  • Report:  #866612

Complaint Review: Tracey Thompson-Homogenize Need you Now Equine - Internet Quebec

Reported By:
JEG - valdor, Quebec, Canada

Tracey Thompson-Homogenize Need you Now Equine
1001 ch des Rapides Val-des-Monts, Internet, J8N6M5 Quebec, United States of America
1 819.986.3963
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Report Attachments
This ripoff report is to call out Tracey Thompson-Hoogeveen of Need You Now Equine for stealing peoples money on horses that shes getting at auctions and telling the membership of her NYNE group that they are starving in a feedlot. She claims outrageous amounts of money for a horse claiming them to be sound and sane and demanding the membership of her online group to hand over their money or the horses will be slaughtered not in a matter of days but NOW.

Emotionally distraught people are handing over their money not because they need a horse but out of fear that if they dont her associate a feedlot man she refers to as "the meat man "JP" will kill them. Tracey of NYNE  calls herself a "non profit"but there's no legal paperwork to give her the RIGHT to use that term. This is not "non-profit" when you're pocketing the money and lining her pockets while taking advantage of innocent disillusioned  animal lovers. Tracey Thompson Hoogeveen of NYNE  calls herself a "non profit" while taking advantage of innocent disillusioned  animal lovers.

Tracey of NYNE has been seen along side of  her horse slaughter associates at local Ontario and Quebec auctions wheeling and dealing for horses. Buying for dirt cheap prices and marking them up sometimes 10XS purchase price  to people she claims she has pulled out of feedlots to save them from a horrific fate. She also takes scores of money from people saying its bail money as much as 1200.00 a horse. Defending her actions saying well thats meat prices people! Many people have been ripped off and continue to be as long as she continues to run her website and fraud animal lovers of their money.

In questioning where all there  money is going she becomes abusive and blocks and  deletes concerned members.  Her threats to send the horses back to meet their fate if they do not deposit the money into her personal bank account is fraud with no countability to her so-called membership or victims whatsoever. This under the table dirty business needs to be dealt with before more people lose their money and animals are taken advantage of. She is not a rescue as she claims she is. She does not pay GST or taxes  or claim the money she is stealing from innocent people.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Oxford Mills,
United States of America
Re: Need You Now Equine

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, January 17, 2013

I met Tracey when my daughter rescued a horse from being slaughtered.  The horse was at Tracey's farm.  The meat dealer allowed her to go and pick up horses to take to her farm to try and find a  home.  She did not set the price for purchase, the meat dealer did.  She charged $30. per week for hay. 

We paid her $60. as she had the horse for 2 weeks.  The horse cost $500.  Exactly how is she making money?  Horses require feeding at least twice per day, as well as mucking out etc.  I think the writer of this report is an idiot.  I have had horses for over 30 years and was professionally trained in riding, training, stable management and horsemanship.

These people making these accusations are woefully misinformed.  Where did they get the financial information on the meat dealer?  Is it accurate?  Even if it is, it really is not anyone's business. The guy makes a living selling animals for slaughter, however distasteful that may be, he does not have to justify his income.  If you idiots don't want horses slaughtered, start by not selling your used up horses.  Have them put down.  

You sound like sour grapes.  Tracey wanted to save some good horses from slaughter, that's all. It was not complicated until you morons got involved.  If you want a horse then go to Kitchener to the auction and buy one.  They all can't be saved, Tracey knows this.  

Once people started raising money without actually having a place for the horses, it got stupid in my opinion.  Again, you can't save them all, nor can you medically fix them all.  Some have been so used up by you very people, their's nothing left but slaughter or if you really cared and didn't have to squeeze the last dollar out of them, euthanasia.

I feel for Tracey, she tried to do something good and has been vilified by a group of back biting, ignorant *tches.  You make women look like idiots.  If you spent half the energy doing something useful instead of what's been going on, we might get somewhere.


United States of America
Supporting horse Slaughter

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, December 16, 2012

Tracey Thompson-Hoogeveen is a pro slaughter farmer acting as a horse lover.  She reports that she has over 100 head of cattle, 30 head of sheep and 8 personal horses.  Clearly the cattle and sheep are not pets, nor are the cows used for milk-all meat animals!  She is not an inspected boarding farm yet she is charging people board on the horses that make it to her farm and is acting under no rescue laws set in place by calling her business anything but a rescue!

In her own reports of what the meat dealer makes off his dealing with her "Non" rescue selling horses.  This organization has made the slaughter dealer a profit of $60-80 000 in four months off of bleeding hearts that think they are saving these horses from slaughter.  This is on top of the dealers regular income from bringing horses to the meat plant.  Nice side income to say the least!

Top it off with the $60 NYNE equine fee for each of the 400 horses re homed-this is a HUGE money making scam that is only keeping horses going to the slaughter plant with record speed!

She clearly picks "cute" horses that people will feel bad for making to slaughter, pulling at peoples heart strings.  Blue eyes, youngsters, unique markings and kind faces are picked over healthy, handled, safe horses every time.

