  • Report:  #264449

Complaint Review: TOYOTA - Torrance Nationwide

Reported By:
- Denver, Colorado,

19001 South Western Ave Torrance, 90501 Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Toyota Corporation is very confused. They allow their Dealers to sell and lease their product in just about any way that the Dealer wants. But in early 2004, Toyota introduced a new division called SCION. These vehicles are manufactured by Toyota and they are sold inside the same Dealers that sell and lease the Toyota brand.

What is interesting is that Toyota Corporation set the guidelines as to HOW these vehicles would be sold by the Dealers. The X-A, X-B & the TC were the three vehicles introduced in early 2004. Toyota set the RULES and made it a standard that there was to be NO NEGOTIATION in price on the SCION brand. Even the accessories for the SCION were to be a standard price at all Toyota Dealerships. I know this because customers would come back and say that the price was the same at other Toyota Dealerships. It was similar to Saturn's philosophy, make it fair for everyone.

Now the very interesting part: The SCION is geared to the 'younger' group of people in America, the WHITE PEOPLE.( mainly male) Why is it that Toyota Corporation will set RULES & GUIDELINES for a product that is geared towards WHITE PEOPLE, but a brand of vehicles that is sold in the same Dealership, the Toyota brand, can be sold and leased without any RULES or GUIDELINES by the very manufacturer of BOTH BRANDS??? Hence, TOYOTA'S CONFUSION!

Cater to the WHITE PEOPLE by setting RULES and GUIDELINES to protect them, but allow the Dealers to do whatever they want to ANYONE who chooses a Toyota, especially LATINOS, BLACKS, the LESS EDUCATED, WOMEN, the ELDELY & the UNSUSPECTING HONEST PERSON! Jim Press can make changes immediately if he wanted to, or at least you would think that the CEO of Toyota could do so. It doesn't take a rocket-scientist to figure out what is really taking place, does it? If Jim Press were Latino or Black or a Woman, or anyone who was mistreated inside a Toyota Dealership then he would know. But, Jim Press will NEVER KNOW! It's just business in America!


Denver, Colorado


10 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,
Tricking and Cheating Consumers is the Problem

#2Author of original report

Sat, August 11, 2007

Cory, there is nothing wrong with paying full retail for a product or a service. You do it every day when you buy gasoline, food at a restaurant, products at Walmart or Target, etc. The problem is when consumers are TRICKED or CHEATED. Especially when they are targeted because of their RACE or their AGE or their GENDER or the fact that they BELIEVE what they were told, which was a complete LIE! That's the problem. Do you know how many people were tricked and lied to when they refinanced their homes in the last few years? MILLIONS!! Do you know how many people are going to lose their homes in the next few years? MILLIONS! Take a look at what IS happening right now to the Stock Market. Do you know that 90% of the money that Americans have in their Retirements is invested in the Stock Market? Over 4 TRILLION DOLLARS!! What do you think is going to happen to all of these 401K's and Pensions in the next few years? Corporate Fraud is at an all time high, if you haven't noticed. CEO's are going to jail. Whose money is it that they are stealing? THE SHAREHOLDERS! Honest people all over the USA. How will you feel when YOUR retirement is gone because of fraud at the corporate level? Soon, millions will be coming to this website complaining about how their 401K is gone!! It'll be too late then, won't it? Open up your eyes to what IS happening. That's how you find the truth!! My girlfriend finally understands what is happening and she DID make the call to her Broker and received a big check a month ago. She cashed out! And guess what? Her Broker did everything in his power to stop her from doing so. But, she sees what IS happening. People in the USA have been manipulated into believing that Home Ownership is ' The American Dream'. It's a lie! There is only one dream, one goal in life; HAPPINESS! If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change. I wonder how happy Joe Nacchio and his FAMILY are right now knowing that he is going to JAIL for FRAUD? So much for the money! Bernie Ebbers, ex CEO of Worldcom, in JAIL. Dennis Kozlowski, ex CEO of Tyco, in JAIL! The 82 year old Founder of Adelphia Cable and his son report to JAIL on Monday! The list goes on and on. Keep believing in all of these CEO's. When YOUR money is GONE, then you WILL understand. It's amazing how people in this country only think about themselves. Every one of them , living a lie! And just about EVERY ONE of them will CLAIM to follow HIM! Do you think that HE would have HELPED the people or would he have turned away? HE was the GREATEST whoever walked this earth, and HE had the POWER. The POWER to EMPOWER others. The so-called 'leaders' didn't like what he was able to do. So guess what? They put him on two big pieces of wood and they MURDERED him! Now, BILLIONS claim to follow him! Guess what? They're ALL liars!!!! The Collapse HAS been triggered!


THOMAS BLOWS HIS OWN HORN he is an advoctae for Toyota motors and probably paid for it

#3Consumer Suggestion

Sat, August 11, 2007

Thomas your comment above and your continued argument with Karl just proves my theory even futher. why would one lone consumer go to so much trouble to harass other posts on this site to defend a major corporation unless you have a vested interest. are you a stockholder an owner or an employee??? you must have some interest in the toyota motor co to keep this up... as for not blowing your own horn. your statement above contradicts the header and what is that paragraph about what you have accomplished in life. what you have bought. what you own and who but you on this site really cares about you and what you have done...Go blow your horn somewhere else please. the rest of us are all here to discuss what toyota motors is doing to the public not what you have done or how irreplaceable you are. in a 500 year span of history your life is a mere drop in the bucket and maybe you are just pissed that your name will not be remembered 500 years from now like many of the people Karl has mention. as for the rest of the people who are posting here.we are trying to let people know what toyota is doing to consumers and to prevent them from continuing to rip off their customers. You are entitled to your own opinion but myself and i am sure many others would prefer you express it elswhere and since evryone has an opinion here's mine. maybe you should get in your 2007 camry and drive it off your private dock onto your powerful boat then you and your camry and your boat can all sink to the bottom of the beatifull lake you live on. You are obviously very self centered and do not care about anyone but yourself. Maybe your wife has some chores you can do instead of harrassing the people on this website...


