  • Report:  #3396

Complaint Review: Travelers Express Inc. - Phoenix Nationwide

Reported By:
- fairfield, ca.,

Travelers Express Inc.
Viad Towers Phoenix, Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
It is presently my purpose to expose to much of the world how one very corrupt corporation, Travelers Express Ink. (aka:Viad Corp-) does their business of Ripping-Off the poor and how they bought that right with the U.S. Government.

Subject: hack this

To: [email protected]

>Cc: [email protected]

Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 15:24:46 PDT

The following report was filed with Ripoffreport.com yeserday (9-14-00-) and has already been removed By hackers (US gov-). I suppose that's encouraging. Must be hitting brity close to home. These criminal agents really don't want this message to Get out Ripoffreport.com Badbusinessbureau.com


Category: Government Workers

US Gov- Agents hacking whistleblowers

This has nothing to do with national security. I am not committing crimes on the internet. What I have been attempting to do is expose the worse case of government corruption that I've ever heard of. Travelers Express Inc. (aka: Viad Corp-) pays Soft-$ to Dem & Rep parties. What they are there attempting is to buy the right to rip-off the poor, their customers, in amounts often exceeding $500.

The big surprise: We next find you can't get any government official or agency in the US to even acknowledge any problems involving this corporation. (H. L. Minken said The honest politician is one who when bought, stays bought. In this particular example, The Political Parties sold the services of all of their members. You can't get any agency or government official willing to address this particular on-going fraud; Not the FTC not the AG not your congressman or senator not the BBB or FBI not your state county or city officials. Apparent collusion of unthinkable dimensions.

As this outrage became increasingly clear to me, I set out to expose it. Travelers Express boasts of being the largest company issuing money orders in the world and that they do business in most or the world so I set out to expose this despicable outrage wherever they were doing business.

A most interesting and enlightening development followed. While virtually all government officials and agencies in the US were quiet and a part of the problem it would not prove so in other countries. I had spelled out this particular massive fraud quite clearly in an e-mail which I was then disseminating and responses from outside this country were promptly forthcoming.

High officials in Canada, Europe, Australia, etc., were responding. I had just been learning internet usage and had no capability for mass mailing and probably had only sent my expos to a few dozen officials outside of the US. Most all of them chose to respond and were sending my report to some agency or another for an investigation or some form of action. Those responding included prime ministers and ministries of consumer affairs etc. It was most encouraging to learn that virtually none of the officials which I had reached in Canada were at all bought off. They were much concerned at what they were learning of this massive rip-off and all would most certainly have it looked into.

That's when it happened, as I recall. Immediately and from then on, any computer which I attempted to use would suddenly experience a variety of malfunctions. It would be most difficult for me to get e-mail out to almost anyone and most certainly there would be no further contact with any of my newfound honorable friends in Switzerland, Australia. Denmark etc. These hacker agents were not always competent and sometimes I was able to get around them. I believe one didn't like his assignment much and may have even wanted me to succeed at getting my story out.

Most of the hackers were becoming quite abusive, however. It was personal they, setting the facts aside, did not wish to appear as crooks and certainly not as stupid crooks. I came to understand that that they truly believe that they have the right to steel and that citizens who challenge them have no rights.

I found myself dealing with psychopathic government agents lacking any judgment and somehow authorized to be doing their thing and perhaps to amuse themselves in the process they had the power. I could no longer do any research Or communicate with family or friends. I could place no adds or play any internet games.I found they were hacking any number of innocent persons to make sure they had me included. These hacker goons were eager to display their powers and apparently with no internal restraints of consciences and were lacking external controls.

The one government sight which I was most often able to reach was the White house Team (Though some of these agents felt authorized To hack them as well). I have kept the white house informed of these developments and would learn that they too could not address the problem or apparently do much about the hacker agents.

I don't believe our current President would be a willing part of graft or rip-offs which targets the poor. Perhaps his office is having some impact though. I realize there are agents who have no qualms about inflicting grave bodily injury or murder and I am still sitting here at a keyboard and reasonably intact.

The President's team, as well, has been unable to effect the role of these hackers and it has been going on now for 18 or 20 months. I don't know how many of these tax supported agents are involved in this assignment but they are there 7 days a week to make sure that this one whistle blower dosn'nt't get to expose the criminal outrages which they are so much a part of.

The question which must be asked now is Where is our free press on all of this? Do any of them really believe that covering up fraud is somehow a matter of national security.

David Goggin 707 3999068

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