  • Report:  #333389

Complaint Review: Success Express Sales Inc. - Gig Harbor Washington

Reported By:
- ft campbell, Kentucky,

Success Express Sales Inc.
5775 Soundview Dr Suite 103C Gig Harbor, 98335 Washington, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Apparently these leeches come out to military posts everytime our husbands deploy. Everytime they come out, there's a different story,ie., to gain points to win a car, in my case it was to win a $5,000 college scholarship. Now, I am a pretty smart person, but this kid steamrolled me and I didn't even notice, even though some of the crap he fed me didn't seem right, I still had it in the back of my head that it was to help him win a scholarship for college.

When he came to my door, he said he was working to win a college scholarship and needed 2 things from me, 1- to listen to what I do for a living to gain inspiration-which I stay at home and of course, to him, that was inspiring enough- raising kids and helping my husband from afar at war... and then 2- to buy magazine subscriptions which gain him points to win a scholarship. He told me he was an ex-marine who had been to Iraq and knew the hardship it had on me and my family-which that was the first thing that didn't set right- ex-marines don't usually need to try to sell magazines for $5,000 for college.

Then he told me that the guy that is in the lead of the contest actually has my last name. He saw that my daughter was watching her favorite t.v. show which happened to be his too and was going on and on with her about the show and it's characters. Then he told me the more magazines I buy the more I get free. So, thinking of my husband, I got him one, me one which supposedly got my daughter one free. Of course, if you pay in cash he gets bonus points towards his goal, lucky for me I didn't have cash. So, better yet, If my check had a design printed on it and wasn't plain,he got bonus points too.

When I spoke with my husband he told me it was a scam and that they come out to prey on Army spouses at every deployment and that he was duped by one trying to win a trip to Paris and never saw 1 magazine. I was given a receipt and told to save it incase I moved and that it was a tax write off because wrapped up in the contest, depending on what magazines you buy, and of course, I just happened to pick one of them, money went to breast cancer, so it was a write off for charity. In telling some friends I found out they had been duped around the same time, all with different stories, all military spouses, though they lived off post, but in neighborhoods where many Army families live. So, in turn, I guess they see the stickers on our cars and see a blinking sign. Needless to say....I stopped the check.


ft campbell, Kentucky


5 Updates & Rebuttals


Newport news,
United States of America
Magazine kid outrage

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, March 17, 2011

I was one of the magazine kids and a scam we are not.... Being a magazine kid i learned alot aboit business, goals, people, and success. I've noticed some reports of ex mag agents where they believed they were treated badly in all honesty, no offense to me they sound week. Yes the magazine companies are helping young adults brighten their future, yet they also are helping young adults learn about business... Someone stated they were awarded when they did a good job yet they felt punished when they did bad... Honestly when we do bad we believe in "A better day tomorrow".. from a business stand point if you close a deal you will be awarded for your success, but when you mess up u usually get grilled to do better or luckily a nice pep talk, but when you don't make sales all week then you randomly hot a 5 sale day as a junior manager i would have given 5 dollars to u as well, but when the next day i notice you went back to your no sales i will feel disrespected. Because i know you can do it but you just dont have the drive.

Another situation is the statement about here's your sh*t, i font know if this was your case but i seen magazine kids like this before, you hate the job you start to think its a scam, so u keep bringing it up to management, then you have enough so u quit. No one should be spoken to the way you were but to tell someone to their face that the job they love that consumes there life is a scam and you hate it is disrespectful so i woulda been upset as well...

Alot of these ex mag kids who wrote how they felt as if they were in a cult or trapped... To be honest i felt the cult and the trapped thing before the cult feeling is because we are like a family so we do have a special bond (not saying family isa cult) and the trapped is actually silly because there's nothing actually stopping you from quitting and going home, the only reason i felt trapped was because when i thought about going home i knew i was going to miss my mag family and new lifestyle.

