  • Report:  #418470

Complaint Review: Target - Altomonte Springs Florida

Reported By:
- oviedo, Florida,

886 W. State Road 436 Altomonte Springs, 32714 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I work in a Target Garden center in Florida. I lead a crew of three. I got promoted to team lead just about a year ago and was transferred to a different store than the one I had previously worked at. Since being promoted I have found the conditions at this store to be inhumane to myself and my workers. And the way these conditions are handled at this store has caused me to have to pay out large amounts of money and both pain and suffering.

Target has a rule for garden workers, once you go out to the garden center you are not allowed to go back into the store and leave the garden registers unattended. You must have a replacement in order to visit the restroom or water fountain. You are supposed to get two 15 minute breaks a day and a 30 minute lunch. There is supposed to be a schedule for this. But rarely are the garden workers put on this schedule. And for the most part there is only one worker in the garden center for hours at a time. We are forced to hold our urine for hours and hours which has resulted in two painful bladder infections for myself. And the lack of being able to get water when needed ended up with me being hospitalized for extreme dehydration.

At the same time Target has dropped my benefits numerous times and I have had to pay out of pocket for these services. This is due to the HR's mistake of never updating my file after my promotion. I have called the Team member services and have been told that the mistake has been handled. But once again I have received a letter informing me I have no coverage. Yet still money is taken out of my check to cover the benefits that I supposedly don't have, and has been taken out all along. I am paying for a service for which I'm not getting. I have had to call and argue many times about this issue. And still I don't get the coverage I am entitled to as a team lead.

Also the conditions at this store are horrible. Both myself and my workers will make calls to the managers asking for a break, on a regular basis, we are told there is no one available to relieve us and when and if they do send someone to relieve us so we can use the restroom or visit the water fountain, it can take up to an hour or more and sometimes doesn't happen at all. Usually we end up waiting till the next garden worker comes in so we can use the restroom.

Every worker that works INSIDE the store is free to visit the restroom at any time and get drinks. But not the workers who work out in the hot Florida sun. My crew complains to me about the lack of concern Target has for its garden workers. And I see it first hand on a daily basis, and once again I'm sitting here with a painful bladder infection. This will require a doctors visit and a missed day of work. I will more than likely end up paying out of pocket $200 to $300 dollars for the doctors visit that should cost at the most $70 if I was covered under the benefits I pay for but apparently don't have again. And probably another $80 dollars for a bottle of antibiotics that should cost $25 at the most.

Target's treatment of its garden workers is pitiful to say the least. The are completely unconcerned with the conditions we work under. When we are out in the burning sun, thirsting, the managers and other workers are inside in the air conditioning in comfort. When we are out in the thirty degree weather in winter they are inside in the heat. We can beg for a break to get warm for 15 minutes and use the restroom and may or may not receive it. When we are out in the pouring rain they are inside and dry. Garden workers are largely forgotten about. And it has cost me missed work and money. I have been told that my job is in danger because of attendance. But these health issues are largely due to the way Target treats its garden workers. I want to keep my job. But I may need a lawyer in order to do so.

Fed Up

oviedo, Florida


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23 Updates & Rebuttals

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Evidently, 'Doubting' Thomas hasn't been paying attention to the news...

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, March 15, 2009

'A Union is a RIPOFF and will not do anything for you but take more money out of your paycheck, and then if a strike is called, you get no money or may $50.0 a week from the strike fund! Unions are soooooo outdated!' Newsflash for you, Tommy: The Right-wing minority in this country is absolutely PETRIFIED of the prospect of unions returning to prominence via The Employee Free Choice Act. This legislation will allow workers to organize and unite with a 50% + 1 employee vote in favor of forming a union. As anyone who has been a member of an established union can tell you, this means GUARANTEED rights, regular pay increases, benefits...the works. I was in the IBEW with a leading telecom - and I can tell you that there is a peace from knowing that an enormous organization has your back. Layoffs were done via inverse seniority - which meant my loyalty to the company was rewarded so long as I did my job. Oh, and as for your assertion that they 'take money out of your paycheck', my union dues amounted to about a dollar a day. As compared to having FREE health insurance with Anthem, paid vacation/personal days, bereavement pay, and guaranteed wage increased, that dollar was happily handed over. People, 'divide and conquer' is more than a catch phrase. The greedy fear unions because they unite workers to a common cause - increasing the quality of life for the working class. Corporations LIVE to exploit workers in this country. Unions do not destroy companies. They only ensure that those TRULY responsible for the company's success (i.e. the blue-collar, working class) are compensated fairly. The only side-effect is that people like Ivan Seidenberg must make do with compensation of $21.3 million instead of $28 million. I may be wrong, but I think he will get by just fine on $21.3 million...


