  • Report:  #700232

Complaint Review: The Interchange Brokers - Redmond Washington

Reported By:
infofiend - everywhere, Nationwide, United States of America

The Interchange Brokers
PO Box 2846 Redmond, Washington, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
David Toney's last Pyramid scheme went Chapter 7 last June "KV Marketing", and don't be fooled by another attempt by this individual to scam merchants with the same business model company only now your "MAUI Certified" or David Certified." I know the industry well, and we have tested his system, example: "$10, 400 in CC sales, $204.54 in fees, 130 trans $80.00 avg. ticket (no questions about debit cards, rewards, corp. cards, swiped vs key entered etc.) and they recommended Rate Lock Plus at a one time set up fee of $99.00!! What a Bargain!!!" This was formulated as a response on "The Greensheet" (www.greensheet.com), the Official Industry Expert's forum, when this topic was brought up yesterday, and shows that his program ABSOLUTELY was NOT written with the appropriate criteria. Everything relies on the type of card and type of transaction, and he missed the boat on both of those key factors, so it DOESN'T ACTUALLY WORK CORRECTLY AT ALL!!!

If you are an Agent or ISO of this company, you don't have much industry experience. If so, I will guess it is as an "Account Executive" or something where you don't understand the Processing Industry. If you did, you would create your own proposals, and create residuals based off of interchange. Any Processor and ISO will show you how to save a business money, so you can reduce a merchants bill and put the money where it belongs- BACK IN THE MERCHANTS POCKET!! Don't let David fool you into believing he is a part of the Payment Industry or has any merit within. His company is not recognized by ANY NOT-FOR-PROFIT ASSOCIATIONS that make up our industry meaning that this "Good Guy" is only Certified by HIMSELF. There is no MAUI. Those are just merchants that he has made a savings proposal for, and instead of putting the money back into the business, HE KEEPS IT! And the Registered ISO that actually own's the account will be stuck paying the fee's to the Association for being Registered, incur all costs associated with having and maintaining a merchant portfolio, but NOW David Toney is taking the profits you are supposed to make for doing the job. What he has done is decide that he doesn't want to endure all the work that goes into an account. He instead is showing merchants how to reduce the bill (like ALL Merchant Services Salespeople do at an appointment)and(just like ALL the other Millions of telemarketing calls you get for Merchant Services where they offer to do the same), except he is extracting the profits for himself and his company, meanwhile ALL he did was screw the merchant out of the savings and offered to do NONE of the work that a competitor would then be doing, if a merchant switched to them to save money.

David is completely scamming merchants by marketing a "watch out for the bad guys" scheme that is only created by him. Sure there are horror stories in this industry, as in any industry, but that is why you should due your due diligence into the Credit Card Processing Company you choose to partner with in business. NOT by letting a scam like MAUI into your business. If this was a Merchant Movement that was Not for Profit and backed by the appropriate industry Associations made up of random industry expert boards (examples are the: NEAA, SEAA, ETA, and about 3 or 4 more including Canada (ETA is the big one). And if you are a merchant and do decide to invite MAUI Certification into your business, don't be surprised if the company they put you with is a nobody in this industry, and you have nothing but problems with them because remember they don't make the money anymore, instead MAUI is paid EVERY MONTH for showing you the same savings that ANY competitor would offer to show you except here's the BIG DIFFERENCE- The money goes to the Merchant's business usually, NOT David Toney's, who has NOTHING more to do with the account after he underbid's the account, but offered NO OTHER FORM OF WORK on the Processing Account he just analyzed. So you pay him every month because he lowered the price? ANY SALES PERSON WILL GIVE YOU THIS WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED IN THE HOPES THAT THEY MAY EARN YOUR BUSINESS THE HONEST WAY- By doing your processing and customer service!!! The rate reduction is to save the merchant money, not to just shift it to a 3rd party bank account!! It is ridiculous and PLEASE DON'T FALL FOR THIS!!!

11 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
My experience with Interchange Broker & Dave

#2General Comment

Mon, January 09, 2012

Wow, it's a long post, but very interesting.

I am in merchant industry myself and has been over 10 years.

I had a chance to do business with Dave (Interchange Broker) couple years ago when I had a call center, setting up to market cash advance.  I thought it was a good add-on product to market, especially if the merchant owns multiple locations and/or big size corporations that I wouldn't be able to sign up as I would do with local businesses. 

