  • Report:  #233095

Complaint Review: Studio 9 - TNT Company - ERUS Enterprises - ERUS International - Tampa Florida

Reported By:
- Plant City, Florida,

Studio 9 - TNT Company - ERUS Enterprises - ERUS International
5501 West Waters Ave. Tampa, 33634 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I responded to an ad on TBO The Tampa Tribune. The ad reads, Administrators and Office Managers - need people to work to replace those who don't! Several locations available. 813-887-3524. "Please do not call this number it is a scam not a legitimate job offer at all.

I called them and a girl named Therees who is a partner, so he said, called me back later that evening and told me that she was coming in on Saturday, just so they could find people. They really needed someone to start right away, on that Monday. She asked where I lived and she told me, that was great because they were needing someone for their Brandon Office. Asked me to come in and I would know before I left if I had the job or not.

I went in and the music was so loud you couldn't even here yourself think. I was handed a form to fill out and told if I could just sit quietly and fill this out. As I sat there waiting to talk to someone. I looked around and the office was awful, stains on the furniture, couch was old and tore, no computers or files in the office, looked like they were just starting a business.

Then was taken into Therees' office for a really quick interview. Didn't really ask me about my work experience and I have over 16 years of management experience,I found that to be strange. But she was really bubbly and upbeat. I was then asked if I could come back for another interview. I told her that she told me that I would know if I had the job or not before I left. She told me that she wanted me to come back in about 30 mins for a second interview with the boss.

I came back and found that the office was filling up with a lot of people. As I began to look around, I noticed that most of the people there were not dressed in business attire, I felt out of place a bit. We were then taken into a back room where we all were sitting in folding chairs. The music was still paying really loud. We were told to take lots of notes and to make eye contact and smile at the boss, because he was looking for someone that showed interest in the business.

He introduced himself as Mauriceo Margano (not sure if I spelled it right). Was told that we would not be doing any selling or telemarketing. He was looking for Managers to run his other studios. We were told that they were in the Fashion Wholesale business. They sold high end fashion accessories and original fragrances. Told us about having other studios in Houston, TX and also in Miami. All about wanting to open 200 studios in 2 years and then they were going to begin franchising. Was told that the mother company was TNT Company and the President was Steve and Dana Tahada.

He talked about we would make a min. of $30,000.00 /up to $60,000.00 our first year. Benefits and car allowance and a luxury car in 4 months. We would have to go through an 8 week training where we would be independent contractors and make money during our training. He continously said we will never ask you to do anything illegal or unethical. We want Honest, loyal, hard working managers. He did also use bad language and everyone got a laugh and he tried to make it sound like this is a cool place to work. And acted like if you didn't agree with what he was say, you were not a winner. He made a comment, that "Winners are X-Losers that got mad".

He did say that I was hired and that he looked forward to work with me. I thought wow, but still did not feel to good about it. I needed a job really bad, but I needed the money too. I told a friend, who said that my first instincts were always on the money and she told me to do what I do best and to check it out all the way. So that is what I did.

I could not find them on any of the searches, in the 411, white pages, nothing. So I looked on my caller I.D. and seen the name ERUS Enterprises, with the phone number of 813-881-1051, looked that up and found an artical on here from Mina in Brandon. I wanted to let everyone know about this company and the several names that they are going under. Do not waste your time, money or gas going there for any job they have to offer, it is not a real job at all.

They will not tell you the truth. They talk about honesty, integrity, loyalty. This company has none of those, they are just there to rip you off and lie to you. Mislead you into thinking that you finally have a great job. I am really anger right now, but I will do whatever I can to let others know about this company and others like it. I am not sure, but I think our local new should here about this business.

Thank you rip-off reports for being a great forum and letting others know what is out there.


Plant City, Florida

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1 Updates & Rebuttals



#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, June 26, 2007

The following rebuttal by The Newmark Law Firm representing TNT and Studio 9 is directed and regarding false allegations made against these companies by KIM (on 6/15/07) and SUZIE (on 1/27/07). SUZIE (not her real name) has not been located, therefore all rebuttals will be directed solely at KIM, but also apply to SUZIE. It is hard to not judge something that is counterproductive and destructive. When someone comes and gives you advice, (free advice), you get what you pay for. When they offer you their point of view, you have to really step back and ask yourself "do I want their results?" (Unemployed with marginal financial circumstances). Do they have an agenda here? There is something people do called "leveling"; that is when they see themselves below someone else and they have to do something to level that out. Some do it by just becoming AMAZINGLY EGOMANIACAL and just inflating themselves. Others do it by trying to tear the other person down to their level, as in the case of KIM, (one of the subjects of this rebuttal). Readers of these Reports, make them bring you evidence, proof of what they would base this theory on; (there is not a lot there). So you take that information from that Source and you use that as a foundational influence? What if those allegations are false? What then? Be intelligent, listen to your instincts, stop listening to freelance advisors that are living failures, (unemployed people with marginal financial circumstances like SHAWNTILL McNEAL aka KIM). We have not heard nor seen any credible evidence here that warrants these accusations that have been made against these businesses (Studio 9/TNT). We have heard no compelling argument, no logic, no factual patterns or evidence that suggests that this is a scam. The behavior of Ms. McNeal doesn't seem mentally healthy. This is a form of abuse and we won't allow it. Deal with the facts, not myths, lies and downright stupidity. Ms. McNeal, as a mature adult when you choose behavior, you must choose consequences. You should know that the information you are disseminating is inaccurate. As a trial lawyer, I am here to tell you that cases are won and lost based on proof through evidence. Evidence are not statements made by people based on things they learned from other people, that would rank hearsay and not provable in a court of law. If one cannot prove what they are putting in writing and publishing for the public, then they are setting themselves up for a lawsuit, which would likely result in money damages owing by them to the entity(s) (Studio 9/TNT) that they have defamed or suffered liable or slander against. Ms. McNeal you should take this matter very seriously. Studio 9 and TNT take this matter very seriously. As stated in the certified letter this law firm sent to you, cease and desist and retract any and ALL statements including subject of this rebuttal, or this law firm (that represents TNT and Studio 9) will be initiating a lawsuit against you for all damages available as a matter of law. Govern yourself accordingly. Tracy Belinda Newmark The Newmark Law Firm Cc: TNT Studio 9 BBB Tampa Bay The Ripoff Report

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