  • Report:  #584116

Complaint Review: Stumpwerx - London Kentucky

Reported By:
Sandman333 - Mahomet, Illinois, United States of America

374 Lily Road London, 40744 Kentucky, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
I sent this company parts from my motorcycle to be chromed in January of 2009.  These parts were to be finished in chrome and black chrome.  The owner, Paul Carnes, agreed to complete the work.  While he did say that this was "new territory", he never gave any indication that the work I requested would be a problem.  He never attempted to redirect me to any other business to get the work done, saying instead that he would be able to take care of it.

A few months later I got my wheels back.  The chrome was horribly pitted.  You can see an example here:  http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/8982/dsc03845.jpg  There were also lots of other defective parts- such as chrome flaking off bolts and holes in the chrome on the stainless steel windshield frames such that you could see the copper underneath. 

Then I discovered that he had sent me the wrong wheel back.  This is for a Honda VTX 1800 N, which as a 17" front wheel.  Paul sent me an 18" front wheel, which of course will not work.  It was then clear that the wheels had to go back and after that point his entire attitude changed.  I was accused of inspecting parts with a microscope and rejecting every single part he sent me (which wasn't even remotely true).  Paul lied to me repeatedly about the status of my parts and who was doing the work on them.  He never once was even remotely close to a deadline for parts to be delivered. 

It is now 15 months after I sent him the initial shipment of parts.  The work was paid for in April of 2009- just shy of $1800.  I finally got a replacement set of wheels, but they are far from good quality.  I am still missing many parts- the windshield frames and brake rotors which I returned to him as defective, and control switch housings (black chrome) and $50 (retail replacement cost) of bolts for the engine that were to be standard chrome.  The switch housings and engine bolts were sent to him in early July 2009.  9 months later I don't have those back either. 

In the latest email I got from him, Paul said, in part, "Any parts acquired to try and assist. Any monies paid out to try and assist. Has been stopped. Emails have been sent to cease any and all assistance immediately."  So, it is now clear, by his own words, that he intends to steal both my parts and money.  The retail replacement costs of those parts, in addition to the money paid to get the chrome work done, is several hundred dollars.  I don't know about Kentucky, where his business is based, but in IL, any theft over $300 is considered a felony.  Paul Carnes has committed felony theft.  I have been in contact with another member of the VTX community whom Paul has stolen $1200 from in the form of core deposits that he refuses to return.

Please, do yourself a favor, if you are in the market for custom motorcycle work or chrome parts, avoid this business and any dealings with Paul Carnes.  He is now threatening to sue me because of posts I have made detailing the truthful account of his shady business practices on various forums.  Well, Mr. Carnes, this is not 1939 Germany, and like it or not we have a little thing known as the 1st Amendment in the US.  I gave you every chance and then some and then some more to make a reasonable attempt to resolve this.  You chose your criminal path, and this report is just one of many consequences.  I have complete records of every email, PM, and internet post related to this all saved on several hard drives.  I can back up everything I have stated here.  There is actually even more to the story that would make anyone just shake their head and wonder how this guy is still in business. 

19 Updates & Rebuttals

Chrome Guy

Santa Ana ,
Give the man his money thief

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, May 30, 2016

Mr Carnes, stop your rant and refund him his money, perhaps the Sherrif's office has no say in your premeditated scams....no worries, i have a collection agency that will get your money back from this clown..his mumbo jumbo won't get him past the sheer minute mentaility this man holds..

Chrome Guy

Santa Ana ,
Paul Carnes / StumpWerx /Phat Parts RIPOFF!!!!

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, May 30, 2016

I received motorcycle parts and wheels for chrome plating for this guy Paul Carnes, Phat Parts, StumpWerx, seems he uses various sites to advertise his scams!!!.. Nonetheless, I conducted the chrome on all his pieces and everything was beautifally completed. Just gorgeous work, meantime, he called after 7 days after receiving his parts. I informed him normally the completion date is 10-15 days after receving. He started threatning a lawsuit and if he did not get his parts sooner he would call an attorney.

Obviously, If I new this guys demeanor, I would have never chosen to to chrome plate any of his product. I knew off the bat he was trouble. And man, was this guy trouble. He sent messages threatning he was coming out to my business and making sure we all get what we deserve. I knew this was all a front in order for him not to pay for all the product we chromed for him. He is simply a crook, scam and whetever is out there practicing bad business. Beware with this guy, he will take your parts and either switch them or you will never see them again. See the testimony from 2009. Prime example of bad business ethics.

Nonetheless, as I expected, he did a chargeback immediately after he received his parts, your typical scheme of all schemes, be warned, please be careful with this guy!!!!.. Now i have no choice but to send him to collections. Seriously, you will lose big time. Not just from a vendor, but from a customer as well, invest elswhere. just not with this person. Hope all this helps to avoid the inevitable and save yourself some money. Good luck !!!

Chrome Guy

Santa Ana ,
More information on Paul Carnes

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, July 20, 2015

We are a chrome plating facility in the Southern Califonia region. Mr Paul Carnes contacted our office, Paramount Chrome Plating on 4/05/2015 for some services. He stated he does a lot of business in motorcysle wheels, his place his place of busness is Stumpwerx. Off the bat I knew somethng was not right, he was very arrogant and somewhat a sense of entitlement I sensed. Seems he was having problems with the other local chrome shops. So on 4/15/2015 we received some Honda VTX wheels fully dilapadated with all parts placed on them. We informed Mr Carnes to remove all attachements from wheels, because the wheel needs to be free of components.But he never did. We had to dissasemble the wheels, which normally we do not do, but he insisted we did, and we did not charge him labor. 

WE completed the job on 5/5/2015. All thru the process, he stated he we were taking too long and he was being harrased by the owners of the wheels on how they wanted to sue him and take him to court. We only had the wheels for 2 weeks, which is the alloted time for chrome plating.

Nonetheless, we shipped his wheels in prestine shape, fully chromed to specks with the covered bearing area for good bearing fitment and then we removed the residual base. He received his wheels on 5/10/2015. First stated that job was terrible, awful and we should not be doing business, then he stated the job was great, but they were not his wheels. Fortunately, we date stamp our wheels and the date stamp was on the wheels. So we can prove they were. But thru the entire process and after receiving the wheels and his complaining profusely. He decided to to a chargeback on his card, $1453.00 total. We did the work and we did it well, beyond well.