But after investing time and money, I couldn't do any business with them because of an accusation that one of our employees sent the contract to someone in Colorado located restaurant.  And Dave said that I violated the contract of sending sensitive information.  I have no way of knowing how that happened and what's so sensitive about one of the guys out there getting a copy of their contract?  People will hear about Interchange Broker and people will know what they charge and how much they charge for early termination, etc.  It's funny that it happened after I referred a guy who had hundreds of agents to Dave and I was to get some override from their productions.  By coincident or not, but I don't think Dave did that on purpose, but just one of those things that didn't happen right.  Yeah, I could take responsility of what one of my guys was doing, but again I still think it wasn't big of a deal.   And after they initiated the termination, they had a hard time to stop charging my credit card for $49 for being their agent.

I personally don't know much about Dave other than what he said about himself; that he used to own and sold a large ISO organization in merchant industry, and retired in his 40's.

But based on my experience with him, he is smart, honest, and hard-working individual, overall.

My opinion about this claim on this forum is really there's nothing to accuse about Dave & Interchange Broker.  Dave has enough experience and intelligence to know how to work the industry successfully, and well qualified to consult business owners regards to intricate Interchange fees and charges from Visa and Master Card.  I totally understand if somebody comes in and cutting my profit, I wouldn't be very happy either like the other gentleman who posted this rip-off report.   
It's a business, nothing wrong about being a smart guy and make a good living by doing legit business.  After all, this is a free country. 


North Carolina,
United States of America
Who David really is

#3General Comment

Fri, October 28, 2011

dave toney

Registrant Organization:                     The interchange brokerage company

Registrant Address1:                         3633 Pacific Ave, #201

Registrant City:                             tacoma

Registrant State/Province:                   Washington

Registrant Postal Code:                      98418

Registrant Country:                          United States

Registrant Country Code:                     US

Registrant Phone Number:                     +1.2068983579 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +1.2068983579      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Registrant Email:                            [email protected]

Registrant Application Purpose:              P1

Registrant Nexus Category:                   C21

Administrative Contact ID:                   CR69305421

Administrative Contact Name:                 dave toney

Administrative Contact Organization:         The interchange brokerage company

Administrative Contact Address1:             3633 Pacific Ave, #201

Administrative Contact City:                 tacoma

Administrative Contact State/Province:       Washington

Administrative Contact Postal Code:          98418

Administrative Contact Country:              United States

Administrative Contact Country Code:         US

Administrative Contact Phone Number:         +1.2068983579 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +1.2068983579      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Administrative Contact Email:                [email protected]

Administrative Application Purpose:          P1

Administrative Nexus Category:               C21

Billing Contact ID:                          CR69305422

Billing Contact Name:                        dave toney

Billing Contact Organization:                The interchange brokerage company

Billing Contact Address1:                    3633 Pacific Ave, #201

Billing Contact City:                        tacoma

Billing Contact State/Province:              Washington

Billing Contact Postal Code:                 98418

Billing Contact Country:                     United States

Billing Contact Country Code:                US

Billing Contact Phone Number:                +1.2068983579 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +1.2068983579      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Billing Contact Email:                       [email protected]

Billing Application Purpose:                 P1

Billing Nexus Category:                      C21

Technical Contact ID:                        CR69305420

Technical Contact Name:                      dave toney

Technical Contact Organization:              The interchange brokerage company

Technical Contact Address1:                  3633 Pacific Ave, #201

Technical Contact City:                      tacoma

Technical Contact State/Province:            Washington

Technical Contact Postal Code:               98418

Technical Contact Country:                   United States

Technical Contact Country Code:              US

Technical Contact Phone Number:              +1.2068983579 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +1.2068983579      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Technical Contact Email:                     [email protected]

Technical Application Purpose:               P1

Technical Nexus Category:                    C21

Name Server:                                 NSA.STOPHIDDENFEES.US

Name Server:                                 NSB.STOPHIDDENFEES.US

Created by Registrar:                        GODADDY.COM, INC.

Last Updated by Registrar:                   GODADDY.COM, INC.

Domain Registration Date:                    Wed Dec 08 13:30:29 GMT 2010

Domain Expiration Date:                      Sat Dec 07 23:59:59 GMT 2013

Domain Last Updated Date:                    Tue Oct 04 11:42:52 GMT 2011

Shill Patrol


#4Consumer Comment

Tue, May 03, 2011

Thank you for your cooperation.

