  • Report:  #137758

Complaint Review: Sterling Automotove Robert Youngblood II - Sandy Utah

Reported By:
- Sandy, Utah,

Sterling Automotove Robert Youngblood II
8584 S 700 E. Sandy, 84070 Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Sterling Automotive

8584 S. 700 E.

Sandy, UT 84070

(801) 568-0199

Business License 63069

Robert L. Youngblood II

LLC Limited Liability Company

Dept of Commerce - Listed as the only managing member

160 E. 300 S.

Heber Wells Building

SLC, UT 84111

(801) 530-4849

Send copies of letters to:

State Dept of Consumer Protection

160 E. 300 S.

Heber Wells Building

P.O. Box 146704

SLC, UT 84114-6704

(801) 530-6601

Better Business Bureau

5673 S. Redwood Road # 22

SLC, UT 84123

(801) 892-6000

Property owned by Robert L. Youngblood

Sterling Automotive

8584 S. 700 E.

Sandy, UT 84070

Work order as I can read it:


General loss of power especially under load large gas consumption, Hesitates on starting out from a light, changes gear late in ??????

Check Belts and hoses

Install owner parts

Throttle Sensor

Labor 1.5 hrs

7/27/04 - Diagnostic

Service Engine light on

Test drive

New EGR valve

& 2 clogged Fuel injectors

Events of work done on Buick:


Stopped by Sterling Automotive the afternoon of 7/23 & discussed with Robert Youngblood II loss of power condition with Buick LaSabre 43,000 miles. Mr. Youngblood told me to bring the car in on 7/26/04 to install:

Spark Plugs

Spark Plug Wires } All new parts from Napa were supplied to Mr. Youngblood II

Fuel Filter

Throttle Position Sensor


I dropped 94 Buick LaSabre, at Sterling Automotive the morning of 7/26. Mr. Youngblood II was given all of the new parts from Napa as mentioned above. Mr. Youngblood II was told to call before any extra work would be done to discuss any costs. Mr. Youngblood II told me the cost to install the parts would be around 80.00. I called Mr. Youngblood II in the afternoon to find out what was going on with the car and to see what time the car would be finished. Mr. Youngblood II told me the parts were being installed and to pick the car up at 5:00 p.m. closing time. I arrived at 4:45 p.m. Mr. Youngblood II told me the throttle position sensor that was brought in was not the correct one for the car. He had ordered one at a cost of 96.60, which was not discussed. Mr. Youngblood II had not called as previously discussed to approve this purchase. I would have declined this purchase as my father is an automobile dealer and could get this part at a discount. I waited until 5:30 p.m. for the car to be finished. When driving away, I noticed that the Service Engine Soon light was on. This light had not been on, previous to drop off at Sterling Automotive.

I went back in and told Mr. Youngblood II about the light. He said it would probably go off about a half hour after driving, or if not, to bring the car back in the next morning and they could just disconnect something to make the light go off. I told him I didn't want to just disconnect something to make the light go off. I told him that the light on, must mean something was wrong. I then left the shop.


I dropped 94 Buick LaSabre, back off at Sterling Automotive the morning of 7/27. The Service Engine Soon light had not gone off and the car was running terrible, it had no power. Mr. Youngblood II stated that they would run a diagnostics on the car for 60.00 to diagnose the problem. I called Mr. Youngblood II in the afternoon to find out what was wrong with the car and to see what time the car could be picked up. Mr. Youngblood II told me that the car was still being worked on, needed to be test drove, and to pick the car up at 5:00 p.m. closing time. When I arrived Mr. Youngblood told me that the diagnostics indicated that the car needed:

EGR valve

Fuel Injection Frame

On 7/29/04 we left for our trip to Great Falls, Montana. We barely made it there. I could only travel up hills at 35 mph.

