  • Report:  #306307

Complaint Review: The Cittone Institute - Plymouth Meeting Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

The Cittone Institute
One Plymouth Meeting Mall #300 Plymouth Meeting, 19462 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Its been 6 years since I left Cittone Institute. Not becuase I passed but because I chose to walk out on them near the end. I first signed up with the Cittone Institute on Feb. 18 2002, I registered to start April 1, 2002. No joke, what a coincidence that it was April Fool's day and I turned out to be the fool.

I registered for Computer Programming, the 7 1/2 month crash course. The woman who interviewed me, Cittone's "Admissions Representative" Shelley Gill really sold the place well. After hearing her speak to me, I felt all the woes in my life were about to straightened out.

She went on and explained how professional they were and how well the intructors were educated and easy the whole thing really was. The even tested me to see how smart I was. Unfortunately I don't have the test on hand or even remember what it was about but, I passed it. She even commented on my unusually high score, which now I see was all part of the bigger plan. Of course, the wow factor set in on me who at that point was already sold on her prior talk with me.

Despite the $12,200 price tag, I didn't flinch when she forwarded me to their financial office to meet with their "Financial Aid Advisor", Jodi Strohecker. She too complimented my high test score resulting in me being even more sold about the school. We talked for less than 10 minutes when she pulled out all the forms I needed to sign, which would eventually haunt me to this day.

She even got me a couple grants which at the end, didn't even count towards my $12K student loan, where those grants went, I have no idea. Of course I didn't know this, we're not supposed to know this, thats why their scheme works so well.

April 1, 2002 came quickly and I started my new computer programming course. Seven and a half months to learn these things, books 200-300+ pages long in which we only reviewed less than 20 pages. Each month represented a differant class/programming language. They are as follows:

Month 1: Computers & Software Applications as Productivity Tools (30 Days)

Month 2: Visual Basic (30 Days)

Month 3: Object Oriented Programming w/ Java (30 Days)

Month 4: Java Programming I (30 Days)

Month 5: Java Programming II (30 Days)

Month 6: Web Page Development (30 Days)

Month 7: SQL Database (30 Days)

Month 8: Web Animation & E-Commerce Site Development (15 Days)

Anybody who knows anything about computers, 8 out of 10 people simply CANNOT learn half of those in 5 months let alone 1. I turned out to be 2 of those people who couldn't. I passed everything except Java Programming I & II.

It was during the final month (November 2002) that I found out I wasn't going to get that certificate saying I'm a computer programmer and the job I was told I could easily get. I failed those Java classes miserably, I did horrible in them, horrible enough that marking the tests on a curve couldn't even save me.

I remember going to the career office or whatever it was called and I spoke to a gentlemen who's name escapes me, the office might have been the "Director of Financial Aid", who in turn would have been one William Leach. Regardless of who it was, I went in because he wanted to speak to me, I was called out of class.

While I don't remember the conversation word for word it went something like he noticed my grades dropped and I have the opportunity to retake those aforementioned classes I failed. Still sold on the school, completely blinded by the surroundings, I agreed.

He then pulled out more forms for me to sign and I asked him why I needed to sign them. He said that was all part of the process. As I was about to sign them he said; "Once you sign them we can process your paper work for financial aid."

I stopped instantly. I said; "Excuse me?" He said; "Yes...You need financial aid for retaking the classes." I put the pen down and I don't know what it was but something hit me like a ton of bricks. I said; "How much financial aid?" He said; "Each class will only cost you $5,000 if you register to take them now."

I was shocked and I didn't know what to say other than; "What the #$%& is that?" He asked if I was interested and told him; "Forgive my language but no &^%$ing way, I'm already in debt $12K." His following remarks still haunt me. He said something along the lines of 'what are you going to do with your life then?'

I remember standing up and grabbing my school bag, which Im glad because it had all my information pertaining to Cittone in it. I grabbed and said something like "Maybe I'll be an artist." He said "you can try...good luck with that." As I left I said a few more choice words and never returned to the place.