Report Attachments


United States of America

#5Author of original report

Mon, May 02, 2011

I want to make sure that the audience, whether at this point, the reader as well as The Interchange Brokers, knows, that this post is not a smear campaign in any way, nor do I wish for The Interchange Brokers to go out of business. I wish all well in their ventures.

I gave my personal opinion as a person, and not as a representation of any Company, or third party, and gave no more than my feelings, on a companies Certificate that I feel should not be sold as an industry standard, and a tool for profit, which it is (exactly what we call savings calculators). But when a merchant thinks this is a "Industry branded" Certificate, I felt that this is a false representation of the truth.

Nonetheless, this was my personal opinion, and not to be confused with ANY company prospective that has been taken against The Interchange Brokers, nor does the company I work for represent this matter. This is, and was done in my own time, and at my own discretion.

I hope it has been helpful to see how two people can discuss their differences, while agreeing to disagree. At no point should David or The Interchange Brokers be said to be intentionally breaking the law. Although I do not agree with the model, and feel it is hurtful to the unified direction some are trying to take go to "clean up" the industry, they are my opinions.

Have a good day, and hopefully this has helped the reader separate the notion that this a Industry Certification that will determine whether we are ethical as an ISO or not or "fair to our merchants". We are just as fair and marginally profitable as any company would hope to be. But none of those profits are hidden in dirty sales tactics that some companies use to RIP off merchants. Myself and David can agree that those are wrong for everyone.

David, when you see an account with ERR or EBB, do you fix the structure, and then take a profitability margin from the new structure, or how does that work? 


United States of America

#6Author of original report

Wed, April 27, 2011

Until you become a non-profit organization, that has been empowered by the Industry, and not to line your pockets with.

I will stick with the rest of the Greensheet on where we ALL stand on your company. And you are well aware of where the industry stands, as you effortlessly tried your PR department first, and then you personally tried your best to woo the guys. But you did fail miserably, as you know. I think after 5 pages of not one person taking up for your model, BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT A REGULATOR FOR AN UNREGULATED INDUSTRY!!! You are self-appointed, and influenced by your decisions on a profit basis, like the rest of us. You just don't do it the ethical way, nor do you give ANYTHING back to a merchant for their pocket, instead keeping it month after month as your "finders fee." 

Why not give a crack at the Oil Industry.. You could pitch people at the pump about how much the barrel costs!! Or how about framing houses? You could convince people on how they should pay YOU the "labor costs", meanwhile telling them that they can keep the "now underpaid team that they already went into contract with, or he will bring in his own team or "underpaid workers", but either way "The Interchange Brokers" provided no service, except to pitch them to believe you are some sort of REGULATOR, and paying  the original company for supplies only,  while taking their entire cost of building the house!!

 The original company already has a deal with the distributor( in this case, the Card Brands- Visa/Mastercard/Discover/Amex), but you convince the homeowner to pay you for the costs above supplies to you instead of the company who is doing the work!Just for leading them to believe you have somehow entered them into an "Industry Regulated Program" - WHICH IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!

I think your company is listed as a Marketing Company by category. Not a REGULATOR!!! That is the entire point in a few sentences.Please don't waste anymopre time with this nonsense.

David Toney

Los Angeles,
Final Statement

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, April 26, 2011

You refused to accept my challenge, that should tell anyone all they need to know.


United States of America
The last time I will respond to this.

#8Author of original report

Fri, April 22, 2011

I am not here to publicly shadowbox with , of all people, you. You would never get a chance to check my portfolio, nor have you EVER looked at ANY credible portfolios to date ( not one of the "processors on your site mentions ANYTHING about your benefits on their site! No co-branding or anything, which shows how much . It is ridiculous for you to even ask, and quite frankly if shows how gone you really are. 

You have a calculator that shows how many basis points over Interchange you are able to skim from someone's account, WITHOUT changing ANY of their Interchange costs. Interchange IS Interchange. 

FYI Readers: ALL merchant service providers have a calculator that shows the savings available on ANY statement they review. EVERY Acquirer will show you what they can save you, except it's yours for giving them the business.

