I was contacted by telephone in May 2014 I received a call from a MichaelGrahm from TangibleMetalexchange LLC in West Palm Beach. I agreed to buy $5,000 worth of metal from them. After that I was targeted for the money they knew I had as we had discussed my investments. I started to receive calls from them expalining why I should give them more money to buy more metal,I told them I did not want to buy anymore. Then they had a man named Eric Richards call me he said he did the buying and explained to me why I could not be given a price immediATELY I was told he negotiates to get me the best price,and that doesn't happen immediately. They kept calling and talking and explaining the news they got about the metals market. They kept me on the phone for hours sometimes always getting what they wanted in the end more of my money. They were very good at explaining why you should do what they were telling you. Each time the explainations were so good, I fell for it each time, sending them over 165,000. They are now moving somewhere else as the phone numbers and the location has been closed up. company never gave me any metals that were worth even near what they sold me. They also got my gold in My Ira and my silver I had they wanted me to turn it into untaxable matals they said it would be better for me. They lied about everything,the owner is calling me trying to get me to sign invoices for metal they want to send me that is not worth a fraction of t what they took from me.
It has taken me almost 6 months to figure out I was ripped off by these three men who worked at TME
They had so many lies and there web site is nothing but lies. Why is our govt letting these companies. go unregulatedI am asking if anyone else hAS BEEN RIPPED OFF PLEASE SAY SO ON HERE FOR THE OTHERPEOPLE TO KNOW so it won't happen to them. I am in Pa I am sure there are otherS.
aNYONE WANT TO HELP ME CHASE THESE Men down, as I intend to do just that God help you, if I find you Mr Torres,Mr Grahm,Mr Richards.as you must pay for what you did to me.Keep looking over your shoulder as I am coming for you.