These horses go to uneducated homes! Often unhandled-young-scared, disease and lice infested equines are being sold to first time horse owners!  Stallions being sold to back yard breeders with no contract and often horses have to be re sold at the new owners expense because they got caught into this scam-kijiji and craigslist show three of the NYNE horses now that were adopted less than a month ago !!! Clearly no regard for anything but money!


author of report

#4Author of original report

Tue, September 18, 2012

Whoever Jen is she did not write the report. I did and i will continue to tell the truth about Tracy and her low life associates who have no concern about the animals just making a quick buck. She has no care or concern of where these animals go and some have been returned starving and neglected. Others have affected peoples farms with strangles.  Until all of you are out of business and stop taking advantage of peoples emotions thinking they are saving a good riding horse at a value i wont stop to bringing this matter to attention. Support your local rescues who are licenced and nonprofit. Go to the auctions and get the same horse at real cost. Tracy is one sick individual and anyone who deals with NYNE, feedlots and killbuyers. They are the underbelly of the horse slaughter business.


In response

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, May 08, 2012

Hello my name is Jennifer Keeler, better known as the "sh*t disturber" for speaking the truth on the NYNE Facebook Page. I wanted to clear my name by saying that I did not, in fact write the first report on Ripoff Report, I was told about it by a friend and same with the second post. I have nothing to lose so why would I lie about it? I think people should stop assuming but rather ask me if I wrote it. This just proves that not everyone is in support of "goddess Tracey" and her big scam.

Thank you!


United States of America
No Good Deeds Go Unpunished

#6UPDATE Employee

Sat, April 28, 2012

You, Jennifer Keeler are a real piece of work. Yes, I saw your original post on NYNE, and if you think dragging your misguided slander to another webpage will solve anything, you couldnt be further from the truth.

FIRST (and you can bet this is going to be the first of a long line of corrections) Tracey has never, and will constantly deny the suggestion to register NYNE as "non-profit" and that is totally within her rights. So, what you need to realize is that Tracey is not bound in ANY way, to provide you with any financial statements, or even rudimentary information about the horse program at NYN. She is "rescuing" (as you say) as a FAVOR to the horses on the feedlot, and those that are willing to help (but otherwise wouldnt have the means to do so). Because of that reason, Tracey reserves the right to do basically whatever she wants with those horses, and the people involved. She can charge what she wants, take what she wants, and refuse horses to whoever she feels like, because this is an operation run out of the kindness of her heart, NOT because shes a meat dealing scumball looking to make a million dollars off poor innocent horse people. 
ALSO , I believe you took a horse from Traceys priced at $600 and demanded a PAYMENT PLAN. Im sorry, but if you dont have $600 to your name, you should not own horses, for vet costs and farrier bills rack up as quickly as you can snap your fingers, and I HARDLY call that an "outrageous amount of money".  YET, she still did it, so that you could have your precious rescue horse and could go gallivanting around with the rest of your delusional friends telling stories about what a great person you are.

If youre comparing her prices to that of an auction horse, then yes, the prices are higher, but when you compare it to the majority of the horse market, those are CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP horses. I have a mare priced at 10K. You can call THAT an "outrageous amount of money" but yet compared to some of these $1.5M racehorses out there, its peanuts too.

As for the rescue end of it, yes, the meat guy is purchasing good horses for Tracey to sell, but youre missing the point.
The meat guy is purchasing horses from auction, just like every other slaughter provider. BUT, when he sells horses to Tracey, he raises the price because it affects his bottom line. When you have a Kill Plant that will buy a full truckload of horses per week, he has a constant influx of money. So is it not just easier for him to sell them all for meat and avoid the hassle that is involved with being a rescue facilitator? YES. So tell me, why would you expect him to charge the same for horses that cause inconvenience (pictures, constant trailering, a widely known label as "the meat a*****e") as horses that come in, and go out, bringing consistent cash out of his farm, with no hassle at all.
Simple answer - YOU WOULDNT. Hell, if I was the meat guy, I would compensate for that too!! Its a business, and Tracey completely explains that in the FAQ page, and in numerous posts. This guy buys good horses to give to Tracey )which I guess you can say makes her a "horse dealer" and not a "Rescuer") because he knows he can get more money for them via NYNE. But should it not be rescued, itll go to meat, all the same.
GET IT?! Tracey being a "horse dealer" isnt her own fault, and that title doesnt even remotely fit the scenario. The meat guy sees money, and hell go for the highest dollar. Theres money in NYNE rescue horses (moreso than just horse-steak) and that is inspiration enough to purchase as many sound horses as he can. 
So NO, these horses are not neccessarily in immediate danger, but if Tracey was not to advertise them, they would be killed, and that is exactly why NYNE exists.
It has nothing to do with her being an a*****e horse dealer pocketing money from uneducated and infantile do-gooders like yourself, its to save horses. PERIOD.

The argument that tracey is a fraud, is COMPLETE bullshit. I am HAPPY to stand here and fight for Tracey and NYNE. Not because I like her, not because Im uneducated, but because I KNOW that NYN is an honest rescue group. I have purchased NUMEROUS horses from Tracey, I trust what she says completely, and it has shown through in the horses I have received.

Now let me ask you, reader, is 600, 700, or even $1000 too much for the right horse? Is it unreasonable to have to deal with the dirty side of the horse industry in order to right it?!

If you are someone who cant spend a few hundred bucks on a horse, or would like Tracey to purchase horses without ever speaking to the meat man, or would like to be able to lick the spoon after it passes through the slaughter bowl, Im sorry to disappoint you, but NYNE is not for you.

Remember; "No good deed goes unpunished" 

Have a great day.

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