  • Report:  #1086175

Complaint Review: Tinker Massage & Day Spa Studio L.L.C - Del City Oklahoma

Reported By:
reviewgirl - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,

Tinker Massage & Day Spa Studio L.L.C
3949 Tinker Diagonal Del City, 73115 Oklahoma, USA
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After I had parked in front and went up to the door, I saw that it was pretty dark inside. I pulled on the handle thinking it was just the tint that made them look closed, but the door wouldn't open. I don't understand why you would keep the door locked at a business when you have enough people there; yeah, it's a shady part of town, but if you don't trust leaving your business door unlocked to accept patrons in - especially when you are expecting them - you probably shouldn't rent space there. After a second try, I started to return to my car. Before I got too far, a woman opened the door and stood in it to ask what I needed. I replied I had an appointment. She seemed confused, but let me in anyways and walked straight to the back. Says I was a really, I took the initiative and sat on the couch in the dark lobby to wait. The place reminds me of that rhetorical expression: "You can put lipstick on a pig". The place had nice paint & decor, but it still seemed run down.

After a while, another woman dressed in sweat pants and tank top came up to the front and rung out a man exclaiming how amazing she was. I assume that she is Amber, the person who would give my massage. They finally finished and she walked to the back without saying a word to me. By this time, I've decided that maybe I shouldn't have come. But I don't want to be judgmental. Maybe it's just an off day. Plus, that guy was going on and on about her... so I shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

A few minutes later she reappeared and asked if I had filled out the form. Of course, I hadn't - no one had appropriately greeted me or suggested that there was anything I needed to do. She handed me a pen and clipboard which had a stack of general patient forms clipped to it and walked back to the back. I could pretty easily read the imprint from the person that filled one out before me, so I wrote very lightly. Amber came back and, without a word, waited for me to get up to follow her. I did so, she showed me the room and gave me the usual instructions - "undress to your comfort ability and get under the sheets". Before she stepped out, I asked where the bathroom was. She looked at me as if this request was unreasonable just before an hour massage. She then that lamely pointed the way through the wall to which way the bathroom would be.

The massage itself had pros and cons:

Pros: She didn't hesitate on pressure, the music wasn't terrible, and she knew how to strip a muscle

Cons: It could be said that she used way too much pressure - I ended up having a couple of bruises, she used Pandora but doesn't pay the $3.99 a month so the ads don't play, she would skip songs, her move for nails hands were rough & calloused, her nails needed to be clipped, and she shorted me 10 minutes.

At this point I'm thinking mediocre. I've had better.

Afterwards, I started to pay for the service. Wait, they don't accept any plastic. I feel this is a pretty important thing that should be mentioned when making the appointment in the first place over the phone or in person. It's the 21st century. The majority of America doesn't carry cash anymore.

I offered her my license and headed off to the 7-Eleven to get some cash. My online bank hadn't set up my pin, so I had the teller on the phone transfer $30 (massage & tip) to the checking account for which I had checks with me I had no money in it. I was gone about 40 minutes dealing with the bank trying to get her cash. When I got back, she was gone. And my license with her. She didn't tell me before I left that she had to leave soon. She didn't call me to tell me she was leaving. She didn't leave my license so I could pay whoever was still there, take back my license & then drive home.

No. None of that happened.

I down play the getting cash part. Let me give you a taste. I am a busty, white female in Oklahoma's Harlam. Next to Fantasy Island, a strip club. Trying my hardest to get $30 cash. It was getting dark. It was stressful & scary.

Once I got back to the location and knocked on the door to get inside, another trashy looking female answered and told me they expect me to give them the check & then come back the next morning (I live 23 miles away) to pick up my license. Her excuse for Amber taking my license home with her? I stole a service. Uh... no. I left my license to show that I WASN'T stealing. Amber wouldn't answer my phone calls, but apparently she had time to talk to the other girls that worked there. They told me that she wouldn't come back that night, deliver my license to me the next morning, or meet me anywhere. I going to the cops that night to file a report because she had my license and I was 23 miles from home. They told me that she had not done anything illegal. I finally just drove home without my license.

