  • Report:  #499193

Complaint Review: TVI Express - London Internet

Reported By:
onecolin - Chandler, Arizona, USA

TVI Express
tviexpress.com London, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I reviewed the information on the TVI Express website including all video presentations. The impression I got was that the company was at least questionable and based on the presentation of the compensation plan it was clear to me that they would be classified as a pyramid scheme here in the US. I googled  the company and there were some negative comments about their existence so I decided to check them out personally. I called their home office number shown on their website and, as some had commented on the Internet, the number rings three times and then disconnects. This happened to me on all three calls. I continued my research and finally spoke to a company at the address they claim is their head office and, as I suspected, TVI had rented an executive suite from them for a while and then left. The manager of that facility said they suddenly packed up their bags and disappeared. They left a couple of months ago with no information about where they had gone like a forwarding address.

This is obviously a scam. You cannot sign up with a credit card and have to wire the money to them or purchase vouchers you can then resell. The reason they cannot process credit cards is they dont have a business address. They claim to operate a travel business in 50 countries but that is only because they cannot be caught. You need licenses to operate travel businesses (even in the US) and nowhere in their materials do they show any licensing information. As of today they are not contactable and my guess is they will turn up in some country where they cannot be prosecuted but it is clear, this is not a legitimate business. There seems to be a growing excitement about this company based on their claims that you only need to sponsor two people at $250 each to turn your own investment of $250 into $10,000 in 60-90 days.

One person on the web had heard they were moving to Cypress. They are probably trying to find a jurisdiction where they can feel safe to carry on what could develop into a giant global finance pyramid scheme. This is just another example of how people's greed for quick riches can be exploited by illegitimate businessmen. I have sent several emails to the company asking for the bios of their management team. If I get a response I will post the info here.

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Elle with the 1981 buick

East Lansing,
United States of America
TVI is total BS

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, September 23, 2010

I smelled this scam from a mile away, but my family wanted really badly to believe it, so they bought in.  To be supportive I contributed $200 to buy a voucher (hah), which for me is a very significant amount (I suspect they bought a few thousand dollars worth of fake hotel rooms(?), vouchers etc). 

TVI works by having a system of 'cycling' managed by a magical (read- rigged) computer system where you get credits for people viewing sites you maintain (which are basically non existent as well).  You've probably figured out based on the long winded litigate response that this is a well built pyramid indeed.

It makes me sad that this type of scam exists, and if I could I'd take pleasure in fiscally gutting those who run this company for taking advantage of people's desperation.
I'd also love to sue them. 

When I gave my dad the money I said "make sure the toothfairy gets her share, okay?"


Canal Fulton,
United States of America
TRUE TVI is a JOKE Never get a vacation or your money

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, June 23, 2010

This report is True, I joined TVI, never got a vacation and never got 10,000.00. They continue to make it more difficult to redeem your certificate and when you are close to cycling powers Boards appear or people like Marcus Groom steal your Team. Only to take more money from members so they can make money.


TVI Express is not a pyramid nor is it a scam

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, February 14, 2010

First you must learn what a pyramid scheme is follow this link to the Federal Trade Commission a United States Government Office and do your homework. 


I have checked, double checked the http://www.FTC.gov website, I can find nothing anywhere that they are being investigated.  I think you are majorly confused on the TVI Express MLM company and just jumped on a band wagon as someone who thinks you know more than you actually do.  You need to educate yourself on what a Ponzi/pyramid  Scheme, or a Scam really are.  Learn what TVI is about then you will be better qualified to write "informed blogs for the betterment of society"  or reports claiming they are a scam.   Until then you are just another ill informed blogger with too much time on your hands in my opinion.  As an American I have the right to my opinion.  The following explains TVI I am a Tvi Express member and I for one love being a part of this company. 

You do not get paid for recruiting in TVI.  You become a distributor of travel and when you do you receive 6 nights/7days vacation in one of the 3-5 star hotel/resorts across the world (excluding taxes) Free companion flight ticket and discounts on various travel deals including Flight tickets, cruise tickets, rental cars, hotel deals, last minute attractions and travel insurance.  Lifetime access to promotional deals and programs, free self replicating website, free access to high quality business tools as well as a virtual office to manage your business This travel and earn package is $250.00.  TVI is in 160 countries and did over $3 million dollars in sales in their first month of pre launch.

