  • Report:  #598441

Complaint Review: Tenants Assdt Program - Tempe Arizona

Reported By:
XEmployee - Tempe, Arizona, United States of America

Tenants Assdt Program
505 W University #B Tempe, 85281 Arizona, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I started working for Ken Volk AKA Arizona Tenants back at the end of 2007. I worked for him on and off until April 2010 when I had had enough of his Lies and inappropriate behaviors towards me other employees and clients.  I thought I had found a great company to work for, someone who actually cared about giving back to the community. Boy was I wrong!

   After being there a few months I saw Mr. Volks unprofessional behaviors around clients. He would crawl around on the floor acting like he was crazy. There were days I was appalled by his behavior. I am not one to say I am perfect because I am not, but never would I act like this in front of my clients. I was there as an advocate for clients who were having issues with their landlords and I took my job serious. Ken Volk on the other hand did not take his end of the job serious enough. On a daily basis I had clients calling me screaming about their letters Ken was to do for them, calling about their credit being messed up because Ken didnt get the letters out in time. I remember having to refund money because Ken needed something else to b***h about.

When owning a business customer care comes first in almost every office but Ken Volks. His inappropriate behavior and inappropriate comments come first. Crawling around on the floor like a 2 year old, putting up signs in the office saying Ken Volk is not a Homosexual Asking clients and employees and their children to shave him, do his hair and cut his toe nails is wrong and disturbing. Telling clients he cant get their letters done until he vacuums, because nobody else will. I had a female client in my office one day in April 2010 she was pregnant about 3-4 months. Ken walked in to my office and looked straight at my client and asked her are pregnant or just fat. I was so appalled with him.  We had an employee call me crying one morning that she didnt want to come back to work because Ken had made what she felt were sexual advances to her the night prior and she felt very uncomfortable with him. Ken having to create more personal drama on his BK or Child Custody case is more important. Paying New Times is all this man really gives 2 shits about.

 I watched daily as people came and went from my office some happy because I could help them resolve the issue and some very angry or upset because Ken refused to help them. Ken makes promises he can keep and tells clients that he will get to it as soon as he has time. If you cant handle the business you already have why bring in more. Why waste peoples time to come in and pay us for a service they wont really receive?  I had clients scheduled for weeks on the calendar that he forced us to use, that he would refuse to see when they came in because he was too busy. Yes he was busy looking at the internet, working on personal stuff. Nothing so pressing that a client should have been pushed off. Ken likes to place blame on everyone but himself. I am at fault for believing in him and the company. I made small mistakes, I am human. But never anything that could not be fixed. Ken likes to tell people well now that she isnt here things will get back to normalcy, well just tit bit of information if I was so bad at my job why did he keep me around for almost 3 years??

There is nothing and I did say nothing Ken can do for you that you cant do for yourself. Understand and follow the laws. If the landlord is in non compliance send them a certified letter explaining the non compliances if they dont comply in the 5 or 10 days required by law send them notice to vacate. Demand your deposits back and use Valley Serve to process serve your keys back. Make sure you clean and do carpets and take many photos. Does that sound hard? No and you will get the same results ken gets! But you will save yourself a headache or 2 and a whole hell of a lot of money.

Ken also has a problem with making Payroll, go figure a man that makes $350,000.00 a year and he cant make a lousy $2300 payroll weekly, sounds fishy to me! Right now as it stand he has 2 outstanding payroll checks he bounced at Money Mart because we cant ever cash them at a bank totaling over $1500 and he has a employee he still owes $200, plus he has jacked up my checking account by $700 dollars, some outstanding man isnt he!? He cant afford to pay for anything. His gas bill is in my daughters name, because he couldnt pay it and it got shut off 2 years ago, she thought she was being kind to him. Her bill is past due in the amount of $137.00. How do you go 2 years without gas for hot water in your house? A little disturbing to most people.


I know that Ken will rebut this post and that is totally ok with me. Because I know in my heart and in my mind that he is what he is.  I pay my bills, I have no criminal record, never been sued and live my life to help people unlike Ken Volk. He will call this SLANDER, but slander is when you say something that is not the facts. After being an employee of Kens I have learned to keep records. I have contracts that were drawn between us for a 30 day probationary period and then he fired me 3 days later, can anyone say LAWSUIT and then he called me back to work. It all comes down to what works for Ken. I have copies of bounced checks, and bank statements, I have witnesses to all the statements made here today. I have spoken to people that worked for him that will testify in a court of law that everything that has been said here is totally factual.

Ken will say I am a disgruntled employee. Again this is not the fact. I am upset with Ken for the wrong he has done to many people. My clients came to me with an honest reason for wanting out, my clients expected us to do an honest job, my clients didnt want it on their credit, and were told we would respond to all letters in a timely manner. That doesnt happen. I have clients that have been with me through it all and I can tell you they all have issues with credit now. If you are looking to protect your ASSETTS, work out a deal, live out your lease or pay the break lease fees, because going through Ken and ATA will do more damage than good.

Am I pissed at Ken for treating his employees the way he does you bet your sweet bottom dollar that is the other reason I am here. I have watched him fire hire and fire over 15 people in 3 years. For a company that needs a Bookkeeper, 2 girls up front and another LDP, that is a lot of employees. So yes I am mad. Mad at all of his business dealings and I intend to stop him. Please read this carefully if you have questions or need clarification be sure to ask I am an open book, here for clients that are about to  see the worst nightmare possible.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


i always wondered..

#2General Comment

Fri, April 30, 2010

you know, i've seen so many ads for that Break Yer Lease thing.. i've always thought that whoever was running that must be swamped w/ business from all the poor folks out there who were being abused by their landlords..

it's sad that it turns out he was the one doing the abuse..

Thanks for your post!

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