What your doing is ONLY Legal because you are getting people to authorize you access to their accounts for this certificate. IF ANY of the merchants you work with understood what you were doing, you would be in a lot of trouble. You are skimming the profits for essentially pointing out they exist. It is nothing but a "finders fee" essentially, that costs the merchant every penny of the savings you found anyway. You are stealing every penny of those same profits you are saying are outrageous for being applied in the first place!

So if I save all the  merchants you deal with a penny a month, they were better off dealing with myself than you for savings, correct?

You are only manipulating the profits OVER Interchange, and because people don't really understand how it works anyway, you are getting away with theft.

** If you can answer these questions, I will go away and never question your practices again. Ok? Oh yeah, AND you can see my companies portfolio. So listen up:

1)When going into a business and finding these outrageous fee's, why don't you return the money to the merchants like every other company does?

2)Isn't it true that the worse a merchant is getting ripped off, the better it is for your companies bottom line?

3)You do KEEP those margins correct?

4)What does it matter to you or your company HOW LOW Interchange is?

5) Isn't it true that Interchange could be .0000001% or 20% and that still wouldn't matter to your bottom line?

6)Isn't it true that this entire fabrication about your "lobbying Congress guys" is nothing more than a marketing tactic to support this business model? What does Interchange matter to you? You are stealing the costs ABOVE Interchange- NOT INTERCHANGE.

7)LAST QUESTION: If Interchange DISAPPEARED, wouldn't it be safe to assume that considering your profits aren't based on Interchange, your bottom line would ALWAYS stay the same? Isn't your profit based on the volume X's this % you have created to route directly to your account?

So no matter what happens with the merchants credit card processing account, you have isolated a % for yourself that is clear of any interference from anyone. If you provided savings for a merchant (like the rest of us), then you would have to give some money back to the merchant and then split the rest of the profits above the expenses of processing the account (interchange + costs of your processor), and then you would have to split the remainder of those % points (aka basis points/ .01% is a basis point), would have to be split with the partner or Acquirer who pays the fee's to Visa/Mastercard ($10,000 first year/$5,000 each year after) to receive those interchange costs, and to be able to price above Interchange as their way of having a business!!!

Why not go to people's houses, and tell them that you will get them Oil for their house at the price it costs per barrel, but because you are "uncovering this injustice(lol)" difference between the barrel cost and the price they are paying NOW, will go into your bank account- EVERY MONTH!!! FOR WHAT?????

I have done my best to educate the reader, whether Merchant, or "Agent for The Interchange Brokers", PLEASE spare yourself the nightmare that this will turn out to be. Or at least talk to your provider about your rates or get a few other quotes to compare to your current fee's. ANY COMPANY WILL HELP!!!

David Toney

Los Angeles,
Opened Ended Challenge

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, April 22, 2011

I'll be here waiting for a response back Keith and my challenge stands.

David Toney

Los Angeles,
United States of America
Response to False Claims

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, April 19, 2011

Let us put this issue to rest.  I will address each of the points you make, and finally Ill propose a way to resolve this once and for all.

Point None of the card associations know about MAUI.

Counterpoint  The fact that we are not a registered ISO, by definition prohibits the associations from recognizing us as one. Were not trying to be an ISO so there is little point in attempting to
be recognized as one.
Point- The ETA is creating an industry standard no need for MAUI or IBC

Counterpoint They have been trying to accomplish this for years.  The government is trying to as well. Both have met with the same fundamental opposition- Loss of revenue for the worst offenders.   Sadly, the worst offenders are also the most outspoken.  Also, the program you linked to is for creating a standard of knowledge and capability.  Even those competent and knowledgeable are capable and do treat merchants unfairly.

We have been actively assisting in the process of regulation as well.   One example, is the petition to congress we submitted (that outlined over 3 million dollars in hidden fees) in support of SB1212, which later led to the Durban Amendment.

Point we have no right to the residuals / profits from a merchant account. (and additional comments from paragraph 4)

Counterpoint This paragraph clearly outline the single biggest issue the processing industry faces. Namely the conflict of interests created by deriving revenues from a merchants processing volume.

As you so passionately put your profit comes from marking up transaction above and beyond what interchange levels are.  The more you process the more you make.  Your Revenue objectives are at odds with the savings objectives of the merchants you serve.

Conversely our model is predicated on savings.  The more we help a merchant save, the more we earn.  Our revenue objectives are aligned with the merchants saving objectives.