Seems Mr Carnes was looking for a "free ride". Now I am fighting to get the money that was righfully ours and for all the effort and hard work we did to complete his wheels. He claims he is a chrome plater in his native Kentucky. But rest assure, he is not. Any chrome shop here in southern California is who does all his work. Beware, all local chrome plating shops. This guy is a scam. He will ask for you to do his work and then chargeback his account. So for the record and the gentleman who never recieved his job that should have been. I feel your pain, we just got scammed from this guy as well. Good luck to anyone who deals with this guy Paul Carnes.





United States of America
...More wasted time

#5Author of original report

Wed, January 18, 2012

Return my parts and money now, thief.....

Werx Management

United States of America
Pay Attention Now

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, January 18, 2012

1st ... Thanks for confirming our projection.

... and also making it clear for the folks in the stands that you still dont get it.

Ok ... One more time ... Follow this if you can please.

You have all of the needed info.

You have had it for many moons.

Use it or dont. Your choice.

Now pay very close attention to this next part.





 How many ways can it be said?  Either you do or you dont. Thats it thats all. Your actions put it in that office ours didnt. We did all we could and more no matter what smoke you may still blow here. People dont turn things over to legal staff for no reason. Only when needed. You yourself sir forced that need and its all documented. Try whining to yourself for a change. Better yet look up what it is to be a sociopath. You may very well see your photo.

What people can expect is to take note of how not to handle ones business as you have for all of this time. If they do they too will find themselves dealing with the legal office because we only go so far then we turn it over to someone else. Its all anyone can do. ( Didnt I say that already too? ). We here dont see that as a problem though as most have some common sense and business skills to get thru.

Have a good evening.


United States of America
This is what his customers can expect...

#7Author of original report

Tue, January 17, 2012

I have to wonder how long it took to type that.  Surely, Mr Carnes could have done the right thing and packed up my parts and money, which do not belong to him, and shipped them to me in that time.  Instead, he has chosen yet again to go on another tirade.  The absolute bottom line, Mr. Carnes, is that you were sent parts and paid money, and you have returned neither for 3 years now.  Again above you offer to return both.  If you had any honor, you would do just that.  Instead your temper tantrum continues.  You have attempted to intimidate me by trying to involve my employer, who has nothing to do with the business between us, as you have been told.  I am not intimidated by you and I will continue to hold you accountable until such time that you find the maturity and integrity to overcome your ego and return the parts and money that do not belong to you.  No reputable business treats their customers as you have treated me.  No honest person acts as you have. You have no right to those parts and money and you are still under demand to return them immediately.  

I certainly wish I had never heard of Mr. Carnes or any of his businesses.  I prefer to deal only with those who know what honor and integrity is.  Mr Carnes is devoid of either.  Any customer of Mr Carnes that dares voice displeasure with his products and/or services can expect to be treated in the same manner I have.  It's very unfortunate that such dishonest people take advantage of unsuspecting customers.  Buyer beware.

Werx Management

United States of America

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, January 17, 2012

Officer Stuckemeyer its very clear the only one throwing a tantrum here is you just by the shear nature of your post.

You have been repeatedly provided with all information needed to assit you with anything issue you may feel you have. It was again provided here for you on this page. What part of that do you not understand? It has been made clear to you many times.  You even have the local Sheriff at your disposal to address the crimes you claim have been committed upon you. Everything you need to assist you has been provided. You for whatever reason continue to side step it and refuse opportunity given. That is your choice. You have made your own decisions. It was however provided for you.  2-3 years seems like plenty of time get ahold of them doesnt it? Why not? Or maybe because you might be held accountable for your own actions?  Nothing to worry about there is there?

The policy was in place before you and since you. It hasnt changed and it wont change. It is well within the law even according to your own department. Every business has it in place. We business owners try everything we can to make someone happy. Even in your case offering full refunds and parts too for work we never did to begin with ... which you amazingly declined. It doesnt get any better than that bubba. When we cant deal with you you get turned over to others who have experience to handle such matters. All along you have been provided with information to call legal staff including here on this page and we would abide by any instruction they gave as we moved forward to service the many other customers we service thru both private and public platforms. You didnt do that either did you? Nope. 

We can show you were an employee saw one of your online sessions elsewhere claiming issue and posted for you to call and he would personally assist you. Can you show us records of the call you made to him so he could assist you? No because it didnt happen. You side stepped his offer. We can show you a stack of emails here were you thru lack of emotional control you disrespect, threaten, harass and curse employees to the point your email had to be blocked. We can show you a huge stack of transcripts of your stalking and harassment under multiple different names and ips. You know, all of that stuff the feds now have? Yet you cant show us one thing constructive you have done for yourself in 2+ years can you? Can you show us one instance in two years of anything proactive you have done for yourself? Unless you call perpetual whining constructive. Youve laid down plenty of that.

Officer stuckemeyer this may be how rantoul illinois police officers get their kicks but you need to realize our world doesnt, hasnt and wont stop here just because you dont get it. One can rampage .. crusade .. whatever you wish to call it and claim anything you wish but that doesnt make it true does it? Kind of like the crimes committed upon you the Sheriff eagerly wishes to assist you with but he's never heard from you. We here could get online and crusade that Oprah is a skinny white caucasion but that doesnt make it true does it? The world knows better.  Your perpetual disregard for opportunity given and obsession for persistent whining only paints the bigger picture as to where the truth really lay with each and every post. 2-3 years of it makes a huge statement as to what your emotional status, business skill and true agenda really are. Any normal person would have worked thru and moved on far down the road long ago. 

Happy Tuesday!

As for projecting? The only thing we here project is couple more years of you trying to blow whiny smoke up the worlds azz rather than manning up to the reality that its all been in front of you all along and you have refused it.. even here on this page for all to see.


United States of America

#9Author of original report

Tue, January 17, 2012

There is no lack of emotional control here.  What you are doing is called "projection", that is seeing your own faults in others, even though they do not suffer from those faults.  Mr Carnes, if anyone has a lack of emotional control, it's very clearly you.  You spend your time having a temper tantrum because someone dared to call you on your BS and lies.  You are an ego maniac that cannot stand any criticism.  In the time you took to type your response, you could have packed up my parts and written a check.  But no, you would rather continue this nonsense with your lies.  