Anyone has a right to write something

#3Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 14, 2009

Target is not a country or a dictatorship, if they seem to think they are. I make this clear, i doubt that all Target stores could be this bad, that facts speak for themselves. Why should a person hide under there bed, when they explain they have problems, The 13 amendment to the Constitution does not allow slavery.. Do some Target Store not allow water or use the restroom ?, I think you might find one, one place gave people in a group, the speech of " your acting like victims" "4 hours or 8 hours is short, you can go without water or restroom" They complain that it takes 4 hours to stock the shelves, that its not done. That they will fire someone if its not done, people leave because of it, then they complain about the new people being slow, until they too will leave. Why scare people to think they will be fired for explaining a problem. Target could face fines for doing this, therefore, why tell people to hush-up this fact. Target builds more and more stores, yet says, that there just is not enough money to give enough hours and pay, therefore, a select group, gets to work more hours than another person, or forced to work faster in less time. They explained to the newspaper that there would always be enough hours, to be enough for atleast 20 hours for a heath plan, yet they give shorter hours to make people lose there health plan, Why hide the fact if it happens? Target says it has the best plan, better than anyone, any where, the fact is some other store does. Said "99.9% of the workers are good workers, I have no complaints about you" then say "bad things are happening and if things do not improve someone will be fired". In the same speech. I am not writing that all Target store are this way, the facts speak for themselves.



#4Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 12, 2009

As an electronics team member I can understand not having anyone to cover you when you need to use the restroom or when you need a drink. If your serious about taking action though you really shouldn't have posted anything online, the company has strict rules about posting on blogs and such which could lead to your termination. Second of all you should have a additional assistance button on your register, use it, call for an LOD, once they are back there get them to watch the register. If you are cold Target sells team member clothing that you can purchase on the tms part of the website, such as sweatshirts and fleece jackets that you can wear to work. Drink water slowly, chugging a gallon before you start will make you have to go faster and does not hydrate you. You must drink water slowly throughout the day for it to work. DO NOT FORM A UNION THEY ARE A PAIN IN THE a*s...The union was created decades ago, and all they do is take your money. Laws have been passed to protect your rights, if anything your going to end up with a lot of lazy employees who now you cant fire. Finally no one is forcing you to work out there!


What form no union and still be abused

#5Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 25, 2009

Why be treated like a machine, your a human being. I saw walmart before they formed a union. Before they had a union they would be very abusive to workers, when I went to buy things, The things they said was a shock, I see much happier people when I walk though the store now.


Columbia Heights,

#6UPDATE Employee

Sun, February 15, 2009

A Union is a RIPOFF and will not do anything for you but take more money out of your paycheck, and then if a strike is called, you get no money or may $50.0 a week from the strike fund! Unions are soooooo outdated!


Would it be possible to form a union

#7UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 12, 2009

They told us a long time ago if you do not like the work, they can find others. A point to remember: If we did form a union, did go on strike, it would take a long time for those new workers to learn, it would slow Target down to where they do not make as much money and people will see empty shelfs and slow cashiers. Target most pay there bills, it costs money to run all those stores and new stores they built, and new ones planned. Unloading trucks would take time, and to find the shelf to put stock on, would take time learning to process money for people that buy, it will be slow, it depends on peoples ablilities, people will leave, if its unfair working conditions, because people misunderstand about team spirit, love, People do not like a master slave relationship,


