  • Report:  #252386

Complaint Review: Transatlantic Van Lines - CEH Movers - Delray Beach Florida

Reported By:
- Alva, Florida,

Transatlantic Van Lines - CEH Movers
4731 W. Atlantic Ave Ste B-4 Delray Beach, 33445 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I contacted Darline, a sales rep at this company on May 30 when another moving company raked me and my husband over the coals. I had spoken with her on a previous occasion and she seemed very nice and helpful. I told her that I had to be out of my house on June 1st because it was sold and that I had contacted another moving company recommended by the Moving and Storage a*s. and they were going to move me because of my plight. She assured me that they could move me out even though it was short notice, but I again reminded her I needed to be out, I was upset by the other company, and had a definite move for June 1 and didn't want to cancel with them if it couldn't be done. I also told her that I wanted to give them the opportunity because she was so sincere and helpful. Little did I know.

They also proceeded to ask me what the weight was based on the other quote. I told them 5000 pds, but immediately proceeded to tell them I didn't understand weight but only furniture quantity. I began to give her a list of the furniture and she stopped me and said "That's ok, we'll go by the weight you were quoted." WHich I found strange. I asked her if they had big trucks because that's what I needed. I mentioned 18 wheeler because my husband had alot of tools. She said yes and if the weight was over we would just be charged, which was fine with me.

Well I cancelled the other company, signed with Transatlantic, sent them $800 through Credit Card, and then the fun began.

To make a long story short, Friday came and went with numerous promises and phone calls. I was talking to someone named Jacoby, who I thought was an employee of this company and found out she is with CEH Movers out of Raleigh NC. She was terse and short and not very helpful. On Friday she said there would be no pickup, on Saturday after the phone calls began she said they would be there 1:30. I said do they have a big truck, she said yes, and I told her that to have the drivers call us up when they arrived and my husband would lead them through the back way because of the steep front hilll. They arrived about 3:30. My husband went to meet them,came back and said they couldn't get up the back way, which was strange because we could access that with our cars. Reason why----They came with a trailer that resembled a long horse trailer, narrow with not much height, that was attached to a pickup. The reason they couldn't get up the back---it was so low it couldn't access any bumps.

At that time I was devastated, because we didn't know how they would get the furniture down the driveway and my hiusband kept saying would they be able to fit all the furniture in this contraption, not resembling a moving van at all. They looked vague and as they walked through the house they said it would take 7hrs to move all this stuff down the hill in their pickup. I immediately called CEH movers, who proceeded to call Marcy, who began to scream at me because of the dilemma, which is another story. I told her to give me my deposit back and AI would make other arrangements, but the screaming still continued. I believe the only reason she calmed down was because she knew if they left they were out of a job because the dirty little secret is they broker out all these jobs and the innocent homeowner is left in the hands of shysters who just rip you off.

The guys proceeded to leave and there I was. Marcy said they were going to get a shuttle truck. Two hours went by, no one answering phone calls and finally the driver called and said he felt sorry for us and was coming back. I find out Marcy was on the phone with them, not us to conjole them into coming back. She also repeated that they said I cursed at them, so we can add slander to the charge because I never use profanity.

We asked them when they arrived, and we were desperate at that point, were they sure they could fit all the furniture, they assured us they could, Marcy assured us they could. They didn't. Again I was near a nervous breakdown, it was after 10PM, I was on the phone with Marcy, and she said that let them take the furniture and the next day they would have another truck out there, and of course the guys wanted another $1200 dollars to pick the rest up. Never mind they didn't come equipped in the beginning now it was to become my burden. Marcy again said let them go and she would get another truck out. Here it is Tuesday the next week, I had to leave my realtor there, and with numerous phone SUnday and Monday, with no call backs, my furniture now has to be picked by another company and I don't know if my furniture they picked up will arrive safely from their storage facility.

I called up CEH Movers and had bitter words with that Jacoby woman, who is the most unprofessional of them all, and again find out that the driver said to her when I wouldn't pay the $1200 dollars, that I cursed at them. THis is the second time I have been slandered, and if you can believe, that bothers me most of all. Also one of the drivers didn't speak English and I am suspecting they use illegal employees.

These companies must be investigated and regulated more heavily and there must be more recourse to the consumer. On Transatlantics website they show a big 18Wheeler, which is deceptive as to what came to my home.

Meanwhile you call Transatlantic and the only one who answer are the sales reps. THis shoddy company, along with others needs to be investigated. I am so devastated by this, and it still isn't being resolved because no one is coming back for the rest of the furniture. I only pray my valubles will come to NY safe and sound. I need help and so do so many others who have been ripped off by these brokers.


Alva, Florida


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2 Updates & Rebuttals


Who exactly is the owner.? Customer always wrong?

#2Author of original report

Fri, June 15, 2007

Funny how CEO Movers now claim to be an owner in Transatlantic. One is in Delray Beach, the other in Raleigh, NC. Funny also, when I was so desperate to talk with an owner, Jacoby never identified herself as one. Also strange how the customer is being blamed for the whole debacle that incurred. Exactly the attitude and frustration I have encountered through this whole episode. No professional mediation to solve a very stressful situation. CEO Movers bids on jobs that's it, they are totally independent movers and Transatlantic are the moving agents. If this is not so, than again they were deceptive in their advertising on both their web pages because no where does it say they are one and the same. Oh well, my original complaint stands, and all I can say is "buyer beware" I can only hope that they will honor the rest of their committment now that they have my furniture, and deliver it to me, in a timely manner, in the shape and condition they received it. If they do that, and we are satisfied with the rest of the arrangement, I will be sure to put that on my report and perhaps some of this will be redemptive. I called them early today to give them my moving date, plenty of time to arrange the delivery, which is the 26th of June. We shall see---still haven't heard back as to when my delivery will be. 11 days should be sufficient time for them.


North Carolina,
CEH Moving - Trans Atlantic - Correction

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, June 15, 2007

As a owner of a company, this is one site that you never want to be on. Thankfully, they let your side of the story be heard. In this industry you can not satisfy every customer. It's a stressful time for both customer and business when a state to state move takes place. Participation from both sides is the only factor that will make the stress level lower. In this case, that participation was not met, many request of labor services for free, and degrading comments from the customer made this a difficult move for both parties. All of our contracted obligations were met, but personal issues with the customer, outside of the moving industry is not something my guys deal with. This is one move out of hundreds that our company has completed and this one move does not define the quality of our work, nor does it define the quality of the work we've completed and will complete with Trans Atlantic Vanlines.

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