No legitimate business keeps the property and money of its customers.  There is no reason or excuse that will ever justify that.  Return my parts and money now.

Werx Management

United States of America
Continued Harassment

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, January 16, 2012

Sounds like another round of the same old broken record to us. How bout anyone else? Or better yet just more harassment? 

<nodding head .. Yes> 

As anyone can see who has read all of this bullflop nonsense, Officer Will Stuckemeyer.. a "trained" officer of the Rantoul Illinois Police Department apparently still has no idea what due process is. Maybe that falls in with his not understanding the difference between civil and criminal? He doesnt understand what it is to follow policy and or proceedure as presented him and hasn't in 2+ years. Our legal office still yet has had no contact from him ever but as you can see all info was all provided for him here. Has he used what was provided him? Nope. Never. It isnt the first time either. Its been provided to him repeatedly but he has chosen to ignore it for 2-3 years is harass, stalk and run on and on we assume to make himself feel better?? Remember this man carries a gun and is in someones town driving around supposedly using his training to respond to dispute situations to assist in peaceful resolutions yet he himself can't do that for himself and handle his own business without letting his emotions take over. Seems pretty clear to all that he just wants to run in circles getting his whine on and is so emotionally challenged he's willing to violate laws he himself is sworn to uphold rather than utilize opportunities given. Who knows. His choice. If his intentions were actually legit he would have followed proceedure as it was presented here would he not? So we'll let you decide what his real game is.

Officer Stuckemeyer if at any point your training kicks in and overides your lack of emotional control, feel free to follow policy and or due process as you are trained to do. You have been provided all of the needed info. We wish you a harmonious outcome.

Until then have a nice day.


United States of America
About what I expected...

#11Author of original report

Mon, January 16, 2012

As the title says, his reply was about what I expected.  Mr. Carnes likes to go on and on about all he has done when in fact he hasn't done anything but spend considerable time and effort defending his dishonesty.  If he spent even a small fraction of that time and effort getting the work done and returning the parts, this report would never have been filed.  

I stand by every statement I have made above.  Mr. Carnes you are once again placed under demand to return all my parts and money.  Nothing less will be satisfactory.  It's as simple as that.  You offered, and as is consistent with your dishonest nature, you have failed to follow through on that offer.  Again, there is no surprise in your actions.  After dealing with your lack of integrity for THREE YEARS, I already knew that you would not honor your offer.  You have no honor.

Werx Management

United States of America
Yet more refusal of opportunity given

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, December 07, 2011

Once again it is our position that the facts presented are false and misrepresentative of true and accurate facts.. Moreso once again we see above that the proper contacts were provided for any resolution to this matter yet Officer Stuckemeyer side steps with continued retoric and refuses to utilize those.  Policy is policy and laws are laws. We have followed the laws and policies. Officer Stuckemeyer for whatever reason as you can see still refuses to do so. We have clearly stated we have no problem abiding by whatever resolution those given authorization to represent us request. According to him we have committed crimes against him yet still state local and federal law enforcement havent seen a single thing on this from him. Why? Because its simply untrue continued emotionally driven false accustations.

The fact he is a police officer is VERY relevant as he is trained to stay within the bounds of law and to advise the public daily on due process in disputes yet he disregards the same due process himself. He is trained to provide true and accurate facts. He is trained to know the difference between civil matters and crimes yet he has clearly ignored all training and made emotionally based claims that are inaccurate and untrue even according to his own department and all other law enforcement agencies. His multi year refusal to cooperate with any resolution offered shows clearly he feels he is above due process. He of all people should be fully aware that stalking across the internet and harrassing is not proper proceedure and conduct for a person in his position. There are laws in the USA that badge or no badge all are bound too. This one was provided for his review long ago as well as a document to cease/desist with his actions and was also provided contact information for him to use for proper format due process resolution.

Stalking is punishable by law under federal law under statue: Section 2261A(2) makes it a federal crime to stalk another person across state, tribal or international lines, using regular mail, email, or the Internet. The stalker must have the intent to kill, injure, harass, intimidate or cause substantial emotional distress, or to place a victim or a victim's family member, spouse or intimate partner in fear of death or serious bodily injury. (18 U.S.C. Section 2261A)

He to date has not utilized any of it in a positive manner to find resolution he claims he is due. To the contrary above he mocks the process and system in place for proper resolution.

His own continued actions here and abroad show his disregard for compliance of federal law above so once again YES it is relevant that he is a police officer. The contact information has been provided to him repeatedly as once again it was above on this page and if he were even the slightest bit sincere in his actions as he would have you believe then he simply would have utilized it long ago. He has not made a single call on the matter in over two years. The last call he did make to our office was to emotionally & falsly accuse so he was properly advised that if he could not control his emotions policy was to turn it over to our legal offices for resolution same as any business does and he could contact them to resolve whatever he felt needed addressed. They have never heard from him. Anyone who runs a business always has someone along the road they cannot deal with at some point. We have never to date not been able to resolve anything with anyone who had a valid issue. To the contrary. Those we have addressed with valid claims if it were determined we made an error always walked away feeling quite happy with the resolution. The difference is they all followed policy and due process. We also have those from time to time once again like any other business that feel they should receive more than they are entitled to. When rejected they feel shorted and complain. Those moments come for any business. We have yet to see any business that is 1000% successful in making every single person happy. Did you ever go thru McD's drive thru and find out a half mile down the road you had cold french fries in your bag? It happens. But yet if you return and politely ask them to handle the matter they are always more than welcome to do so. What we see here though is as stated above, a lone soul who simply could have followed policy long ago and found what he says he seeks. Its of our opinion though that its still quite obvious he still hasnt been able to get ahold of his emotions to a level to even begin to follow due process. We hate that for him and feel even worse for the community he patrols but as a business we have followed policy to the letter. He seems to feel he can make his own policy as he goes which others of more authority than he advise us he simply cannot do without ramification.  In the last week alone he has been documented entering into multiple places he was banned from for valid reason under alternate names with clear intent to further continue with stalking and harrassment. These places do not condone his actions and happily cooperate because he blatantly disregards their policies also.  As a police officer he is fully aware when banned or asked to leave it doesnt mean try to sneak back in as he has. As he is trained if a person is banned they are banned and if they return they are trespassing where they arent wanted. Well it works the same under federal statutes as well as state and local. His true intent is clear in his own continued actions and blatant disregard for law, policies and due process. What we see in his claims many times is simple speculation and not at all accurate facts. We understand he may feel it to be accurate in his own mind thats why channels are provided to assist him to find resolution. There are proper policies, processes and venues for dispute resolution.  Its our position that he obviously just wants to stalk and harrass rather than use the resources provided him for a fair, accurate and balanced resolution for more than 2 years.