Point We are only interested in lowering rates.

Counterpoint Actually, we are only interested in providing fairness.  Fairness for merchants
means paying a fair fee for a fair service.  Fairness for a processor means earning a fair margin for providing a fair service.

So how does one determine what is fair and unfair?  

Allow us to explain: we do it through our fair margin matrix.  Over the past 3+ years, we have compiled the net effective rates from tens of thousands of merchants, of all sizes, industries, demographics, processors and platforms. These are merchants who have come to us seeking assistance (you think they would go to their processor first right?)   

For readers who are unfamiliar with that term the net effective rate is calculated by dividing the
total expense by the total volume for any given processing period.  So for example if a merchant processed 100,000 and paid a total of 2,500 they would have a net effective rate of 2.5%

That said our fair margin matrix provides a very clear picture of what the industry norms are in
terms of what a merchant should be paying.  Anything outside of those norms is considered to be UNFAIR.  If a merchants net effective rate is within the range of fair they dont need us, and we leave them alone.  If they are being treated unfairly, then we can help.  Read that againif a merchant is paying a fair rate, we leave them alonemore than that, we actually tell them that their processor is doing a great job.

Point We steal profits from processors

Counterpoint Whenever we find a merchant whose net effective rate is outside of the range of fair, we do indeed reduce the profit margin for that merchants processor.  

Every dollar we take from these unscrupulous processors puts them one step closer to going out of
business.  This puts us one step closer to our goal of ending unfair interchange practices.

And YES we do enjoy and profit from it.

One point that you neglect to mention is the power the ISO or Processor has over the
merchant.  Its the power of knowledge, of having and using a set of information that allows some ISOs/Processors to overprice their rates.  Everything you mention is based off the incorrect assumption that merchants know what they should be paying, what is fair and what is not fair.  At the core of every comment you make is the assumption that merchants fully understand complicated pricing models.  That is not true, the vast majority of merchants do not understand the complicated details of pricing models. Furthermore some processors will actually make them more complicated to confuse merchants for the sole purpose of pricing at an unfair rate.

All that said let me issue a challenge to you, Keith.  The same challenge I issued to you on the phone when you hung up.  I challenge you to go through our due diligence program and attempt to become a MAUI Certified Processor.   Lets compare the net effective rates of your merchants against our fair margin matrix.

That will clearly identify you as either a good guy or a bad guy.  It will clearly show if your merchants are being treated fairly or not.



United States of America
Extremely Important Update,A Merchants Nightmare!!

#11Author of original report

Sat, March 05, 2011

The only reason I am even responding to David Toney's response is to make sure my point is clearly taken on this post, so PLEASE listen up! I am an Industry Payment Professional myself, and am not bitter due to any ill feelings PERSONALLY toward The Interchange Brokers, David Toney, and MAUI. BUT what they are doing within the Industry I have spent the majority of my adult life working within, is clearly DESPICABLE. Let me explain for the Consumer to understand:

Our Industry has many Associations that are geared toward making our Industry as balanced as possible by forming different Associations for each part of the Country, and even now in Canada. And besides the smaller Associations (all made up of different Industry expert from a different company or technical field to make up a form of "government" that allows them to lead by example), for those of us Professionals that take our careers seriously, and have built our reputations and profit margins by the way we do business with our Merchants.

And just so the consumer understands how we come up with our #'s for the rates we provide to businesses,  we ALL receive our rates from or are a Registered ISO who has paid the $10,000(annual 1st year) registration fee, $5,000 (each year after) to be able to receive those rates from Visa/Mastercard to sell to a merchant. And any company who doesn't pay the registration fee must submit their business through a Registered ISO, and a revenue share % is usually agreed upon and depending on how the risk will be shared on the account, usually will determine the amount split every month, between the two, OVER their cost to Visa/Mastercard. Most merchants should be familiar with ALL of the phone calls they receive from telemarketers every month, offering to save them money on their merchant account. And ANYBODY who has had one done, would NEVER NEED a SLEEZY SCAM SERVICE LIKE THE INTERCHANGE BROKERS!! BEWARE!! As they said, they are not even a company within our Industry! Their business model is based off of a "Certification" that they claim means something. I'm glad they think so, but the truth IS- They ARE the ONLY GROUP OF INDIVIDUALS that stand behind their "MAUI CERTIFICATION!!" Not even ONE of the Associations has even heard of this thing, let alone stand behind it. And unfortunately for The Interchange Brokers, the Industry has been working for over two years now on a solution that would create a standard in the industry. This link will explain the rest so I don't have to waste your time writing about it. Just know it is the ETA who is working on it with the same testing company that makes the tests for ALL Union Certifications for ALL Trade workers, plus more. So they can determine who's qualified.  http://www.electran.org/content/view/773/444/.

