  • Report:  #244595

Complaint Review: Taylor Wingate Group - San Diego California

Reported By:
- San Diego, California,

Taylor Wingate Group
3111 Camino Del Rio North San Diego, 92108 California, United States of America
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Ripoff Report Review:

Editor's UPDATE: Positive Rating and Recognition has been given to TAYLOR WINGATE GROUP for its Commitment to Excellence in customer service after 2 years of monitoring their services .

According to our records, Taylor Wingate Group has received no complaints over the last two (2) years. This is remarkable!! Ripoff Report feels that Taylor Wingate Group is one of the most ethical and professional companies in their respective industry. They have successfully helped hundreds of people in the last two years with their careers.


Taylor Wingate Group has shared their Client Satisfaction Guarantee with Rip-off Report and has confirmed their continued efforts and commitment to customer satisfaction and a strong desire to deliver quality services.


That the employees of the Taylor Wingate Group have helped hundreds of individuals advance in their careers and to locate more meaningful positions.

See Below for some helpful materials for job seekers:


MYTH 1. If you can't find the right job, it doesn't exist.

A typical but inaccurate conclusion drawn by frustrated job hunters. According to studies by a major foundation and the Federal Employment Service in California, over 85% of job vacancies are not available through traditional resources like newspaper ads, internet listings, civil service notices, federal or state employment agencies, private agencies or search firms. Nevertheless, there are millions of professional and executive job opportunities. A recent survey by the National Federation of Independent Business revealed that small businesses alone had one million available positions.

MYTH 2. Most people know how to conduct a job hunt.

Most people job-hunt by sending out resumes, the most common and ineffective method. Standard resumes produce one inquiry for every 85 resumes a company receives, yet only half of the inquiries results in an interview. That's only one interview for every 170 resumes. The average company conducts 10 interviews before making a single offer; that's only one offer for every 1,700 resumes received. The bottom line 1,699 resume senders are rejected for every one person offered a job.

MYTH 3. Employment agencies have plenty of jobs.

It's a startling fact: less than 4% of all professional, managerial and executive opportunities are ever listed with agencies. They typically handle $15,000 - $30,000 positions, especially clerical and administrative support positions. What's more, surveys reveal that the average agency will see only 1 out of every 30 individuals who contact them. The others don't match their active job list.

MYTH 4. Executive Search firms (recruiters, headhunters) market job hunters to companies.

Once upon a time, that might have been true. But today's recruiters are in the business of filling vacant positions for companies. There's a big difference! Companies buy loyalty by paying commissions to recruiters. So, rather than marketing job hunters to companies, recruiters try to fit individuals into well defined vacant positions. They specialize in specific industries or positions. Remember they do not work on your behalf. They work for companies! Only when you match a current search assignment will you be contacted. A recruiter handles only a few searches per year so the odds are slim that they'll have a match for you.

MYTH 5. The Want Ads are where to look for jobs.

Millions of job hunters shop the local classifieds every day without realizing that each ad for professional and executive openings draws from 500 to 1500 applicants. And for most jobs, there will always be someone who sounds better than you. Besides, jobs advertised in papers today account for less than 2% of the jobs out there.

MYTH 6. Employers have all the power.

It's true they have the power to hire and fire, but you have the power of choice. Many job hunters postpone effective job screening until after they're hired, find out their jobs aren't what they'd hoped, and end up quitting. With hiring costs escalating across all industries, it's important to remember that employers need good people as much as you need them.

MYTH 7. The higher up you go, the more secure your job will be.

Things just don't work that way. More than 1,500,000 middle managers and senior executives got the ax in the past decade. According to Business Week, the chances are 1 in 3 that you'll lose your job, and those odds increase as you move up the ladder.

MYTH 8. The best-qualified people get the best jobs.

Not necessarily. The people who get the best jobs are the ones who know how to get hired then put their knowledge and skill to work.


Future opportunity is obtained through the effective management of one's career. When you are faced with difficulties associated with job change, get professional help in managing this change through the professional staff of Taylor Wingate. We can assist you in reaching your goals.

Our career management services utilize the concept of one-on-one consulting for the individual, empowering thousands of men and women with our tools for career planning and advancement. As it is said, "great careers don't just happen; they're seldom a matter of luck or chance. Those who enjoy real career success are those who have learned to identify their special skills and interest and market their unique talents in a highly professional way."