The next day I called twice about 3 hours apart between looking for a friend to go with me to get my license back. Both calls were about the same. I informed them I was going to come, make a payment, & needed my license. "You gotta pay before we'll give it to you." I calmly replied "I realize that; I will be there with a payment." Before heading there, I made sure to grab my checks for the account that has money in it. I had a feeling it that she probably would say she wouldn't take my check, so I tried at two separate places to get some cash for her. Both denied me because my pin wasn't set up and they couldn't take a check without a driver's license (which Amber had). I finally got a couple of friends to go with me and called to let them know I was on my way.

Once at the business, we walked in, I stated I was here to make a payment and pick up my license. To pay her, I needed her name, so I asked the girl that was at the front desk how to spell her name "J-e-n-k-i-n-s". Then, someone in the back must have said something because then she said she had to go get the owner and scurried off. The owner, halfway through my writing the check, said they wouldn't take my check "because of what happened yesterday". I pointed out that their signs say that they take cash or local check only, and I have local check. She still refused. I told her I needed my license back, and she blatantly burped out a fippant, devious "sorry". One of the friends piped up and said I could borrow $25 from him.

None of these people look like they take care of themselves, not even the owner. I'm pretty sure that guy got a "special" massage. You only take cash? Sounds like money laundering. Even my two friends agreed that this place and the people were extremely shady people.

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2 Updates & Rebuttals


Tinker Day Spa & Massage

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, September 29, 2013

 I am in complete shock that any one would have a complaint against Sabrena and the girls the work for her. These girls have gone above and beyond to accomodate my handicap and treat us as though we are friends not customers. The prices are amazingly competitive and the services are awesome. We purchased a package with a wrap and Sabrena had her husband in a 4 am making the spa more handicap accessible than it was already so I could enjoy the luxurious mud wrap. That is a business that goes above and beyond the required services by the ADA. I would also like to address the "happy ending" comment. Shame on you for judging Amber, she is an amazing deep tissue massuese, why else would I buy my priest a gift card and send her there? Do you think a woman of the collar would frequent that type of facility? And book a follow up appointment?? I think that you are upset because YOUR scam didn't work and these women made you take responsibility for your own actions. What type of person books an appointment but doesn't read up on acceptable types of payment, the website says plainly that they accept cash and local checks but after you told them you couldn't get money out of your account, any business owner would be leary about accepting a check. I think the best bet for you is to find another massage therapist. These girls need to help people who appreciate the hard work and heart they put into their work. Their shop may be meek and in an older part of town. For you to judge that area of town and say it was a "darker" part of town shows your ignorance again. Maybe you should call a spa that had higher prices and serves champagne while you wait, Sabrena's shop is simple, comfortable and friendly. You can post another comment, tell me off or say whatever you want because after writing this I am cancelling my account and never looking at it again. How dare you attack my friends and slam them in a public forum for again, making you pay for a service that you owed them for. Grow up, and take responsibility for your own actions. Why would you bring friends up there any way? In an attempt to bully the girls. Say what you want, after this I will forget about you entirely and you will miss out on the best massage parlor I have been able to locate in the metro area. Good luck finding another one that affordable, that accomadating and that friendly. Again, don't waste time responding, I will never see it and it will be a waste of your time. I only created this account to respond to your inaccurate protrayal of my friends and let others know that there are two sides to every story, your's and ours.

Sabrena Wicker

Del City,
The truth

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, September 22, 2013

We are located next door to a health uniform and scrub retail store.  In a safe area.   When all of the therapists, nail techs and estheticians are in a session and our receptionist is out, for the safety of not only ourselves but our clients the doors are locked and a sign stating we are currently in session until a specific time listed is posted on the front door.  Our studio has tinted windows as well as mini blinds so it does appear at times that we are closed.  Due to the rising temperatures in the afternoon, we close our blinds, our waiting room is 10 degrees hotter than the rest of the studio.  The woman you referred to as 'seemed confused', was our new nail tech and that was her first day and was setting up her room and didnt know that you had an appointment.  Our spa has a nurturing, safe, clean, caring and serene atmosphere allowing our clients to be comfortable and to relax.   Our website provides information for all to review.  You had to have seen our website to know about our specials.  When you called to book your appointment you had requested a Wednesday since we offer massages for ladies at half price.  It would have been several weeks before we could schedule you on a Wednesday so I mentioned that we are closed on Fridays but we were offering a furlough Friday half price special during August and September.   

