --did I mention about -- did you receive my complaint     regarding the painting from 17th century?

 A:        Not that I recall.        

 Q:        You have. I received from State Farm . This is from State Farm? 

  ( EXHIBIT 3- Deposition Pg. 52, L. 18 to 23).


  A;        I don’t recall; any conversation regarding a painting.

   Q:        State Farm is-- you kept the file. You received. This is stamped by the State  Farm. State Farm . Okay. Which date is here( indicating)?

    A:        1/1/2008, 1/1/2008.

     Q:        Who falsified the date?

         Mr. Bank : Objection. Argumentative.

          MS. “ Agripina” :       Excuse me,  sir.

          Mr.  Bank : -- assume facts not in evidence.

       Q:        Excuse  me, sir. I never  give this phone number, and I never sent a fax in   2008. This is a false evidence provided by State Farm Insurances.

  Mr. Bank :      Objection. Assume facts not in evidence.

   Why you didn’t try to help me to recover the 17th century painting?


( EXHIBIT 3- Deposition Pg. 53 , L. 22 to 25 and Pg. 54, L 1 to 16).

 After deposition, under pressure appeared more evidences received by State Farm Insurances inspector regarding the 17 Century painting all with State Farm Bates Stamp.   

Evidences disappeared from my file, from the court file and “ nobody take responsibility”.

 Additionally, the State Farm Insurances Inspector  asked me  to come in his Long Island Office for a check.

I went, and actually he did not have any office there, and directed me at a “ BODEGA”. I was petrified. In my culture it is shame for a women to be alone in bodega.

After a few minutes the State Farm Insurances inspector came, and introduced me in that bodega a pretending “friend” in real estate to rent me  an apartment:  

 From deposition:

     Q:        Who was the man who introduced --you introduced me in the bodega?

              Mr. Bank : Objection. Misstates---

               Ms. Strujan: Please.

              Mr. Bank: --the witness’s testimony.

             Ms. Strujan: Please leave him to answer…..


  ( EXHIBIT 3- Deposition Pg. 12, L. 24, 25 and Pg. 13, L. 1 to 9).


(And because Defendant’s attorney became totally abusive, I must to stop the deposition), After, I continued because the Mr. Morrissey treated me as his asset and at his mercy.

            Q:        One more time. Who was the man who you introduced me in bodega ?

                        Mr. Bank. Objection. Misstates the witness’s testimony.

            Q:        Please answer.

            A.        A real estate broker.

            Q:        What is his name?

            A;        I don’t remember.

            Q;        So anyone from bodega could be real estate broker?

                         Mr. Bank. Objection. Misstates the witness’s testimony.

            Q:        Please.

            A.        I don’t understand your question.

            Q:        So how you can put me in contact with somebody which you don’t know the name?

            A;        I don’t remember his name.

            Q:        Why you introduced him to me?

            A:        To find you----

                       Mr. Bank:       Objection. Asked and answered.

                        Ms.   Strujan: Excuses me.

            A.        To find you a new apartment.

            Q:        Did State Farm Insurances have a company who finds apartments for    people in situation as me?

                         Mr. Bank : Objection.

            A:        Yes.

            Q:         Okay. Why you didn’t  use that company?

( EXHIBIT 3- Deposition Pg. 13, L. 16to 25 and Pg. 14, L. 1 to 21).

No, Defendant’s Claim Representative in 2009, pushed me out from hotel in the street. I rented And much more!

 Additionally, in Court I did not have problems. Justice Gische, NEVER complained  she did not  understand  what I said, instead, the transcriber, intentionally, mutilated the deposition at the  State Farm Insurance’s   mercy. I contacted the transcriber Mr. Daugeti, and he accepted his “ mistakes” , but refused to fix all.

 A few examples:   


“Ms.  “ Agripina”

“I have a case in the supreme Court. I guess the lawyer who – - my lawyer lost the stuff with litigation and he broke a ankle. The firm Rivkin Radler, the present lawyer- –


“Ms.  “ Agripina” :

“I had a case in the supreme Court. I that case the lawyer who defended my lawyer who lost the statute of limitation for a broken ankle is the firm Rivkin Radler, and the present lawyer _ _ “

( April /28/2011- DEPOSITION Pg. 2, L. 25 and Pg. 3. , L. 1 to 4).


“Ms.  “ Agripina”  :

They did a lot of things. They get the deportation, they get me fired from my computer – -“


“Ms.  “ Agripina” .

: They did a lot of things. They did defamation, they deleted my files from my computer – -“

( April /28/2011- DEPOSITION Pg. 3, L. 9, 10).



