  • Report:  #356542

Complaint Review: TechonDigital - Brooklyn New York

Reported By:
- Peoria, Illinois,

www.techondigital.com Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The one time I didn't research a company before I put in an order, wham! Was looking for a digital camera, and found a Panasonic Lumix at this company for $199, over $150 cheaper than anywhere else (should have been my first clue, right?). Placed an order over the internet. Within 1/2 hour, had an email saying to call James to verify the order.

Called James who talked so fast that I literally could not make out most of what he was saying. He kept pushing memory card, even after I told him I already had 8 and didn't need anymore. Then he started in on the warranty. I told him no, the factory warranty would be sufficient. He then said that the camera was from overseas and that it didn't come with a warranty and that the menues on the camera were all in Japanese. If I wanted one in English, I had to pay more. Like $120 more. I told him that that was not how the product was advertised. He claimed that the website had all this info on it. I told him that nowhere on there had it said that. I said cancel my order, and he said he would send me an email. He then hung up. He never said "yes I will cancel your order".

About 15 minutes later I called the number on the website and said that I wanted to verify that my order was canceled. Immediately the CS rep got an attitude with me and said "we are not in the business of verifying that your order has been canceled. If we told you in plain English that we canceled you order, then we canceled your order and you will not call again to ask us". At this point, I got an attitude and I said that that was the problem that I never really got verification that it was being canceled, and that was why I was calling. The CS rep continued talking rather loud and fast while I was trying to explain this to him. By this point we were both about yelling. He finally asked for my order number and said that it was canceled and then hung up on me. About 15 minutes later I did receive an email that it was canceled. I called my credit card company and they are watching to make sure a charge doesn't come through. I filed a complaint with the BBB of NY (under Starlight Camera). Should have checked this out before I ordered, as they have over 200 complaints in the past 12 months.

Basically, don't order from this company!


Peoria, Illinois


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