On your intake form you indicated that you wanted firm pressure, but also asked for stripping, which is considered deep tissue and is an additional fee, which was waved.   I have had numerous compliments about how good Amber is! She also has a heavy hand which is great for those requesting deep tissue.   Before she starts she states to each client if she is using too much pressure to let her know.  She has never bruised anyone.  We always encourage each client to drink plenty of water, we provide one bottle,  to avoid being sore and getting sick.  Before leaving her client she also instructs the client to put ice on whatever muscles she has worked hard.  She also does a recap of what she instructed in the room at the checkout counter before the client leaves.  So any repercussions the following day is not following our advice as given.  You stated that her hands are rough and calloused, that is absurd.  I get a massage from her on a regular basis, and she uses oil, her hands are soft.   

On our website it clearly states that we do not accept credits cards at the present time.   We are all independent contractors so it is their choice as to sign up to accept them.  This is a substantial cost not to mention the fees we pay.  We keep our costs lower than others by not accepting credit cards.  Our website also states that your first massage is typically 5-10 minutes less than stated to allow time for filling out paperwork and for the client to undress and redress.  

You also state in the headline that I, Sabrena A. Wicker, stole your license.  However, in your paragraph starting after your massage, and I quote, ' I offered her my license'.  You are contradicting yourself.  The store that you went to is less than 5 minutes from our studio.  After waiting 30 minutes for you to return, she left.  How long did you expect her to wait?   We have personal lives too, children in daycare, that have to be picked up by a designated time or we are charged a late fee.  We book our clients with 15 minutes between each session, so waiting for you 30 minutes is unreasonable. Common courtesy on your part would have been to call her and let her know you weren't coming right back.   An error on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on our part.  To insure you would pay for her service she took your license with her.  When you returned from the store, without money, you then wanted to write a posted dated check.  Amber was contacted and she declined.   She said cash only.   My nail tech offered to charge your card with her credit card app, you stated it wouldnt go through because you had no money but you state it was your pin had not been set up.  You then started cursing, calling my nail tech a b**** and throwing a fit like a child, honking your horn, beating your hands and head on your steering wheel and then beating on our front door. It may have been inconvenient for you to drive back 23 miles, but it was an inconvenience for Amber to drive 20 miles back to the studio after she had already waited 30 minutes on you.     When you called the next day about getting your license, we wanted you to understand that you had to pay for the service in order to get your license.  I was coming up to the front when I noticed you were there so I went to tell Amber you had arrived, no one scurried off to get me.  You tried to write her a check and I informed you that she would not accept a check.  We do accept local checks, not post dated checks, and certainly not a check from someone that informed us the night before that you had no money.  

You say that it sounds like money laundering to you?   You really should look up the definition of something before using it!   Money laundering is concealing the source of LARGE amounts of money gained through illegitimate means.  

We are proffessional massage therapist and technicians.  There is a zero tolerance for unprofessional, unethicial or suggestive  services.  So maybe you should do your research next time before you say you are pretty sure that guy got a 'special' massage.   We were featured on a local news channel earlier in the year.  You called my nail tech 'a trashy looking female' and stated that none of us look like we take care of ourselves not even the owner.   We are hear to provide a service not compete in a beauty pageant.  83% of our clients have stated on a website we have been featured on that they would return and would recommend us to others.   After doing some research I found that you do a lot of reviews.  A something for nothing type.    You work for a professional corporation and I'm sure that you wouldnt appreciate someone coming in to your business and act or talk the way that you did in mine.   You are clearly upset because we do not take credit cards, you had no cash, couldn't get cash, and you gave us your drivers license, which we kept, and it inconvenienced you!  You had to come back because of your own error.  You didn't tell the complete truth and are giving us a bad review, made false statements about me, my independent contractors and my company!  (AKA slander).   Hope you have a nice day!!!

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