San Antonio,
Seperate But Equal?

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, August 10, 2007

By your logic, toyota is marketing scion to "WHITE PEOPLE" by selling at full retail. Hence, by not discounting, minorities can't afford scions. IF minorities want said scions let said minorities pay retail. What a load of crap.


San Antonio,
Seperate But Equal?

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, August 10, 2007

By your logic, toyota is marketing scion to "WHITE PEOPLE" by selling at full retail. Hence, by not discounting, minorities can't afford scions. IF minorities want said scions let said minorities pay retail. What a load of crap.


San Antonio,
Seperate But Equal?

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, August 10, 2007

By your logic, toyota is marketing scion to "WHITE PEOPLE" by selling at full retail. Hence, by not discounting, minorities can't afford scions. IF minorities want said scions let said minorities pay retail. What a load of crap.


San Antonio,
Seperate But Equal?

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, August 10, 2007

By your logic, toyota is marketing scion to "WHITE PEOPLE" by selling at full retail. Hence, by not discounting, minorities can't afford scions. IF minorities want said scions let said minorities pay retail. What a load of crap.


Highlands Ranch,
Here Are My Accomplishments Thomas

#8Author of original report

Thu, August 09, 2007

Dear Thomas, I simply HELP people. That's my accomplishment to mankind. And if you use your brain, there are some others who helped people that I'm sure you've heard of: Jesus Christ, Guatama(the Buddha), Dr. Martin Luther King, Oprah, Deepak Chopra, and some others. I prefer to be like them, not like you. And if you must know, I drive a Porsche 911 Carrera Convertible and I have no payment on it. You should read about those people that I mentioned above. They all had and have the same thing in common; they did not and do not live from the EGO. EGO- 'me', 'mine', 'material things', 'money', etc. Thomas, I have something you'll never have- HAPPINESS! P.S. If you are so successful and have so many wonderful 'things' in your life, why are you spending so much time on this website? It must be all the Prescription Drugs that are taking their toll on your brain! Thomas, I will not respond to you anymore. Have a blast driving your Camry!!


South Carolina,
I need no horn-blowing, Karl; meanwhile stop hammering Toyota if Toyota never harmed you

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, August 02, 2007

You won't find me on any websites. I like it that way. But I was the key man in developing a power plant than can be built in 4 months and offers a simple cycle efficiency of 50%. In c1950 people were lucky to get 17% efficiency from gas turbines. Then there is the (new & running) bottom-cycling steam-cooled gas turbine that provides 60% efficiency. I have lots of USA & EU patents on that. I developed the first kitted generator, which allowed a 320,000-pound generator to be trucked piecemeal over 200,000-pound-rated bridges and then be quickly assembled by our field engineers to provide power to people who otherwise could not have power. These developments are just a few of my contributions, Karl, and all allow people to plug their computers into wall AC outlets at reasonable prices and then logon here to rant about Toyota. I would not sell cars, Karl. Car salesmen are very easy to replace. My work paid much better, and I was very hard to replace. In fact, they still haven't replaced me. So we live at a beautiful lake, we have a private dock and a powerful boat, we have a nice new 2007 Camry V6, and so on. What constructive accomplishments have you done for mankind, Karl, and how are you doing? Were you once, maybe, ***GASP*** a Toyota salesman.... Do you know Charles in Phenix?


Highlands Ranch,
Here Is What Toyota Did

#10Author of original report

Wed, August 01, 2007

Dear Thomas, Toyota did nothing, that's what they did! Why don't you simply READ all of the RIPOFF REPORTS and then you MIGHT understand. Or better yet, go get a job as a Sales Rep at a Toyota Dealership and then you WILL understand everything. But then again, you might be EXACTLY what Toyota and their Dealers are looking for. You probably claim to be a 'good', 'honest' person. If Toyota took advantage of you in any way, I wonder what YOU would do? Keep on thinking about yourself Thomas. By the way, what website can I go to and see the story about how YOU helped others? I feel sorry for you Thomas. Keep searching.


South Carolina,
Tell us what Toyota did to you, Karl...You seem really hell-bent on ragging Toyota. Why?

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, August 01, 2007

Sorry, but this post makes no sense, nor is it a rip-off. You do seem hell-bent on giving your fantasized vision of "Toyota the Evil-Doer"... Maybe you are trying to suggest here that Scions are somehow "superior" to the Toyota-branded products, and further you wish to suggest that minorities are not sophisticated enough to want a Scion which then leaves the Scion product line solely to whites? Such nonsense! I am sure Toyota wants to sell as many Scions as is possible, and to anybody who wants one and can pay for it. This is basic marketing in the world of mass-produced automobiles. So what did Toyota do to you, Karl? Or what do you imagine Toyota did to you?

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