you need so many signatures to get union help Steve

#8Author of original report

Tue, February 03, 2009

I went through the class on unions. I know that me signing the paper it would do no good. You have to have a certain percentage plus one. Target is horrified of unions. They put us through classes on unions. But we are not allowed to say anything about what the classes contain. I didn't agree with anything that was said. But it was certainly high pressure. And all the workers watch films on unions. Target will never let a union in. And if washing and refilling a bottle would give you an infection, then wouldn't the same go for pitchers and glasses and thermos bottles etc? Plastic is after all plastic. I see at least a twenty little water containers leave in the customers hands each day. Think they are going to throw them out and by a new one once they have put water in it and drank it? My doctor assures me my bladder infections are coming from having to hold it for so long a period. And no I'm not broke in the least. I have plenty of money in the bank. But by being thrifty, it stays in the bank. Also all those bottles are a problem in landfills. If I can do my part for mother Earth I feel I should. I wouldn't call that a mental issue. I want to handle the complains of my workers in a fair and effective way. I care about them, they work hard for me. But I can't make a corporation care. It's a people problem. But by all means the bottom line is that some workers are treated MUCH better than garden workers.


Now HR is telling us no drinks in garden without a doctor's excuse

#9Author of original report

Tue, February 03, 2009

Thank you Steven. OSHA might view this as a health issue. They told my worker he wasn't allowed to have a drink out in the FLORIDA garden center without a doctor's excuse. We are not allowed to just run to the water fountain. We can call someone and may or may not get someone out there. My hand book says drink plenty of water in the heat. And once again I had a worker have to call 5 times before he could get anyone to relieve him for a bathroom break. He said he was hurting badly by the time he finally got someone out there.


Now HR is telling us no drinks in garden without a doctor's excuse

#10Author of original report

Tue, February 03, 2009

Thank you Steven. OSHA might view this as a health issue. They told my worker he wasn't allowed to have a drink out in the FLORIDA garden center without a doctor's excuse. We are not allowed to just run to the water fountain. We can call someone and may or may not get someone out there. My hand book says drink plenty of water in the heat. And once again I had a worker have to call 5 times before he could get anyone to relieve him for a bathroom break. He said he was hurting badly by the time he finally got someone out there.


Now HR is telling us no drinks in garden without a doctor's excuse

#11Author of original report

Tue, February 03, 2009

Thank you Steven. OSHA might view this as a health issue. They told my worker he wasn't allowed to have a drink out in the FLORIDA garden center without a doctor's excuse. We are not allowed to just run to the water fountain. We can call someone and may or may not get someone out there. My hand book says drink plenty of water in the heat. And once again I had a worker have to call 5 times before he could get anyone to relieve him for a bathroom break. He said he was hurting badly by the time he finally got someone out there.


Now HR is telling us no drinks in garden without a doctor's excuse

#12Author of original report

Tue, February 03, 2009

Thank you Steven. OSHA might view this as a health issue. They told my worker he wasn't allowed to have a drink out in the FLORIDA garden center without a doctor's excuse. We are not allowed to just run to the water fountain. We can call someone and may or may not get someone out there. My hand book says drink plenty of water in the heat. And once again I had a worker have to call 5 times before he could get anyone to relieve him for a bathroom break. He said he was hurting badly by the time he finally got someone out there.


Steven, I have just 2 words for you!..........UNION ORGANIZATION

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, February 03, 2009

Steven, You have no one to blame but yourself. You would not have any of those problems if you had a union contract. You have the legal right to seek union representation. You have the legal right to organize. Target CAN NOT fire you [legally] for seeking union organization. ORGANIZE...ORGANIZE...ORGANIZE!!! You have THREE Teamsters locals out there, as well as several other unions. WHY are you not contacting them??? Stop being "scared of your job" and do something for yourself! Employees ALLOW themselves to be abused. No rip off here! YOU asked for it!


I Understand What It Is.