Their product is travel deals which is a high demand product right now, which makes this a viable product which is needed for success. You earn money with TVI through their revolving matrix, residual income, power pool and incentives. All team members make their way to the top of compensation plan through revolving matrix system which makes you earn US $10,000.00 over and over again.  This system ensures your success and helps you to capitalize on the efforts of all team members present in the boards When you join tvi express you get a position at level 1 of the traveler board and as the board fills, it breaks itno two sub-boards, giving you an uplift to the next level.  There are 4 levels in each board, and members are pushed up from level 1 to level 4 with a combined effort finally exiting to Express board  It's the only plan in the world, where all teams work together as one single entity and help each other make their way to different ranks included in the the compensation plan.  When you exit the traveler board, you earn a $250 commission and an e Voucher worth $250.00, which accounts to a total benefit of $500.00 (double your investment).  The board splits when all positions on the board are filled.  all that is required for you to qualify is to sponsor two people.  There is a thing called spillovers, which is members sponsored by an up line that filters down this will qualify you off the traveler board, but if they are not in your direct down line it will not qualify you off the express board where you earn $10,000.00. 

TVI has a follow the leader system that ensures that your boards move as fast as you want sponsoring maximum number of people that you can.  All your down lines will connect to you and will always follow you to whichever boards you move to.  Spill overs help you succeed even if you are unable to make 2 sales by connecting extra sales of qualified candidates to non-qualified members.  This ensures your success with a team support and helps you move from the traveler board to the express board within no time.  Jump-over system allows distributors that have made their 2 sales to jump to the top of the board, if there are no qualified distributors above them with 2 sales.  Jump over allows active members to have preference over inactive ones.  They have left no stone unturned to value those who are dedicated to the Business and have that zeal within to reach the top.  (This is not a Ponzi) 

Once you cycle out of the express board, you become eligible to earn residual income apart from the high paying board payouts.  The income starts from 5% and goes up to 10% on every sale in your organization to infinite levels.  You start earning 5% of the group revenue from sales in your already existing network.  The residual income is different from board payouts and gets activated when you cycle out of the Express board the very first time.  Even if you don't cycle in boards after that, this income would never stop and will have you earn millions of dollars by duplicating your leaders and group sales.  This commission goes up to 10% as you advance through different ranks in the compensation plan.

Your rank progresses when you get 2 leaders in different legs with the same rank.  For example you become a diamond associate from god when you get 2 gold associates in two different legs and international diamond from diamond when you get two diamond associates in your organization in two different legs.  The Power Pool allows presidential associates to have their piece of share in the global revenue of the company.  The power pool concept ensures regular leveraged income inflow giving you an opportunity to hold a prime position in advisory board of the company.  The Power Pool is exactly TVI devoting 2% of the global revenue to its profit sharing pool which is distributed amongst all presidential associates.  Those who stay focused, reap the benefits.  TVI pays out 72% and their is no stocking of product.