Ms. . “ Agripina”   :

“ They say yes, it’s true, we have me”.


“Ms.” Agripina”   :

They said yes, it’s true, we hurt her “.

                                  ( April /28/2011- DEPOSITION Pg. 4, L. 7, 8).

Justice Gische is not in Supreme Court anymore. In September 2012, I was informed that justice Gische will not handle my case because I requested Trial by the Jury.

The case was taken by Justice Silver, who in March 5, 2013  did recusal because he cannot understand my deposition. Now the case is taken  by Justice Brawn.

About 3 years I did not receive any payments from State Farm Insurances and all this created supplementary emotional distress.

- Why the Transcriber mutilated the deposition ?. Same with the transcriber in Glencord case L& T 090925/2008?.

-How is possible such disregard for law? 











Dear reader,

I must to apologize, and I do so profusely from the deep of my heart for the great inconvenience with my spelling mistakes in my postings. Sit venia verbo for the wrong spelling words and thank you for your full understanding. The collage is not easy.






1 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
New York,

#2Author of original report

Thu, August 29, 2013


When the State Farm Insurances  hired the law firm Rivkin  Radller L. L. P as their counselor, I filed a motion to release the law firm because of bad experience with the same law firm who defended Teperman & Teperman  ( see my Ripoff Report filed on 8/22/2013). My motion was denied by Justice Gische.   

Because the evidences disappeared from my file, were deleted or falsified in computer, I filed a motion for protection which was also denied by Justice Gische.

On January 3, 2013I discovered that my Notice of Cross Motion at Defendant State Farm Insurances disappeared from my file.

I wrote an email complaint to the State Farm Insurances  counselor  Mr. Brian Bank, where I said:

 “Re: Vandalized file

... to Brian Bankshow details


……[email protected] details


……[email protected]

Mr. Bank

My Notice if Cross Motion for 12/14/2012 already disappeared. I have only the affidavit.

Please send a copy of my Notice of Cross Motion before I will inform the judge.

Thank you”

 On January 16, 2013 the “ good people “ decided to  put bank some documents. Again I wrote an email to the  State Farm Insurances  counselor  where I said:

 Mr. Bank
Many times I begged you,  Mr. Contino[ from the same law office who defended Tepreman] , the Glencords' attorneys to stop your clients to vandalized my file, to poison me , my environment, to control my life, my computer, and to make me the most miserable days from my life. 
I was shocked last night when I saw some stolen documents  back in file. 
Since Your client did not know at deposition anything about the 17 Century painting now I can provide the Bates numbers which came from your client:
SF-……  0010002, 
....I still do not understand why disappeared my Notice of Cross Motion at your Motion for Summary Judgment …..
Please answer …..
Thank you.”

On April 29, 2013, I sent an email to the  State Farm Insurances’ attorney Bank  because I found in the Court’s File my motion to release  Rivkin Radller LLP as counselor for State Farm is vandalized.

 The Supreme Court Chief  could not give me an answer why , and who vandalized the file  (same as the Court’s file with Teperman & Teperman ).  

“ Mon, Mar 4, 2013 10:49 am

Edit Draft Re: Vandalized file and Plaintiff Notice of Cross Motion at your Motion for Summary Judgment

... to Brian Bankshow details


[email protected] details


[email protected]

Mr. Bank 
From my file and my Notice of Cross Motion at your Motion for Summary Judgment disappeared many pages inclusive the  Exhibit 1, pg. 2 with the contact , the CD- Exhibit 12-Pg. 19 and many. 
Please bring back all before I will inform the judge. 
Thank you”. 
The State Farm Insurances did everything to compromise my case, and for my defamation. Falsified inclusive the content of my evidences.  After Justice Silver did recusal at my case because I am Pro Se,  Justice Brawn took my case, and asked me to reduce my Notice of Cross Motion at 25 pages conform the law. 
When I tried to fix my motion conform the justice’s order, I discovered actually, was changed words, and paragraphs in my “ pretending “ original.  
The Glencord Building Corp , with State Farm Insurances et all accomplices for years control my Oxygen, my life, my evidences, EVERYTHING.
 If the files with Glencord Building Corporation ( my complaint in Ripoff Report filed 8/20/2013), Teperman & Teperman ( filed on 8/22/2013) , State Farm Insurances are vandalized in Supreme Court, in L&T ,  it is  easy to understand what happen with my file in my apartment, and how this above the law respect my Civil Rights.  They tortured and torture me. 

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