I could not afford the costly repairs that Mr. Youngblood II stated that I needed. I thought I would try to make it to Montana and have my father have a mechanic look at it. My father is a car dealer in Great Falls, and I thought he could probably have it repaired for less. My father had the car repaired in Montana at a reputable auto shop. They stated that I did not need the repairs that Mr. Youngblood II had stated and that spark plug wires #1 and #4 had been crossed. I had driven up to Montana on only 4 cylinders, rather than 6. Also, now the car needed a new coil because of Sterling Automotives negligent work. My father had to pay for the repairs that Mr. Youngblood II had done incorrectly. We also had to have the oil changed again, which I had just had done, because after Mr. Youngblood's II work 2 cylinders were continuously dumping fuel into the oil. The mechanics said I was lucky to have even made it to Montana. They said that the engine could have easily blown. Mr. Youngblood II knew I was taking the car on a long road trip and didn't even care about the danger he put my life in, my children's life, and my grandson's life.

My father called Mr. Youngblood II to discuss the charges and work he had done on the car. Mr. Youngblood II was very rude to my father, unprofessional, threatened my father, and threatened me. He told my father that it didn't matter that the car was only running on 4 cylinders. He thought it was a 4 cylinder car. He did not even realize that the car was a 6 cylinder. He also hung the phone up on my father.

He told my father that he was going to beat him up. He told my father that he would tear me apart and make it so my father would not even recognize me on the witness stand after he was finished with me. He made derogatory remarks to my father about his mother, who has been deceased for 25 years. He told my father that they could not test drive the car because I was in such a hurry to leave to Montana. This was not true. Why would anyone not want their car test drove after having repairs made? He told my father he went to medical school, that he was a mechanical engineer, a paralegal, etc. My father asked him why he was running a muffler shop if he was so smart.

We have filed a police report, filed complaints with the Better Business Bureau, Consumer Protection, and took Mr. Youngblood II to small claims court on 3/1/05. My father flew all the way from Montana for court. Mr. Youngblood II had filed a motion to dismiss the case due to frivolous charges. Our time in front of the judge lasted 30 seconds. My father was sworn in. The judge asked my father if he had been sent a certified letter from Mr. Youngblood II. My father said, Yes, it was sent back. My father did not accept it because he did not want to receive any more trash talk and threats of violence from Mr. Youngblood II. My father just wanted our day in court. The judge said a motion to dismiss the case had been filed. My father said, What grounds? The judge said, Motion to dismiss granted based on your arrogance. What my father said that was arrogant I haven't a clue. My father was only able to say 7 words. After court, my father looked over previous letter's he had received from Mr. Youngblood II. He noticed that Mr. Youngblood II had mentioned the judge's name and said that the judge knew his credentials. The judge is the only judge in Sandy, Utah that handles all of the small claims cases. This judge should have disqualified himself, due to the fact that Mr. Youngblood II knows him or has had previous dealings with him. Mr. Youngblood II also made a comment to me in court about my 2 children. The number of children I have has nothing to do with this case. I took his comment as an attempt at intimidation and a threat.

We are appealing to 3rd District Court. We are mostly concerned with the threats that Mr. Youngblood II has made to us. He must be stopped for his fraudulent activity and for the threats he his making. One day he may carry out one of these threats. I know I watch my back more closely now.

We have since filed our appeal to 3rd District Court. Our day in court is June 8th, 2005 at 3:00 p.m. in Sandy. Hopefully we can stop this man from his fradulent activity and threats of physical violence.


Sandy, Utah

4 Updates & Rebuttals


This guy has "issues"

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, September 14, 2005

Here's a thought Buster...you would likely be better served if your rebuttals weren't filled with so much venom. I, at least, try to stay on subject when I spew. I may throw in a parable to help make the point, but you are beyond the pale. Get help...that vein in your neck is going to pop.