Magazine companies brings Young adults together from all around america and lets us sit back and see the real side of america not by tourist attractions or rumors but by speaking to the people. Yes we do happen to speak to military families because we are big supporters of the military it was said that after establishing that you didnt have a job and your husband was away the magazine kid still attemted to sell u a magazine. Thats because it is still a contest, and aparently you did want to help the kid win, but instead of calling the number on the reciepts, the better business bereau, or even doing some research you made someone believe you were helping tgem out and they were that close to winning but you really stopped the check.

Lastly i did have the feeling what if this is a scam, but after a while those inquisitions started to fade away. But before i started traveling with the magazine kids i had a couple knock on mu door i supported one and honestly i didnt get my magazines, neither did i get reciepts or an organizations name, then i had some more kids came by and selected espn, rollingstone, and shape and i did recieve magazines then i had two more kids who stopped by and offered me an opportunity to be in the contest, and now that im home i still recieve the slam and car & driver magazines so a scam i know for sure success express sales is not. But there are some scams out there so if u decide to help a magazine kid remembet to ask for reciepts and on the receipts you should see a company name and address (not PO box) and phone number ( not starting with 1-800)


United States of America

#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, August 17, 2010

Hey. I'm out here working hard. Some kids out here lie and say whatever they can to make you help them win. But the truth is that this is a CONTEST! Five Thousand Dollars. A Trip To Europe....the experience of traveling and meeting new people. This has all really broadened my horizons. I've been around, and I've seen the prizes given out and the awards presented. I've learned a lot about life, hard work, and the value of a dollar. As in all circles of society, some choose to abuse their position.....but that does not make every other citizen of the same position just as bad.....I've learned and matured out here.....And I've been honest every step of the way.


United States of America
Don't Listen To Washington

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 16, 2010

This is my second response to all of these allegations against Success Express.  All of you who are wary of this company should be. 

I see many rebuttals from "Washington."  I wouldn't be surprised if this is the same Washington I knew when I worked for William "Bill" Gillespie's company.

Washington was a top seller.  I got the impression he was Gillespie's right-hand man.  Looks like that's still the case.

I see that Washington's rebuttals are all carefully worded, as you might expect from a snake.  Don't buy his "truth."  The upper management hides behind the kids.  They say they're upholding the law, and in some cases that may be true.  So they put pressure on the kids by letting their true desires trickle down.  Kids learn what is expected of them through hushed whispers.  That way, it's the kids who take the blame.

Washington implies that no kids are allowed to enter communities that state: "no soliciters."  Then why is it that we were often dropped off at these communities?

One of my trainers, while we were at a house waiting for the residents to answer the door, actually ripped the "no soliciting sign" off the door. 

When the woman came to the door and pointed to the sign, it was gone. 

My trainer acted like he didn't know what she was talking about.

"What sign?"

This didn't help us sell magazines, but it did show my trainer's desperation.

I'm sure Mr. Washington will tell you that this is not allowed.  But the kids are under such pressure to sell magazines, they will resort to extreme tactics. 

Let me guess.  Mr. Washington will say, "I can't be held accountable for the bad seeds."

Yeah, I remember Washington.  Here's one of his tactics:

I must have been with the group for a week.  For the first time, I'd had a good day selling magazines.  He rewarded me.  He got up in front of the assembly of kids and said how great I was.  Then he handed me five dollars out of his pocket -- his money -- to reward me.

Well, the next day, I didn't do so well.  Washington got up in front of the group and berated me.  Say (paraphrased), "Man, I gave you five dollars of my own money.  This is how you repay me?"  I guess the five bucks he'd given me wasn't a reward for doing well on the previous day.  By accepting it, I was promising him I'd never have another bad day.

Over time, I began to feel that I was working for scam artists.  Or cultists.

There was one bad day in particular when I'd accidentally moved into another kid's territory.  She FREAKED out on me.  Complained.  Yelled.  Called me nasty names.  SCREAMED. 

Later that night, Washington had a little talk with me.  I told him it was an accident.  I apologized and promised it would never happen again. 

He replied, "You're a game player aren't you?  Yeah, I can tell.  You're a game player.  I can read people.  Like right now . . . you're about to cry, aren't you?"

I was about to cry.  I was hundreds of miles from home, working for criminals. 

