  • Report:  #1207242

Complaint Review: The Headhuntress - Tennessee

Reported By:
Scammed by Amy Jackson-Miller "The Headhuntress" - Cordova, Tennessee,

The Headhuntress
Tennessee, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I hired Amy Jackson-Miller on 10/7/2014 as my executive agent to place me into a career position. Amy and I agreed that I would pay a flat rate for her FULL executive agent search. Since the execution of the agreement Amy has breached the contract and has not done any of the required work she was responsible for completing which is listed in detail in the contract. She has not called me or responded to any of my texts messages or emails up until recently when one of her existing clients who referred me to her learned of how she was handling my case and reached out to her for an explanation. He has since decided to not refer her again since she is hurting his reputation by not delivering on executed contracts.

I have demanded a refund several times and Amy refuses to reply. The contract ends on 2/7/2015 and according to the terms Amy agreed to provide a refund if she does not secure employment for me by 2/7/2015. As far as I am concerned and based on her actions she never had intentions to place me but only to take my money and not speak to me again. 

I did my due diligence and checked out three references that vouched for her so I never thought she would pull a scam like this. At first glance Amy appears to be legit, but whether she is legit or not, she took my money and breached the agreement and refuses to respond to my emails, texts and/or voicemails and also refuses to refund my money. Even if she placed 10 people in jobs and screwed over one 1, that’s reason enough to stay away from her.

If you are a business wanting to use The Head-huntress’s services or an individual looking for employment placement, please do not deal with this woman. I am not sure if she has an addiction of some type and is desperate for money or what caused her to not deliver on our agreement. But either way I am filing formal complaints against her and I am prepared to hire an attorney and sue her if she does not comply with the terms of the agreement and refund my money. 

She also has over 60 references on LinkedIn, but please do not let this fool you as I found out that many cannot vouch for her services. I think she has asked people who have never used her services to recommend her and they do it just because she is a pretty blonde. If you check out her LinkedIn profile you will also notice that 95%-98% of her recommendations are left by MALES. 

I also realized that there was a Bravo TV show on back in 2011 called "The Headhuntress" which is the same name that Amy Jackson-Miller uses for her business in Lakeland, TN. It appears that Amy has stolen this reality TV shows name and Amy is also using the same logo that I have seen advertised with this TV show. It appears that her shadiness runs a bit deeper than I thought. If she is illegally using this name and logo I will find out soon enough because I am sure the executives at Bravo who created "The Headhuntress" will not be thrilled about the fact that Amy Jackson-Miller has not only stolen their name and logo, but has also been scamming individuals under this business name. 

Below are the exact terms of the executed agreement, the actual payment amount has been removed. 


III.          Client and EA agree to a retainer flat fee of $$$$, upfront, to hire Amy Jackson-Miller as his/her, exclusive Executive’s Agent.

IV.          Upon start date, client is refunded 100% of the initial retainer, minus cost i.e. web folio (if more than 1 page)


V.           If not placed within a maximum 120 (one hundred twenty) days from the signature date of this agreement, retainer is refunded 100% to the client minus cost i.e. webfolio (if more than 1 page)






3 Updates & Rebuttals

Amy Jackson-Miller Has Defaulted on Our Agreement Once Again

#2Author of original report

Mon, March 09, 2015

This rebuttal is rather lengthy, but it is necessary that I address each claim that Amy has made in her rebuttal on March 4, 2015, in detail. I filed my first rebuttal to my original complaint on Feb 20, 2015, stating that I was giving Amy another chance to do the right thing. But Amy has failed miserably AGAIN, even after I gave her the benefit of the doubt and another opportunity to make things right. I even withdrew other formal complaints I filed against her because I wanted to give her a fair chance to do the right thing,

despite her having 4 whole months to do the right thing in the first place. But she dropped the ball a second time and still refuses to refund my money despite what the terms in the agreement say. I also have emails from another individual who spoke with her and confirmed that she stated she had dropped the ball on my job search and needed to do “much more work on my case.” This was about 4 days before the contract expiration date on Feb 7, 2015. So despite what she says, she was well aware of what she committed to do, but just refused to do it, thinking I would allow her to get away with it.