Your future is all you have to sell.

Be prepared to prove your potential during interviews by knowing how to sell your qualifications to a prospective employer.

Job holders don't really like job hunters!

If you ask for a job, the odds are 25 to 1 that you will be turned down. Never ask for a job. Know how to elicit the help of others in finding one.

Jobs are rarely offered at the first interview.

Be prepared for two or more interviews and use effective follow-up procedures. Your interview strategy must be designed to lead to further meetings.

Look for the best in each interview.

It's costly for a company to interview someone at your level. If it is felt that the job or company is wrong for you, you'll be turned down. Always let your attitude reflect your appreciation.


Now, more than at any time in a decade, executives are finding themselves back in the job market.

Personal networking is only as effective as the individual's ability to make use of high-powered networking techniques.

It is seldom advisable and rarely effective for job hunters to mount a standard job search.

Find the job you love, and you will never work a day again the rest of your life

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why Should I Consider Professional Assistance?

A. For the same reason that you might seek out a doctor, a lawyer, an accountant or a financial planner; to be assured that you have the best objective and professional information available to you. Developing a career is an art form, which is best realized through professional techniques. Most job seekers are unaware how to build their marketplace value; they do not know the full range of their career and industry options nor how to use sophisticated techniques to bring their talents to the job market.

Q. Is It Worthwhile to Invest in My Career?

A. You are your best investment! Your personal skills and your professional values are your most important assets. If you want to maximize your income, explore all of your options and present yourself in the most professional manner, then an investment in your future could yield extraordinary results. These results will only be realized if you are willing to work hard until you are successful.

Q. Why Can't I Do This Myself?

A. You can! First, you will develop a resume, respond to newspaper ads, chase after leads, go to a few employment agencies, and then wait for a period of time for responses. Then the cycle will begin again. The best jobs go to those who develop a search strategy and are the best at marketing themselves. Strategy is the development of marketing materials, obtaining interviews and the daily activity involved in a structured job search.

Most of us will change careers at least three times in our lives. And most of us will be nervous at one point or another in the process. Invariably, you're giving up the known to pursue the unknown. So, even if you hate your current career, it's still scary to give it up. Each change is different and difficult in its own way. But here are some tricks to make career changes easier.

Here are five ideas to consider in your career change:

1. Test things out before you make the leap.

You don't need to quit your current job to get started in a new career. Give yourself a chance to test things out. Try it on vacation or on the weekend. Try an internship -- there's no rule that says an intern has to be 19 years old. It's very hard to predict what you'll like. Once you admit this and really try things out, you're much more likely to be accurate about what you're well-suited to do next.

The most effective way to make the very serious move of changing careers is to try out that career in a not-so-serious way. This tactic can save you a lot of large missteps.

2. Talk about your change in a way that will make it happen.

When people ask you what you do -- or, even better, what you want to do -- you need an effective answer. Tell people what you're aiming to do and why it makes sense. This little speech is what will allow people to help you make that career change. Laura Allen, co-founder of 15 Second Pitch, helps people figure out what to say when they want to make a career change. The key to answering the question "what do you do" is knowing yourself and knowing why you want to change. Once you know that, the pitch will come more easily.

3. Keep your significant other in the loop.

A career change is so emotionally and financially profound that it's practically a joint decision if you're living with a significant other. There's a definite balance you need to strike between wanting to support your partner in chasing his or her career dreams, and wanting to maintain sanity in the relationship while the chase is on. Keeping your partner in the loop, not just about what you're doing but also what you're thinking, can go a long way toward creating a team feeling.

4. Make the change before you go nuts.

Most people hold out in a career until it's clear that it's not for them. All change is hard. We like to be stimulated and interested, but most of us don't like constant change. It's too stressful, so we find ways to avoid it. The problem is that if you put off change for too long you compromise your ability to orchestrate it. Don't let yourself bottom out before making a change -- the change is much harder to manage when you're operating from a place of desperation and exhaustion.

5. Downplay financial issues.

Money does not buy happiness. In fact, research shows that you only need a moderate amount of money to be happy, and that the rest of the money you earn has little impact on your happiness. Flexibility is worth more in life than money. So when you think about if you can afford to make the change, think in terms of your net gain in time and flexibility rather than in money.