The funny thing is I bet Mr. Washington doesn't remember this incident, specifically.  Probably because he's played the same GAMES with other sales kids.  I'm guessing he's done it so much, I could be anyone out of hundreds. 

Think back, Washington.  This was about twenty years ago. 

In all fairness, it's possible you're not the same Washington I knew.  Maybe that was some other Washington.  Are you the same Washington who liked to tell us how great you were, despite your heritage?  "Look at me.  I'm black.  I have all the cards stacked against me.  But I still sell magazines."

Ghosts of the past, Washington.  You and Gillespie will pay for your crimes. 




United States of America

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 16, 2010

William "Bill" Gillespie preys on kids.  He got me twenty years ago when I was 19 or so.  His organization brainwashes you, pumps "positive" thinking into your head, designed to make you seem like a happy kid in a magazine sales contest.  But the moment you make a mistake (don't meet your sales quota), he berates you and makes you feel like dirt.  It's worse than high school.  You're either in or you're out.

It's all about peer pressure.  Mind control.  You're force-fed spiels.  If you sell magazines, you're praised.  If you have even one bad day, you become an "unpopular kid." 

He is not running a contest for kids.  He's running a sweat shop.  Even more accurately:

It's a cult.

We were told to do whatever it took to get people's money.  I doubt anyone ever got the magazines we were selling.  It took me a long time to figure out I was part of a scam.

Once, while working for Gillespie, I got the flu.  I was made to feel like a bad person for getting sick.  Although I'd spent the whole night throwing up, no one believed me. 

When I finally had had enough, I asked to quit his company and be sent home.  He  drove me to the bus station.  The entire time, he berated me, calling me a loser and a quitter.  He bought my ticket home, threw my bags on the ground, and said, "Here's your s**t," and stormed off.

The word "evil" was invented to describe this man.  He deserves to be imprisoned with hardened criminals who will "repay" him for all he's done to his kids.

When a sales kid comes to your door, don't buy any magazines!  But do understand that these kids are under tremendous pressure to sell.  Many of them don't know they're part of a scam.

When I realized it, I quit the troupe.  And what did I get for it?

"Here's your s**t."

Avoid his company, The Success Express.

Success Express Sales

Gig Harbor,

#6UPDATE Employee

Fri, November 20, 2009


---Once this website came to my attention I felt compelled to give some FACTUAL INFORMATION to consumers who visit the Rip Off Report website.   I have read all 18 complaints regarding SUCCESS EXPRESS SALES, INC & PACIFIC COAST CLEARING SERVICES, INC. on this website.                                                                                                   ---Unfortunately all these reports are based solely on assumptions and hear say.  Every one of them have been filed by irresponsible consumers.  It is this kind of irresponsible consumer reporting that slanders good companies based on assumptions and hear say. Please get facts and both sides of the story before you just jump online and do damage in our case to young adults doing something positive and improving their futures.                                                                     ---We would have liked the opportunity to address these situations in a professional business manner.   These consumer should have contacted us through our telephone number (1-253-851-8414 customer service) or mailing address (5775 Soundview Dr. #103-C Gig Harbor, WA 98335), provided on our receipts or through our website(sesales.info).  We could have appropriately addressed these situations and presented the FACTS.                                                  ---This is a positive and constructive goal orientated program for young adults, over 18 years old, to  travel the country developing inter personal communication skills, gaining an education in direct sales and brightening the future of the youth of America. 
---Our representatives are in a contest selling magazines subscriptions to collect points to win a trip to Europe, a Carribean Cruise, or a trip to Australia and cash awards up to $5000.  The top two individuals in the contest every six months win the trip.  The cash awards are awarded in a separate contest in $500 increments.                                                                                                 ---Our business group, Success Express Sales, Inc., has been participating in these contests for over 20 years.  We adhere to a strict code of ethics and moral standards.  Our magazine subscriptions are cleared through the premier magazine subscription clearinghouse & customer service center in the United States, Pacific Coast Clearing Services, Inc.                                        ---In regard to the other issue in these reports filed:
1) These are young individuals who are working on their futures.  They are going to be inquisitive on your career, interest, etc.  They are trying to find their path in life and improve their futures. 
2) The magazine term and cost are dictated by the publishers of the magazines. On any particular magazine it could be just a 1yr, 2yr or 3yr subscription that we are required to offer.
3) There is a $15 process & handling fee for each customer regardless of how many magazines are purchased.                                                                                                                                  4) If more than one magazine is purchased the customer can choose a magazine off of a list that Success Express Sales, Inc. will pay for.                                                                                         5) If magazines ordered are paid for in cash they do receive bonus points.                                    6) All contestants are instructed to obey signs posted and to represent our contest appropriately.        ---Success Express Sales, Inc. does its best to give this opportunity to good young adults searching for an avenue or a path to success.  We conduct general back ground checks and are very selective.  Occasionally an individual may slip through who is not up to our standards and these individuals are released immediately from the contest.                                                           ---For any inquiries questions or concerns pertaining to this opportunity please contact us through the website: sesales.info, email: [email protected] or 1-877-646-5050.   
---I believe this could be a fantastic information tool for consumers if used in a responsible