#14UPDATE Employee

Mon, February 02, 2009

I work for Target too, we work in the Southwest. They unload trucks, and stock the shelves, whether its 30 F, or below, or 120 F, or above, we are to work without water, they say we are making a mess, because they find cups and bottles, customers could of left them there too, just as easy as a worker could, they say we are acting as victims because we have needs, the restroom, the drinking fountain, or a bottle of water near. There could be a drinking fountain near us, yet they would complain we can not use it, because we would be taking too much time. I filed a complaint with OSHA, check your phone book for your location and file a complaint, they inspected on my complaint, when they came, Target management thought they were clever, they showed them the drinking fountains and restrooms. Then the management told us they came, then management told us they did not abuse us and posted something for us to read. They lie about what they do and tell us to use the drinking fountain, or will provide a small cup, yet the cups disappear soon after, if we had bottled water to use we would not need to keep going back and forth, but we are not allowed to use the drinking fountain, or bottled water, we need bottled water, because it takes too much time going from one side of the store to the other, I push myself to go faster, and still, I try to find some way to get more done, yet they complain we are behind schedule, as if not trying hard enough, some of the more severe management left, yet some appear, the problem is still there we are expected to finish in less than 5 hours, I am to have a 20 hour min. or 40 hours in 2weeks, when we get paid, to have Health Insurance, they make sure I have less than needed, as of Jan. 9, 2009 they are not allowing me to have health insurance. I think there pleased I have no Health insurance, because they think its more Important to build more Target Stores, so more people can buy closer to the store, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, should I assume, not really sure what target has planned for me, I thought they cared, I have been there over 7 years.


STOP refilling water bottles!! This is where your infection is coming from!!

#15Consumer Suggestion

Sun, February 01, 2009

After reading your response, I can tell you that you are getting your urinary infections from the water bottles you are refilling and re-using!! STOP DOING THIS!!!!! You cannot re-use water bottles! When you drink from a water bottle, you transfer germs and bacteria to that bottle. When you let the bottle sit overnight, day after day, this bacteria grows. Then when you refill those bottles you are drinking the bacteria. This is just common sense! Are you really that broke where you have to refill water bottles? Wal-Mart sells a case of 24 - 20 oz bottles for $3.98. That is a whopping .17 a bottle!! You can't afford that?? Time to find a new job. You have been given good advice here, but it appears that you have some sort of mental problem as well, as you are not seeing reality here. Or, you are so broke and desperate that you are scared of losing that lousy job, that you will not step up and fight for your rights. Stop whining, and take action. Stand up and do something for yourself. Write letters. File complaints. Seek UNION organization. Do something, but quit whining.


STOP refilling water bottles!! This is where your infection is coming from!!

#16Consumer Suggestion

Sun, February 01, 2009

After reading your response, I can tell you that you are getting your urinary infections from the water bottles you are refilling and re-using!! STOP DOING THIS!!!!! You cannot re-use water bottles! When you drink from a water bottle, you transfer germs and bacteria to that bottle. When you let the bottle sit overnight, day after day, this bacteria grows. Then when you refill those bottles you are drinking the bacteria. This is just common sense! Are you really that broke where you have to refill water bottles? Wal-Mart sells a case of 24 - 20 oz bottles for $3.98. That is a whopping .17 a bottle!! You can't afford that?? Time to find a new job. You have been given good advice here, but it appears that you have some sort of mental problem as well, as you are not seeing reality here. Or, you are so broke and desperate that you are scared of losing that lousy job, that you will not step up and fight for your rights. Stop whining, and take action. Stand up and do something for yourself. Write letters. File complaints. Seek UNION organization. Do something, but quit whining.


STOP refilling water bottles!! This is where your infection is coming from!!

#17Consumer Suggestion

Sun, February 01, 2009

After reading your response, I can tell you that you are getting your urinary infections from the water bottles you are refilling and re-using!! STOP DOING THIS!!!!! You cannot re-use water bottles! When you drink from a water bottle, you transfer germs and bacteria to that bottle. When you let the bottle sit overnight, day after day, this bacteria grows. Then when you refill those bottles you are drinking the bacteria. This is just common sense! Are you really that broke where you have to refill water bottles? Wal-Mart sells a case of 24 - 20 oz bottles for $3.98. That is a whopping .17 a bottle!! You can't afford that?? Time to find a new job. You have been given good advice here, but it appears that you have some sort of mental problem as well, as you are not seeing reality here. Or, you are so broke and desperate that you are scared of losing that lousy job, that you will not step up and fight for your rights. Stop whining, and take action. Stand up and do something for yourself. Write letters. File complaints. Seek UNION organization. Do something, but quit whining.