We run the business and have documented facts to show clearly all transactions. Access to those were made available long ago to those who represent to assist in resolution of his dispute. Even with all of that provided him he still feels the need to ignore it. If that is truely his choice then he will have to live with his own actions and decisions good or bad.

It is quite obvious we are at an impass with officer will stuckemeyer. We suggest he set aside emotionally driven attempts to stalk and harrass to follow due process according to law as he is sworn and trained and any one of those who represent our company will be happy to assist him in a fair resolution. If he cannot do that and insists on making his own rules as he feels then he is also advised his actions have been and will continue to be monitored by higher powers that be until such a time as they see fit to take their own action for resolution.


United States of America
A detail of the lies posted by the company owner.

#13Author of original report

Tue, November 29, 2011

It has been nearly three years now since I sent parts and then later money to Stumpwerx.  I see the owner has finally responded to my report detailing his business practices, even though he knew of this report almost two years ago, as evidenced by an email I received from him at that time. 

It appears that Mr. Carnes has had yet another temper-tantrum, as he is greatly troubled that the truth of his deceit has been exposed here and there is nothing he can do to have it removed.  Mr. Carnes has posted many lies above, and I will detail them here:

To begin, my employer and profession is completely irrelevant to the business between Mr. Carnes and me.  Mr. Carnes has attempted to influence and intimidate me into keeping quiet about everything he has done, however I am not intimidated by him.  I have never used my position in any attempt to garner influence in this or any other business transaction.  Further, the only person who cannot conduct a calm, rational business transaction here is Mr. Carnes.  I refuse to call him as I have attempted that  n the past and been met with a tirade of yelling and profanity.  If the reader chooses to do business with Mr. Carnes and happens to come to some disagreement before concluding that business, this is exactly what they can expect. 

I posted a factual account of my experience as a customer of a business owned and operated by Mr. Carnes.  In retaliation for exposing the truth about him, he has made multiple attempts to contact my employer and threatened the safety of my family.  The reader has to ask themselves who is stalking who here

It seems clear from Mr. Carnes own posting, which includes the language "Any parts acquired to try and assist. Any monies paid out to try and assist. Has been stopped.   Thats fine. Its over." that Mr. Carnes put in a stop order on all work on the parts I sent him with no intention of resuming that work at any point.  Language such as "It's over" is very definitive.  I had no contact from Mr. Carnes attorney nor knowledge of who he was or where my parts were at the time of this email to me.

Mr. Carnes further makes claims that I was wholly unreasonable because I refused every offer of assistance made by him. This is completely disingenuous.  Mr. Carnes did in fact offer to send me replacement wheels while work was being performed on mine at one point.  This was only after multiple missed deadlines and my discovery that he had sent me the wrong size front wheel. 

We had a conversation reference to this, where I asked him how long another set of wheels would take to complete.  Mr. Carnes stated that it would be a month, two in a worst-case scenario as he promised to pick out his best set of replacement wheels and have them front-loaded in the production line to get the black chrome done.  I told Mr. Carnes at the time that I did not want to pay to mount tires and bearings in a replacement set of wheels only to have to dismount them in a month or so when my wheels were finished. Mr. Carnes has made claims that he offered to pay all shipping and tire mounting costs, etc., but this is another of his many lies.  Further, I did not want to take the chance that the wheels he sent me in the interim would be damaged and thus I be liable for them. These were the sole reasons for me to decline a replacement set of wheels and these reasons were very clearly explained to Mr. Carnes at that time.  Mr. Carnes would have the reader believe that it was because I wished to complain about him and cannot be satisfied no matter what he offers.  This is simply a lie, one of a great many that Mr. Carnes has made.  Had I known that it would be another 6 months before I received my wheels and that some parts and money paid to perform work on those parts would never be returned to me, I would have chosen differently.

It should be noted, I waited nearly an entire year, missing a riding season while my motorcycle sat in pieces on a lift in my garage, before I publicly complained about the failure by Mr. Carnes to complete the work he was paid for.  This was for a job that should have taken 3 months, 4 at the very most.  Even at that point, I was very patient until I started discovering that I was being lied to repeatedly. 

Mr. Carnes claims that black chrome was work he does not do and thus he is not responsible for work he was paid for and parts he was sent.  This is simply ludicrous.  Imagine if you hired someone to paint your house and paid for the work in advance, only to have the painter tell you that he sent your money away for paint but did not receive the product.  Then the painter tells you too bad, I don't make the paint so I'm not responsible for your lost money.  No customer would settle for that.  This is analogous to what Mr. Carnes has done.  He was sent parts and paid money and accepted responsibility to complete the work.  He failed to do so.  He is responsible, but unfortunately responsibility is as foreign a concept to Mr. Carnes as is honesty and integrity. 

Mr. Carnes also claims that the second set of wheels that were done (remember, after I got a wrong-sized front wheel the first time) were sent to a different company.  This is another lie, one which I discussed with him on the phone at length.  The first set of wheels were sent to  http://classiccomponents.com/.  Classic Components engraves all their wheels with a company logo and date stamp and code on the inside barrel where it will not be seen.  At the time, I had no idea who was doing the actual work on my wheels.  Unlike the lie that Mr. Carnes likes to tell that I came to him to get some "special discount price" on black chrome, I could have actually gotten the work done cheaper by going directly to many companies who do the actual work, instead of a middle man like Mr. Carnes.  Mr. Carnes told me that as I was unhappy with the quality of the first set of wheels, and they had to be redone because of the wrong size wheel returned, he would send a second set of wheels to a different company to complete the work.  However, that did not happen. 
When I received the second set of wheels, the information that was scribed on the rear wheel from the first processing was crossed out and a new set of date stamps and codes by the same company was now engraved next to the original stamp.  This proves that the wheels were sent back to the same company.  Eventually, I confronted Mr. Carnes with this fact, and his explanation was that the company he sent the second set of wheels to must have sent them to the original company where the first set of wheels went.  This is simply ludicrous, and even so here he is again claiming that the wheels went to a different company.  Well, which one is it, Mr. Carnes?  It can't be both ways.  The problem with telling lies is that eventually you tell so many that you can't keep them straight anymore. 