---Once this website came to my attention I felt compelled to give some FACTUAL INFORMATION to consumers who visit the Rip Off Report website.   I have read all 18 complaints regarding SUCCESS EXPRESS SALES, INC & PACIFIC COAST CLEARING SERVICES, INC. on this website.                                                                                                   ---Unfortunately all these reports are based solely on assumptions and hear say.  Every one of them have been filed by irresponsible consumers.  It is this kind of irresponsible consumer reporting that slanders good companies based on assumptions and hear say. Please get facts and both sides of the story before you just jump online and do damage in our case to young adults doing something positive and improving their futures.                                                                     ---We would have liked the opportunity to address these situations in a professional business manner.   These consumer should have contacted us through our telephone number (1-253-851-8414 customer service) or mailing address (5775 Soundview Dr. #103-C Gig Harbor, WA 98335), provided on our receipts or through our website(sesales.info).  We could have appropriately addressed these situations and presented the FACTS.                                                  ---This is a positive and constructive goal orientated program for young adults, over 18 years old, to  travel the country developing inter personal communication skills, gaining an education in direct sales and brightening the future of the youth of America. 
---Our representatives are in a contest selling magazines subscriptions to collect points to win a trip to Europe, a Carribean Cruise, or a trip to Australia and cash awards up to $5000.  The top two individuals in the contest every six months win the trip.  The cash awards are awarded in a separate contest in $500 increments.                                                                                                 ---Our business group, Success Express Sales, Inc., has been participating in these contests for over 20 years.  We adhere to a strict code of ethics and moral standards.  Our magazine subscriptions are cleared through the premier magazine subscription clearinghouse & customer service center in the United States, Pacific Coast Clearing Services, Inc.                                        ---In regard to the other issue in these reports filed:
1) These are young individuals who are working on their futures.  They are going to be inquisitive on your career, interest, etc.  They are trying to find their path in life and improve their futures. 
2) The magazine term and cost are dictated by the publishers of the magazines. On any particular magazine it could be just a 1yr, 2yr or 3yr subscription that we are required to offer.
3) There is a $15 process & handling fee for each customer regardless of how many magazines are purchased.                                                                                                                                  4) If more than one magazine is purchased the customer can choose a magazine off of a list that Success Express Sales, Inc. will pay for.                                                                                         5) If magazines ordered are paid for in cash they do receive bonus points.                                    6) All contestants are instructed to obey signs posted and to represent our contest appropriately.        ---Success Express Sales, Inc. does its best to give this opportunity to good young adults searching for an avenue or a path to success.  We conduct general back ground checks and are very selective.  Occasionally an individual may slip through who is not up to our standards and these individuals are released immediately from the contest.                                                           ---For any inquiries questions or concerns pertaining to this opportunity please contact us through the website: sesales.info, email: [email protected] or 1-877-646-5050.   
---I believe this could be a fantastic information tool for consumers if used in a responsible

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