Now I will tell you what The Interchange Brokers are doing to merchants: They are not in the Industry at ALL, and even though they want no part of working with a Processing company, and one of the "Good Guys", as he also says clearly that are out there, and saving people money on their accounts. He has become aware of how we structure our rates, and so he tells the merchant that they are being treated unfairly, and they should pay HIM the savings that he found in the account!! But what he's done is extract the processors profits, all the time keeping the savings that ANY Processing company would LOVE to give back to the merchant just to earn their business. And he is going to create as much savings as possible, Why? Because he has NO rights to ANY of the residuals on the account in the first place!! So he legally can't be involved with the account. Processor and bank own the account, and the agent will own their % of the residuals they split with the Processor who processes them. So he recalculates how much he can legally extract without stepping on the costs of Interchange, and since anything over Interchange is revenue for the CC company for the processing, funding, and management of that account, he KEEPS IT. But once The Interchange Brokers remove the profit as they see fit, and are basically STEALING YOUR MONEY AS A MERCHANT, just for letting him tell you what you could have SAVED!! But it would NEVER have worked if he didn't come up with some kind of.... Oh I know, a "MAUI Certification" that they can trust will guarantee that they will NOW be treated fairly!! IT'S A FLUKE!! But the problem is, his piece of paper is from a Marketing Company that does NOTHING! But they want you to believe it's WORTH PAYING FOR EVERY MONTH!! It has no backing from ANY Industry Association or Organization PERIOD! And the reason your NEW statement NOW MAGICALLY appears to be priced "SOOO LOW" that any processing company that sees it "will have to know" the merchant are being treated "FAIRLY"... LOL!!! Not even close. What he's done is separate the Interchange costs from Visa/Mastercard (which still shows up on the bill from the merchants processing company, whether David convinced you to let him throw the bones at one of the processors in his "support network" or not, and who by the way would obviously board ANY account they could make a penny on (very competitive industry). Or if you just gave the "NEW,Fair prices" back to your current provider they wouldl still accept it instead of losing the account altogether. But since your account is now worth NOTHING to a PROCESSING COMPANY, and even if you check The Interchange Brokers website, you will see that there is NOT ONE Big or WELL KNOWN processor on there PERIOD! Even the handful of processors he advertises on his site, don't mention a THING about the MAUI Certification ANYWHERE ON ANY OF THEIR SITES! Again, trust me in this economy, the few processorswho DID say "yeah whatever" about accepting the leftovers, did so because again...why not? . But none of them are stupid enough to talk or advertise anything to do with MAUI and The Interchange Brokers. It has no MERIT!! As long as it is "PROFIT DRIVEN," and the ONLY company benefitting from the profits of the merchant account, did nothing!!! except convince a poor merchant that this "MAUI CERTIFICATE" means something to a competitor. Ha, Ha!! (very expensive piece of paper, much more than the processing expenses you had in the beginning)

 Beware of these borderline Illegal MLM Pyramid schemes (there out there), and if you are proactive and perform your due diligence into the companies you do business with (besides THEIR websites), then you can minimize the losses you may potentially take from falling for BS like this.

THEY even wanted to see my portfolio!! And in the rebuttal sent in by David Toney, he told you even that once he asked to see my portfolio I hung up, and he is right!! My pricing is checked and verified everyday by my satisfied merchants and at anytime they can allow a competitor to give a second opinion. And if the competitor can show savings in a month, then most of the time they either cheated on their calculations and didn't properly work in the outside elements like time of year (different seasons may attract a different clientele, which could result in different cards types being ran through the P.O.S.), and who knows what else. But the point is, things are not as simple as a RATE in the processing world. Most merchants think it is at this point, but that is due to deceptive tactics that are being used by people like David Toney. This is why we as an Industry have been working on a solution to this problem, which David has spun to his advantage with his half truths, and wants merchants to believe he somehow is helping them. BUT HE IS NEITHER A MERCHANT NOR A PROCESSOR!! HE IS DEFINITELY NOT WITH THE "GOOD GUYS IN OUR INDUSTRY!!"