Mr. Carnes also mentioned that I was banned from a forum.  What he did not say was that it
was because I posted about my customer experience with him and many of the moderators of that forum are his close friends.  Further, he also failed to mention that he was banned from the largest
VTX forum (by membership) in existence many years ago for violating that forum's business practice rules.  After Mr. Carnes threatened to sue that forum because I posted there about my customer experience with him, they also banned his name from being posted.  Typing his name in a forum discussion will result in only ********* being displayed.

Mr. Carnes talks about the final drive cap (drain bolt) picture that I posted.  It was clearly defective,
with the chrome flaking off.  Upon receipt I inspected this item and requested a replacement, going so far as to email Mr. Carnes a picture to demonstrate the defect.  Mr. Carnes reaction at the time was one of disbelief, as if he could not believe that I wanted the final drive drain bolt replaced "too" [in addition to other defective parts].  Mr. Carnes then claimed that I must be going over parts with a microscope looking for defects.  He further claimed that I rejected every single part I was sent, another lie.  Remember, if you are a customer of Mr. Carnes and are unhappy with the work performed (or never performed) or the timeline of work, this is the treatment you can expect.  I have the electronic communication of this discussion with Mr. Carnes saved as proof.  I simply asked for a replacement for a clearly defective part, and was met with hostility and accusations.  This is not how a reputable business conducts itself.  Did Mr. Carnes do some parts that were of acceptable quality?  Sure.  Most, however, especially the most expensive work, was very far below what anyone would consider quality.  I asked Mr. Carnes repeatedly if he would put those parts on his bike and he refused to answer.  That speaks volumes. 

I have learned that Mr. Carnes has no intention of ever completing the work he was paid for or returning the parts he was sent.  A favorite tactic of his is to claim that he doesn't do this kind of work, that it was sent to others.  However, Mr. Carnes conveniently omits that he was sent parts that were to be done in regular chrome, which he advertises in a price list on his website.  Theseparts, too, were never return, and the money paid for work likewise never returned. 

Further, I am far from the only customer who has had problems, some of them extensive, with this business.  Mr. Carnes would like very much for the reader to believe that there is only one customer he has been this dishonest with, but that simply is not the case.  It is understandable that others are not as vocal as I am.  Who wants to be harassed and lied to/about as Mr. Carnes as done to me?  I simply detest a liar and a thief.  My report here is intended to arm the consumer so they can make an educated decision for themselves, based on the experience of another customer.   Every customer has to decide for themselves where the do and do not spend their money.

The reader should also note that no mechanic's lien has ever been placed against any of the parts I sent Mr. Carnes.  Why?  That would be because the work was paid for, and many of the parts were never returned.  Mr. Carnes continues to exercise unauthorized possession of the parts I sent him, and has failed to perform the work paid for on those parts.  Demand was placed on Mr. Carnes nearly two years ago to return the parts and money, and demand is yet again placed on you, Mr. Carnes.  You stated that you offered to return all  parts and money paid to you to put this matter to rest.  If that was a true offer, then do it.  I suspect that you will not, because the offer was never genuine.  It was simply another lie, like all the rest you have told.  Once again your description of our conversation regarding this is completely disingenuous.  At the time, I declined a return of all money paid in addition to work being completed because I did not feel that was fair.  This was explained very carefully to you.  I felt that even after all the deceit and missed deadlines, that you should still be paid for doing the work.  I simply wanted it done.  All I ever wanted was a fair
deal.  The only person fabricating anything here is you, Mr. Carnes.  After all that has transpired, I place demand upon you to return all parts and money paid.  You made the offer, now stick to it.  If you do as you have offered, then I will return here and update this Ripoff-Report to reflect that.  I have no illusion that you will comply with your own offer, though.  I have demanded exactly this for nearly two years now and you still have failed to follow your own offer.  I'm not surprised.

Werx Management

United States of America
Follow up

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, November 29, 2011

Today we were in contact with Officer Stuckemeyers department. Obviously they are not pleased to hear their officers are conducting themselves in this manner. They ( his own department mind you ) concur that no crime has been committed against officer stuckemeyer even though he has for 2 years knowingly made the false claim from any mountian top he could shout it from in a blatant attempt to cause as much harm/damage as he could. He is fully trained to differentiate and is sworn to uphold the law yet has continously ignored doing so letting his emotions overide common sense. A simple sopeana would determine if he was doing it on duty. Stating your peace is one thing. Stalking and harrassing for 2 years is another.

Officer Stuckemeyer has previously been issued a cease and desist but apparently feels it doesnt apply to him. He has been given ample opportunity to work it out and its all documented. Yet he still couldnt get past it. Apparently he didnt take a lawyer serious when maybe he should have? Ok well today in a seperate meeting the US Attorneys Office concluded their decision to be that officer stuckemeyer is fully in violation of US Federal Statute and it is prosecutable. Its now all on record with those that matter and a unit is continuing to monitor his actions.  

There comes a time to work it out or set it free and move on. That day was 18 months or more ago. When a man with a badge cant comprehend that and lets his emotions control his game then others with badges have to step in and police the police. That day looks as if it very well may be on the horizon.  From all I see they take it serious when one flagrantly disregards all he is sworn too because it gives them all a bad name. You can only beat a dead horse so long and it gets old for all. Especially when the horse is fabricated to expressly be used for maliciousness.

We will move on aside now and let others watch and make the calls.

