  • Report:  #2362

Complaint Review: U-Haul - Phoenix Arizona & Nationwide

Reported By:
- Athens, GA,

Phoenix, Arizona & Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
It has come to our attention that U-Haul Truck Rental has a very poor reputation dealing with costumers. Victimizing cousumers nationwide.

Trucks breaking down is common. Most of all, U-Haul franchises have a habit Nation Wide of renting inferior Trucks in an effort to remove them from their fleet, sending these trucks on one way trips, so they never see the inferior truck again. This activity ends up costing the consumer and ruining their moving experience, turning it into a U-Hell experience!

It has been roomerd for years, when the founder passed away, the founders siblings took over the company, and turned the company into a consumer U-Hell nightmare! Actually, before the founder died, the founders siblings pushed there father when he gave away too much of the company stock, they then pushed dad out, destroying him and the business. It has been no secret for years that there has been a bitter fight between the family members.

The badbusinessbureau.com is actively investigating the many law suites across the country filed by consumers and how this has been costing consumers thousands and turning their lives up side down!

Please send us your U-HELL experience to [email protected]

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