 He has found a business model that he believes is FOOL-PROOF, and "smarter" than us hard working ISO's. He figures that if he can create a marketing scheme that allows people to believe that they are joining a "Cause" and their money is going to a good cause, when really the ONLY product they sell you is this piece of paper in exchange for ALL THAT MONEY HE FOUND WAS ABOVE INTERCHANGE and in essence... profit for showing them to you. But instead of being on the hook for ANY of the responsibilities that goes with being involved with the account, he keeps the profits of the processing company that is doing the processing for your business. POINT BLANK!!

 And the "trusted partners" on his site are just desperate companies, and not even any that are even ISO's, mostly debt and business services-NOT Merchant Services as most ANY ISO will associate themselves with. They have already paid a fee of $59.99 to be able to "sell his message", and then they also get a piece of the pie when they sell you on MAUI.They can even pass along some of that $59.99 that they were charged for signing up themselves!!PYRAMID ANYONE??? And don't let The Interchange Brokers website fool you to believe anything except the truth. The $6M he supposedly saved merchants so far is actually ALL the PROFITS he has STOLEN from the merchants AND their Processing companies!!!

**The lesson to be learned is to do your due diligence in researching who you deal with FIRST, and you will never run into a salesperson that The Interchange Brokers want you to believe are outside your window or door, waiting to take advantage of you, lol, but you also would never be unfortunate enough to to run into "The sleeziest sales tactic I have EVER SEEN!!!"

 I hope this helps and you were able to read it all. I am a successful CEO in the Payment Industry and personally HATE to see this kind of Deceptive and Dishonest form of DISTRUST being done to merchants by this company. I have nothing to gain from this article, so I hope you take what I took the time to write very seriously- because the only reason you don't see more posting about this company is A) their new, and B) the Industry is small, and believe me these guys don't show their faces OR company at ANY of the Industry events. Mark my words! So the consumer has not put it together yet what he is doing (which is calculated and cold), and above what most people understand about Credit Card Processing! If you need further info, feel free to email us at (((Redacted))). We would be happy to explain further if this article interests you and you need some advice on what to do with your own situation you may have with The Interchange Brokers and David Toney. We would be happy to do what we can to help.

 CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

David Toney

Los Angeles,
United States of America
Reply to False Statements

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, March 01, 2011

First off, thank you for taking the time to speak with us; it’s unfortunate that we were not able to

find a way to work together.  It’s also unfortunate that you were unwilling to let us prove to your merchants that you are treating them fairly, as have an ever growing number of other ISO’s who are choosing to work with us.  However I must contest the comments you make as they are false and far outside the goal and spirit of our company, please allow me to shed some light on where you’re mistaken.

First and foremost KV Marketing is not my company, to confirm this please do your research and look at this site:  http://www.dos.state.ny.us/corps/bus_entity_search.html search “KV Marketing”.

Secondly, we are not, or ever will be an MLM organization which can be confirmed at this site: http://www.sos.wa.gov/corps/ search “The Interchange Brokerage Company”

As for Greensheet I’d be interested in a link to the article you’re speaking of as I was not able to

find anything on their site.

So everyone is on the same page here, this anonymous individual is a Senior Executive at a ISO in the Northeast who I met with on Friday (2/25/2011) to outline our MAUI Certified Processor program which works with processors and ISO’s who practice fair interchange pricing.

That being said please consider the following:

While explaining the program and how it works I mentioned that we have compiled an extensive matrix of industry norms for merchants which we use to identify “fair” pricing ranges to which it sounded as though he was getting nervous.  While going further into what we do and how

we do it I mentioned that we have a team of industry experts who work for the merchant and have absolutely no tie to processing revenue he became scared. When I mentioned the fact that we offer merchants an unbiased resource to validate whether or not they are paying a fair price he actually HUNG UP on me.

So if you’d like to continue our discussion it would be my pleasure to prove that the accusations are false.

We would be happy to answer questions from anyone interested in learning more about what we do or how we do it as we have nothing to hide. Reach out to me directly as I welcome these conversations, whether you agree with me or not.

David Toney

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