Jim Zook

Stop These "No Nothing Reports" about TVI

#5General Comment

Wed, November 04, 2009

Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Unnamed, anonymous source writes a report full of conjecture and assumptions about a company and situation he knows nothing about. I am posting this response to the unnamed, anonymous source who posted a negative and completely unsubstantiated writing about a company called TVI Express.   I am answering the post here even though I would rather notbecause after reviewing the few of these kinds of negative posts that I have found on the net it is clear that they are using a very hot name in the industry to drive traffic to their sites. I even found a vid by some guy in Australia that titled his vid something along the lines of TVI Complaints The Truth and then the vid did not say one word about TVIit was just a commercial for the guy and his business. He was just using the hot name of TVI Express to get ranked higher in the search engines and drive traffic.   I always get such a kick out of the reports these unnamed, anonymous sources write about something they know nothing aboutthey dont even rise to the level of   yellow journalism.   In the first place why would anybody give the time of day to someone who will not stand behind his narrative? Secondly the above post is full of conjecture, unsubstantiated claims, and more unnamed sourcesthe post reads like poor fiction.   My name is Jim Zook at [email protected] . Id give you my phone number but my phone is in my ear 7 hours a day as it is. So you can email me if you need further clarification about anything you know or think you know about TVI Express.   I am a member of the Private Travel Club which is the product provided by TVI Express. I of course stand behind everything that follows. Since our source wishes to bravely remain anonymous, I will identify him/her as Anonymous Poster To keep the word count down I will simple identify the excerpt as More APand the writer as AP where appropriate.   To start, imagine if you will a group of experienced, savvy business men and women sitting around asking a question.   How to we capture a significant piece of one of the largest industries in the world, the 7 Trillion Dollar travel industry?   TVI is the answer to that question. If you understand the ingeniousness of the plan and how it works it will be clear to you that a group of people have figured out how to do just exactly that.   More AP: The impression I got was that the company was at least questionable and based on the presentation of the compensation plan it was clear to me that they would be classified as a pyramid scheme here in the US.   What does that even mean? What is an impression? I get an impression when I find a hair in my sandwich. Why would I care about an impression? There must not be any thought involved in the impression since AP does not provide anything for anybody to exercise any brain cells over. AP claims that based on the presentation of the   compensation plan it is clear to him/her that it would classify as a pyramid scheme. Well OK? Where is the controlling legal authority and argument on that brilliant piece of deduction? What presentationwhere is that? More AP: I googled the company and there were some negative comments about their existence so I decided to check them out personally.   Really? Negative comments? No S*** Sherlock. What world do you live in? If no negative comments were the standard of excellence, legitimacy or involvement we would all still be living in caves and eating raw meat. There most certainly are negative commentstwo that I have foundthe post by AP and another one just as assumptive and unsubstantiated. With people like AP there will always be negative comments. I bet you could find something wrong with Mom, baseball and apple pie.   Well since AP is obviously so balanced and searching for the truth I wonder why he didnt mention all the positive comments, descriptions, explanations and testimonials by successful club members? Is it possible that AP has an agenda? Noooooo, that couldnt be now could it? The info is out there and it doesnt take a rocket scientist to get the story. Clearly, to use one of APs phrases, AP has an agenda and has no desire whatsoever to find the truth.   Check them out personally? What does that even mean? I see no evidence of whatever I would even guess it means.   More AP I called their home office number shown on their website and, as some had commented on the Internet, the number rings three times and then disconnects. This happened to me on all three calls.   I have called the company numerous times and have resolved my reason for calling satisfactorily every time. With over 300,000 members in over 150 countries the company is inundated. Of course this is the first time in the history of network marketing that a company has not been able to accurately predict and keep pace with their growth. Im sure this is a first. For those with you just skimming this post while doing something elsemy tongue is firmly planted in my cheek. More on the support below.   More AP I continued my research and finally spoke to a company at the address they claim is their head office and, as I suspected, TVI had rented an executive from them for a while and then left. The manager of that facility said they suddenly packed up their bags and disappeared. They left a couple of months ago with no information about where they had gone like a forwarding address.   Research? Puuuulleeease. Spoke to a company? Hmmmm, well whatever. The manager of that facility? AP was working so hard on his research he didnt even get a name and provide his method of contact so we can talk to this manager and verify this breath taking assertion.   Leasing an office? Imagine that. Well thats it. AP finally nailed em. I guess every company that rents an office or does not build it own office as the 1 st order of business is not legit. Thank God the people who bought into Bill Gates and his work did not insist that he build his own office before they listened to him.   If AP was a member of our club he would have received the communication like we all did informing us that the company was moving their offices to larger accommodations in order to meet the need to house growing support staff, increase server capacity and provide for explosive growth of the company. Well lets dont confuse AP with facts .   More AP This is obviously a scam. You cannot sign up with a credit card and have to wire the money to them or purchase vouchers you can then resell. The reason they cannot process credit cards is they dont have a business address. They claim to operate a travel business in 50 countries but that is only because they cannot be caught. You need licenses to operate travel businesses (even in the US ) and nowhere in their materials do they show any licensing information. As of today they are not contactable and my guess is they will turn up in some country where they cannot be prosecuted but it is clear, this is not a legitimate business.   