  • Report:  #818150

Complaint Review: Tully-Rinckey - Washington District of Columbia

Reported By:
Bill H. - Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, USA

1800 K. St. NW Ste 1030 Washington, 20006 District of Columbia, United States of America
(2o2) 787-19oo
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have no idea "HOW" this Law Firm charges Consult Fees BEFORE you speak with them.  If YOU are the Client looking to HIRE the Atty., YOU are the Boss and the Atty's are the prospective employees.  These Atty's need to EARN your business to hire them and ACT like they WANT your business.  I spoke with Atty. John Mahoney and his very shitty attitude he argued with me during my entire consult, refused to listen to my case, and stated to me: "Management could do whatever the hell they wanted and nothing I could do about it...so what."  (Thanks John for your "uplifting" motivation trying to "SELL" (market) yourself to a prospective Client ("Boss") that was going to hire you.  All he cared about was his Consult Fee to entertain him for the hour.  He made comments, "Congressman are worthless and Office of Special Council is a waste of time...you should've filed an EEO complaint."  Given the fact I filed an OSC Complaint and OSC was supposed to investigate my matter....OSC referred my case to MSPB under Individual Right of Action on Whistleblower's Complaint and he's well aware Employees can only file (1) claim with (1) Agency (not both).  Atty. John Mahoney was just plain nasty, rude, condescending and made wise-crack comment, "Oh, that's right...I'm only an Atty...I've been there before."  You MAY HAVE "Johnny" but guess what...NOT every case is the SAME as what you commented to me and since his attitude was just totally shitty...he made very sure he not only was disqualified for my case but he was a REFLECTION on his entire Law Firm (DUH!).  There's a big difference between "cocky" and "confident" and how Atty "I know it all" Mahoney came across was "Don't question me, I know more than you" attitude.

I filed my complaint to Mallory Faulkner (who originally scheduled my Consult) and she then forwarded my complaint to Atty. Derrick Hogan (who had NO experience with my case and upon reviewing his profile appeared he was a "greenhorn" and not much experience to even evaluate my case. 
I disqualified his comments because his letter implied "his word" was the "entire Firm's decision" when he came across as a "rookie" stating in his letter "After careful consideration, the firm has determined not to accept my case and we will not be representing you in that manner".  Where does a (considerably younger Atty. (half my age) come across that HE speaks for the "entire firm" because his word is "gospel"?  Then I sent another email and it was forwarded to Graig Cortelyou (Chief Marketing Officer) and he stated he was going to refund my Consult Fee.  *Which is an honorable/professional gesture and after my (horrible) Consult with Atty. ("I know it All") Mahoney I felt my Consult Fee should be refunded + pain and suffering added to my Consult Fee for the barrage of ignorance and shear rudeness he gave me. 

*** Graig Cortelyou was highly professional and understood my concerns and he addressed he wanted his Firm in the best posi+ive light because they don't want negative publicity (of course not...who does?).   I stated my Concerns to Greig why my case was "bounced" to Inexperienced Atty's who "thought" they knew my case to..."not having a clue about my case" and I needed a specialized Atty. to fix the problem like finding a "specialized" Dentist you could TRUST.  Greg understood my concerns to a "T" as we both laughed from my comment.  The problem with this Firm is finding someone highly experienced who CAN help you and as BIG as this Firm is (and advertise)...there's NO excuse why ANY of the Fed. Atty's couldn't represent my case (and WIN). 

Upon Reviewing this Firm's Website ... they're "founded" on VETERANS experience.  I'm a NAVY VETERAN and the HRO Director did some very crooked-shady-unethical s**t against me and because I've had Navy Administrative (and Police) Experience I found the HRO Director in violation of many Laws/Rules/Regulations she violated...
she became intimidated of me addressing my Privacy Act rights and accused me of not completing my Security (Confidential) Documents and terminated me.  (40) days after the HRO Director terminated me...she sent me an email stating she had all my documents and nothing was lost.  REALLY?????  The HRO Director intentionally caused habitual delays to my Privacy Act questions....terminates me for not completing the Security documents...and THEN tells me she had my documents the entire time?  How can you say...Gross Mismanagement, Harassment and INCOMPETENT in the same breath?  The HRO Director did this to a NAVY VETERAN????  This Firm is founded on Veterans and if they allow a VETERAN to be s**t on by ABUSE of AUTHORITY in the Fed. Gov't System....the HRO Director (Jane Ackiss, Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth, VA) needs to be answering to someone for what she did.  Had I did to her (or anyone else) what she did to me....I'd have my Security Clearance REVOKED and terminated on the spot!  So....why was this allowed to happen?

