  • Report:  #1469361

Complaint Review: Tabula Rasa Retreat Centre Ibogaine Therapy Portugal - Vidigueira Beja

Reported By:
Anonymous - United States

Tabula Rasa Retreat Centre Ibogaine Therapy Portugal
Vidigueira, Beja, Portugal
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Ibogaine is banned in many countries for that reason, namely the risk of serious medical complications or death during treatment. It is unregulated in Portugal because it was not known to the authorities. His work would have stayed that way but he bought bad luck to the cause of Iboga because he lent support and shelter to individuals in trouble with the police for dealing in substances.

Several reports and complaints were filed with the GNR police post in Beja as well as with the Criminal Tribunal in Oliveira do Hospital. They were in relation to the breaching of Criminal Court injunctions served upon Dani Mar of Tabula Rasa and others in her clan prohibiting criminal harassment of police witnesses. It began when Dani Mar and her family were raided by the police and big sacks of cannabis and LSD were found.

That matter is substantiated here beyond doubt


 The matter went to Court and whilst on bail her and her family were involved in inciting death threats and disgusting mockery which lead a Court to hand down a restraining order, an injunction, banning the behaviour. Court Reference Number is 1544.18.3T9 GMR Tribunal Oliveira do Hospital.

One of the members served with an injunction was Daniela Markert who then was given the name Dani Mar by Alvaro de Ferranti to hide at Tabula Rasa. She was found after a series of additional police reports had to be filed about the behaviour

Alvaro de Ferranti changed the two names of the staff members involved so that they could continue supporting the abuse whilst remaining hidden.in June 2018 the witness threatened with murder because he was wrongly accussed of being a snitch obtained an injunction against one of the staff members at Tabula Rasa. Her name is Dani Mar. Andi Bock was not injuncted but was involved in covering for the behaviour and lending support.

Alvaro changed the names to hide them so that they could continue supporting mockery undetected, that was until family members threatened to finish off a Court witness days before a hearing to take evidence. Court Reference Number is 1544.18.3T9 GMR Tribunal Oliveira do Hospital

When he was told about the problems he removed both people from his website and then claimed both of them had gone. But that is not the truth, he just pretended they had left and then claimed they had left to try and secure a retraction. 

Then Alvaro claimed he did not have to say whether she was gone or not, so he did not proceed further with the plans at that time. It was also because Alvaro implied the witness was negative and had a 'bugbear', neither applied, he was just pointing out to Alvaro that two of his people had a history for mockery and involvement in threatening Court witnesses.

He claimed the matter had nothing to do with Tabula Rasa but it is the truth that two of his team members (or at the very least ex team members) were involved in threatening witnesses to Court.

Several rounds of disgusting abuse came from a place called Vidigueira which is 10 minutes away from Tabula Rasa.

Tabula Rasa is located at Quinta da Fe, Estrada de Alcaria, Taipinhas.

The location is not disclosed openly because the Iboga is unregulated. Iboga work is banned in several countries because it has a death rate of 1 : 400 due to medical complications such as heart troubles, seizures, fatal complication caused by lethal interactions with other medications or substances.in some countries people have died in Iboga therapy, centres have been shut down, Iboga outlawed and in some cases owners facing charges of culpable homicide where there has been deaths.

The status in Portugal is unregulated, so it is kept low key.

The location was found because associates and family members of Dani Mar kept breaking the Court Injunction necessitating further police reports, at least 135 over 16 months. They had difficulty locating where Dani Mar was for questioning because of the undisclosed location of Tabula Rasa ans the fact that Alvaro used a different name.

Alvaro knew about what happened but pretended he did not and that his centre had nothing to do with it, but some of the mockery came from his staff whilst they were at Tabula Rasa. Alvaro de Ferranti was told to ensure the disgusting abuse stops, it did stop, perhaps because he pleaded with those involved to stop fearing Iboga criminalization.

The Public Ministry got involved and have started a thorough review of unregulated substances and therapies in Portugal as a result, the address of Tabula Rasa was passed onto the authorities along with concerns about Iboga safety and the policer reports of the problems from those associated with Dani Mar and Andi Bock mentioned in am associated report.

Alvaro de Ferranti is now known to the authorities, the police and the Public Ministry in relation to unregulated Ibogaine therapy and generally once the authorities become aware of unregulated therapies that carry fatal risks, the move to ban the substance.

There are images linkinh Iboga also to a string of deaths, Iboga in Portugal is unregulated and the centre uses unqualified assistants with backgrounds in police trouble as the associated Rip Off Report clearly states.

He brought that bad luck on himself by helping out those involved in witness harassment and mockery of the witness to Court and feeling sorry for them. Nevertheless regardless of his sentiments, a Criminal Court made findings of witness harassment and imposed an injunction on the offenders.

Court Reference Number is 1544.18.3T9 GMR Tribunal Oliveira do Hospital.

Police Report Reference Number GCLSA 37.17.0/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Oliveira do Hospital/Beja GNR

People should know thayt Iboga is a dangerous and unregulated substance and things can and do go wrong, several medical studies point to the risk of death. Since Alvaro was mentioned in police reports the abuse finallt stopped from members of his team.

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