My financial aid was through Sallie Mae a place I or my parents hadn't heard of. My student loan still hasn't been paid off. Through several harrassing phone calls to their telephone people who tell you to "pay this amount and you'll be up to date" when in fact they're lying and you get hit with tremendous penalties. That is my story of the Cittone Institute located in Plymouth Mall. I learned afterward that Cittone was originallt Computer Learning Center and I just learned that they're now Lincoln Tech.

There MUST be a paper trail and I don't have the means to uncover it. There has to be some illegal activity going on with their revolving funds through SLM (Sallie Mae) and I still have every piece of information that was given to me, from tests to grading to financial aid paper work. I'm still trying to recover from bad credit due to this place.


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


3 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Cittone changed my life for the better!

#2General Comment

Tue, January 24, 2012


I read this horror story and feel bad for you.  I just wanted to share my experience with the Cittone Institute and also let you know how the education I acquired at the Cittone Institute changed my life for the better.

The year was 2002.  I, like many others was recently laid off from a job I thought I would have for life.  3 months passed and I was collecting unemployment and feeling lost and concerned for my future.  I was always into computers and always wanted to know more about computers, networks and the internet.  At this time the old "click on cittone.com" commercials were all over the radio.  Finally I decided to sign up and use my time off constructively.  I also took the test, had great results and worked with Jodi to get set up for my future.

A month later I started on a journey which would change my life and career path forever.  I found my fellow classmates as eager to learn as I was, although not all of us made it.  Throughout the 8 months I was attending we lost 3 of the original 16 in my class.  I took my 1st test and passed and got my MCP!  It was a great feeling of accomplishment and the 1st step towards being a legit network tech!  I continued to attend and take tests, preparing extensively for each test.  I focused all of my attention on breaking into this new field, the field of technology.  The teachers were great and really strived to impart their real world experience to us.  Some of the material was very foreign and complex, but I always worked extra hard and always figured out what was going on.

Finally, half way through the 8 months, I scored a crucial paid internship with Plymouth Township as an assistant Network Administrator.  Bob, the career counselor really came through and helped me with this. Not only was I maintaining the office and public computer networks at the Greater Plymouth Community Center, but I was also working on the network in the Municiple Building, fixing police car laptops, working on the Microsoft Exchange server, facilitating data backups and retrieval, and even giving courses to members of the community center on internet basics, and office applications for extra money in the evenings.

I graduated and 1 week after graduation I scored a job with a software company in Jenkintown.  I was making real money in the industry that I was proud to work in.  From there I've had various positions in technology and today I am still in technology and making great money at a really cool vibrant company that I am proud to be a part of.  Now I can't credit the Cittone institute with all of this success.  A lot of it had to do with my determination, positive personality and tenacious 'go get em' attitude.  However without the Cittone Institute to serve as a platform, I can't say I would be where I am today! 

Thanks for reading!


New York,
United States of America
Aptitude Test

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, December 05, 2011

They tell everyone who takes their test that they scored unusually high.  Everybody in my class was told the same thing.  I passed all the classes - probably the third highest in the class.  Their job placement service was a joke.  No-one wants to hire anyone from that school.  Don't go to this school!!!


United States of America
You failed the class and are mad at them?

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, November 04, 2011

I'm sorry, but you could not have gotten exceptionally high scores on an aptitude test if you failed to realize that if you did not pass a required class that 1) you would have to retake it 2) you would have to pay to retake it and 3) that Sallie Mae was the government issued student loan company... it is not a made up loan sharking company that you have portrayed.

You walked out after finding out you could not afford to retake the classes in order to graduate. That is your problem not the schools. You failed to make tuition payments after this, again your problem not theirs. 

Believe it or not, there are people who can pass these class and succeed. Lincoln Tech does actually offer decent programs for their students. It is more independent learning though. So if your teacher only "taught 20 pages" then you should have read the other 280 in order to better understand the material required to pass the class.

Oh, and I do not work for LTI. I am currently a student on my externship which they had no problem providing me with as I passed each class with an A and payed my tuition bill each month. 

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