Anticipating the Risk

Career change is always risky. But if you have a good understanding of why you're leaving your current career and choosing the new one, the clarity can give you the strength to endure instability and uncertainty. At some point, your self-awareness will make the career change your only viable alternative. Then it'll seem like a relatively low-risk move.


FIRSTTHERE MUST BE JOB SATISFACTION. Job Satisfaction has a direct and positive reflection on one's personal life.

This means sufficient challenge in the workplace to call upon the greatest portion of your ability. You need to be happy in what you are doing. It also has a direct relationship to one's feelings about personal success.

Job Satisfaction is vital to success. A person who goes to work with enthusiasm can work 40 hours and be twice as productive as someone working 70 hours just to receive a paycheck.

So, only when you are in a position with the proper job satisfaction will you, in the long run, have the level of productivity and accomplishment to bring you your fullest rewards. These rewards may take the form of recognition, income, promotion or any other objective necessary for the fulfillment of your own personal and individual needs.

SECONDTHERE MUST BE GROWTH. Two types of growth exist which need to be addressed:

Your continued growth as a professional in achieving your optimal level of skill and potential.

Growth of authority and responsibility. This requires change change in relation to your individual and constantly changing needs, so boredom seldom, if ever, sets in.

THIRDTHERE MUST BE THE PROPER ENVIRONMENT. The proper environment includes:

You and your family are truly content in your location in the area in which you live. A positive family environment reflects directly on one's career.

Being employed in an organization where the interpersonal environment has a positive effect on you, in terms of politics, relationships with other personnel and company philosophy.

Having all the numerous and varied material things that you and your family require for your happiness. Money is important but do not place monetary rewards as a primary factor.

Even if you were to substantially increase your income without job satisfaction, controlled growth, or the proper environment, it is still just a job, and not a career position, regardless of the compensation. Job Satisfaction comes first money naturally follows.



The employees of the Taylor Wingate Group have helped hundreds of individuals advance in their careers and to locate more meaningful positions.

In summary, after our investigation, which included discussions with Taylor Wingate Group's Management, Rip-off Report is convinced that the company has been and is committed to quality delivery of services resulting in total client success and satisfaction.

Read about Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program and about Taylor Wingate's Commitment to Excellence and Total Consumer Satisfaction and why consumers should feel safe, confident and secure when doing business with a member of Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. ..yes, a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike. ,..A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..



The report below does not talk about anyone getting ripped off. The comments below should be taken with a grain of salt. Taylor Wingate is in business to assist their clients to find the career of their dreams and to make an honest living doing it. =============================

Taylor Wingate Group, Taylorwingate Blantant Liars, and Con artists San Diego California

I recently was contacted by Taylor Wingate President, who wanted to talk about some high salary in the area. I took the bait and went to see them in the Mission Valley office. What I got was a pretty good introduction, and some classy talking skills, very much like a con artist. Then the VP wanted to meet my family. Why do you meet a persons family to interview for a job?

I believe this is why...

They ask you to take part in a training program that helps you become a better interviewer, to sell your skills to the employer. The cost for this is between 2500-8500 dollars!

They have to get the wife in there so she can sign off on this huge amount of money.

When you walk into the office you notice right off that they have a wall mount showing, London, Dallas, New York, Sydney, and a lot of other different places. I checked up on them and there are actually no offices at these locations. In the end, the website for the company, which is supposedly almost 50 years old, and operates internationally only goes back to the San Diego office. So why doesn't a huge company like this have many offices?

The President dresses very nice, and has great talking skills, as with the VP. While waiting to chat, I heard them berate a person that came in talking about their income. It is totally a scam.

When they ask for money, I would run. Here is my favorite line, the secretary told me on the phone that some placements are paid by the company who hires you, and others are paid by you. In the end they have you sign a document saying that you will give them whatever amount, say 5000 dollars, and if the company who hires you decides to pay for your training, then they will refund that money back to you. Since when does a company pay for prior training for a hopeful employee.

Don't give them a dime, in fact keep the appointment time they offer you, and just don't show up. These guys are scammers, and con artists.

Here are the names of the con artists...

W. Wayne McCollum - Acts as VP, and director of Marketing.

Adam San Diego, California

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