#3Consumer Comment

Wed, September 14, 2005

Rina Strunk and her father Bill Strunk ,will saything to do anything to anybody! The people are just plain and simply Evil! worse they know it! Bill attempts to slander someone so creatively that it is almost comical ,never the less ,he tries. Aside from his big mounth and bad appearance, he is also obese so at least you can see him coming. Rina obviosly has a weight problem and will endup that way sooner or later! I think she is the way she is because of her awful looks. Bill Strunk's ex-fiance says that they are both maliciuos ,thieving ,lieing ,criminals types that have yet to be caught. This was most obvious when the judge slapped him down after Fat Bill open his mouth and said only one sentence.Then boom ,in only 4 seconds the court case was over ! When fat Bill going to get it into his tiny brain that Utah doesn't want him or her in our State! Wake Billy and smell what you've been shoveling! Someday some one is going to give that fat ol'boy what he has been asking for ,for years.His Ex. says in a recored conversation that she is hiding in a safe house from him because he is violent,abusive,vindictive,and a threat/danger to the public at large. Also not very bright.


Rina Strunk

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, September 13, 2005

Rina Strunk at 11146 South Dunes Drive in Sandy , 801-553-1469.For a single mom living at home alone with your kids,it seems that you should have been more savy than that. Folks who are independant usually are somewhat wiser than you demonstrated.As for your Father,I can understand him being the way he is but you .....I guess like father like daughter. You see no matter the ploy your father may have used in court ,he was doomed to loose and the Motion for dissmisal explained why. His business in Montana according to the Business registration division in Helena was desolved back in 1983 and according to the same dept. in the city of Great Falls , the one that issues business lisences, reports that his business "Bill Strunk leasing" was defunked in 1999. For future reference a business which does not exist cannot bring an action or claim against anyone.Obviously to most of us ,because it does not exist.The funny part of this is that your father thought he was being so clever! The other thing that is funny is that the continuance he asked for was never issued by the judge so when he and you failed to apear, you lost. With his threateng Robert in the court's lobby ,in front of a witness,it was doomed anyway. What kind of an mad-man so arrogantly responds to a judge in his own court room the your father did? From the look on Robert face , I could see that he was going to make the judge aware the threat! I would encourage anyone to give Rina a call and let her know of the dis-service her father did her ,becasue to sue for over seven thousand dollars over a $198.00 repair ,especially when her father provided the parts was ludicrus.You father had sold the car last fall according to his ex-girl-friend florence. Sterling Automotive didn't even get a chance to test drive the vehicle after the tune up because you were so anxious to head out for Montana. Oh yes and filing a faslified police report claiming that threats were made kind of place him in a position to explain to Sandy City Detective- Mike Ike why his recently alienated girl freind a doctor no less actually called Robert and He recorded the conversation wich was provided to the detective. She states in the conversation that she is in a safe house ,in and effort to escape your father's threats to her! She also states that she knows that the car was not in anyway damaged and that no threats were made to you but were made to Robert. Robert gave the tape to the Sandy police and they are very anxious to invite him for a long stay at their facilty, if you catch my drift! I guess in your case Rina Strunk,the acorn does not fall far from the oak. How sad canone families gene pool get has now been answered.If you had been able to lie anymore than you did,you would have horns and a pointed tail with a pitchfork in your hand! I would appreciate any responses that anyone might have and to just call themin to Rina at her number listed above. Still I won't forget my wanting to laugh when the judge came down on your father with both feet and had spoken only one sentence and imediately lost the case ! I was laughing most of the day over that one. Just a warning to anyone who deals with you in the future . Rina Strunk will lie and steal from you ,just like her father ,if she is given 1/2 a chance.Neighbors beware of Rina Strunk because from where I sit ,she vertually has no conscience. Also , give her father Bill strunk of Bill strunk leasing in great falls a call. His numbers are in the rebutal of the report signed off as - Great Falls Montana. Be careful though, because that guy is a very real danger to the public at large. You might look up Bill Strunk leasing on this web site under automobiles. I have a funny feeling that a Rip-off complaint is going to be reported on this web site about good old Bill in the next few days. Concerned Citizen- Dunes drive,Sandy


Sterling Automotive Robert Youngblood II ripoff dishonest immature fradulent threatening verbally abusive physically threatened smart mouth know it all Sandy Utah

#5Author of original report

Mon, April 11, 2005

Robert Youngblood II is a very immature, big mouth, know it all!

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