Amy tried to get me to sign a new agreement after she breached the existing one, which would take her out of the “hot seat” where she would no longer be held accountable for not placing me or refunding my money by Feb 7, 2015. To make matters much worse, Amy tried to extend the original agreement by having me sign an addendum which would include verbiage forcing me to contradict my statements in my original Rip Off Report complaint. Amy is only concerned about her horrible reputation and is willing to try to repair it at any cost.

When I refused to contradict my original statements on Rip Off Report, that were written in good faith, she became angry and started screaming that I was slandering her. I have stated to Amy several times that the “absolute defense” to her claim of defamation is the truth. She can make those accusations of slander as often as she likes, but she is wasting her time. I stand by everything that I have written on every report and rebuttal and I am ready to back it up with documented proof when the time comes.

Amy is also lying about requesting references and me refusing to provide them. Why would I pay her to find me a job and refuse to provide her with references???? Doesn’t this sound a bit fishy??? I would have been more than happy to provide references to Amy, if she had asked for them, but she never did since she refused to communicate with me after taking my money. There was never an interview scheduled or a job offer nor an application to fill out requiring references. There was nothing in the agreement stating that I had to provide her with references prior to a job offer being made. When I asked Amy if she needed anything else from me a few days after I signed the agreement and paid her,

she replied back on Oct 8, 2014 via email and said Hey! No, I have everything I need at this point! That was a perfect time for her to request references, but she never did. References are usually requested if a person is being considered for or offered a job, which wasn't the case since Amy never followed through on my campaign, scheduled interviews nor secured any offers. And as mentioned, she spent almost 4 whole months avoiding talking to me, so how could she request references when she refused to respond to my calls, texts and voice messages?

The contract that I signed with Amy for the full executive agent job search specifically states Executive Job Seeker Package. This includes me doing all the work.” The me = Amy doing all the work. So the only thing I was required to do was pay Amy and sign the agreement and be present for the interviews that she never scheduled. So she is lying again stating that I was supposed to assist and/or participate in the search. There is nothing in the agreement that speaks to that, period. The contract Amy and I signed is extremely detailed and provides a “Task Order” list that she was responsible for executing within 120 from the signature date on the agreement.

This listed 4 stages which included the Personal Branding Process, the Marketing Strategy, the Marketing Campaign and finally the Execution, which included Amy running the campaign, scheduling interviews, negotiations and finally job placement. Amy never completed either of the stages before the expiration date. When I allowed her a second chance to work on the personal branding stage (after the original contract expired), I realized then that Amy’s work was of inferior quality. Amy threw a cover letter, resume and BIO together after I allowed her a second chance to find me a job,

but the quality was so poor that I had to reword and remove a lot of what she included in the documents. Prior to her working on these documents, Amy had me to fill out a very lengthy questionnaire. Instead of using this questionnaire as a guide and relying on her expertise to professionally word and arrange this information in my BIO, cover letter and resume, Amy copied and pasted 99% of what I included in my questionnaire word for word on these three documents directly from my questionnaire. I was completely appalled by her quality of work or lack thereof.

Amy had also taken my original cover letter that I provided to her immediately after signing the agreement and used it for other clients, I knew about this because she added the cover letter to a shared drive that we had set up. She immediately took it out of the shared file within a few days and did not realize that I had seen it. She copied my cover letter word for word and added her clients name and address to it and I am sure she used it for that lady’s job search. When I addressed this with her via email, she never replied. Apparently Amy is not familiar with the term “plagiarism.”  

And now Amy is referring to me as a difficult placement despite the fact that she was the difficult one to work with. I am a professional individual with a BBA in Sales a MBA in Healthcare Management and over 18 years of professional experience. With that said, I am still trying to figure out how exactly I was a difficult placement? I have documented proof of my professional accomplishments and several references including former managers and clients. But in Amy's response she claims that I was not a good fit for her services, but it was Amy who originally wanted to charge me $3300 for her services and after I declined to pay that amount a few weeks later she dropped the price to $1000.