Werx Management

United States of America
Fabricated Nonsense

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, November 28, 2011

First off the person reporting above is Officer Orval Stuckemeyer from Rantoul Illinois Police Department. A sworn public servant charged with providing the truth not fabrications and misrepresentation of facts. Well this sworn officer has simple as that. Being a police officer this person is fully trained and aware that the matter is a civil dispute at best and no crimes have been committed thats why there has been no criminal legal action which he should be very capable off in the two years since this matter started. His remarks are fully intended to paint a false picture for whatever reason which we see as redicoulous and slanderous.

We are ALL aware that there are two sides to every story. Many attempts have been made to try and please this officer but he does not wish to cooperate or even participate for that matter. He only wishes to complain and have fun trying to stir as much stink as he can. The term sociopath is very fitting in this case or how about conduct unbecoming? Rather than find a calm head and address things its all documented he has threatened, stalked, fabricated nonsense etc etc any place he could find a stoop to shout from that hasnt banned him. Which many have. Most readidng this who ride a bike already are aware of his antics.

Being a police officer if someone would have committed a crime against him he would have handled it long ago correct? I mean being a police officer he is charged daily with deciding what is civil and what is criminal when he responds to calls correct? So that would mean his post here is deceptive and misleading in an attempt to poison the public. A fabrication?

We didnt take time to read all of his rants because we have heard it all many times over the last couple of years of his documented stalking and harrassment, but skipping thru we saw a couple of his favorite misrepresentation of facts one of which when he quotes "Any parts acquired to try and assist. Any monies paid out to try and assist. Has been stopped. Emails have been sent to cease any and all assistance immediately."

What he didnt post was the full message he received which said.

Any parts acquired to try and assist. Any monies paid out to try and assist. Has been stopped. Emails have been sent to cease any and all assistance immediately. A person can only try to help someone so far. You cant even help yourself so how can someone help you. Never once did you ever control your emotions long enough to let something on your behalf play out. You let emotions get in the way of your business. Things were really looking up too and moving right along for a change with other options in play. Almost done too the way I understand. People had even made offers to do even more for you to make your journey end on a high note. But you cant control your emotions long enough. Thats fine. Its over. Sorry you are so emotional. The lawyer office has all records. He has been out of town on another matter. His last name is Sergent. He will be contacting you about your defamation crusade which is all documented and he is fully aware of. He can explain the rest to you.

So as you can see not only did he try to mislead you we simply stated we were in fact trying to assist him and it was even going well but he was too emotional and throwing hissy fit after hissy fit so we said enough until he could control his emotions. No where in that message does it say we are ripping him off as he would like to paint for you. It said it was ceasing.He simply needed to calm down and act like he had some sense rather than hissy fit every time we tried to assist. He wouldnt/couldnt so we turned it over to legal. Thats what happens with any company who has unruly customers. You can only do so much. He could have at any time contacted legal staff but did not call the office once to discuss it. Also where it says monies allocated and parts acquired, those were monies we were paying out of pocket to acquire even more parts because he was not happy with what another company provided him with. We also paid to have a second set of wheels done for him by yet another company which he has on his bike today. He doesnt seem to include that in any of his stories. Someone else did his work. We did not do the work. Common sense would tell you they didnt do it for free. Any monies given to us by officer Stuckemeyer were simply forwarded to the party who did the work for their work. It falls under no good deed goes unpunished. We extend a favor to help a person save a few bucks. When he isnt happy its all our fault. One of those gigs. Ok but we still tried to assist even at our own expense. We learned not to try and help people save a buck by being the middleman on something like that yet we did infact try to help him at our cost after the fact. The whole thing is just one more of the many things used out of context to try and create a false picture. We were trying to help him but he couldnt control his emotions enough to participate so we said it stops here until you can get a hold of yourself. Well as you can see all of this time later he still hasnt. He thinks the best plan of action is to try and brow beat people into compliance. We could go on and on contradicting his stories but we have spent many hours trying to assist him already. In the end as you see above he has spent two years all alone in his own world trying to paint himself the victim when he is only a victim of his own emotions and lack of self control. Had he calmed down and picked up a phone he would have found simple resolution long ago. We have never before or havent since seen an individual such as this. We also dont see anyone supporting his claims other than himself. To hear him rant we apparently just woke up one day and pulled him from thin air to rob or something. Nonsense! We service customers worldwide. We service many dealerships daily throughout the USA and other continents too. If we were in the thievery business wed have been shut down and all been in prison long ago. Right Officer Stuckemeyer?

If he had spent half of the energy he has in ranting on simply picking up a phone for some assistance in a calm manner he would have been on his way long ago. Probably with more than he was due. We challenge Officer Stuckemeyer to present us with any phone records to show what the last date was he called and tried to discuss his matter. We can tell you this it was upwards of 2 years ago but yet he has posted all of this starting what date? It speaks for itself. He has not called us one time since he started posting all of this. If he wanted assistance he could have had it instead he spends his time here apparently. We deal with people all day everyday and have for years but yet here is the one soul stand out poor me victim. We say .. bullflop! Use a phone and act like you have some sense. If you cant then have fun in make believe rant land. Pictures dont always tell all of the story. For instance its a well known fact in the chroming business that is one were to say hit their part with a wrench they may not see damage right away but still you can inflict microscopic fractures which with time will result in chrome failure. Usually once time passes and the failure comes the owner has long forgotten that they may have inflicted the fracture themselves and not realized it. Either way we were fully happy to assist this officer if he could do so in a professional manner which to date he has not done. Heres another. He posts a picture of a small final drive cap and says this is what we sent him. What he doesnt tell you is that it was sent to him mistakenly by one of our employees. It was actually an incoming part from another customer he had done somewhere else and he wasnt pleased with it so he sent it to us for a redo. By mistake it was placed in officer Stuckemeyers shipment. He was told that and it was replaced. However he would like to paint for you a different picture that this was sent to him on purpose and he was expected to use it when it was replaced. He doesnt tell you any of that. Why? Once again to try and paint a falsehood. In his own words he says the replacement was fine but once again he doesnt tell you that here on ripoffreport. His words .. I think you misunderstand me. I'm not asking for things to be done right now, and I didn't reject every single piece that was sent to me. The final fill cap, final to drive axle tube nuts, rear axle, and front rotor bolts were all just fine. The radiator screen you sent me was fine. The brake and clutch levers were fine once I got the right ones. But we do crap work right?? Cant be both ways. All he wants to do is play charades to paint some horrible picture that he has been so wronged when its simply fiction posted in an attempt to extort people.

