THE RESOLUTION LAW GROUP out of Ct promised that by paying $6,000.00 to be added onto their lawsuit as a named plaintiff, this would stop my foreclosure. They sent me this link <> to show the suit was infact real. Rafael Quesada never told me that on top of the $6,000.00 I would also be paying $350.00 a month, FOR EVER! The case has just been moved into federal court he said and settlement will come fast. Your house won't be foreclosed on he promised because they have a special deal with the banks, Chase Bank in particular. He passed me off to his manager, Shane Hogan, who was speaking so fast I thought he was going to pass out. They also told me their legal department had to qualify me in order to join. All their e mails and contact numbers were through the Ct area code but I found this office was in SANTA ANA CA. They also have secret offices in LAS VEGAS and UTAH. i DID THE MATH, 3,000 CLIENTS PAYING $350.00 A MONTH IS OVER $1,000,000.00 A MONTH IN MAINTENANCE FEES! This sounds like the K2 Law Group, Kassas Law group, Mass Litigation Alliance, Mass Joinder, Fieldman Law Center, Mass Joinder Scam, ADR Scam, Trustee Delay Scam, Quick Claim Deed Scam, Santa Ana, California,