If I was not a good candidate for her services or a difficult placement as she claims, then why would she practically beg for my business and drop her price by $2300? I have documentation of her following up with me several times about doing business with her and also dropping the price for the full Executive Job Placement to $1000. Amy is trying so hard to get out of refunding my money that she has forgotten about the very detailed verbiage in the agreement that will work against her. If she had focused as much time and energy on placing me instead of trying to get out of refunding my money, I would have had a job within two weeks like she originally promised.

Please note that her rebuttal never addressed the fact that she took my money and ignored me which was the main reason for my original complaint. It really makes her look shady since she did not directly acknowledge and respond to my complaint. Instead she is focusing on irrelevant issues, such as references that she never requested, as well as me being a difficult placement despite her literally begging me to do business with her. She is trying her best to make it seem as if I hindered the process, but it was Amy who hindered the process.

Also she never mentioned in her rebuttal the use of the logo I addressed in my original complaint. She never provided proof that she was legally allowed to use this logo on her contracts and business website which had been used on a Bravo TV reality show.  She immediately took the logo off of her site after I addressed this with her. If she had permission or the legal right to use this logo, why did she remove it from her business site? It’s still a question I am patiently waiting on her to answer.

In Amy’s rebuttal she stated she would be “raising the bar / tightening my requirements with respect to client screening and acceptance processes / polices and, contract provisions regarding a client's failure to provide required employment/background/reference/etc.”  This had absolutely nothing to do with the real reason that Amy did not deliver on our contract. She was having personal issues that she was in desperate need of money for and thought that her personal issues would be a justification to NOT deliver on our agreement.

But no matter what personal issues she had, she made a commitment to me and was paid to do a job. I even asked her on several occasions via email starting on Oct 16, 2014 to refund me if she wasn’t going to do the job, but she never responded. What she needs to raise the bar on is her integrity, professionalism, communication skills and quality of work. She also needs to stop being a shady liar trying to play the victim.

I am extremely angry and frustrated about how Amy scammed me out of my money which has severally hindered my progress in finding a job and has stressed me out for well over 4 months. I planned to continue doing my own job search, but wanted to hire her as a backup. I expected her to be prompt, courteous and deliver on our agreement (or refund my money within a timely manner) but instead I received the unexpected which was an unprofessional scheming liar who thinks she can take my hard earned money and not face the consequences. I will continue to fight this and I am prepared to take this to court if need be.


Positive response

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, March 04, 2015

On occasion I run into a difficult placement that I probably should not take on but, in my never-ending desire to help someone, I take the job anyway. This one did not work out. I own a piece of that and the client owns a piece of that. 


 As a result of the situation with this client I am going to be raising the bar / tightening my requirements with respect to client screening and acceptance processes / polices and, contract provisions regarding a client's failure to provide required employment/background/reference/etc. information that is critical to my ability and success in placing a client.  Without these things, the process is severely impaired.


Most importantly, a contract with my firm does not mean 100% of a client's job/employment searching efforts fall on me.  A client must still be heavily engaged in the job prospecting, networking and search process.  I bring a number of services and abilities to the table in my work and above all I want to help other people.  I understand this client's concerns and to the extent possible will work with her to reach a mutually satisfactory result.  However, I have to watch out for my own interests as well.

Issue Resolved

******Amy Jackson Miller, The Headhuntress, has reached out to make things right******

#4Author of original report

Fri, February 20, 2015

It is truly unfortunate that I had to file the original complaint against The Headhuntress, but since I filed the complaint, I am happy to report that things have slowly turned around. Amy Jackson-Miller has reached out to me and has agreed to start working on my Job Search. I recently learned that Amy had been dealing with some personal issues that got her off track with her work. I won't go into any more detail other than say that Amy realizes that there was a breakdown in communication between us and that she is doing what she can to make things right. I have also spoken to her about this report and stated that I would be happy to speak to anyone that would like to hire her in the future.

As far as the Headhuntress Name and Logo, this situation has been bought to Amy's attention and has been addressed and resolved. 

I never doubted Amy's abilities and as stated I had done my due diligence on her business before signing the agreement. Everything checked out with her references and I felt comfortable and moved forward with her services. Even the best of us fall short sometimes and we all deserve a second chance. Amy has delivered for numerous people in the past, and I am confident that she will continue to deliver in the future. So if you are considering hiring Amy and would like to reach out to me you can request through Amy to speak to me directly. 

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