So...my complaint gets forwarded to Atty. Steve Herrick (D.C. Managing Partner). 
Same letter stated, "Even IF you were to succeed in obtaining a hearing...the probability that the Court would disagree with the Findings made by the Federal Circuit's (3) Judge panel is remote"  Here's the biggest problem...the ATTY. needs to put himself in the Client's position and understand the full story and stop "guessing" on a case.  These Atty's are paid to FIGHT....and as political as this may sound....this is what they're paid to do is FIGHT for their (VETERAN) Clients.  Their website advertises "brags" they're the best...they stand up for their clients (blah, blah, blah) but the experience of my (1st) Consult with Atty. ("I know all") Mahoney to now (2) Letters received by Atty's in this firm (1) inexperienced Atty. who I would NEVER hire because he lacks the experience I needed so WHY did he even send me a letter "on behalf of the Firm" ???  Then the (2nd) Atty. (Steve Herrick) tells me "Even IF you were to succeed...." aren't these Atty's paid to have their Client's Succeed?  What does this Firm post on their website? Their subliminal messages on every video you watch (see Atty. Mahoney's Video) and you'll get the subliminal message, "I fight for you to win...I'm the best...I won't take any s**t...I'm on your side"  Then I spoke with this Atty. and discovered....he has NO IDEA what he's talking about and spent more time "blowing smoke" for his Firm.   Secondly....Atty. (I know all) Mahoney is NOT even a Veteran so he even claimed, "Congressman are worthless".  I think Atty. Mahoney seems to forget that our Senate/Cabinet are made up of former Atty's themselves....so, what's that say about you John (I know it all) Mahoney????

From my personal experience...I can't understand why when you call this Firm....you're forwarded to Atty's that don't match your case as in...you get the feeling...."OK John...it's your turn to get a "new fish" for a Consult I'm scheduling you for.  John said, "Oh...it would cost about $15,000 and if you want to contact the Agency to see if they would get you resignation...I can do that for $3,500."  REALLY JOHN???  Are you serious?  I could get Homer Simpson to do that and get the SAME result so why would I waste my money on you to "cheap shot" me when I DID NOTHING WRONG .... Do you reallllllly get it "Johnny" (Mahoney)?  You fight for WHO?  I think you need to take down your video....better yet...I think you need to LEAVE T&R because I believe Atty's Tully and Rinckey would just be "thrilled" from my experiences with Johnny.

I sent a letter to Graig Cortelyou with my case and identified where the errors were from MSPB to Fed. Circuit Court and gave Atty. Steve Herrick the entire script of my case identifying all the errors.  If Law is never supposed to "prejudge" someone....then the facts are to be presented at ALL costs in every case.  I cited relevant case law and presented documents supporting my case and heard nothing (yet).  Being former Navy Administrator and Navy Police..."documentation beats conversation" but WHY IN HELL does this FIRM state they were FOUNDED by VETERANS if their "INTERNAL" Atty's I've spoke with were NOT Veterans and didn't give a s**t about my case but expect ME ("Boss") to hire THEM ("Employee") to work for me on my case?  Finding a good Atty. is worse than a migraine headache but if you're going to hire an Atty for what you need....make sure the person you speak with at Tully Rinckey understands your case...has a good grasp on your case....and IF you're NOT satisfied with the results....FIND a qualified Atty. IN this Firm....and keep talking with someone that KNOWS your case....and will take it personal to FIGHT for you.  REMEMBER......a Client is always the "Boss" who HIRES a "qualified Professional" Atty as their "Employee".  The Client pays the Atty. Fees just like a Boss pays their employees is NO different.  Only difference is ... Atty's are held to higher standards on professional ethics.

I cannot speak for the "ENTIRE" Firm on my negative experience.  I DO KNOW there is maybe (3) Atty's IN their Firm that would be HIGHLY IRATE what happened to me "IF" it happened to them but I cannot (and will not) Prejudge this entire firm on just (3) Atty's I've encountered.  IF this Firm prides themselves on "experience" and "bull's eye" quality....then PROVE it
and get rid of the Atty's who've provided me poor customer service by not listening.  The other problem is...when (1) Atty doesn't have a clue on your case....it would be bad publicity for the Atty. if another Atty. in their Firm proved him wrong.  It's awfully hard to get a reasonable Atty. who will listen because you know MORE about your case and what happened to you than the Atty's do but if ANY Atty treats you like John Mahoney treated me....quickly slam the door/hang up on him and FIND an Atty. that will not be "cocky-arrogant" with a shitty attitude.  You're right...you're looking to hire an Atty (Employee) but you wan't an Atty (employee) that will take direction from you (but...allow the Atty. to give you advice and give you direction in your case). 

As of today (o4 Jan '12) Greig Cortelyou
hasn't returned my calls regarding our detailed phone conversation but I will be happy to provide any "updates" on this matter and I expect posi+ive results from this FIRM....otherwise....I would hate to think they've grossly misled a (potential) Client (VETERAN) by false advertising not abiding what they said.   Stay Tuned for any updates with my experience with this Firm......

VETERANS will not be disrespected by anyone.  Period!

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