We have told him time and again he could pick up the phone and call to resolve his matter. An employee posted for him to chit or get off the pot and and told him he was welcome to call months ago and his matter would be addressed. Still yet the phone never rang. He chose not to do so. All he has done is rant and hissy fit for two years. We have had to contact his superiors more than once because of his less than becoming conduct as a police officer for stalking and harassing.

So in the end we cant assist someone who doesnt really wish to be assisted. He was also told repeatedly that all unclaimed parts are disposed of as many businesses do. Too date he still has chosen not to claim them.

We specialize in high end custom parts and service. We have been in business for years and this officer is the only person we have seen to date that couldnt control his emotions. When you run a business you can make some of the people happy some of the time but when you deal with thousands upon thousands of people worldwide theres bound to be one of these along the way that you cant make happy no matter what you do even at your own costs. You cant make everyone happy all of the time. Ever notice even walmart has a line at the customer service desk with unhappy people but yet the store is still full. We cant help those who dont wish to be helped.

And we did not do the work he claims we did. We dont do black chrome and never have. I challenge anyone to find any black chrome done by our business. You wont find any because we dont offer it. What we did do was agree to assist him by referring his work to others. He wanted us to send it instead because if we sent it as a business we received a better rate and so would he. When he wasnt pleased with someone elses work we went to them to assist in remedying the situation. When he still wasnt pleased with others work he decided to try and convince the world falsely that we committed crimes against him and we actually did the work in an attempt to send customers away. More fabrication. Being a business of course we have documentation of who actually did what and when. This was all handed to legal staff long ago.

We will once again advise and suggest if he has any questions he is very welcome to contact legal staff. They have no record to date of any contact from him. Likewise we have no record of a call from him for almost two years. All contact we have is threats and harassment online and via emails thru his blackberry but stange not a call one.

Last but not least, here is were we 100% feel Officer Stuckemeyer to be a challenged individual. We at one point had acquired some really nice parts to hook him up with at our expense. We sat here waiting for him to call as instructed but the call never came. We cant warehouse parts for years and beg people to call to retrieve them. If they cant follow a simple instruction after months and months or should we say years we fall back to on policy same as many businesses do and anything abandoned is disposed of. 2 years is plenty of time to find calm and try to conduct some business in a reasonable manner. Does that make us thieves? Or the customer too wrapped up for years in his own nonsense to handle his business? Everyone else seems to. Even with all of that if Officer Stuckemeyer could find some calm, take responsibility for his own actions in life, and try to conduct business like the rest of the world does, he too could possibly find resolution even after all of this time. Common sense will tell anyone it wont be one sided. We dont though reward people who lie, fabricate to mislead for their own humor.

Officer Stuckemeyer, these have been provided before but once again listed below are the contacts you can call if you ever feel the urge. Each though may have some of their own questions as to your actions. Maybe thats why you have not called him in two years though?

Legal Staff:

Bryan Sergent 120 N Main St London Ky 40741 606-864-4126

feel free to also call:

Sheriff John Root 203 S Broad St # 1 London, Ky 40741 606-864-6600

Dont forget to discuss the 2 year old felony you falsely claim was committed against you.

We here have no problem abiding by whatever either of those gentleman decide should be done.

Anyone who wishes to discuss it with me personally or would like some reassurance feel free to call 606-877-1100

Just remember we dont offer black chrome! And we sure as heck arent sending it out to have done for you either! Lol

Anyone who has read this far we could go on and on with this and try to clear all this man claims but good lord that would take eons. We've said all we need to here.. but we will share the best one before we go ... here is your icing for your cake We even offered him his money back and a free set of wheels! This is well documented and there are many witnesses. Officer Stuckemeyer even acknowledged it online. He declined the offer! Yes he did! SERIOUSLY! Yet he still bitches here to the world he's been wronged. Sheesh. His final words speak it all. He thinks its ok to fabricate falsehoods and mislead so he doesnt want any resolution that holds him accountable for his own actions.

Our own final note: We have done our jobs to the best possible same as we do any other day. We dont know of anyone or any entity on the planet that would handle things any differently than we have in the same situation. All we have consulted with agreed we handled it the proper way and they would do the same. We do all we can do and then we turn it over to legal staff so we can move on to assist the many other customers we deal with daily.

Anyone can believe what they wish but even the ripoff report site here posts this on the front page ..

Consumers, just because a company or individual is reported on Rip-off Report does not necessarily mean you should not do business with them. In many cases, its just the opposite. Just because a company is posted on Rip-off Report does not mean they are "bad". At some point in time, everyone has felt like they've been ripped off, when that may not have been the case. Not everything published on the Internet, or local newspapers, or local TV news is always true. Many stories, no matter where you see them, may have a bias slant. Being short on space or only having less than 2 minutes to do a story where important facts are left out can change the entire story. Rip-off Report feels consumers reading the unedited experiences of other consumers, without editorial involvement, are getting the best consumer opinion/news available. Our detractors would like to tell you differently. Savvy consumers need to take in all the information they can find and use it as an advantage. Consumers who investigate and obtain information about a company from a number of sources will be able to make more educated decisions, because they know what to watch for. By reading Rip-off Report, or any other publication containing information about businesses, you, the consumer, now know more about that business than its competitors. More than likely the competitor has the same issues. Let the reported business know youve read complaints about them, that you would like to do business with them, and get affirmation from the company that if you do business with them, they will do right by you. Let them know that if they treat you right, you will log on to Rip-off Report and tell the world what a great experience youve had. All companies make mistakes. It is the ones that learn from their mistakes that will benefit the consumers the most.


Theres one in every crowd folks! Some even wear badges!

Happy Holidays to all! Epesically all of the chrome whores worldwide!