yes I did have extreme dehydration

#18Author of original report

Sun, February 01, 2009

It got to the point that I threw up over and over.....something wasn't right I couldn't even keep down water. I tried so hard and it would come right up on me...I was very weak.. by being a garden worker, I was kinda concerned.....So i went to the hospital. And was treated for dehydration.. I had that day as an opener ... I normally GO AND DO MY JOB.. But I try to drink more water when ever I can now, plus when you drink coffee in the morning before work what do you think happens.. When your body has the urge to go you need to go. Everybody else has that chance when they work inside, but I don't. I CANNOT leave the register untended. And if someone does not respond to my calls so I can go. I have to hold it. I have just been to a doctor and she has confirmed what the problem is. But I still have to work, I am dealing with this the best I can. All I want is fair treatment for me and my coworkers.


yes I did have extreme dehydration

#19Author of original report

Sun, February 01, 2009

It got to the point that I threw up over and over.....something wasn't right I couldn't even keep down water. I tried so hard and it would come right up on me...I was very weak.. by being a garden worker, I was kinda concerned.....So i went to the hospital. And was treated for dehydration.. I had that day as an opener ... I normally GO AND DO MY JOB.. But I try to drink more water when ever I can now, plus when you drink coffee in the morning before work what do you think happens.. When your body has the urge to go you need to go. Everybody else has that chance when they work inside, but I don't. I CANNOT leave the register untended. And if someone does not respond to my calls so I can go. I have to hold it. I have just been to a doctor and she has confirmed what the problem is. But I still have to work, I am dealing with this the best I can. All I want is fair treatment for me and my coworkers.


yes I did have extreme dehydration

#20Author of original report

Sun, February 01, 2009

It got to the point that I threw up over and over.....something wasn't right I couldn't even keep down water. I tried so hard and it would come right up on me...I was very weak.. by being a garden worker, I was kinda concerned.....So i went to the hospital. And was treated for dehydration.. I had that day as an opener ... I normally GO AND DO MY JOB.. But I try to drink more water when ever I can now, plus when you drink coffee in the morning before work what do you think happens.. When your body has the urge to go you need to go. Everybody else has that chance when they work inside, but I don't. I CANNOT leave the register untended. And if someone does not respond to my calls so I can go. I have to hold it. I have just been to a doctor and she has confirmed what the problem is. But I still have to work, I am dealing with this the best I can. All I want is fair treatment for me and my coworkers.


yes I did have extreme dehydration

#21Author of original report

Sun, February 01, 2009

It got to the point that I threw up over and over.....something wasn't right I couldn't even keep down water. I tried so hard and it would come right up on me...I was very weak.. by being a garden worker, I was kinda concerned.....So i went to the hospital. And was treated for dehydration.. I had that day as an opener ... I normally GO AND DO MY JOB.. But I try to drink more water when ever I can now, plus when you drink coffee in the morning before work what do you think happens.. When your body has the urge to go you need to go. Everybody else has that chance when they work inside, but I don't. I CANNOT leave the register untended. And if someone does not respond to my calls so I can go. I have to hold it. I have just been to a doctor and she has confirmed what the problem is. But I still have to work, I am dealing with this the best I can. All I want is fair treatment for me and my coworkers.