More amazing conclusions based on nothing with any arguments provided. Credit Cards can be a blessing and a curse. I have seen great companies doing everything correct based here in the US that have been shut down because of problems with credit cards. The credit card companies have no idea what is going on. So at the least little thing they overreact so as to protect themselves from liability and their first order of business is to freeze every account in existence that is connected with the company. In some situations, the company is of course depending on the cash flow from the cards and so without operating capital the company dies. Underfunded yet legitimate companies have been killed off as they go through their startup phase just because of over reactive credit card companiesso who needs em.   If AP had really done his research he would know that the company began operations in China and India where most do not have credit cards. AP would have also discovered that there was a brief time when the company did attempt to accept credit cards but where inundated with fraud attempts from some of the over 50 countries they are active in and so they ceased operating with credit cards.   TVI came to the US within the last several months where we are conditioned to believe that credit cards are a symbol of credibility. I could not care less that the company does not take cards and will not shed a tear if attempts to do so in the future are not feasible. There are several ways to purchase the vouchers for the enrollment process other than using the wiring of funds.   TVI is not operating a travel businessthey are selling memberships in a private travel club. TVI is not creating travel agents. The members do not sell or book travel like travel agents do. Your membership provides access to a very sophisticated travel portal where the members take advantage of travel discounts and benefits for themselves. Every recognized player in the travel industry is available there.   Licensing? For what? What controlling legal authority is AP citing for his assertions and how does it apply to TVI?   More AP There seems to be a growing excitement about this company based on their claims that you only need to sponsor two people at $250 each to turn your own investment of $250 into $10,000 in 60-90 days. Yuh think? Growing excitement? Why would that be? A brilliant plan where $250 can possibly result in $10,000 in a short timewhy those deals are everywhere arent they? Good Lord, what a dimwit.   First of all it is not an investment. Your membership in the private travel club requires a one time fee to join. You have unlimited access to all the benefits that are provided through that club. You dont have to do another thing. End of story. If you wish, you can tell others about the club and they can also become members. All monetary benefit derived from TVI is derived when other people purchase the private travel club membership. It is a great plan and it works. Work the mathand you will see.   Many thousands are opting to benefit from referring others to the club. Even though people are rewarded well for their efforts and thousands have benefited from cycling out of one board and then out of the next, this is not a Get Rich Quick Scheme Those who are benefiting the most are those who have cultivated many relationships over the years and are working very hard to make it happen.   TVI is just like any company in the network marketinghow you benefit will be determined by the effort you put in. The unique plan that TVI uses does create more teamwork than most. The plan is unusual and can appear quite complex at first blush which is why you will find that most presentations will concentrate on explaining the plan. How hard is it to explain the benefits of belonging to a private travel club anyway?   Right now the membership stands at close to 400,000 in over 150 countries. Even with the membership at that number TVI is able to provide substantial discounts and favorable travel situations for its members. Just wait till the membership is at 1 million and up and see what TVI will be able to provide for its members. Anyone who loves to travel and understands what TVI is doing would be missing out by not being a member of this club. The concept is similar to the structure of AAA or AARP. A large block of consumers always represents superior purchasing power and therefore are able to negotiate reduced rates and discounts for their members. The difference is that AAA and AARP are making a killing on the backs of their members and spend millions on lobbying, advertizing and other promotions. Come on folks, I truly believe even AP might be able to understand this. However I am not holding my breath.     More AP One person on the web had heard they were moving to Cypress . They are probably trying to find a jurisdiction where they can feel safe to carry on what could develop into a giant global finance pyramid scheme. This is just another example of how people's greed for quick riches can be exploited by illegitimate businessmen. I have sent several emails to the company asking for the bios of their management team. If I get a response I will post the info here.   One person on the web heard Wow that is friggin outstanding sourcing and research. Their banking is in Cypress . If you understood international business you would know that there are all kinds of legitimate reasons to have operations in one country, banking in another, Corp operations in still another and still other activities in other jurisdictions. ..not the least of which is superior taxation advantages. Only a moron would have their banking, company organization and corporate operations in the same country when operating on an international scale.   AP you have shown yourself unqualified to make any judgments or conclusions about TVI. I cant imagine why the company would respond to any request you made to them about anything.   What you are is a pathetic example of the bottom feeders and the dredge of the internet. You should use better judgment in your attempt to harm others with your lies and moronic drivel. Karma has a way of delivering just recompense.   I typically would not be so rough however posters who write the class of crap you posted, who bring nothing of value need to be hammered a bit. I have no way of knowing if thats who you are as a person. I have no way of knowing if you are just an innocent, intellectually vacuous or a downright evil person. Regardless you cannot be allowed to get away with your sloppiness, inaccuracies and perhaps downright malevolent intentions. We can wait and see if you apologize for your atrocious work and lend your efforts to a more worthwhile end the next time you post.   TVI Express is a legitimate, ingenious plan that is providing discounted travel to its members and for those who wish, a very significant business opportunity. You would be remiss in not reviewing it further     Jim Zook [email protected]

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