United States of America
Final update

#16Author of original report

Mon, January 17, 2011

It has been two years now since I sent this scumbag thief parts, and I still don't have most of them back. He has refused all communication for several months. The parts he did return are mostly defective, including the most expensive parts- the wheels. Paul Carnes is as dishonest as the day is long. At the slightest hint that you are unhappy with his products, you are screwed. You better hope he doesn't have any more of your parts because he will just keep them along with any of your money that he still has. Paul doesn't know how to be an honest businessman. In his twisted world, everyone needs to bow down and worship him and for those that don't, he has no regrets when he steals from them. He's no better than those who would steal from the church plate. AVOID doing any business with Paul Carnes or any of the businesses he is part of. Considering all the junk I got back and the parts and money he has stolen, I am out ~$2000 to this loser. He has threatened to sue me and told his fan club on his forum that I received all kinds of legal threats from his attorneys that supposedly talked to my employers. Nothing could be further from the truth- it's all just part of his game and web of lies. He lies so much, I doubt he has the ability to recognize the truth. Stay far away.


United States of America
Final update

#17Author of original report

Mon, January 17, 2011

It has been two years now since I sent this scumbag thief parts, and I still don't have most of them back. He has refused all communication for several months. The parts he did return are mostly defective, including the most expensive parts- the wheels. Paul Carnes is as dishonest as the day is long. At the slightest hint that you are unhappy with his products, you are screwed. You better hope he doesn't have any more of your parts because he will just keep them along with any of your money that he still has. Paul doesn't know how to be an honest businessman. In his twisted world, everyone needs to bow down and worship him and for those that don't, he has no regrets when he steals from them. He's no better than those who would steal from the church plate. AVOID doing any business with Paul Carnes or any of the businesses he is part of. Considering all the junk I got back and the parts and money he has stolen, I am out ~$2000 to this loser.


United States of America
More defective parts

#18Author of original report

Mon, July 19, 2010

Mr. Carnes failure to deliver any quality parts is now complete.  800 miles and less than one month after I put the wheels on, the rear wheel had a bubble in the chrome about the size of a dime.  It is only a matter of time until chrome peels off and I have wasted more money with this scammer.  See the attached photo.  Not only was the entire $1795 I paid him a waste, but I had to spend more money to replace the parts he stole from me.  My losses with this loser are now over $2000.  

Report Attachments


United States of America
Forgot to add some info to my update yesterday.

#19Author of original report

Fri, June 25, 2010

In my update yesterday, I forgot to add that Paul now claims that he has no responsibility for getting my parts and/or money to me.  Instead he states that he doesn't have my parts or money, that he paid them out to contractors and that he doesn't do this type of work.  Well, these are contractors that HE chose.  I still don't know who did the work on my parts other than the wheels.  Paul refuses to tell me.  So, he thinks he's off the hook because the contractors he chose, after he accepted parts and money to get the job done, haven't completed the work.  Sorry, it doesn't work that way.  What's funny is that I sent Paul some parts for regular chrome- $50 worth of bolts that hold chrome trim on the engine.  Remember, Paul claimed that he doesn't do this type of work.  If you look at his price list at http://www.gatewayxtreme.com/VTX_1800.html, you can see how he does all kinds of parts in regular chrome.  This is just another lie by Paul to excuse why he hasn't got the work done yet.  Paul thinks it's OK to steal from a customer who has been waiting over a year for their parts and has the nerve to complain about him.  I suspect that if there was any delay on the part of the chromer, that it was Paul that directed it.  What's more likely is that he never even sent my parts off to get done and just kept the parts and money I sent him.  Again, he's a thief and a liar.

Further, Paul has made claims that those actually doing the work delayed it because of all the complaints I was publicly making.  I didn't say anything publicly about this until around September, 2009.  That was already 9 months into a project that should have taken 4 months tops.  Even then, what I stated was very restrained.  I just got off the phone with the company that chromed my wheels, and they stated that they would never do any such thing or they would quickly be out of business.  I have no doubt that they are telling the truth and Paul is once again lying.   It's pretty clear that no one can trust anything that he says.  Lying and stealing is the norm for him, and he sees nothing wrong with it.  BUYER BEWARE.


United States of America
Update: Mr Carnes still refuses to return parts/money

#20Author of original report

Fri, June 25, 2010

It has now been 18 months since I first sent Mr. Paul Carnes parts, and 14 months since I paid for the work to be done.  Mr. Carnes still refuses to complete the work or return the parts and money so that I can get it done elsewhere.  Mr. Carnes remains a thief and liar.  He has had his attorney send letters to two forums where I detailed his dishonesty.  He did this because he knew that they would simply cave in to his demands and remove all complaints about him.  To date, I have had no communication from his attorney whatsoever, although Mr. Carnes repeatedly sends me copies of emails he addresses to his "attorney", detailing criminal statues he thinks I've violated by posting the truth about his theft and lies.  I'm not fooled by this at all.  No attorney needs a client to explain the law to them.  Mr. Carnes is simply trying to intimidate me into silence.  He has threatened to file complaints with my employers (who I promptly notified as soon as I received his threat), who have nothing to do with his intentional failure to honor what he was paid for.  The reason I have no communication from his attorney is that he knows there is no case against me- Mr. Carnes owes me parts and/or money.  

Further, Mr. Carnes knew from the beginning that my bike was a present to myself for surviving in Iraq.  I spent over 14 months in country and bought it within a week of returning home.  If Mr. Carnes would treat a veteran this way, he would do this to anyone.  I have been contacted by several people who have received similar treatment from him over the years.  The pattern is always the same- as long as the customer says they are happy with his service and products, he remains civil toward them.  Once the customer tells him they aren't satisfied, that's when the real problems start.  He can never be wrong- not in the least.  He will never apologize, no matter how much he screws something up.  Paul wants everyone to sing his praises, no matter how bad he treats them.  I waited an entire year before I'd had enough.  It's clear that I will never see my parts or money from him.  I learned a very expensive lesson.  As I put my bike back together I discovered other defective parts such as a bent front axle, bent chrome brake reservoir clamp, and defective front wheel bearings.  Altogether I'm out nearly $1,000.  

Paul actually had the gall to suggest that he might get my finished parts to me if I removed all complaints from him everywhere and agreed to sign an agreement with his attorney never to talk about him again.  I would rather lose my parts and money and warn others to stay away from him, saving them from getting robbed the same way I did, than to compromise my integrity by signing any such agreement with his attorney.  When Paul learned of this site he threw a major temper tantrum after he realized that ripoff report was a permanent record and there was nothing he could do to hide his dishonesty from public view.  Do yourself a favor and DO NOT do business with this scammer.

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