Yes I understand...but you dont get it

#22Author of original report

Sun, February 01, 2009

I have been a garden worker for years, and I have seen young unseasoned boys fall out with heat fatigue. I ALWAYS take steps to protect my workers from this....years of experience have taught me the ropes of heat AND cold exposure. But now they don't want us to have personal items on the sales floor. I bring my own water and bottles every day. I fill them to the max before we open at 8:00. We have no where to store our stuff. No matter where we try to hide our water and "coats", when it is cold, they complain. Sometimes here in Florida it starts out cold and ends up warm. I have no health issues, neither do my guys, I expect them to stay warm on cold mornings......everyone should....any way possible. Because it is not a pleasant feeling. I want them to drink when they are thirsty, get warm when they can, not fade out from the heat, they work hard, as do I. We just don't get the same treatment as INSIDE the store, and say what you will, this isn't right. A solution would be to put a cashier in garden....Depot learned that long ago. COVERAGE. But this is starting to affect my health and the health of my workers. I'm so tired of getting calls at home...."no one will come out here! "I called an hour ago" "can you do something?" Then I get in trouble for calling the store to adjust the issues. I would love to hear from other garden workers for Target. My old store wasn't like this. We had a water cooler AND coverage that made sense. And Garden people are a hard crew. They have no problem suffering in the heat and cold and rain....tough folks....but this is ridiculous. I fear I will lose my job by even being on this website, But last week one of my guys got written up for buying a drink.....I understand his position, most of the LODs do. We have no one out there except for one garden worker at a time. We have coolers of drinks though, what are you going to do when you can't leave the floor and you are thirsting? He got a drink....then when the LOD....which was the HR person came out, he asked her to ring him up so he could pay......she wrote him up! He was honest to a fault....apparently he was "stealing" even though he was trying to pay. no other LOD has had that problem with him. They ring him up and get the profit for Target. This is my company and I love it. It fed me when I had no food. But I can't see this. treatment go on without addressing it. My health is now a concern.....I will get over it....I'm a seasoned old time garden worker the people I work with are now a concern. How do you address employee concerns when you are batted down at every turn? I have never seen a more negative store. And the rest of the store refer to us as slave labor, they are just glad they DON'T work in garden! They get to pee when they need to.....so here I sit, wanting to not be on cipro! they use that for anthrax! Thanks Target! Apparently it is GREAT for bladder infections! I'll be fine. And still want my job. I LOVE garden.....but treatment......treatment.....it's not right.


Over reaction?

#23Consumer Comment

Sat, January 31, 2009

Okay you may have a legitimate complaint about not being given breaks or lunches. However, if you have talked to the management and they refuse to do anything, this is an issue for your State Labor Board not in a public forum. If you are a "lead" then take the lead and have all of you go to the State Labor Board and file formal complaints. You do not need to embelish your report to make it more believeable, in fact it makes it less believeable. "...We are forced to hold our urine for hours and hours which has resulted in two painful bladder infections for myself. And the lack of being able to get water when needed ended up with me being hospitalized for extreme dehydration." It seems as if you may have other health issues that make working in a Garden Center not the best choice. A Bladder Infection is caused by bacteria, not just by "holding it in", which would be unrelated to your work enviroment. As to your "extreme dehydration", I have seen people with extreame dehydration and can tell you that you would have needed an ambulance to take you to the ER, and then have about 6-8 hours(and a thousand or two in medical bills) of IV Fluids. There is no way you would have been able to walk or move without assistance. Not only that but having an employee in convulsions or vomiting on the floor would have gotten the managements attention. To get to this point it took the people I have seen this happen to about 2 days with a bad case of the flu. So even if you went an entire 8 hour day there is no way you would have been anywhere near this point. That is unless you have other underlying medical conditions that again make working outside not the best choice. As for other possible solutions if you keep this job, have you talked to them about being able to keep bottled water in the Garden Center.


Several options here!! Seek UNION REPRESENTATION! Open a "short term disability" case...AND

#24Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 31, 2009

Although I feel you may be over reacting here, you DO have options. My advice is to create a paper trail on this right away. Send CERTIFIED letters to corporate, as well as the USDOL and State of Florida, etc. Contact a UNION! Seek representation through an organizing effort! Manage your water intake and urination. This is easy to do. You make sure you urinate immediately before you punch in. You make sure you urinate on each break and lunch, whenever you do get them. And, have you ever heard of BOTTLED WATER?? Keep a bottle or two with you! These are all simple solutions! As far as your urinary infections go, that goes way beyond your "working conditions". You obviously are in very poor health and have underlying health conditions. It sounds like you may need to just find another job that meets your medical needs.

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